
Defines functions sgolaySmoothMod nGuess expSmoothMod loessSmoothMod parameterGuess

Documented in expSmoothMod loessSmoothMod nGuess parameterGuess sgolaySmoothMod

#' Get a fitting parameter for the model
#' @param DF The DF we are about to fit a smoothing curve on. should only
#' be from one TS
#' @param InVar The col name that the variable is about to smooth
#' @param Base The value we are scaling by the inverse of the number of
#' rows in the data
#' @param max The largest value returned
#' @return a number between 0 and max
#' @keywords internal
parameterGuess <- function(DF,InVar, Base, max){
  temp <- DF%>%
  span <- min(c(Base/temp$n, max))#More can be done here

#' loessSmoothMod
#' Add a column of the smoothed values using Loess
#' @param DF DF we are adding the loess smooth col to
#' @param InVar The column to be smoothed
#' @param OutVar The name of the new column
#' @param Span The span fed into loess smoothing. if it equals "guess" then it
#' if found using parameterGuess 
#' @param Filter Prefilter using the value of a Filter col
#' @return A DF with an extra col with a loesss smoothed version of InVar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Example_data, package = "Covid19Wastewater")
#' head(loessSmoothMod(Example_data))
loessSmoothMod <- function(DF, InVar = "N1",
                           OutVar = "Loess", Span = "guess", Filter = NULL){
  if(Span == "guess"){
    Span <- parameterGuess(DF,InVar, 17.8, .6)
    OutDF <- DF%>%
      mutate(!!OutVar := NA)
    DF <- DF%>%
  #DF <- DF%>%
  #  arrange(date)%>%
  #  filter(is.finite(!!sym(InVar)), is.finite(.data$date))
  loess_model <- loess(DF[[InVar]] ~ as.numeric(DF$date), span = Span, na.action = na.exclude)
  DF[[OutVar]] <- predict(loess_model, as.numeric(DF$date))
    DF <- DF%>%

#' expSmoothMod
#' Add a column of the smoothed values using exponential smoothing
#' @param DF The DF we are to add a exponential smoothing column to
#' @param InVar The column to be smoothed
#' @param OutVar The name of the new column
#' @param alpha The alpha fed into forecast exponential smoothing. if it equals "guess" then it
#' if found using parameterGuess
#' @param beta  The beta fed into forecast exponential smoothing. if it equals "guess" then it
#' if found using parameterGuess
#' @param Filter Prefilter using the value of a Filter col
#' @return A DF with an extra col with a exp smoothed version of InVar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data("Example_data", package = "Covid19Wastewater")
#' Example_data <- Example_data[Example_data$site == "Green Bay",]
#' expSmoothMod(Example_data, "N1", "expN1")
expSmoothMod <- function(DF, InVar, OutVar, alpha="guess",beta="guess", Filter = NULL ){
    alpha <- parameterGuess(DF,InVar, 35.6, .4)
    beta <- parameterGuess(DF,InVar, 8.9, .4)
    OutDF <- DF%>%
      filter((!!sym(Filter)) | is.na(!!sym(InVar)))%>%
      mutate(!!OutVar := NA)
    DF <- DF%>%
      filter(!(!!sym(Filter))  & !is.na(!!sym(InVar)))
    OutDF <- DF%>%
      mutate(!!OutVar := NA)
    DF <- DF%>%
  DF <- DF%>%
  DF[[OutVar]] <- forecast::ets(y=DF[[InVar]],
                          model = "AAN",
                          alpha = alpha,
                          beta  = beta)$fitted
  DF <- DF%>%

#' nGuess for sgolaySmoothMod number of points per polynomial
#' @param DF The DF to fit the sgolayfilt curve on. should only
#' be from one TS
#' @param InVar The col name that the variable is about to smooth
#' @param Base The value we are scaling by the of the number of
#' rows in the data
#' @param min The smallest value returned
#' @return a number greater or equal to min
#' @keywords internal
nGuess <- function(DF,InVar, Base, min){
  temp <- DF%>%
  N <- max(c(floor(Base*temp$n), min))#More can be done here
  return(N + 1 - N%%2)

#' sgolaySmoothMod
#' Add a column of the smoothed values using sgolayfilt
#' @param DF dataframe containing the columns specified below
#' @param InVar The column to be smoothed
#' @param OutVar The name of the new column
#' @param poly The degree of the polynomial fit
#' @param n The number of points per polynomial fed into sgolayfilt. 
#' if it equals "guess" then it is found using parameterGuess
#' @param Filter Prefilter using the value of a Filter col
#' @return DF with an extra col with a sgolayfilt smoothed version of InVar
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(Example_data, package = "Covid19Wastewater")
#' Example_data <- Example_data[Example_data$site == "Green Bay",]
#' Covid19Wastewater::sgolaySmoothMod(WasteWater_data,"N1","sgolayN1")
sgolaySmoothMod <- function(DF,InVar, OutVar,poly=5,n="guess", Filter = NULL){
    n <- nGuess(DF, InVar,50/178, 7)
    OutDF <- DF%>%
      filter((!!sym(Filter)) | is.na(!!sym(InVar)))%>%
      mutate(!!OutVar := NA)
    SmthDF <- DF%>%
      filter(!(!!sym(Filter)) & !is.na(!!sym(InVar)))
    OutDF <- DF%>%
      mutate(!!OutVar := NA)
    SmthDF <- DF%>%
  SmthDF <- SmthDF%>%

  SmthDF[[OutVar]] <- SmthDF%>%
    signal::sgolayfilt(p  = poly, n = n)
  RetDF <- SmthDF%>%

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Covid19Wastewater documentation built on Aug. 25, 2023, 1:07 a.m.