
Defines functions classifyQuantileFlagRegression classifyCaseRegression classifyRegressionAnalysis

Documented in classifyCaseRegression classifyQuantileFlagRegression classifyRegressionAnalysis

#' classifyRegressionAnalysis
#' Adds the DHS Classification scheme to data created by runRegressionAnalysis
#' @param DF dataframe that contains results of buildRegressionEstimateTable
#' @param PSigTest Controls if we filter values with P-values>.3
#' @param per_changed_column column name of estimated percent change of signal
#' @param model_sig_column column name of significance of linear model that generated 
#' the percent change
#' @export
#' @return DF with an extra column Catagory containing the results of the DHS binning
#' @examples
#' data(Example_data, package = "Covid19Wastewater")
#' Example_data$modeled_percentchange = 0
#' Example_data$lmreg_sig = .01
#' classifyRegressionAnalysis(Example_data)
classifyRegressionAnalysis <- function(DF, PSigTest = TRUE, 
                                per_changed_column = modeled_percentchange,
                                model_sig_column = lmreg_sig){
  lmreg_sig <- modeled_percentchange <- NA

  #split the % changed into catagorys based on DHS methods
  RetDF <- DF%>%
    mutate(Catagory = cut({{per_changed_column}}, c(-Inf,-100,-10,10,100,Inf),
           Catagory = as.numeric(.data$Catagory))
    RetDF <- RetDF%>%
      mutate(Catagory = ifelse({{model_sig_column}} > .3, "no change", .data$Catagory))
    levl <- c(1,2,3,"no change",4,5)
    Catagorylabel = c("major decrease", "moderate decrease",
                      "fluctuating", "no change",
                      "moderate increase", "major increase")
    levl <- c(1,2,3,4,5)
    Catagorylabel = c("major decrease", "moderate decrease",
                      "moderate increase", "major increase")
  RetDF <- RetDF%>%
    mutate(Catagory = factor(.data$Catagory, levels = levl, 
                             labels =  Catagorylabel))

#' Create Case Flags based on regression slope
#' @param DF dataframe that contains results of buildRegressionEstimateTable
#' @param slopeThreshold number threshold for case_flag flagging
#' @param minSize case threshold for case_flag_plus_comm.threshold flagging
#' @param per_changed_column column name of estimated percent change of signal
#' @param model_sig_column column name of significance of linear model that generated 
#' the percent change
#' @return DF with an three extra column Category containing the case flags
#' case_flag: when the 7 day slope is above slopeThreshold
#' case_flag_plus_comm.threshold: when case flag and more then 200 cases
#' slope_switch_flag: the first case flags in consecutive case flags
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' example_DF <- data.frame(site = "madison", lmreg_slope = 5, value = 300)
#' classifyCaseRegression(example_DF)
classifyCaseRegression <- function(DF, slopeThreshold = 5, minSize = 200, 
                                   per_changed_column = modeled_percentchange,
                                   model_sig_column = lmreg_sig){
  lmreg_sig <- modeled_percentchange <- NA
  RetDF <- DF%>%
      #A flag when the slope for most recent week is greater than slopeThreshold/100k/day
      case_flag = case_when({{per_changed_column}} > slopeThreshold ~ 1,
                            TRUE ~ 0),
      #A flag when the previous slope and the signal is above 200
      case_flag_plus_comm.threshold = case_when(.data$case_flag == 1 
                                                & .data$value > 200 ~ 1,
                                                TRUE ~ 0),
      #What about a case flag where slope shifts from <5 to >5
      slope_switch_flag = case_when(lag(.data$case_flag, 1) == 0 & 
                                      .data$case_flag == 1 ~ 1,
                                    TRUE ~ 0))

#' Classify FlagRegression  with rolling Quantile info 
#' Create wastewater flags based on the CDC classification defined in 
#' classifyRegressionAnalysis and the quantile rank of the date.
#' @param DF dataframe that contains results of buildRegressionEstimateTable and makeQuantileColumns
#' @param Pval threshold needed for flag_ntile_Pval to flag 
#' @param model_sig_column column name of significance of linear model that generated 
#' the percent change
#' @param WW_column column containing ww data
#' @export
#' @return DF with three extra columns 
#' cdc_flag: when the CDC method labels as 'major increase'
#' flag_ntile: when the cdc flag and its in the top quantile
#' flag_ntile_Pval: when the flag ntile and the regression slope is less
#' than Pval
#' @examples 
#' data(Example_data, package = "Covid19Wastewater")
#' Example_data$modeled_percentchange = 0
#' Example_data$lmreg_sig = .01
#' Example_data$pastKavg.wwlog10 = 5
#' Example_data$ntile = 8
#' classifyQuantileFlagRegression(Example_data)
classifyQuantileFlagRegression <- function(DF, Pval = .3,
                                           model_sig_column = lmreg_sig,
                                           WW_column = pastKavg.wwlog10){
  lmreg_sig <- pastKavg.wwlog10 <- NA
  #Get the DHS Classification scheme of wastewater concentration
  Classification_DF <- classifyRegressionAnalysis(DF, 
                                                  PSigTest = FALSE)
  #returned DF piped into four mutate calls to add three columns
  Ret_DF <- Classification_DF%>%
    #Convert the classification scheme from the cdc into a flag
    mutate(cdc_flag = case_when(.data$Catagory %in% c("major increase",
                                                        "moderate increase") ~ 1,
                                TRUE ~ 0))%>%
    #select only the flags that are on days that are larger then quantile
    mutate(flag_ntile = case_when(
             {{WW_column}} > ntile & .data$cdc_flag ~ 1,
             TRUE ~ 0))%>%
    #further select so that the slope of the regression is less then Pval
    mutate(flag_ntile_Pval = case_when(
            .data$flag_ntile & {{model_sig_column}} < Pval ~ 1,
             TRUE ~ 0))%>%
    #make NA into 0 or FALSE
    mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~ ifelse(is.na(.x), 0, .x)))

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Covid19Wastewater documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 1:07 a.m.