Defines functions PCA variances screeplot reconstruct project scores loadings scoreplot loadingplot scores.PCA scoreplot.PCA loadings.PCA loadingplot.PCA biplot.PCA summary.PCA

Documented in biplot.PCA loadingplot loadingplot.PCA loadings loadings.PCA PCA project reconstruct scoreplot scoreplot.PCA scores scores.PCA screeplot summary.PCA variances

PCA <- function(X, warn = TRUE)
  ndf <- nrow(X) - 1
  X.svd <- svd(X)
  varnames <- colnames(X)
  if (is.null(varnames)) varnames <- paste("Var", 1:ncol(X))

  object <- list(scores = X.svd$u %*% diag(X.svd$d),
                 loadings = X.svd$v,
                 var = X.svd$d^2 / ndf,
                 totalvar = sum(X.svd$d^2)/ndf)
  dimnames(object$scores) <- list(rownames(X),
                                  paste("PC", 1:ncol(object$scores)))
  dimnames(object$loadings) <- list(varnames,
                                    paste("PC", 1:ncol(object$loadings)))
  names(object$var) <- paste("PC", 1:length(X.svd$d))

  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(colMeans(X), rep(0, ncol(X)),
                        check.attributes = FALSE))) {
    if (warn)
      warning("Performing PCA on a non-meancentered data matrix!")
    object$centered.data <- FALSE
  } else {
    object$centered.data <- TRUE

  class(object) <- "PCA"


variances <- function(object, npc = maxpc)
  maxpc <- max(ncol(object$loadings), ncol(object$scores))
  if (npc > maxpc) {
    warning(paste("Maximal number of PCs:", maxpc))
    npc <- maxpc

screeplot <- function(object, type = c("scree", "percentage"), npc, ...)
  if (missing(npc)) npc <- length(variances(object))
  type <- match.arg(type)

  vars <- switch(type,
                 scree = log(variances(object)[1:npc]),
                 percentage = cumsum(100*object$var[1:npc]/object$totalvar))
  ylab <- switch(type,
                 scree = "log(variance)",
                 percentage = "% variance")

  barplot(vars, names.arg = 1:npc, xlab = "# PCs", ylab = ylab, ...)

reconstruct <- function(object, npc = maxpc)
  maxpc <- max(ncol(object$loadings), ncol(object$scores))
  orig <- tcrossprod(scores(object), loadings(object))
  reconstruction <- tcrossprod(scores(object, npc), loadings(object, npc))

  error <- sqrt(mean((orig - reconstruction)^2))
  list(reconstruction = reconstruction,
       error = error)

project <- function(object, npc = maxpc, newdata, ldngs)  
  if (missing(ldngs)) {
    maxpc <- max(ncol(object$loadings), ncol(object$scores))
    ldngs <- loadings(object, npc)
  newdata %*% ldngs[, 1:npc]

## generic functions
scores <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("scores")
loadings <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("loadings")
scoreplot <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("scoreplot")
loadingplot <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("loadingplot")

scores.PCA <- function(object, npc = maxpc, ...)
  maxpc <- max(ncol(object$loadings), ncol(object$scores))
  if (npc > maxpc) {
    warning(paste("Maximal number of PCs:", maxpc))
    npc <- maxpc
  object$scores[, 1:npc, drop = FALSE]

scoreplot.PCA <- function(object, pc = c(1,2),
                          pcscores = scores(object),
                          show.names = FALSE,
                          xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, ...)
  if (is.null(varnames <- rownames(pcscores)))
    show.names <- FALSE

  ## Preliminaries: determine range of the plot
  if (missing(xlim)) {
    xlim <- unsigned.range(pcscores[,pc[1]])
    if (show.names) xlim <- xlim * 1.2 # more space needed for text
  if (missing(ylim)) {
    ylim <- unsigned.range(pcscores[,pc[2]])
    if (show.names) ylim <- ylim * 1.1

  ## determine default axis labels
  if (!missing(object) && object$centered.data) {
    if (missing(xlab))
      xlab <- paste("PC", pc[1],
                          formatC(100 * object$var[pc[1]] / object$totalvar,
                                  format = "f", digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""))
    if (missing(ylab))
      ylab <- paste("PC", pc[2],
                          formatC(100 * object$var[pc[2]] / object$totalvar,
                                  format = "f", digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""))
  } else {
    if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- paste("PC", pc[1])
    if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- paste("PC", pc[2])
  op <- par(pty = "s") # make a square rather than oblong plot

  ## Go!
  plot(pcscores[,pc], type = "n", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
       xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
  abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = 2)

  if (show.names) {
    text(pcscores[,pc[1]], pcscores[,pc[2]], varnames, ...)
  } else {
    points(pcscores[,pc], ...)
loadings.PCA <- function(object, npc = maxpc, ...)
  maxpc <- max(ncol(object$loadings), ncol(object$scores))
  if (npc > maxpc) {
    warning(paste("Maximal number of PCs:", maxpc))
    npc <- maxpc
  object$loadings[, 1:npc, drop = FALSE]

loadingplot.PCA <- function(object, pc = c(1,2),
                            pcloadings = loadings(object),
                            scalefactor = 1,
                            add = FALSE, show.names = FALSE,
                            xlab, ylab, xlim, ylim, col = "blue",
                            min.length = .01, varnames = NULL, ...)
  if (add) pcloadings <- pcloadings / scalefactor

  if (is.null(varnames))
    if (is.null(varnames <- rownames(pcloadings)))
      show.names <- FALSE

  ## Preliminaries: determine range of the plot
  if (missing(xlim)) xlim <- unsigned.range(pcloadings[,pc[1]])
  if (missing(ylim)) ylim <- unsigned.range(pcloadings[,pc[2]])

  if (!add) {
    if (show.names) { # may need extra space for names
      xlim <- xlim * 1.2
      ylim <- ylim * 1.1 # no word length to take into account

    ## determine default axis labels
    if (!missing(object) && object$centered.data) {
      if (missing(xlab))
        xlab <- paste("PC", pc[1],
                            formatC(100 * object$var[pc[1]] / object$totalvar,
                                    format = "f", digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""))
      if (missing(ylab))
        ylab <- paste("PC", pc[2],
                            formatC(100 * object$var[pc[2]] / object$totalvar,
                                    format = "f", digits = 1), "%)", sep = ""))
    } else {
      if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- paste("PC", pc[1])
      if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- paste("PC", pc[2])
    op <- par(pty = "s") # make a square rather than oblong plot
    plot(pcloadings[,pc], type = "n",
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, ...)
    abline(h = 0, v = 0, col = "gray", lty = 2)

  nonzeros <- apply(pcloadings[,pc], 1,
                    function(object) sum(object^2) > min.length)
  if (length(col) == 1)
    col <- rep(col, nrow(pcloadings))

  if (show.names) {
    text(pcloadings[nonzeros,pc[1]] * 1.1,
         pcloadings[nonzeros,pc[2]] * 1.1,
         varnames[nonzeros], col = col[nonzeros])
  } else {
    points(pcloadings[,pc], col = col[nonzeros], ...)

  origin <- rep(0, nrow(pcloadings))
         pcloadings[nonzeros, pc[1]],
         pcloadings[nonzeros, pc[2]],
         angle = 15, length = .15,
         col = col[nonzeros], ...)

  if (add) { 
    ## biplot: reset the axis system to the loadings plot
    par(new = TRUE)
    plot(pcloadings[,pc], axes = FALSE, type = "n",
         xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
         xlab = "", ylab = "")
    axis(3, col = col[1])
    axis(4, col = col[1])
    box(col = 1)

biplot.PCA <- function(x, pc = c(1,2),
                       show.names = c("none", "scores", "loadings", "both"),
                       score.col = 1, loading.col = "blue",
                       min.length = .01, varnames = NULL, ...)  
  show.names <- match.arg(show.names)
  show.sc.names <- (show.names == "scores" | show.names == "both") 
  show.ld.names <- (show.names == "loadings" | show.names == "both") 
  rangx1 <- unsigned.range(x$scores[, pc[1]])
  rangx2 <- unsigned.range(x$scores[, pc[2]])
  rangy1 <- unsigned.range(x$loadings[, pc[1]])
  rangy2 <- unsigned.range(x$loadings[, pc[2]])
  ratio <- max(rangy1/rangx1, rangy2/rangx2)
  xlim <- ylim <- rangx1 <- rangx2 <- range(rangx1, rangx2)

  scoreplot(x, pc = pc, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
            show.names = show.sc.names, col = score.col, ...)
  loadingplot(x, pc = pc, add = TRUE, scalefactor = ratio,
              xlim = xlim*ratio, ylim = ylim*ratio, 
              pch = 2, show.names = show.ld.names, col = loading.col,
              min.length = min.length, varnames = varnames, ...)

summary.PCA <- function(object, varperc = 90,
                        pc.select = c(1:5,10), ...)
  nr <- nrow(object$scores)
  nc <- nrow(object$loadings)
  npc <- length(object$var)
  cat("\nPCA model of a",
      ifelse (object$centered.data, "mean-centered", ""),
      "matrix of", nr, "by", nc)
  vartab <- 100 * cbind(object$var, cumsum(object$var)) / object$totalvar
  colnames(vartab) <- c("Var", "Cumul. var.")#)
  npcs <- sum(vartab[,2] < varperc)
  cat("\nNumber of PCs to cover", varperc,
      "percent of the variance:", npcs + 1)
  which.pcs <- pc.select[pc.select <= npc]
  print(vartab[which.pcs,], ...)


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