# data
dat = dietary_survey_IBS[, -ncol(dietary_survey_IBS)]
X = center_scale(dat)
context('plot_2d - silhouette plot - external_validation - center_scale - distance_matrix')
# error handling plot_2d
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is not a matrix or a data frame, it returns an error", {
tmp_x = list(X)
clust = sample(1:2, nrow(X), replace = T)
centr = matrix(runif(ncol(X) * 2), nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(X))
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(tmp_x, clust, centr) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is not 2-dimensional, it returns an error", {
clust = sample(1:2, nrow(X), replace = T)
centr = data.frame(matrix(runif(ncol(X) * 2), nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(X)))
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(dat, clust, centr) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the unique levels of the clusters is greater than 26, it returns an error", {
clust = sample(1:30, nrow(X), replace = T)
centr = data.frame(matrix(runif(ncol(X) * length(unique(clust))), nrow = length(unique(clust)), ncol = ncol(X)))
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(dat, clust, centr) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the clusters parameter is not a numeric vector, it returns an error", {
tmp_m = data.frame(1)
centr = matrix(runif(ncol(X) * 2), nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(X))
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(X, tmp_m, centr) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the centroids/medoids is not a matrix or data frame, it returns an error", {
clust = sample(1:2, nrow(X), replace = T)
centr = list(matrix(runif(ncol(X) * 2), nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(X)))
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(X, clust, centr) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the centroids/medoids rows do not equal the length of the unique levels of the clusters vector, it returns an error", {
clust = sample(1:2, nrow(X), replace = T)
centr = matrix(runif(ncol(X) * 3), nrow = 3, ncol = ncol(X))
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(X, clust, centr) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the centroids/medoids columns do not equal the number of columns of the data, it returns an error", {
clust = sample(1:2, nrow(X), replace = T)
centr = matrix(runif((ncol(X) - 1) * 2), nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(X) - 1)
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(X, clust, centr) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data includes NaN or Inf values, it returns an error", {
tmp_dat = X
tmp_dat[1,1] = Inf
clust = sample(1:2, nrow(X), replace = T)
centr = matrix(runif(ncol(X) * 2), nrow = 2, ncol = ncol(X))
testthat::expect_error( plot_2d(tmp_dat, clust, centr) )
# error handling plot_2d
testthat::test_that("the function returns a plot of class 'gg', 'ggplot' ", {
pca_dat = stats::princomp(X)$scores[, 1:2]
km = KMeans_rcpp(pca_dat, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100)
testthat::expect_true( inherits(plot_2d(pca_dat, km$clusters, km$centroids), c("gg", "ggplot")) )
# error handling external_validation
testthat::test_that("in case that the true labels is not a numeric vector, it returns an error", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
tmp_cl = list(dietary_survey_IBS$class)
testthat::expect_error( external_validation(tmp_cl, km$clusters, method = "adjusted_rand_index") )
testthat::test_that("in case that the clusters is not a numeric vector, it returns an error", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
tmp_cl = list(km$clusters)
testthat::expect_error( external_validation(dietary_survey_IBS$class, tmp_cl, method = "adjusted_rand_index") )
testthat::test_that("in case that the clusters is not a numeric vector, it returns an error", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
tmp_cl = sample(1:2, nrow(X) + 1, replace = T)
testthat::expect_error( external_validation(dietary_survey_IBS$class, tmp_cl, method = "adjusted_rand_index") )
testthat::test_that("in case that the method is not valid, it returns an error", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
testthat::expect_error( external_validation(dietary_survey_IBS$class, km$clusters, method = "invalid") )
# external_validation function
testthat::test_that("in case that the true labels is an integer vector they will be converted to numeric", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
tmp_cl = as.integer(dietary_survey_IBS$class)
res = external_validation(tmp_cl, km$clusters, method = "adjusted_rand_index")
testthat::expect_true( is.numeric(res) && length(res) == 1 )
testthat::test_that("in case that the clusters is an integer vector they will be converted to numeric", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
tmp_cl = as.integer(km$clusters)
res = external_validation(dietary_survey_IBS$class, tmp_cl, method = "adjusted_rand_index")
testthat::expect_true( is.numeric(res) && length(res) == 1 )
testthat::test_that("the function for the different methods returns the correct output", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
mth = c('rand_index', 'adjusted_rand_index', 'jaccard_index', 'fowlkes_mallows_index', 'mirkin_metric', 'purity', 'entropy', 'nmi', 'var_info', 'nvi')
res = rep(NA, length(mth))
for (i in 1:length(mth)) {
tmp_res = external_validation(dietary_survey_IBS$class, km$clusters, method = mth[i])
res[i] = (is.numeric(tmp_res) && length(tmp_res) == 1)
testthat::expect_true( sum(res) == length(mth) )
testthat::test_that("if summary_stats is TRUE the function returns output", {
km = KMeans_rcpp(X, clusters = 2, num_init = 5, max_iters = 100, initializer = 'optimal_init')
res = external_validation(dietary_survey_IBS$class, km$clusters, method = "adjusted_rand_index", summary_stats = T)
testthat::expect_output( str(res), 'num' )
# error handling center_scale
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is not a matrix or a data frame, it returns an error", {
tmp_x = list(X)
testthat::expect_error( center_scale(tmp_x, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = TRUE) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the mean_center parameter is not logical, it returns an error", {
testthat::expect_error( center_scale(X, mean_center = 'TRUE', sd_scale = TRUE) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the sd_scale parameter is not logical, it returns an error", {
testthat::expect_error( center_scale(X, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = 'TRUE') )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data includes NaN or Inf values, it returns an error", {
tmp_dat = X
tmp_dat[1,1] = Inf
testthat::expect_error( center_scale(tmp_dat, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = TRUE) )
# center_scale function
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is a matrix the function returns a matrix", {
res = center_scale(X, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = TRUE)
testthat::expect_true( is.matrix(res) && nrow(X) == nrow(res) && ncol(X) == ncol(res) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is a data frame the function returns a matrix", {
res = center_scale(dat, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = TRUE)
testthat::expect_true( is.matrix(res) && nrow(X) == nrow(res) && ncol(X) == ncol(res) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is a matrix and mean_center = TRUE and sd_scale = FALSE, the function returns a matrix", {
res = center_scale(X, mean_center = TRUE, sd_scale = FALSE)
testthat::expect_true( is.matrix(res) && nrow(X) == nrow(res) && ncol(X) == ncol(res) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is a matrix and mean_center = FALSE and sd_scale = TRUE, the function returns a matrix", {
res = center_scale(X, mean_center = FALSE, sd_scale = TRUE)
testthat::expect_true( is.matrix(res) && nrow(X) == nrow(res) && ncol(X) == ncol(res) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is a matrix and mean_center = FALSE and sd_scale = FALSE, the function returns a matrix", {
res = center_scale(X, mean_center = FALSE, sd_scale = FALSE)
testthat::expect_true( is.matrix(res) && nrow(X) == nrow(res) && ncol(X) == ncol(res) )
# error handling distance_matrix
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is not a matrix or data frame, it returns an error", {
tmp_x = list(X)
testthat::expect_error( distance_matrix(tmp_x, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the method parameter is invalid, it returns an error", {
testthat::expect_error( distance_matrix(X, method = 'invalid', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the upper parameter is not logical, it returns an error", {
testthat::expect_error( distance_matrix(X, method = 'euclidean', upper = 'TRUE', diagonal = TRUE) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the diagonal parameter is not logical, it returns an error", {
testthat::expect_error( distance_matrix(X, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = 'TRUE') )
testthat::test_that("in case that the method parameter is minkowski and the minkowski_p parameter is 0.0, it returns an error", {
testthat::expect_error( distance_matrix(X, method = 'minkowski', minkowski_p = 0.0) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the threads parameter is less than 1, it returns an error", {
testthat::expect_error( distance_matrix(X, method = 'euclidean', threads = 0) )
# from version 1.0.3 the "distance_matrix" function can accept data with missing values
# testthat::test_that("in case that the data includes NaN or Inf values, it returns an error", {
# tmp_dat = X
# tmp_dat[1,1] = Inf
# testthat::expect_error( distance_matrix(tmp_dat, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE) )
# })
# distance_matrix function
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is a matrix the function returns a matrix", {
res = distance_matrix(X, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE)
testthat::expect_true( is.matrix(res) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the data is a data frame the function returns a matrix", {
res = distance_matrix(dat, method = 'euclidean', upper = TRUE, diagonal = TRUE)
testthat::expect_true( is.matrix(res) )
# error handling Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot
testthat::test_that("in case that the evaluation_object is invalid, it returns an error", {
km = KMeans_arma(X, clusters = 2, n_iter = 10, "random_subset", verbose = F)
testthat::expect_error( Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(km, silhouette = TRUE) )
testthat::test_that("in case that the silhouette parameter is not logical, it returns an error", {
cm = Cluster_Medoids(X, clusters = 2, distance_metric = 'euclidean')
testthat::expect_error( Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(cm, silhouette = 'TRUE') )
# Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot function
testthat::test_that("in case of 'Cluster_Medoids' function AND silhouette = TRUE, it returns TRUE", {
cm = Cluster_Medoids(X, clusters = 4, distance_metric = 'euclidean')
plt_sd = Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(cm, silhouette = TRUE)
testthat::expect_true( plt_sd )
testthat::test_that("in case of 'Cluster_Medoids' function AND silhouette = FALSE, it returns TRUE", {
cm = Cluster_Medoids(X, clusters = 8, distance_metric = 'euclidean')
plt_sd = Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(cm, silhouette = FALSE)
testthat::expect_true( plt_sd )
testthat::test_that("in case of 'Clara_Medoids' function AND silhouette = TRUE, it returns TRUE", {
cm = Clara_Medoids(X, clusters = 8, samples = 5, sample_size = 0.2, swap_phase = TRUE, fuzzy = T)
plt_sd = Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(cm, silhouette = TRUE)
testthat::expect_true( plt_sd )
testthat::test_that("in case of 'Clara_Medoids' function AND silhouette = FALSE, it returns TRUE", {
cm = Clara_Medoids(X, clusters = 4, samples = 5, sample_size = 0.2, swap_phase = TRUE, fuzzy = T)
plt_sd = Silhouette_Dissimilarity_Plot(cm, silhouette = FALSE)
testthat::expect_true( plt_sd )
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