
Defines functions ResidualPredictionTest

Documented in ResidualPredictionTest

#' Residual prediction test.
#' @description Tests the null hypothesis that Y and E are independent given X.
#' @param Y An n-dimensional vector.
#' @param E An n-dimensional vector or an nxq dimensional matrix or dataframe.
#' @param X A matrix or dataframe with n rows and p columns.
#' @param alpha Significance level. Defaults to 0.05.
#' @param verbose If \code{TRUE}, intermediate output is provided. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param degree Degree of polynomial to use if  \code{basis="polynomial"} or  \code{basis="nystrom_poly"}.
#' Defaults to 4.
#' @param basis Can be one of  \code{"nystrom","nystrom_poly","fourier","polynomial","provided"}. Defaults to  \code{"nystrom"}.
#' @param resid_type Can be  \code{"Lasso"} or  \code{"OLS"}. Defaults to  \code{"OLS"}.
#' @param XBasis Basis if  \code{basis="provided"}. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param noiseMat Matrix with simulated noise. Defaults to NULL in which case the
#' simulation is performed inside the function.
#' @param getnoiseFct Function to use to generate the noise matrix. Defaults to \code{function(n, ...){rnorm(n)}}.
#' @param argsGetNoiseFct Arguments for \code{getnoiseFct}. Defaults to \code{NULL}.
#' @param nSim Number of simulations to use. Defaults to 100.
#' @param funcOfRes Function of residuals to use in addition to predicting the
#' conditional mean. Defaults to \code{function(x){abs(x)}}.
#' @param useX Set to \code{TRUE} if the predictors in X should also be used when
#' predicting the scaled residuals with E. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @param returnXBasis Set to \code{TRUE} if basis expansion should be returned. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param nSub Number of random features to use if  \code{basis} is one of  \code{"nystrom","nystrom_poly"} or  \code{"fourier"}.
#' Defaults to \code{ceiling(NROW(X)/4)}.
#' @param ntree Random forest parameter: Number of trees to grow. Defaults to 500.
#' @param nodesize Random forest parameter: Minimum size of terminal nodes. Defaults to 5.
#' @param maxnodes Random forest parameter: Maximum number of terminal nodes trees in the forest can have.
#' Defaults to NULL.
#' @return A list with the following entries:
#' \itemize{
#'  \item \code{pvalue} The p-value for the null hypothesis that Y and E are independent given X.
#'  \item \code{XBasis} Basis expansion if \code{returnXBasis} was set to \code{TRUE}.
#'  \item \code{fctBasisExpansion} Function used to create basis expansion if basis is not  \code{"provided"}.
#'  }
#' @examples
#' # Example 1
#' n <- 100
#' E <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.2)
#' X <- 4 + 2 * E + rnorm(n)
#' Y <- 3 * (X)^2 + rnorm(n)
#' ResidualPredictionTest(Y, as.factor(E), X)
#' # Example 2
#' E <- rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = 0.2)
#' X <- 4 + 2 * E + rnorm(n)
#' Y <- 3 * E + rnorm(n)
#' ResidualPredictionTest(Y, as.factor(E), X)
#' # not run:
#' # # Example 3
#' # E <- rnorm(n)
#' # X <- 4 + 2 * E + rnorm(n)
#' # Y <- 3 * (X)^2 + rnorm(n)
#' # ResidualPredictionTest(Y, E, X)
#' # ResidualPredictionTest(Y, X, E)

ResidualPredictionTest <- function(Y, E, X,
                            alpha = 0.05,
                            verbose = FALSE,
                            degree = 4,
                            basis = c("nystrom",
                            resid_type = "OLS",
                            XBasis = NULL,
                            noiseMat = NULL,
                            getnoiseFct = function(n, ...){rnorm(n)},
                            argsGetNoiseFct = NULL,
                            nSim = 100,
                            funcOfRes = function(x){abs(x)},
                            useX = TRUE,
                            returnXBasis = FALSE,
                            nSub = ceiling(NROW(X)/4),
                            ntree = 100,
                            nodesize = 5,
                            maxnodes = NULL){

  Y <- check_input_single(Y, return_vec = TRUE, str = "Y")
  E <- check_input_single(E, check_factor = TRUE, return_vec = FALSE)
  X <- check_input_single(X, return_vec = FALSE)
    cat("\nFunction of residuals:")

  n <- NROW(X)
  p <- NCOL(X)
  dimE <- NCOL(E)

    cat(paste("\nThe environment variable is", dimE, "-dimensional."))

    noiseMat <- matrix(nrow=nSim,ncol=n)
    for (sim in 1:nSim){
      noiseMat[sim,] <- do.call(getnoiseFct, c(list(n, unlist(argsGetNoiseFct))))
    if(nrow(noiseMat) != nSim){
      stop("The provided noise matrix needs to have nSim rows.")
      cat(paste("\nNoise matrix has been provided (",
                nrow(noiseMat), "simulations)."))


  if(NCOL(X) == 1 & all(X == 1)){
    ll <- lm(Y ~ 1)
    res <- residuals(ll)
    res <- res/sd(res)
    if(basis != "provided"){
      basisComp <- computeBasis(basis, X, p, degree, nSub, verbose)
      XBasis <- basisComp$XBasis
      fctBasisExpansion <- basisComp$fctBasisExpansion
    }else if(!is.null(XBasis)){
        cat(paste("\nBasis has been provided. Design matrix has",
                  ncol(XBasis), "columns."))
      stop("\nBasis needs to be provided or estimation procedure needs to be specified.")

    RPtestRes <- try(RPtest(x = XBasis,
                        y = Y,
                        resid_type = resid_type,
                        B = nSim,
                        noise_matrix = t(noiseMat),
                        resid_only = TRUE,
                        verbose = verbose))

    if(inherits(RPtestRes, "try-error")){
      RPtestRes <- try(RPtest(x = XBasis,
                              y = Y,
                              resid_type = "Lasso",
                              B = nSim,
                              noise_matrix = t(noiseMat),
                              resid_only = TRUE,
                              verbose = verbose))

      if(!inherits(RPtestRes, "try-error")){
        cat("\nUsing Lasso residuals as previous computation of residuals failed.")

    res <- RPtestRes$resid

  rf <- try(randomForest(x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E),
                         y = res,
                         ntree = ntree,
                         nodesize = nodesize,
                         maxnodes = maxnodes))
  pred <- predict(rf, x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E))
  # pred <- rf$predicted

  gRes <- funcOfRes(res)
  rf2 <- try(randomForest(x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E),
                          y = gRes,
                          ntree = ntree,
                          nodesize = nodesize,
                          maxnodes = maxnodes))
  pred2 <- predict(rf2, x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E))

  # under the null stat should be small: we expect residuals to behave
  # roughly like the noise term, no signal left,
  # so we should not be able to achieve a low prediction error;
  # so 1- prediction error should be small
  # under the alternative we expect it stat
  # to be large: can achieve low prediction error when signal is left in
  # residuals
  stat <- 1-mean( (pred-res)^2)/mean( (res-mean(res))^2)
  stat2 <- 1-mean( (pred2-gRes)^2)/mean( (gRes-mean(gRes))^2)

  statsim <- numeric(nSim)
  statsim2 <- numeric(nSim)

  inputMat <- if(NCOL(X) == 1 & all(X == 1)) t(noiseMat) else RPtestRes$resid_sim
  ret <- apply(inputMat, 2, function(res){
        if(NCOL(X) == 1 & all(X == 1)){
          simnoise <- res
          lsim <- lm(simnoise ~ 1)
          res <- residuals(lsim)
          res <- res/sd(res)

        rf <- randomForest(x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E),
                           y = res,
                           ntree = ntree,
                           nodesize = nodesize,
                           maxnodes = maxnodes)
        pred <- predict(rf, x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E))
        # pred <- rf$predicted
        statsim1 <- 1-mean( (pred-res)^2)/mean( (res-mean(res))^2)

        gRes <- funcOfRes(res)
        rf2 <- randomForest(x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E),
                            y = gRes,
                            ntree = ntree,
                            nodesize = nodesize,
                            maxnodes = maxnodes)
        pred2 <- predict(rf2, x = if(useX) data.frame(E, X) else data.frame(E))
        # pred <- rf$predicted
        statsim2 <- 1-mean( (pred2-gRes)^2)/mean( (gRes-mean(gRes))^2)
        c(statsim1, statsim2)

  statsim <- ret[1,]
  statsim2 <- ret[2,]

  pvalue1 <- min(1,mean(statsim>stat) +1/length(statsim))
  pvalue2 <- min(1,mean(statsim2>stat2) +1/length(statsim2))
  pvalue <- min(2*min(pvalue1, pvalue2), 1)

    cat(paste("\np-value: ", signif(pvalue,2)))

  list(pvalue = pvalue, XBasis = if(returnXBasis) XBasis else NULL,
       fctBasisExpansion =
         if(exists("fctBasisExpansion")) fctBasisExpansion else NULL)

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CondIndTests documentation built on Nov. 12, 2019, 9:07 a.m.