
Defines functions plotVElatCont

Documented in plotVElatCont

#' Plotting Treatment (Vaccine) Efficacy Curves for Different Correlate of Risk Relative Risks for Continuous Biomarkers
#' Plots the treatment (vaccine) efficacy curve for the true latent biomarker for eight different values of the latent correlate of risk
#' relative risk and the lowest vaccine efficacy level for the true biomarker. All curves assume \code{rho=1}, and treatment (vaccine)
#' efficacy ranges from 0 to 1. The legend is completely determined by the function.
#' @param outComputePower a list of lists of length \code{1} containing output from \code{\link{computePower}} or a character string specifying the \code{.RData} file containing \code{\link{computePower}} output
#' @param outDir a character string specifying path to output \code{.RData} file, necessary if \cr\code{outComputePower} is a character string. Default is \code{NULL}.
#' @details
#' \code{\link{computePower}} function input parameter \code{VElowest} must have length greater than or equal to eight
#' for all eight scenarios to have unique RRc and VElowest. Otherwise, only \code{length(VElowest)} unique
#' VE curves will be displayed.
#' When interpreting the output of the function, the null hypothesis corresponds to a flat curve where vaccine efficacy for all values of the
#' true latent biomarker is equal to the overall vaccine efficacy. Increasing departures from the null hypothesis correspond
#' to increasingly variable and steep VE curves. The output assumes the overall placebo-group endpoint risk between \eqn{\tau} and \eqn{\tau_{max}}
#' is constant for all values of the latent and observed biomarker and that there is no measurement error (\eqn{\rho=1}). When this is the case,
#' an association of the biomarker with infection risk in the vaccine group (a correlate of risk) is equivalent to an association of the biomarker
#' with treatment (vaccine) efficacy.
#' The function's plot can also be interpreted in conjunction with the output of the \code{\link{plotPowerCont}} function by
#' matching the CoR relative risk in the two plots and examining power compared to VE. This sheds light on the importance
#' of overall VE on power and further enables correlates of risk results to be interpreted in terms of
#' potential correlates of efficacy/protection.
#' @return None. The function is called solely for plot generation.
#' @examples
#' # Example scenario with continuous biomarker, where values of rho are varied
#' # Set input parameters for computePower function
#' nCasesTx <- 10
#' nControlsTx <- 300
#' nCasesTxWithS <- 10
#' controlCaseRatio <- 3
#' VEoverall <- 0.75
#' risk0 <- 0.034
#' PlatVElowest <- 0.2
#' VElowest <- seq(0, VEoverall, len=8)
#' Plat0 <- P0 <- 0.2
#' Plat2 <- P2 <- 0.6
#' M <- 13
#' alpha <- 0.05
#' sigma2obs <- 1
#' rho <- 1
#' biomType <- "continuous"
#' # Output from computePower function is stored in an object as a list
#' pwr <- computePower(nCasesTx=nCasesTx, nControlsTx=nControlsTx, nCasesTxWithS=nCasesTxWithS,
#'                     controlCaseRatio=controlCaseRatio, risk0=risk0, VEoverall=VEoverall,
#'                     PlatVElowest=PlatVElowest, VElowest=VElowest, Plat0=Plat0, Plat2=Plat2,
#'                     P0=P0, P2=P2, M=M, alpha=alpha, sigma2obs=sigma2obs, rho=rho, biomType=biomType)
#' # Set parameters for plotPowerCont function
#' # outComputePower is a list containing output from the computePower function
#' outComputePower <- pwr
#' plotVElatCont(outComputePower=outComputePower)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Output from computePower function is saved in an RData file
#' computePower(..., saveDir = "myDir", saveFile = "myFile.RData")

#' # outComputePower is a character string specifying the file containing the computePower output
#' # outDir is a character string specifying the outComputePower file directory
#' outComputePower <- "myFile.RData"
#' outDir <- "~/myDir"
#' plotVElatCont(outComputePower, outDir=outDir)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{computePower}}, \code{\link{plotPowerCont}}
#' @importFrom graphics abline axis box legend lines mtext par plot text title
#' @export
plotVElatCont <- function(outComputePower, outDir=NULL) {
  if (length(outComputePower) > 1) {
    stop("outComputePower must be of length 1")
  } else if (length(outDir) > 1) {
    stop("outDir must be of length 1")
  } else if(is.list(outComputePower)) {
    pwr <- outComputePower[[1]]
  } else if(is.character(outComputePower) & is.null(outDir)) {
    stop("outComputePower is a character vector so outDir needs to be specified")
  } else if(is.character(outComputePower)) {
    if (substr(outComputePower, start = nchar(outComputePower) - 5, stop = nchar(outComputePower)) != ".RData") {
      stop("File name in outComputePower must include .RData")
    load(file.path(outDir, outComputePower))
  } else {
    stop("outComputePower must be of type list or character")

  RRc <- pwr$RRc
  if (is.null(RRc)) {
    stop("Biomarker does not appear to be continuous. Consider using plotPowerTri() function for trichotomous biomarkers.")
  alpha <- pwr$alpha
  sigma2obs <- pwr$sigma2obs
  PlatVElowest <- pwr$PlatVElowest
  VElowest <- pwr$VElowest
  VEoverall <- pwr$VEoverall
  risk0 <- pwr$risk0

  rho <- 1
  nu <- sqrt(rho*sigma2obs)*qnorm(PlatVElowest)
  o <- length(VElowest)

  svect <- seq(-3,3,len=300)

  # Compute VE(s_1) vs s_1 for each fixed RRc value:
  inds <- round(seq(1,o,len=8))
  fixedBetaLat <- pwr$betaLat[inds]
  fixedRRc <- pwr$RRc[inds]

  VEcurverr <- list()
  for(i in 1:8) {
    linpart <- pwr$alphaLat[inds[9-i]] + fixedBetaLat[9-i]*svect
    VEcurverrTemp <- 1-(exp(linpart)/(1+exp(linpart)))/risk0
    VEcurverrTemp[svect <= nu] <- VElowest[inds[9-i]]
    VEcurverr[[i]] <- VEcurverrTemp

  ylims <- c(-19,0.95)
  newylims <- log10(1-(ylims))

  plot(svect,VEcurverr[[1]],xlim=c(-3,3),ylim=c(-0.05,1),type='n',xlab=expression("True Biomarker X*=x* with "~rho==1~"in Vaccinees"), ylab=expression(VE[paste(x,"*")]^{lat}), axes=FALSE)

  colors <- c("brown","blue","dark grey","orange","red","purple","green","black")
  for(i in 1:8) {
    lines(svect, VEcurverr[[i]], lty=i, col=colors[i], lwd=4)

  legend(x="bottomright",legend=c(as.expression(bquote("CoR RR=1.00,   "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[8]],2)))),
                                  as.expression(bquote("CoR RR="~.(round(fixedRRc[7],2))~", "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[7]],2)))),
                                  as.expression(bquote("CoR RR="~.(round(fixedRRc[6],2))~", "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[6]],2)))),
                                  as.expression(bquote("CoR RR="~.(round(fixedRRc[5],2))~", "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[5]],2)))),
                                  as.expression(bquote("CoR RR="~.(round(fixedRRc[4],2))~", "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[4]],2)))),
                                  as.expression(bquote("CoR RR="~.(round(fixedRRc[3],2))~", "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[3]],2)))),
                                  as.expression(bquote("CoR RR="~.(round(fixedRRc[2],2))~", "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[2]],2)))),
                                  as.expression(bquote("CoR RR="~.(round(fixedRRc[1],2))~",      "~VE[lowest]==.(round(VElowest[inds[1]],2))))),
         lty=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8),col=c("brown","blue","dark grey","orange","red","purple","green","black"),lwd=2, cex=1.2)
  title("VE Curves for Different CoR Relative Risks per 1 SD in Vaccinees")
  text(2, 0.46, bquote(atop(VE[overall]==.(round(VEoverall,2))~", "~risk[0]==.(round(risk0,3)),


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CoRpower documentation built on Nov. 17, 2020, 9:08 a.m.