
Defines functions sample.moments moments

Documented in moments sample.moments

#' Numerical estimation of moments
#' Uses numerical integration to caclulate the theoretical raw or central moments
#' of the specified distribution.
#' @param dist distribution
#' @param distarg list of distribution arguments
#' @param distbounds distribution bounds (default set to c(-Inf, Inf))
#' @param p0 probability zero
#' @param raw logical - calculate raw moments?
#' @param central logical - calculate central moments?
#' @param coef logical - calculate coefficients (coefficient of variation, skewness and kurtosis)?
#' @param order vector of integers - raw moment orders
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @keywords moments
#' @examples
#' library(CoSMoS)
#' ## Normal Distribution
#' moments('norm', list(mean = 2, sd = 1))
#' ## Pareto type II
#' scale <- 1
#' shape <- .2
#' moments(dist = 'paretoII',
#'         distarg = list(shape = shape,
#'                        scale = scale))
moments <- function(dist, distarg, p0 = 0, raw = T, central = T, coef = T, distbounds = c(-Inf, Inf), order = 1:4) {

  if((central | coef) & (max(order) < 4)) {

    order <- 1:4

  # tryCatch({ ## error handeling
    if(exists(paste0('m', dist))) { ## condition - if raw moments function is specified, use it

      m <- lapply(order, function(i) do.call(paste0('m', dist), args = c(list(r = i), distarg)))

    } else { ## - else integrate the PDF

      f <- function(x, dist, q, ...){

        .arg <- c(list(x), ...) ## pull the distribution arguments

        x^q * do.call(paste0('d', dist), args = .arg) ## function to integrate

      m <- list()

      for (i in order) {

        m[[i]] <- integrate(f = f, distbounds[1], distbounds[2], q = i, distarg, dist = dist, stop.on.error = F)$value

    m <- lapply(m, function(x) (1 - p0)*x)

    names(m) <- paste0('m', order)

    out <- list()

    if (raw) {

      out$m <- unlist(m)

    if (central | coef) { ## central moments calculation

      mu <- data.frame(mu1 = m$m1,
                       mu2 = m$m2 - m$m1^2,
                       mu3 = 2*m$m1^3 - 3*m$m2*m$m1 + m$m3,
                       mu4 = -3*m$m1^4 + 6*m$m2*m$m1^2 - 4*m$m3*m$m1 + m$m4)

      if (central) {

        out$mu <- unlist(mu)

    if (coef) { ## coeffitiens calculation

      coef <- data.frame(cv = sqrt(mu$mu2)/mu$mu1,
                         cs = mu$mu3/sqrt(mu$mu2)^3,
                         ck = mu$mu4/mu$mu2^2)

      out$coefficients <- unlist(coef)

  # },
  # error = function(e) {
  #   message('Please input a correct distribution name with valid parameters \n(ditributions have to be defined in form dxxx, pxxx, qxxx, etc...)')
  # }
  # )

#' Estimation of sample moments
#' Estimation of sample moments.
#' @param x a numeric vector of values
#' @param na.rm a logical value indicating whether NA values should be stripped before the computation proceeds
#' @inheritParams moments
#' @import stats
#' @export
#' @keywords moments
#' @examples
#' library(CoSMoS)
#' x <- rnorm(1000)
#' sample.moments(x)
#' y <- rparetoII(1000, 10, .1)
#' sample.moments(y)
sample.moments <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE, raw = T, central = T, coef = T, order = 1:4) {

  if((central | coef) & (max(order) < 4)) {

    order <- 1:4

  n <- ifelse(na.rm, length(which(!is.na(x))), length(x))

  mean <- mean(x, na.rm = na.rm)

  out <- list()

  if (raw) {

    m <- lapply(order, function(i) (1/n * sum((x)^i)))
    names(m) <- paste0('m', order)

    out$m <- unlist(m)

  if (central | coef) { ## central moments calculation

    mu <- lapply(order, function(i) 1/n * sum((x - mean)^i))
    names(mu) <- paste0('mu', order)

    if (central) {

      out$mu <- unlist(mu)

  if (coef) { ## coeffitiens calculation

    coef <- data.frame(cv = sqrt(mu$mu2)/mu$mu1,
                       cs = mu$mu3/sqrt(mu$mu2)^3,
                       ck = mu$mu4/mu$mu2^2)

    out$coefficients <- unlist(coef)


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CoSMoS documentation built on May 30, 2021, 1:06 a.m.