
Defines functions create_VRT_from_dir aoi_geom_save_tif_matches compute_elapsed_time inner_elapsed_time

Documented in aoi_geom_save_tif_matches compute_elapsed_time create_VRT_from_dir inner_elapsed_time

utils::globalVariables(c('i'))                        # for the foreach for-loop

#' inner function of 'compute_elapsed_time'
#' @param secs a numeric value specifying the seconds
#' @param estimated a boolean. If TRUE then the output label becomes the 'Estimated time'
#' @return a character string showing the estimated or elapsed time
#' @keywords internal

inner_elapsed_time = function(secs, estimated = FALSE) {
  tmp_hours = as.integer((secs / 60) / 60)
  tmp_hours_minutes = (secs / 60) %% 60
  tmp_seconds = secs %% 60
  est_verb = ifelse(estimated, "Estimated time: ", "Elapsed time: ")
  res_out = paste(c(est_verb, tmp_hours, " hours and ", as.integer(tmp_hours_minutes), " minutes and ", as.integer(tmp_seconds), " seconds."), collapse = "")

#' elapsed time in hours & minutes & seconds
#' @param time_start a numeric value specifying the start time
#' @return It does not return a value but only prints the time in form of a character string in the R session
#' @keywords internal

compute_elapsed_time = function(time_start) {
  t_end = proc.time()
  time_total = as.numeric((t_end - time_start)['elapsed'])
  time_ = inner_elapsed_time(time_total)
  cat(time_, "\n")

#' Download the elevation .tif files that intersect either with an input sf (simple features) object or with a .geojson file
#' @param sf_or_file either an 'sf'(simple features) object or a .geojson file specifying the AOI (Area of Interest) for which the Digital Elevation Models (DEM) files should be downloaded
#' @param dir_save_tifs a valid path to a directory where the .tif files should be saved
#' @param resolution an integer value specifying the elevation resolution. The Copernicus Digital ELevation Models (DEM) currently include 90 and 30 meter resolution data
#' @param crs_value an integer value specifying the Coordinates Reference System (CRS) value of the Digital ELevation Models (DEM) which is by default 4326
#' @param threads an integer that specifies the number of threads to use in parallel when downloading the .tif files
#' @param verbose a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
#' @return a list object of length 2
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom sf st_read st_intersects
#' @importFrom utils flush.console
#' @importFrom doParallel registerDoParallel
#' @import foreach
#' @references
#' https://registry.opendata.aws/copernicus-dem/
#' https://copernicus-dem-30m.s3.amazonaws.com/readme.html
#' @export
#' @details
#' Download Computation time: Based on a sample of 90 meter resolution images that I downloaded each file was approximately 5 MB which means in total I had to download 130 GB of
#' data (in case I intended to download all 20.000 files of the land areas worldwide). Therefore it is wise to download data based on the intersection of the input Area of Interest (AOI)
#' and an existing tile-grid of the Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
#' The 30 meter resolution .tif images are bigger in size but visually better (approximate image size of 1.7 MB compared to 13 MB). The time to download 90 meter resolution data is approximately
#' 20 seconds compared to 1 minute and 10 seconds of the 30 meter resolution data (for a sample use case)
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #.......................................
#' # create a directory to save the .tif
#' # files based on a Well Known Text (WKT)
#' # of a sample Area of Interest (AOI)
#' #.......................................
#' DIR_SAVE = file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'), 'DIR_SAVE_DEM')
#' if (!dir.exists(DIR_SAVE)) dir.create(DIR_SAVE)
#' WKT='POLYGON((61.5234 27.0591, 63.6328 27.0591, 63.6328 28.1495, 61.5234 28.1495, 61.5234 27.0591))'
#' sf_obj = sf::st_as_sfc(WKT, crs = 4326)
#' sf_obj = sf::st_make_valid(sf_obj)
#' #.............
#' # 90 meter DEM
#' #.............
#' save_matches = CopernicusDEM::aoi_geom_save_tif_matches(sf_or_file = sf_obj,
#'                                                         dir_save_tifs = DIR_SAVE,
#'                                                         resolution = 90,
#'                                                         crs_value = 4326,
#'                                                         threads = parallel::detectCores(),
#'                                                         verbose = TRUE)
#' #.............
#' # 30 meter DEM
#' #.............
#' save_matches = CopernicusDEM::aoi_geom_save_tif_matches(sf_or_file = sf_obj,
#'                                                         dir_save_tifs = DIR_SAVE,
#'                                                         resolution = 30,
#'                                                         crs_value = 4326,
#'                                                         threads = parallel::detectCores(),
#'                                                         verbose = TRUE)
#' }

aoi_geom_save_tif_matches = function(sf_or_file,
                                     resolution = 90,
                                     crs_value = 4326,
                                     threads = parallel::detectCores(),
                                     verbose = FALSE) {

  if (verbose) t_start = proc.time()

  default_URL = glue::glue('s3://copernicus-dem-{resolution}m')

  relevant_ext = c('_csv.rds', '_geojson.rds')
  relevant_files = as.character(glue::glue("dem{resolution}mGrid{relevant_ext}"))

  sys_files = system.file(glue::glue('{relevant_files}'), package = 'CopernicusDEM')

  # dtbl_csv = data.table::fread(sys_files[1], stringsAsFactors = F, header = T, nThread = threads)
  # sf_shp_gj = sf::st_read(sys_files[2], crs = crs_value, quiet = !verbose)

  dtbl_csv = readRDS(sys_files[1])
  sf_shp_gj = readRDS(sys_files[2])

  if (!inherits(sf_or_file, c('sf', 'sfc'))) {
    if (file.exists(sf_or_file)) {
      sf_or_file = sf::st_read(sf_or_file, crs = crs_value, quiet = !verbose)
    else {
      stop("The input parameter 'sf_or_file' is neither an 'sf' object nor an '.shp' or '.geojson' file!", call. = F)

  inters_geom = suppressMessages(sf::st_intersects(sf_or_file, sf_shp_gj))
  inters_geom = data.frame(inters_geom, stringsAsFactors = F)
  inters_geom = inters_geom$col.id
  if (length(inters_geom) == 0) stop(glue::glue("The input 'sf_or_file' parameter does not intersect with any of the  '{relevant_files[2]}'  DEM files!"), call. = F)

  keep_dems = as.character(sf_shp_gj[inters_geom, ]$id)

  idx_dtbl = which(dtbl_csv$dem_dirs %in% keep_dems)

  if (length(idx_dtbl) == 0) stop(glue::glue("There are no matches between extraced DEM of the AOI ( '{paste(keep_dems, collapse = ', ')}' ) and the grid-files saved in '{sys_files[1]}'!"), call. = F)

  subs_aoi = dtbl_csv[idx_dtbl, ]

  tifs_aoi = file.path(default_URL, subs_aoi$dem_dirs, subs_aoi$dem_tifs)
  LEN = length(tifs_aoi)

  if (threads > 1 & LEN > 1) {
    if (verbose) cat(glue::glue("Parallel download of the  {LEN}  .tif files using  {threads}  threads starts ..."), '\n')

    if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
      doParallel::registerDoParallel(cores = threads)

    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      cl = parallel::makePSOCKcluster(threads)
      doParallel::registerDoParallel(cl = cl)            # compared to unix, ".. if not specified, on Windows a three worker cluster is created and used .." [ see also: https://stackoverflow.com/a/45122448/8302386 ]

    par_downl = foreach::foreach(i = 1:LEN) %dopar% {
      save_file_iter = system2(command = 'aws', args = c( 's3', 'cp', tifs_aoi[i], file.path(dir_save_tifs, basename(tifs_aoi[i]))), stdout = T, stderr = T)

    if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
      parallel::stopCluster(cl = cl)

    #............................................................. keep this as a reference ( forking using mclapply() however foreach works for both unix and windows )
    # par_downl = parallel::mclapply(1:LEN, function(FILE) {
    #   save_file_iter = system2(command = 'aws',
    #                            args = c( 's3', 'cp', tifs_aoi[FILE], file.path(dir_save_tifs, basename(tifs_aoi[FILE]))),
    #                            stdout = T,
    #                            stderr = T)
    # }, mc.cores = threads)
  else {
    if (verbose) cat("The single .tif file will be downloaded ...\n")
    for (FILE in 1:LEN) {

      if (verbose) {
        message("File: ", FILE, "/", LEN, " will be downloaded ...\r", appendLF = FALSE)

      save_file_iter = system2(command = 'aws', args = c( 's3', 'cp', tifs_aoi[FILE], file.path(dir_save_tifs, basename(tifs_aoi[FILE]))), stdout = T, stderr = T)

  if (verbose) compute_elapsed_time(t_start)

  return(list(csv_aoi = subs_aoi, tif_aoi = tifs_aoi))

#' Create a Virtual Raster (VRT) file from .tif files
#' @param dir_tifs a valid path to a directory where the .tif files are saved
#' @param output_path_VRT a valid path to a file where the Virtual Raster (VRT) will be saved
#' @param file_extension a character string specifying the image file extension from which the .vrt file will be built
#' @param verbose a boolean. If TRUE then information will be printed out in the console
#' @return it doesn't return an object but it saves the output to a file
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom sf gdal_utils
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #.........................................................
#' # create a directory to save the .tif files and a
#' # Well Known Text (WKT) of a sample Area of Interest (AOI)
#' #.........................................................
#' DIR_SAVE = file.path(Sys.getenv('HOME'), 'DIR_SAVE_DEM')
#' if (!dir.exists(DIR_SAVE)) dir.create(DIR_SAVE)
#' WKT='POLYGON((61.5234 27.0591, 63.6328 27.0591, 63.6328 28.1495, 61.5234 28.1495, 61.5234 27.0591))'
#' sf_obj = sf::st_as_sfc(WKT, crs = 4326)
#' sf_obj = sf::st_make_valid(sf_obj)
#' #......................
#' # download 90 meter DEM
#' #......................
#' save_matches = CopernicusDEM::aoi_geom_save_tif_matches(sf_or_file = sf_obj,
#'                                                         dir_save_tifs = DIR_SAVE,
#'                                                         resolution = 90,
#'                                                         crs_value = 4326,
#'                                                         threads = parallel::detectCores(),
#'                                                         verbose = TRUE)
#' #........................................
#' # create a Virtual Raster (VRT) file from
#' # the 90 meter downloaded .tif files
#' #........................................
#' VRT_out = as.character(glue::glue("{DIR_SAVE}.vrt"))
#' res_vrt = CopernicusDEM::create_VRT_from_dir(dir_tifs = DIR_SAVE,
#'                                              output_path_VRT = VRT_out,
#'                                              verbose = TRUE)
#' #......................................................
#' # load the saved VRT file as raster (which might
#' # consist of multiple files, i.e. a mosaic) and plot it
#' #......................................................
#' rst = raster::raster(VRT_out)
#' sp::plot(rst)
#' }

create_VRT_from_dir = function(dir_tifs,
                               file_extension = '.tif',
                               verbose = FALSE) {

  if (verbose) t_start = proc.time()
  lst_vrt = list.files(dir_tifs, pattern = file_extension, full.names = T)
  if (length(lst_vrt) == 0) stop(glue::glue("The directory '{dir_tifs}' does not include any files of extension '{file_extension}'!"), call. = F)

  if (verbose) cat(glue::glue("The VRT Mosaic will be built from  {length(lst_vrt)}  '{file_extension}' files and will be saved in  '{output_path_VRT}' ..."), '\n')
  vrt_mosaic = sf::gdal_utils(util = 'buildvrt',
                              source = lst_vrt,
                              destination = output_path_VRT,
                              quiet = !verbose)

  if (verbose) compute_elapsed_time(t_start)

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CopernicusDEM documentation built on Feb. 6, 2022, 5:06 p.m.