
test_that("stratifyByDoseUnit in mock", {
  cdm <- mockVocabRef()
  ing <- getDrugIngredientCodes(cdm = cdm)

  # no dose units in the mock
  expect_no_error(stratifyByDoseUnit(x = ing, cdm = cdm))

  # if concepts are not from the drug domain we should get empty codelist back
  oa <- getCandidateCodes(cdm = cdm, "osteoarthritis")
  oa_str <- stratifyByDoseUnit(list(oa = oa$concept_id),
                                    cdm, keepOriginal = FALSE)

  oa_str <- stratifyByDoseUnit(omopgenerics::newCodelistWithDetails(list(oa = oa)),
                                    cdm, keepOriginal = FALSE)

  # expected errors
  expect_error(stratifyByDoseUnit(x = ing, cdm = "a"))
  expect_error(stratifyByDoseUnit(x = "a", cdm = cdm))


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CodelistGenerator documentation built on Oct. 17, 2024, 5:09 p.m.