
Defines functions sqR_Lasso

Documented in sqR_Lasso

# DESP/R/sqR_Lasso.R by A. S. Dalalyan and S. Balmand  Copyright (C) 2015-
#  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (version 3) as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation.
#  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at
#  http://www.r-project.org/Licenses/

sqR_Lasso <-
function(X,Y,lambda,solver="CD", sto='0') {
  # computation of beta that minimize |Y-X*beta|_2 + lambda |beta|_1 (square-root Lasso)
  if (solver=="CD"){
    r <- try(.Call("cd_sqR_Lasso",as.matrix(X),as.double(Y),as.double(lambda),as.integer(sto)), silent = TRUE)
    if (r$status < 0) { 
      # 0 = exit success
      # -1 = the maximum number of iterations has been reached
      # no other exit codes at the moment
      warning (paste("CD status :",r$status))
    if (r$status > 0) { 
      stop (paste("CD status :",r$status))
    if ( inherits (r , "try-error")) {
      stop ("CD failed somehow !")
    beta <- as.matrix(r$beta)
    if (solver=="SCS"){
      r <- try(.Call("scs_sqR_Lasso",as.matrix(X),as.double(Y),as.double(lambda)), silent = TRUE)
      if (r$status != 1) {
        stop (paste("SCS status :",r$status))
      if ( inherits (r , "try-error")) {
        stop ("SCS failed somehow !")
      beta <- as.matrix(r$beta)
      # read the sample size and the number of variables
      D <- dim(X)
      n <- D[1]               # n is the sample size
      p <- D[2]               # p is the dimension

      # normalize the columns of X by dividing them by their norm
      vn <- 1/sqrt(apply(X^2,2,mean))
      X_ <- tcrossprod(X,diag(vn))
      # we now form the optimization problem, which takes the following form. 
      if (solver=="Mosek"){
        .Deprecated("SCS", old="Mosek")
        # is this package available?
        if (requireNamespace("Rmosek", quietly = TRUE)) {
          # The variables are xx=c(z=abs(beta),beta,v=Y-X*beta,t=norm(v))
          # the cost function
          qo <- list(sense = "min")
          qo$c <- c((1:p)*0+lambda, (1:(p+n))*0, 1)
          # these lines introduce the constraints |beta_{j}| = z_{j}
          A <- rBind(cBind( Diagonal(p), Diagonal(p), Matrix(0, p, n+1)), cBind( Diagonal(p) , -Diagonal(p), Matrix(0, p, n+1)))
          blc <- (1:(2*p))*0
          buc <- (1:(2*p))*0+Inf
          # these are the constraints v+X*beta=Y
          A <- rBind(A, cBind(Matrix(0,n,p), X_, Diagonal(n), Matrix(0,n,1)))
          blc <- rbind(t(t(blc)), t(t(Y)));
          buc <- rbind(t(t(buc)), t(t(Y)));
          # we finally define the quadratic constraint |v|_2 <= t.
          qo$cones <- list ("QUAD", c(p+p+n+1 , 2*p+1:n))
          qo$A <- A;
          qo$bc <- rbind(t(blc),t(buc));
          qo$bx <- rbind( (1:(2*p+n+1))*0-Inf, (1:(2*p+n+1))*0+Inf);
          NUMCONES <- 1
          qo$cones <- matrix( list(), nrow =2, ncol = NUMCONES )
          rownames( qo$cones ) = c("type","sub")
          qo$cones[ ,1] = list("QUAD", c(2*p+n+1 , 2*p+1:n))
          r <- try(Rmosek::mosek(qo,list( verbose =0 )), silent = TRUE )
          if (r$response$code == 1001) {
            stop (paste("Rmosek :",r$response$msg))
          if ( inherits (r , "try-error")) {
            stop ("Rmosek failed somehow !")
          x <- r$sol$itr$xx
        } else {
          stop("The 'Rmosek' package required to use the solver 'Mosek' could not be loaded. Use 'CD' or 'SCS' instead. Please also note that the support of the solver 'Mosek' is deprecated and that this functionality will be removed in a future version.")
      if (solver=="Gurobi"){
        .Deprecated("SCS", old="Gurobi")
        # is this package available?
        if (requireNamespace("gurobi", quietly = TRUE)) {
          # A matrix
          # these line introduce the constraints |beta_{j}| = z_{j}
          A <- rBind(cBind( Diagonal(p), Diagonal(p), Matrix(0, p, n+1)), cBind( Diagonal(p) , -Diagonal(p), Matrix(0, p, n+1)))
          # these are the constraints v+X*beta=Y
          A <- rBind(A, cBind(Matrix(0,n,p), X_, Diagonal(n), Matrix(0,n,1)))
          params <- list(OutputFlag=0)#LogToConsole=0, LogFile=""
          model <- list()
          model$A      <- A
          model$cones  <- list(as.list(c(p+p+n+1,2*p+1:n)))
          model$obj    <- c((1:p)*0+lambda, (1:(p+n))*0, 1) # c
          model$rhs    <- c((1:p)*0,(1:p)*0,Y)
          model$lb     <- (1:(2*p+n+1))*0-Inf
          #model$ub     <- (1:(2*p+n+1))*0+Inf # default 
          model$sense  <- c(rep('>=',p), rep('>=',p), rep('=',n))
          #model$modelsense <- "min" # default
          #model$vtype      <- 'C' # default
          r <- try(gurobi::gurobi(model, params), silent = TRUE)
          if (r$status != "OPTIMAL") {
            stop (paste("Gurobi :",r$status))
          if ( inherits (r , "try-error")) {
            stop ("Gurobi failed somehow !")

          x <- r$x
        } else {
          stop("The 'gurobi' package required to use the solver 'Gurobi' could not be loaded. Use 'CD' or 'SCS' instead. Please also note that the support of the solver 'Gurobi' is deprecated and that this functionality will be removed in a future version.")
      beta <- as.matrix(x[p+1:p] * vn)



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DESP documentation built on May 29, 2017, 9:27 p.m.