
#' Safely interpolate values into an SQL string
#' @description
#' Accepts a query string with placeholders for values, and returns a string
#' with the values embedded.
#' The function is careful to quote all of its inputs with [dbQuoteLiteral()]
#' to protect against SQL injection attacks.
#' Placeholders can be specified with one of two syntaxes:
#' - `?`: each occurrence of a standalone `?` is replaced with a value
#' - `?name1`, `?name2`, ...: values are given as named arguments or a
#'   named list, the names are used to match the values
#' Mixing `?` and `?name` syntaxes is an error.
#' The number and names of values supplied must correspond to the placeholders
#' used in the query.
#' @section Backend authors:
#' If you are implementing an SQL backend with non-ANSI quoting rules, you'll
#' need to implement a method for [sqlParseVariables()]. Failure to
#' do so does not expose you to SQL injection attacks, but will (rarely) result
#' in errors matching supplied and interpolated variables.
#' @inheritParams dbGetQuery
#' @param sql A SQL string containing variables to interpolate.
#'   Variables must start with a question mark and can be any valid R
#'   identifier, i.e. it must start with a letter or `.`, and be followed
#'   by a letter, digit, `.` or `_`.
#' @param ...,.dots Values (for `...`) or a list (for `.dots`)
#'   to interpolate into a string.
#'   Names are required if  `sql` uses the `?name` syntax for placeholders.
#'   All values will be first escaped with [dbQuoteLiteral()] prior
#'   to interpolation to protect against SQL injection attacks.
#'   Arguments created by [SQL()] or [dbQuoteIdentifier()] remain unchanged.
#' @return The `sql` query with the values from `...` and `.dots` safely
#'   embedded.
#' @template methods
#' @templateVar method_name sqlInterpolate
#' @export
#' @examples
#' sql <- "SELECT * FROM X WHERE name = ?name"
#' sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql, name = "Hadley")
#' # This is safe because the single quote has been double escaped
#' sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql, name = "H'); DROP TABLE--;")
#' # Using paste0() could lead to dangerous SQL with carefully crafted inputs
#' # (SQL injection)
#' name <- "H'); DROP TABLE--;"
#' paste0("SELECT * FROM X WHERE name = '", name, "'")
#' # Use SQL() or dbQuoteIdentifier() to avoid escaping
#' sql2 <- "SELECT * FROM ?table WHERE name in ?names"
#' sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql2,
#'   table = dbQuoteIdentifier(ANSI(), "X"),
#'   names = SQL("('a', 'b')")
#' )
#' # Don't use SQL() to escape identifiers to avoid SQL injection
#' sqlInterpolate(ANSI(), sql2,
#'   table = SQL("X; DELETE FROM X; SELECT * FROM X"),
#'   names = SQL("('a', 'b')")
#' )
#' # Use dbGetQuery() or dbExecute() to process these queries:
#' if (requireNamespace("RSQLite", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite())
#'   sql <- "SELECT ?value AS value"
#'   query <- sqlInterpolate(con, sql, value = 3)
#'   print(dbGetQuery(con, query))
#'   dbDisconnect(con)
#' }
  def = function(conn, sql, ..., .dots = list()) standardGeneric("sqlInterpolate")

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DBI documentation built on June 18, 2022, 9:06 a.m.