
Defines functions mChooseTable mc.test.chisq.CMData multi.corr corr.from.pi corr.from.tau uniprobs p.from.tau tau.from.pi mc.estraw.CMData mc.estraw Marginals mc.est.CMData jointprobs mChoose

Documented in corr.from.pi corr.from.tau jointprobs Marginals mc.est.CMData mc.estraw mc.estraw.CMData mChoose mChooseTable mc.test.chisq.CMData multi.corr p.from.tau tau.from.pi uniprobs

#'@importFrom combinat hcube

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal

    mChoose <- function(n, rvec, log=FALSE){
      rlast <- n - sum(rvec)
      rveclong <- c(rvec, rlast)
      if (any(rveclong < 0)) return(0)
      res <- lgamma(n + 1) - sum(lgamma(rveclong + 1))
      if (log) res else exp(res)

#' Estimate joint event probabilities for multinomial data
#' An exchangeable multinomial distribution with \eqn{K+1} categories \eqn{O_1,\ldots,O_{K+1}}, can be
#' parameterized by the joint probabilities of events
#'\deqn{\tau_{r_1,\ldots,r_{K}|n} = P\big[X_1=\cdots=X_{r_1}=O_1,\ldots, X_{\sum_{i=1}^{K-1}r_i+1} =\cdots=X_{\sum_{i=1}^{K}r_i}=O_K\big] }{tau_{r_1,..,r_K|n} = P[X_1=...=X_{r_1}=O_1,..., X_{sum_{i=1}^{K-1}r_i+1} =...=X_{sum_{i=1}^{K}r_i}=O_K]}
#'where \eqn{r_i \geq 0} and \eqn{r_1+\cdots +r_K\leq n}.
#'The \code{jointprobs} function estimates these probabilities under various settings. 
#'Note that when some of the \eqn{r_i}'s equal zero, then no restriction on the number of outcomes of the 
#' corresponding type are imposed, so the resulting probabilities are marginal.
#'@param cmdata a \code{CMData} object
#'@param type character string describing the desired type of estimate:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{"averaged"}{ - averaged over the observed cluster-size distribution within each treatment}
#'  \item{"cluster"}{ - separately for each cluster size within each treatment}
#'  \item{"mc"}{ - assuming marginal compatibility, ie that \eqn{\tau} does not depend on the cluster-size}
#' }
#'@return a list with an array of estimates for each treatment. For a multinomial distribution with
#' \eqn{K+1} categories the arrays will have either \eqn{K+1} or \eqn{K} dimensions, depending on whether 
#' cluster-size specific estimates (\code{type="cluster"}) or pooled estimates 
#' (\code{type="averaged"} or \code{type="mc"}) are requested. For the cluster-size specific estimates 
#' the first dimension is the cluster-size. Each additional dimension is a possible outcome. 
#'@seealso \code{\link{mc.est}} for estimating the distribution under marginal compatibility,
#'\code{\link{uniprobs}} and \code{\link{multi.corr}} for extracting the univariate marginal event
#'probabilities, and the within-multinomial correlations from the joint probabilities.
#'# averaged over cluster-sizes
#'tau.ave <- jointprobs(dehp, type="ave")
#'# averaged P(X1=X2=O1, X3=O2) in the 1500 dose group
#'tau.ave[["1500"]]["2","1"]  # there are two type-1, and one type-2 outcome
#'#plot P(X1=O1) - the marginal probability of a type-1 event over cluster-sizes
#'tau <- jointprobs(dehp, type="cluster")
#'ests <- as.data.frame(lapply(tau, function(x)x[,"1","0"]))
#'matplot(ests, type="b")
#'@importFrom stats xtabs

jointprobs <- function(cmdata, type=c("averaged","cluster","mc")){
  type <- match.arg(type)
    nc <- attr(cmdata, "ncat")
    nrespvars <- paste("NResp", 1:nc, sep=".")
    M <- max(cmdata$ClusterSize)
  # multinomial lookup table
  mctab <- mChooseTable(M, nc, log=FALSE)
  res <- list()
  for (trt in levels(cmdata$Trt)){
    cm1 <- cmdata[cmdata$Trt==trt,]
    # observed freq lookup table
    atab <- array(0, dim=rep(M+1, nc))
    a.idx <- data.matrix(cm1[,nrespvars])
    atab[a.idx + 1] <- atab[a.idx + 1] + cm1$Freq
    if (type=="averaged"){
      Mn <- sum(cm1$Freq)
      res.trt <- array(NA, dim=rep(M+1, nc-1))
      dimnames(res.trt) <- rep.int(list(0:M), nc-1) 
      names(dimnames(res.trt)) <- paste("R", 1:(nc-1), sep="")
      # indices for possible values of r

         idx  <- hcube(rep( M +1,  nc-1 ))-1
          idxsum  <- rowSums(idx )
         idx  <- idx [ idxsum  <=  M , ,drop=FALSE]  #remove impossible indices
          idxsum  <-  idxsum [ idxsum  <=  M ]
      #indices for possible values of s 
      # (one more column than for r - ensures summation over all n's)

         sidx  <- hcube(rep( M +1,  nc ))-1
          sidxsum  <- rowSums(sidx )
         sidx  <- sidx [ sidxsum  <=  M , ,drop=FALSE]  #remove impossible indices
          sidxsum  <-  sidxsum [ sidxsum  <=  M ]
      for (i in 1:nrow(idx)){
        r <- idx[i,]
        s.idx <- which(sidxsum <= M-sum(r))
        lower.idx <- sidx[s.idx, , drop=FALSE]
        upper.idx <- lower.idx + rep(c(r,0), each=nrow(lower.idx))
        res.trt[rbind(r)+1] <- 
          sum(mctab[lower.idx+1] / mctab[upper.idx+1] * atab[upper.idx+1]) / Mn
    } else if (type=="cluster") {
      Mn <- xtabs(Freq ~ factor(ClusterSize, levels=1:M), data=cm1) 
      res.trt <- array(NA, dim=c(M, rep(M+1, nc-1))) #first dimension is 'n'
      dimnames(res.trt) <- c(list(1:M), rep.int(list(0:M), nc-1)) 
      names(dimnames(res.trt)) <- c("N",paste("R", 1:(nc-1), sep=""))
      for (n in which(Mn > 0)){
        # indices for possible values of r
           idx  <- hcube(rep( n +1,  nc-1 ))-1
            idxsum  <- rowSums(idx )
           idx  <- idx [ idxsum  <=  n , ,drop=FALSE]  #remove impossible indices
            idxsum  <-  idxsum [ idxsum  <=  n ]
        for (i in 1:nrow(idx)){
          r <- idx[i,]
          s.idx <- which(idxsum <= n-sum(r))
          lower.idx <- idx[s.idx, , drop=FALSE]
          upper.idx <- lower.idx + rep(r, each=nrow(lower.idx))
          lower.idx <- cbind(lower.idx, n-sum(r)-idxsum[s.idx])   #add implied last column
          upper.idx <- cbind(upper.idx, n-sum(r)-idxsum[s.idx])   #add implied last column
          res.trt[cbind(n,rbind(r)+1)] <- 
            sum(mctab[lower.idx+1] / mctab[upper.idx+1] * atab[upper.idx+1]) / Mn[n]
    } else if (type=="mc") {
         pim <- mc.estraw(cm1)[[1]]  #only one treatment group
         res.trt <- tau.from.pi(pim)
    # append treatment-specific result to result list
    res.trt <- list(res.trt)
    names(res.trt) <- trt
    res <- c(res, res.trt) 
  attr(res, "type") <- type

#'@rdname mc.est
#'@method mc.est CMData
#'@param eps numeric; EM iterations proceed until the sum of squared changes fall below \code{eps}  
#'@return For \code{CMData}: A data frame giving the estimated pdf for each treatment and
#'clustersize.  The probabilities add up to 1
#'for each \code{Trt}/\code{ClusterSize} combination. It has the following columns: 
#'@return \item{Prob}{numeric, the probability of \code{NResp} responses in a
#'cluster of size \code{ClusterSize} in group \code{Trt}}
#'@return \item{Trt}{factor, the treatment group}
#'@return \item{ClusterSize}{numeric, the cluster size}
#'@return \item{NResp.1 - NResp.K}{numeric, the number of responses of each type}
#'For multinomial data, the implementation is currently written in R, so it is not very fast.
#'@references George EO, Cheon K, Yuan Y, Szabo A (2016)  On Exchangeable Multinomial Distributions. #'\emph{Biometrika} 103(2), 397-408.
#'dehp.mc <- mc.est(subset(dehp, Trt=="0"))
#'subset(dehp.mc, ClusterSize==2)

mc.est.CMData <- function(object, eps=1E-6, ...){

    nc <- attr(object, "ncat")      
    resp.vars1 <- paste("NResp", 1:(nc-1), sep=".")
    res <- mc.estraw(object=object, eps=eps, ...)
    margres <- lapply(res, Marginals)  # has only NResp.1 - NResp.K
    mat.to.df <- function(idx, alist){
        dd <- as.data.frame.table(alist[[idx]], responseName="Prob")
        dd[c("N", resp.vars1)] <- lapply(dd[c("N", resp.vars1)], function(x)as.numeric(as.character(x)))
        dd$Trt <- names(alist)[idx]
    margres <- lapply(1:length(margres), mat.to.df, alist=margres)
    fin <- do.call(rbind, margres)
    names(fin)[1] <- "ClusterSize"
    last.resp <- paste("NResp", nc, sep=".")
    fin[last.resp] <- fin$ClusterSize - rowSums(fin[resp.vars1]) # calculated omitted frequency
    fin$Trt <- factor(fin$Trt)
    fin <- fin[fin[last.resp] >= 0,]  #remove impossible clusters
    fin[c("Trt","ClusterSize", resp.vars1, last.resp, "Prob")]

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
Marginals <- function(theta){
  K <- length(dim(theta))
  M <- dim(theta)[1]-1
  res <- array(0, dim=c(M, rep(M+1, K)))
  dimnames(res) <- c(N=list(1:M), dimnames(theta))
  # indices for possible values of r
     idx  <- hcube(rep( M +1,  K+1 ))-1
      clustersize  <- rowSums(idx )
     idx  <- idx [ clustersize  <=  M , ,drop=FALSE]  #remove impossible indices
      clustersize  <-  clustersize [ clustersize  <=  M ]
  idx <- idx[ , -1, drop=FALSE]  #remove (K+1)st category
    curridx <- idx[clustersize==M, ,drop=FALSE]
    res[cbind(M, curridx+1)] <- theta[curridx+1]
  for (cs in seq.int(M-1,1)){
      curridx <- idx[clustersize==cs, , drop=FALSE]
      res[cbind(cs, curridx+1)] <- (cs+1- rowSums(curridx))/(cs+1) * res[cbind(cs+1, curridx+1)]
      for (j in 1:K){
        lookidx <- curridx
        lookidx[ ,j] <- lookidx[ ,j] + 1   #add 1 to the j-th coordinate
        res[cbind(cs, curridx+1)] <- res[cbind(cs, curridx+1)] + 
                                     lookidx[,j]/(cs+1) * res[cbind(cs+1, lookidx+1)]

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
#'@name mc.estraw
mc.estraw <- function(object, ...) UseMethod("mc.estraw")

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
#'@method mc.estraw CMData
mc.estraw.CMData <- function(object, eps=1E-6, ...){
  cmdata <- object
    nc <- attr(cmdata, "ncat")
    nrespvars <- paste("NResp", 1:nc, sep=".")
    M <- max(cmdata$ClusterSize)
  # indices for possible values of r with clustersize = M
     idx  <- hcube(rep( M +1,  nc-1 ))-1
      idxsum  <- rowSums(idx )
     idx  <- idx [ idxsum  <=  M , ,drop=FALSE]  #remove impossible indices
      idxsum  <-  idxsum [ idxsum  <=  M ]

  res <- list()
  for (trt in levels(cmdata$Trt)){
    cm1 <- cmdata[cmdata$Trt==trt,]
    if (nrow(cm1) > 0){
      # observed freq lookup table
      atab <- array(0, dim=rep(M+1, nc))
      a.idx <- data.matrix(cm1[,nrespvars])
      atab[a.idx + 1] <- atab[a.idx + 1] + cm1$Freq
      Mn <- sum(cm1$Freq)
        res.trt <- array(NA, dim=rep(M+1, nc-1))
        #starting values
        res.trt[idx + 1] <- 1/nrow(idx)
        sqerror <- 1
        #EM update
        while (sqerror > eps){
              sqerror <- 0
              marg <- Marginals(res.trt)
          res.new <- array(NA, dim=rep(M+1, nc-1))
          res.new[idx + 1] <- 0
            for (i in 1:nrow(cm1)){
              rlong <- data.matrix(cm1[,nrespvars])[i,]    #nc elements
              r <- rlong[-nc]              #without the last category
              n <- cm1$ClusterSize[i]  
              # indices to which this cluster type contributes
              s.idx <- which(idxsum <= M-sum(r))
              tidx <- idx[s.idx, , drop=FALSE] + rep(r, each=length(s.idx))
              hvals <- apply(tidx, 1, function(tvec)prod(choose(tvec, r)) * choose(M-sum(tvec), n-sum(r))) 
              hvals <- hvals / choose(M, n)
              res.new[tidx+1] <- res.new[tidx+1] + atab[rbind(rlong)+1] / marg[rbind(c(n,r+1))] / Mn *
                                                   hvals * res.trt[tidx+1]
          sqerror <- sum((res.new[idx+1] - res.trt[idx+1])^2)
              res.trt <- res.new 
      # append treatment-specific result to result list
      dimnames(res.trt) <- rep.int(list(0:M), nc-1)
      names(dimnames(res.trt)) <- paste("NResp", 1:(nc-1), sep=".")
      res.trt <- list(res.trt)
    } else {
      res.trt <- list(c())
    res <- c(res, res.trt) 
  names(res) <- levels(cmdata$Trt)
#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
tau.from.pi <- function(pimat){
  K <- length(dim(pimat))
  n <- dim(pimat)[1] - 1
  res <- array(NA, dim=rep(n+1, K)) 
  dimnames(res) <- rep.int(list(0:n), K) 
  names(dimnames(res)) <- paste("R", 1:K, sep="")

  # multinomial lookup table
  mctab <- mChooseTable(n, K+1, log=FALSE)
  # indices for possible values of r
     idx  <- hcube(rep( n +1,  K ))-1
      idxsum  <- rowSums(idx )
     idx  <- idx [ idxsum  <=  n , ,drop=FALSE]  #remove impossible indices
      idxsum  <-  idxsum [ idxsum  <=  n ]
  for (i in 1:nrow(idx)){
    r <- idx[i,]
    s.idx <- which(idxsum <= n-sum(r))
    lower.idx <- idx[s.idx, , drop=FALSE]
    upper.idx <- lower.idx + rep(r, each=nrow(lower.idx))
    lower.mc.idx <- cbind(lower.idx, n-sum(r)-idxsum[s.idx])   #add implied last column
    upper.mc.idx <- cbind(upper.idx, n-sum(r)-idxsum[s.idx])   #add implied last column
    res[rbind(r)+1] <- 
      sum(mctab[lower.mc.idx+1] / mctab[upper.mc.idx+1] * pimat[upper.idx+1])

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
p.from.tau <- function(taumat){
  K <- length(dim(taumat))
  idx <- diag(nrow=K)

#'Extract univariate marginal probabilities from joint probability arrays
#'Calculates the marginal probability of each event type for exchangeable correlated multinomial
#'data based on joint probability estimates calculated by the \code{\link{jointprobs}} function.
#'@param jp the output of \code{\link{jointprobs}} - a list of joint probability arrays by treatment
#'@param type one of c("averaged","cluster","mc") - the type of joint probability. By default,
#'the \code{type} attribute of \code{jp} is used.
#'@return a list of estimated probability of each outcome by treatment group. The elements are either
#'matrices or vectors depending on whether cluster-size specific estimates were requested 
#' (\code{type="cluster"}) or not.
#'@seealso \code{\link{jointprobs}} for calculating the joint probability arrays
#'tau <- jointprobs(dehp, type="averaged")
#'#separately for each cluster size
#'tau2 <- jointprobs(dehp, type="cluster")

uniprobs <- function(jp, type=attr(jp, "type")){
  type <- match.arg(type, c("averaged","cluster","mc"))
  get.probs <- function(tt){
    p <- p.from.tau(tt)
    c(p, 1-sum(p)) #add probability of last event type

  if (type=="cluster") {
    res <- lapply(jp, function(x)apply(x, 1, get.probs))
  } else {
    res <- lapply(jp, get.probs)

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
corr.from.tau <- function(taumat){
  K <- length(dim(taumat))
  idx <- diag(nrow=K)
  numerator <- outer(1:K, 1:K, function(i,j){
     taumat[idx[i,]+idx[j,]+1] - taumat[idx[i,]+1] * taumat[idx[j,]+1]})
  denominator <- outer(1:K, 1:K, function(i,j){
     taumat[idx[i,]+1] * ifelse(i==j, 1-taumat[idx[i,]+1], -taumat[idx[j,]+1])})  
  res <- numerator / denominator    #the negative sign is in the denominator

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
corr.from.pi <- function(pimat){
  tt <- tau.from.pi(pimat)
  res <- corr.from.tau(tt)

#'Extract correlation coefficients from joint probability arrays
#'Calculates the within- and between-outcome correlation coefficients for exchangeable correlated
#'multinomial data based on joint probability estimates calculated by the \code{\link{jointprobs}}
#'function. These determine the variance inflation due the cluster structure.
#'If \eqn{R_i} and \eqn{R_j} is the number of events of type \eqn{i} and \eqn{j}, respectively, in a cluster of
#'size \eqn{n}, then
#'\deqn{Var(R_i)= n p_i (1-p_i)(1 + (n-1)\phi_{ii})}
#'\deqn{Cov(R_i,R_j)= -n p_i p_j (1 + (n-1)\phi_{ij})}
#'where \eqn{p_i} and \eqn{p_j} are the marginal event probabilities and \eqn{\phi_{ij}} are the correlation
#' coefficients computed by \code{multi.corr}.
#'@param jp the output of \code{\link{jointprobs}} - a list of joint probability arrays by treatment
#'@param type one of c("averaged","cluster","mc") - the type of joint probability. By default,
#'the \code{type} attribute of \code{jp} is used.
#'@return a list of estimated correlation matrices by treatment group. If cluster-size specific 
#' estimates were requested (\code{(type="cluster")}), then each list elements are a list of
#' these matrices for each cluster size.
#'@seealso \code{\link{jointprobs}} for calculating the joint probability arrays
#'tau <- jointprobs(dehp, type="averaged")

multi.corr <- function(jp, type=attr(jp, "type")){
  type <- match.arg(type, c("averaged","cluster","mc"))
  if (type=="cluster") {
    K <- length(dim(jp[[1]])) - 1
    resmat <- lapply(jp, function(x)apply(x, 1, corr.from.tau))
    res <- lapply(resmat, function(x){
                  lapply(1:ncol(x), function(idx)matrix(x[,idx], nrow=K))})
  } else {
    res <- lapply(jp, corr.from.tau)

#'@rdname mc.test.chisq
#'@method mc.test.chisq CMData
#'@importFrom stats weighted.mean pchisq

mc.test.chisq.CMData <- function(object, ...){
  cmdata <- object[object$Freq > 0, ]
  K <- attr(object, "ncat")-1
  nrespvars <- paste("NResp", 1:K, sep=".")
  get.T <- function(x){
      x$Trt <- factor(x$Trt)  #remove unused levels
      tt <- jointprobs(x, type="mc")[[1]] #only one treatment group
      p <- p.from.tau(tt)
      phi <- corr.from.tau(tt)
      xx <- x[rep(1:nrow(x), x$Freq),]
      xx$Freq <- 1
      M <- max(x$ClusterSize)
      Mn <- table(factor(xx$ClusterSize, levels=1:M)) 

      scores <- (1:M) - (M+1)/2
      Rmat <- data.matrix(xx[,nrespvars,drop=FALSE])
      nvec <- xx$ClusterSize
      cvec <- scores[nvec] 
      c.bar <- weighted.mean(cvec, w=nvec)
      cvec <- cvec - c.bar 
      X <- t(Rmat) %*% cvec
      Sigma <- diag(p, nrow=length(p)) - outer(p,p)  #multinomial vcov
      od.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=K, ncol=K)  #over-dispersion matrix
      for (n in 1:M){
        od.matrix <- od.matrix + n * Mn[n] * (scores[n]-c.bar)^2 * (1+(n-1)*phi)
      Sigma <- Sigma * od.matrix
      Tstat <- t(X) %*% solve(Sigma) %*% X       
   chis <- by(cmdata, cmdata$Trt, get.T)
   chis <- chis[1:length(chis)]
   chi.list <- list(chi.sq=chis, p=pchisq(chis, df=K, lower.tail=FALSE))
   overall.chi <- sum(chis)
   overall.df <- length(chis) * K
   list(overall.chi=overall.chi, overall.p=pchisq(overall.chi, df=overall.df, lower.tail=FALSE), 

#'@rdname CorrBin-internal
  mChooseTable <- function(n, k, log=FALSE){
    res <- array(NA, dim=rep.int(n+1, k))
    dimnames(res) <- rep.int(list(0:n), k)
    idx <- hcube(rep.int(n+1, k)) - 1
    idx <- idx[rowSums(idx) <= n, ,drop=FALSE]
    for (i in 1:nrow(idx)){
        r <- idx[i, ]
        res[rbind(r)+1] <- mChoose(n=sum(r), rvec=r, log=log)

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