
#' Evaluate parameter uncertainty
#' This function searches for acceptable model solutions within the uncertainty 
#' parameters and long-term storage balances using Latin hypercubes.
#' The function creates n parameter sets using a Latin hypercube.  It runs
#' `CityWaterBalance()` with each set, accepting solutions that meet 
#' user-defined criteria for storage balances.  It then computes the mean of 
#' flow solutions, and doubles n until the difference between the means of old 
#' and new solutions is less than tol for all flows.  Defaults for parameter 
#' value ranges are set to reasonable values, but they should be reconsidered 
#' for each application.  Defaults for storage balances are set high to allow
#' for solution discovery, however, acceptable values must be determined on a 
#' case-by-case basis.
#' @param data xts or zoo object. See CityWaterBalance function for details.
#' @param p list of initial parameter values. See CityWaterBalance function or
#'        the inputs below for descriptions.
#' @param n integer number of initial parameter sets to search
#' @param tol tolerance acceptable difference mean flow solutions
#' @param interc vector of min and max fraction of pet lost to interception 
#' @param et_mult vector of min and max multiplier for et
#' @param flow_mult vector of min and max multiplier for outflow
#' @param open_wat vector of min and max fraction of area that is open water
#' @param run_mult vector of min and max multiplier for runoff
#' @param run_css vector of min and max fraction of runoff diverted to sewers
#' @param bf_mult vector of min and max multiplier for baseflow       
#' @param nonrev vector of min and max fraction of potable water supply lost to 
#'        leaks      
#' @param ind_evap vector of min and max fraction of industrial use that 
#'        evaporates
#' @param wast_gen vector of min and max fraction of potable use that returns to 
#'        sewers
#' @param pot_atm vector of min and max fraction of potable use that evaporates      
#' @param npot_infilt vector of min and max fraction of nonpotable use that 
#'        infiltrates
#' @param slud_evap vector of min and max fraction of wastewater that evaporates 
#'        from sludge 
#' @param leak_css vector of min and max fraction of wastewater effluent from gw 
#'        infiltration
#' @param dgw vector of min and max fraction of groundwater from deep, confined 
#'        aquifers
#' @param dgw_rep vector of min and max multiplier for deep groundwater pumping 
#'        replacement
#' @param global_bal vector of min and max acceptable global water balance 
#'        values, cumulative over model run
#' @param sw_bal vector of min and max acceptable surface water balance 
#'        values, cumulative over model run
#' @param css_bal vector of min and max acceptable sewer system water balance 
#'        values, cumulative over model run        
#' @param sgw_bal vector of min and max acceptable shallow groundwater balance 
#'        values, cumulative over model run
#' @param dgw_bal vector of min and max acceptable deep groundwater balance 
#'        values, cumulative over model run
#' @return out numeric solutions  
#' @importFrom tgp lhs
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data <- cwb_data
#' data$cso <- 0
#' p <- list("interc" = 0,"et_mult" = 1,"flow_mult" = 1, "open_wat" = 0.02, 
#'           "run_mult" = 3.378, "run_css" = 0.35, "bf_mult" = 1, 
#'           "nonrev" = 0.08, "ind_evap" = 0.012, "wast_gen" = 0.85, 
#'           "pot_atm" = 0.13, "npot_infilt" = 0.5, "slud_evap" = 0,
#'           "leak_css" = 0.05, "dgw" = 0.5, "dgw_rep" = 0.5)
#' out <- getSolutions(data, p, 10, 0.1)
#' }
#' @export

getSolutions <- function(data, p, n, tol = 0.01, interc = c(0,0.05), 
                        et_mult = c(1,1.1), flow_mult = c(1,1.1), 
                        open_wat = c(0.01,0.1), run_mult = c(1,5), 
                        run_css = c(0.1,1), bf_mult = c(0.5,1.5), 
                        nonrev = c(0.05,0.2), ind_evap = c(0.01,0.02),
                        wast_gen = c(0.75,0.9), pot_atm = c(0.10,0.15),
                        npot_infilt = c(0.25,0.75), slud_evap = c(0,0), 
                        leak_css = c(0.05,0.25), dgw = c(0.5,0.5), 
                        dgw_rep = c(0,1), global_bal = c(-500,500), 
                        sw_bal =c(-500,500), css_bal = c(-500,500), 
                        sgw_bal = c(-500,500), dgw_bal = c(-500,500)){

  # initialize vectors 
  old <- rep(0,35) 
  new <- rep(tol*2,35) 
  # initialize solutions list
  sols <- list()
  sols[[1]] <- rep(NA,35)
  j <- 1
  k <- 1
  # establish iteration criteria
  crit <- max(abs(new-old))
  # search until mean flow solution is below tol for all flows
  while (crit == 0 | crit > tol | is.na(max(new-old))){
    # create Latin hypercube for sampling parameter values
    params <- lhs(n, rbind(interc,et_mult,flow_mult,open_wat,run_mult,run_css,
    # run each parameter set through CityWaterBalance model
    for (i in 1:nrow(params)){
      p$interc <- params[i,1] 
      p$et_mult <- params[i,2]
      p$flow_mult <- params[i,3]
      p$open_wat <- params[i,4]
      p$run_mult <- params[i,5]
      p$run_css <- params[i,6]
      p$bf_mult <- params[i,7]
      p$nonrev <- params[i,8]
      p$ind_evap <- params[i,9]
      p$wast_gen <- params[i,10]
      p$pot_atm <- params[i,11]
      p$npot_infilt <- params[i,12]
      p$slud_evap <- params[i,13]
      p$leak_css <- params[i,14]
      p$dgw <- params[i,15]
      p$dgw_rep <- params[i,16]
      # run model
      m <- CityWaterBalance(data,p,FALSE)
      g <- sum(m$global_balance)
      # summarize model results
      a <- colSums(m$state_vars)[1]
      b <- colSums(m$state_vars)[2]
      c <- colSums(m$state_vars)[3]
      d <- colSums(m$state_vars)[4]
      f <- colSums(m$all_flows)
      # test if solution conditions are met and if so, save results
      if (g >= global_bal[1] && g<= global_bal[2] && a >= sw_bal[1] && 
          a <= sw_bal[2] && b >= css_bal[1] && b <= css_bal[2] && 
          c >= sgw_bal[1] && c <= sgw_bal[2] && d >= dgw_bal[1] && 
          d <= dgw_bal[2] ){    
        sols[[j]] <- f  
        j <- j+1

    # aggregate results
    old <- new
    flows <- do.call(rbind,sols)
    new <- apply(flows,2,mean)
    crit <- max(abs(new-old))
    if (is.na(max(new))){
      print("No solutions found")
    } else {
      print(paste("Number of solutions: ", nrow(flows)))
      print(paste("Max change between runs: ", crit))

    k <- k+1
    print(paste("------- Run ",k,"--------"))

  colnames(flows) <- c("Interception", "Runoff", "Runoff to sewers",
                       "Infiltration","River inflow",
                       "Imports to surface waters","Imports for potable use",
                       "Surface water evaporation",
                       "Industrial use (SW)","Potable withdrawals (SW)",
                       "Non-potable withdrawals (SW)","Sewer infiltration", 
                       "Baseflow","Industrial use (SGW)",
                       "Potable withdrawals (SGW)","Evapotranspiration",
                       "Non-potable withdrawals (SGW)", 
                       "Recharge of deep groundwater",
                       "Industrial use (DGW)",
                       "Potable withdrawals (DGW)", 
                       "Non-potable withdrawals (DGW)",
                       "Evaporation of industrial water",
                       "Discharge of industrial water", 
                       "Conveyance of potable water","Leakage of potable water",
                       "Evaporation of potable water","Wastewater generation",
                       "Infiltration of potable water",
                       "Evaporation of non-potable water",
                       "Conveyance of wastewater","Evaporation of sludge",
                       "Wastewater discharge",
                       "Infiltration of non-potable water",
                       "Combined sewer overflows","River outflow")


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CityWaterBalance documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:32 a.m.