#' Incorporate additional data about differentially expressed genes into a DESeq2 result set.
#' Given a DESeq result set, as generated with DESeq2::results(), this function adds several additional components to the object.
#' Variables created are numDE, numUp, numDown, allNames, upNames, and downNames, allDE, upDE, downDE, case, control, contrast, and designField.
#' All calculations are performed based on significance thresholds set using the init_cutoffs() function.
#' This function is typically used as a helper function for data aggregation.
#' @param res A DESeq2 result set as generated through DESeq2::results(). Must be a DESeq object of type S4.
#' @param lfc_filter Should the enrichment apply LFC filtering or not. Boolean.
#' @keywords DE aggregate
#' @return An expanded DESeq result set of type DESeqResMeta containing the following fields:
#' [numDE, numUp, numDown, allNames, upNames, and downNames, allDE, upDE, downDE, case, control, contrast, and designField]
#' @seealso \code{\link{init_cutoffs}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Enrich a result set. This will make several new data points available.
#' res.day1 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day1_disease", "day1_control"))
#' enriched_result <- enrich_res(res.day1)
#' #Print number of differentially expressed genes.
#' print(enriched_result@numDE)
#' #Get the names of all up-regulated differentially expressed genes.
#' upreg_de_genes <- enriched_result@upNames
#' }
enrich_res <- function(res, lfc_filter=FALSE)
#Validate parameters.
try(if(typeof(res) != "S4") stop("Error: enrich_res requires S4 type object as result set for parameter res.", call. = FALSE))
if(!exists("signif_cutoff", envir=.DEVis_env))
stop("Error: enrich_res requires that significance cutoffs be established first. Please run init_cutoffs() first.")
#Create a class that inherits DESeqResults class, and contains extra slots for metadata we want for data visualization and aggregation.
newRes = new("DESeqResMeta")
#Populate the new object with all the values from the initial result set.
newRes@rownames <- res@rownames
newRes@nrows <- res@nrows
newRes@listData <- res@listData
newRes@elementType <- res@elementType
newRes@elementMetadata <- res@elementMetadata
newRes@metadata <- res@metadata
newRes$baseMean <- res$baseMean
newRes$log2FoldChange <- res$log2FoldChange
newRes$lfcSE <- res$lfcSE
newRes$stat <- res$lfcSE
newRes$pvalue <- res$pvalue
newRes$padj <- res$padj
#See if the result set has any DE genes at all.
if(!$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff)[2]))
numDE = table(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff)[2]
numDE = 0
newRes@numDE = numDE
#Extract all DE names and store.
signif_de <- head(res[order(res$padj),], n=newRes@numDE)
DE_names <- rownames(signif_de[signif_de$log2FoldChange >= abs(.DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff),])
DE_names <- rownames(head(res[order(res$padj),], n=newRes@numDE))
newRes@allNames <- DE_names
#Extract number upregulated and downregulated, then store.
if(!$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange <= (.DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff *-1))[2]))
numDown = table(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange <= (.DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff *-1))[2]
numDown = 0
if(!$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange >= .DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff)[2]))
numUp = table(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange >= .DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff)[2]
numUp = 0
if(!$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange < 0)[2]))
numDown = table(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange < 0)[2]
numDown = 0
if(!$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange > 0)[2]))
numUp = table(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange > 0)[2]
numUp = 0
newRes@numDown <- numDown
newRes@numUp <- numUp
#Extract and store the up and downregulard DE gene names.
downNames = rownames(res)[which(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange <= (.DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff *-1))]
upNames = rownames(res)[which(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange >= .DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff)]
downNames = rownames(res)[which(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange < 0)]
upNames = rownames(res)[which(res$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & res$log2FoldChange > 0)]
newRes@downNames <- downNames
newRes@upNames <- upNames
#Attach metadata about comparisons.
case = unlist(strsplit(res@elementMetadata$description[2], split=" "))[6]
control = unlist(strsplit(res@elementMetadata$description[2], split=" "))[8]
design_field = unlist(strsplit(res@elementMetadata$description[2], split=" "))[5]
contrast = paste(case,"_vs_",control,sep="")
newRes@case <- case
newRes@control <- control
newRes@design_field <- design_field
newRes@contrast <- contrast
#' Aggregate and retrieve data from multiple differentially expressed result sets.
#' This function finds the union or intersection of DE gene names for all result sets provided, extracts those rows
#' from all DE result sets, and merges the values into a single data set containing log2 fold-change or padj values.
#' @param res_list A list of DESeq result sets created with DESeq2::results(). I.E: list(res1, res2, ..., resN).
#' @param method Method for aggregating data. "union" will gather expression data for all samples in results list
#' when a gene is differentially expressed in at least one sample. "intersection" will gather expression data only for genes that
#' are DE in all samples of the result list.
#' @param type Type of data to retrieve. Options are "lfc" (log2foldchange) and "padj" (adjusted p-value).
#' @param lfc_filter Filter genes based on a minimum log fold-change as initialized in init_cutoffs(). Boolean. Default=FALSE.
#' @return Returns the aggregated data frame containing fold-change or p-values for the provided result sets.
#' @seealso \code{\link{init_cutoffs}}
#' @keywords DE aggregate filter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Prepare a result list for aggregation.
#' res.day1 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day1_disease", "day1_control"))
#' res.day2 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day2_disease", "day2_control"))
#' res.day3 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day3_disease", "day3_control"))
#' myResList <- list(res.day1, res.day2, res.day3)
#' /*
#' * Data for all result sets will be included for each gene if that gene was found to be
#' * differentially expressed in at least one of the provided result sets.
#' * Filter based on a minimum fold-change.
#' */
#' aggregated_lfc_union <- get_de_data(res_list=myResList, method="union",
#' type="lfc", lfc_filter=TRUE)
#' aggregated_pval_union <- get_de_data(res_list=myResList, method="union",
#' type="padj", lfc_filter=TRUE)
#' /*
#' * Data for all result sets will be included for each gene only if that gene was found to
#' * be differentially expressed in all provided result sets. Do not apply a fold-change filter.
#' * Significance is determined only by p-value threshold.
#' */
#' aggregated_lfc_intersect <- get_de_data(res_list=myResList, method="intersection",
#' type="lfc", lfc_filter=FALSE)
#' aggregated_pval_intersect <- get_de_data(res_list=myResList, method="intersection",
#' type="padj", lfc_filter=FALSE)
#' }
get_de_data <- function(res_list, method="union", type="lfc", lfc_filter=FALSE)
#Parameter validation.
if((typeof(res_list) != "list") || (typeof(res_list[[1]]) != "S4") || (length(res_list) <= 0))
stop("init_master_res(res_list) requires list type object containing DESeq result sets.")
type_options = c("lfc","pval")
if(!(type %in% type_options))
stop('type must be one of the following: "lfc","pval"')
if(!(exists("lfc_cutoff", envir=.DEVis_env)))
stop("Cutoff values have not been initialized. Run init_cutoffs() first.")
if(typeof(lfc_filter) != "logical")
stop("lfc_filter must be a logical value. TRUE or FALSE. LFC cutoff can be set using the init_cutoffs() function.")
method_options = c("union","intersection")
if(!(method %in% method_options))
stop('method must be one of the following: "union","intersection"')
#Enrich the data.
enriched <- unlist(lapply(res_list, enrich_res))
enrich <- unlist(enriched)
#Get the union sets.
res.names <- lapply(enrich, function(x) x@allNames)
union.names = Reduce(union, res.names)
master_union_names <- union.names
master_union <- lapply(enrich, function(x) x[union.names,])
master_lfc <- lapply(master_union, function(x) x$log2FoldChange)
master_colnames_lfc <- lapply(master_union, function(x) x@contrast)
master_colnames <- master_colnames_lfc
master_padj <- lapply(master_union, function(x) x$padj)
master_colnames_padj <- lapply(master_union, function(x) paste(x@contrast, ".padj", sep=""))
intersect.names = Reduce(intersect, res.names)
master_intersect_names <- intersect.names
master_intersect <- lapply(enrich, function(x) x[intersect.names,])
master_lfc <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) x$log2FoldChange)
master_colnames_lfc <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) x@contrast)
master_colnames <- master_colnames_lfc
master_padj <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) x$padj)
master_colnames_padj <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) paste(x@contrast, ".padj", sep=""))
#Finalize the master data frame, returning data for p-value or log fold-change where appropriate.
if(type == "lfc")
master_df <- data.frame(master_lfc)
master_colnames <- master_colnames_lfc
if(type == "pval")
master_df <- data.frame(master_padj)
master_colnames <- master_colnames_padj
colnames(master_df) <- master_colnames
rownames(master_df) <- rownames(master_union[[1]])
rownames(master_df) <- rownames(master_intersect[[1]])
#Handle log fold-change filtering if necessary.
if(lfc_filter == TRUE & type == "lfc")
lfc_df <- data.frame(master_lfc)
colnames(lfc_df) <- master_colnames_lfc
rownames(lfc_df) <- rownames(master_union[[1]])
lfc_keep <- lfc_df[rowSums(abs(lfc_df) > abs(.DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff)) >= 1, ]
lfc_keep_genes <- rownames(lfc_keep)
master_df$gene <- rownames(master_df)
master_df_trim <- master_df[master_df$gene %in% lfc_keep_genes,]
master_df <- master_df_trim
master_df$gene <- NULL
#' Write differentially expressed gene data for multiple result sets to file.
#' This function accepts a list of DE result sets and writes their outputs individually to file.
#' Relies on init_cutoffs() significance thresholds. Filenames will be generated automatically based on the contrasts performed
#' during the results() function. Output will be written to the /DE/data/ folder.
#' @param res_list A list of DESeq result sets.
#' @param lfc_filter Also impose a filter on the DE set by a minimum absolute log2foldChange as determined by init_cutoffs(). Default=FALSE.
#' @return Output for each result set will be written to file This function does not return a value.
#' @keywords DE output result contrast
#' @seealso \code{\link{init_cutoffs}}, \code{\link{create_dir_struct}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Prepare a result list for aggregation.
#' res.day1 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day1_disease", "day1_control"))
#' res.day2 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day2_disease", "day2_control"))
#' res.day3 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day3_disease", "day3_control"))
#' myResList <- list(res.day1, res.day2, res.day3)
#' #Write differentally expressed gene data for each contrast to file.
#' #Include a minimum fold change filter. This will output 3 files.
#' write_all_de_results(res_list=myResList, lfc_filter=TRUE)
#' }
write_all_de_results <- function(res_list, lfc_filter=FALSE)
#Parameter validation.
if((typeof(res_list) != "list") || (typeof(res_list[[1]]) != "S4") || (length(res_list) <= 0))
stop("write_all_de_results(res_list) requires list type object containing DESeq result sets.")
if(typeof(lfc_filter) != "logical")
stop("lfc_filter must be a logical value. TRUE or FALSE. LFC cutoff can be set using the init_cutoffs() function.")
if(!exists("DE_dir", envir=.DEVis_env))
stop("Directories not initialized. Try running create_dir_struct().")
enriched <- unlist(lapply(res_list, enrich_res))
enrich <- unlist(enriched)
#Extract appropriate genes and write DE gene files for each contrast to file.
for (i in 1:length(enrich))
curContrast <- enrich[[i]]@contrast
outfile_name <- paste(curContrast, "_DEgenes.txt", sep="")
#Remove NA values from padj (due to cooks cutoff). Set to 1, these genes are not DE anyway.
res_list[[i]]$padj <- ifelse([[i]]$padj), 1, res_list[[i]]$padj)
#Remove NA values from log2Fold change column, set to 0 if NA.
if(lfc_filter == TRUE)
res_list[[i]]$log2FoldChange <- ifelse([[i]]$log2FoldChange), 0, res_list[[i]]$log2FoldChange)
cur_DE <- res_list[[i]][which(res_list[[i]]$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff & abs(res_list[[i]]$log2FoldChange) > .DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff),]
cur_DE <- res_list[[i]][which(res_list[[i]]$padj < .DEVis_env$signif_cutoff),]
#Write the current DE set to file.
write.table(cur_DE, outfile_name, sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA)
print("Results written to DE/data/.")
#' Create a data set consisting of aggregated data for multiple contrasts.
#' This function creates a master result set for the provided DE result sets. This function finds the union of
#' DE gene names and extracts those rows from all DE result sets, then merges the sets into a single
#' master DE file containing both log2foldChange and padj values. The results are written to the DE
#' output directory and returned by the function.
#' Relies on init_cutoffs() significant thresholds.
#' @param res_list A list of DESeq result sets created with DESeq2::results(). I.E: list(res1, res2, ..., resN).
#' @param filename Destination output filename.
#' @param method Method for aggregating data. "union" will gather expression data for all samples in results list
#' when a gene is differentially expressed in at least one sample. "intersection" will gather expression data only for genes that
#' are DE in all samples of the result list.
#' @param lfc_filter Impose a filter on the DE set by a minimum absolute log2foldChange as determined by init_cutoffs(). Default=FALSE.
#' @return This function returns a data frame containing union-based aggregation of all provided result sets.
#' Results of this function are also written to file in the /DE/data/ directory in tab-delimited format.
#' @seealso \code{\link{init_cutoffs}}, \code{\link{create_dir_struct}}
#' @keywords DE aggregate result master filter
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Prepare a result list for aggregation.
#' res.day1 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day1_disease", "day1_control"))
#' res.day2 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day2_disease", "day2_control"))
#' res.day3 <- results(dds, contrast=c("Condition_Time", "day3_disease", "day3_control"))
#' myResList <- list(res.day1, res.day2, res.day3)
#' #Generate the master DE data frame using union-based aggregation
#' master_df <- create_master_res(res_list=myResList, filename="master_DE.txt",
#' method="union")
#' #Generate the master DE data frame using intersection-based aggregation.
#' #Filter genes below minimum log fold-change.
#' master_df <- create_master_res(res_list=myResList, filename="master_DE.txt",
#' method="union", lfc_filter=TRUE)
#' }
create_master_res <- function(res_list, filename="master_DE.txt", method="union", lfc_filter=FALSE)
#Parameter validation.
if((typeof(res_list) != "list") || (typeof(res_list[[1]]) != "S4") || (length(res_list) <= 0))
stop("create_master_res() requires list type object containing DESeq result sets.")
if(!exists("signif_cutoff", envir=.DEVis_env))
stop("create_master_res() requires cutoffs to be initialized. Run init_cutoffs() first.")
if(typeof(filename) != "character")
stop("filename must be a string.")
if(length(filename) == 0)
stop("filename cannot be empty.")
method_options = c("union","intersection")
if(!(method %in% method_options))
stop('method must be one of the following: "union","intersection"')
if(typeof(lfc_filter) != "logical")
stop("lfc_filter must be a logical value. TRUE or FALSE. LFC cutoff can be set using the init_cutoffs() function.")
#Enrich the data.
enriched <- unlist(lapply(res_list, enrich_res, lfc_filter))
enrich <- unlist(enriched)
#Union-based aggregation.
res.names <- lapply(enrich, function(x) x@allNames)
union.names = Reduce(union, res.names)
master_union_names <- union.names
assign("master_union_names", union.names, envir=.DEVis_env)
assign("aggregate_names", union.names, envir=.DEVis_env)
master_union <- lapply(enrich, function(x) x[union.names,])
master_lfc <- lapply(master_union, function(x) x$log2FoldChange)
master_padj <- lapply(master_union, function(x) x$padj)
master_colnames_lfc <- lapply(master_union, function(x) paste(x@contrast, ".lfc", sep=""))
master_colnames_padj <- lapply(master_union, function(x) paste(x@contrast, ".padj", sep=""))
master_colnames <- c(master_colnames_lfc, master_colnames_padj)
#Create the master data frame.
master_df <- data.frame(master_lfc, master_padj)
colnames(master_df) <- master_colnames
rownames(master_df) <- rownames(master_union[[1]])
#Filter by LFC if requested.
lfc_df <- data.frame(master_lfc)
colnames(lfc_df) <- master_colnames_lfc
rownames(lfc_df) <- rownames(master_union[[1]])
lfc_keep <- lfc_df[rowSums(abs(lfc_df) > abs(.DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff)) >= 1, ]
lfc_keep_genes <- rownames(lfc_keep)
master_df$gene <- rownames(master_df)
master_df_trim <- master_df[master_df$gene %in% lfc_keep_genes,]
master_df <- master_df_trim
master_df$gene <- NULL
#Intersect-based aggregation.
res.names <- lapply(enrich, function(x) x@allNames)
intersect.names = Reduce(intersect, res.names)
master_intersect_names <- intersect.names
assign("master_intersect_names", intersect.names, envir=.DEVis_env)
assign("aggregate_names", intersect.names, envir=.DEVis_env)
master_intersect <- lapply(enrich, function(x) x[intersect.names,])
master_lfc <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) x$log2FoldChange)
master_colnames_lfc <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) x@contrast)
master_padj <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) x$padj)
master_colnames_padj <- lapply(master_intersect, function(x) paste(x@contrast, ".padj", sep=""))
master_colnames <- c(master_colnames_lfc, master_colnames_padj)
#Create the master data frame.
master_df <- data.frame(master_lfc, master_padj)
colnames(master_df) <- master_colnames
rownames(master_df) <- rownames(master_intersect[[1]])
lfc_df <- data.frame(master_lfc)
colnames(lfc_df) <- master_colnames_lfc
rownames(lfc_df) <- rownames(master_intersect[[1]])
lfc_keep <- lfc_df[rowSums(abs(lfc_df) > abs(.DEVis_env$lfc_cutoff)) >= 1, ]
lfc_keep_genes <- rownames(lfc_keep)
master_df$gene <- rownames(master_df)
master_df_trim <- master_df[master_df$gene %in% lfc_keep_genes,]
master_df <- master_df_trim
master_df$gene <- NULL
#Write the data to file.
write.table(master_df, filename, sep="\t", row.names=TRUE, col.names=NA)
#' Rename gene IDs based on a 1-to-1 mapping file.
#' This function accepts a 1-to-1 mapping file of gene ids and updates count data to reflect the new IDs. The mapping file should contain
#' two columns "Gene stable ID" and "Gene name". The "Gene stable id" should correspond to gene ids in your count data file, and "gene name"
#' will be used to replace the existing genes. This function has can be used to translate difficult to understand gene identifiers, such as
#' ensembl IDs to to more human readable gene names. A mapping file can be generated at \url{}.
#' This function should be run using count data read by prep_counts(). The returned data can then be used in prep_dds_from_data().
#' @param count_data Count data as read using the prep_counts() function.
#' @param meta_file File containing 1-to-1 gene id mapping. Tab-delimited format expected.
#' Column 1 should be titled, "Gene stable ID" and column 2 should be titled "Gene name".
#' @return This function returns a count data set with gene IDs replaced by those provided in the meta_file parameter.
#' @keywords id transpose rename
#' @seealso \url{}, \code{\link{prep_counts}}, \code{\link{prep_dds_from_data}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #Transpose IDs from current count data to their desired values based on the meta_file.
#' count_data <- prep_counts(my_count_file)
#' new_count_data <- transpose_gene_ids(count_data, meta_file)
#' #Updated gene ID count information can be used in DE analysis.
#' dds <- prep_dds_from_data(new_count_data, target_data, ~ Design_Type, TRUE,
#' "Replicate", "vst")
#' }
transpose_gene_ids <- function(count_data, meta_file)
#Adjust the gene names. Mappings can be obtained from, duplicates removed.
meta_data = read.csv(meta_file, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
count_data$id <- rownames(count_data)
count_data$new_id <- as.character(meta_data$[match(count_data$id, meta_data$Gene.stable.ID)])
count_data$new_id <- ifelse($new_id), count_data$id, count_data$new_id)
rownames(count_data) <- count_data$new_id
count_data$new_id <- NULL
count_data$id <- NULL
#' Create a composite metadata field by merging existing data.
#' This function, given target metadata, will create a new composite column based on two or more existing columns
#' in the target data. The new field will be named based on the merged fields and will be delimited using the "_" character.
#' Requires that target data has been prepared with prep_targets().
#' @param merge_fields Column names in targets data to be included in the new composite column. Should be provided as a set
#' of strings. I.E. c("field1","field2").
#' @return This function returns target data containing the newly created composite field.
#' @keywords aggregate metadata
#' @seealso \code{\link{prep_targets}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myCounts <- prep_counts(count_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' myTargets <- prep_targets(target_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' #Create a composite field based on "treatment" and "time" fields.
#' myTargets <- make_composite_field(targets=myTargets,
#' merge_fields=c("treatment","time"))
#' #Create a composite field based on "treatment", "time", and "patientID" fields.
#' myTargets <- make_composite_field(targets=myTargets,
#' merge_fields=c("treatment","time","patientID"))
#' }
make_composite_field <- function(merge_fields)
if(typeof(merge_fields) != "character")
stop("Type Mismatch. merge_fields must be a character type.")
if(length(merge_fields) <= 1)
stop("Composite fields can only be created from 2 or more fields. Please provide at least two fields.")
if(!exists("tgt_dat", envir=.DEVis_env))
stop("make_composite_field(): Target data not present. Please run prep_targets() first.")
if(!(all(merge_fields %in% colnames(.DEVis_env$tgt_dat))))
print("make_composite_field requires that annotation correspond to available metadata.")
print("Possible values are: ")
stop("make_composite_field(): Invalid target column provided.")
#Merge the target data columns.
tgt_dat <- .DEVis_env$tgt_dat
if(length(merge_fields) > 2)
sub1 <- paste("paste(tgt_dat$", merge_fields[1], ",", sep="")
for (i in 2:(length(merge_fields)-1))
sub1 <- paste(sub1, "tgt_dat$", merge_fields[i], ",", sep="")
sub1 <- paste(sub1, "tgt_dat$", merge_fields[length(merge_fields)], ", sep='_')", sep="")
sub1 <- paste("paste(tgt_dat$", merge_fields[1], ",", "tgt_dat$", merge_fields[2], ",sep='_')", sep="")
#Get the name of the new field.
composite_field_name <- paste(merge_fields, collapse="_")
#Create the composite column
composite_column <- as.factor(as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1))))
sub1 <- paste("tgt_dat$", composite_field_name, " <- composite_column", sep="")
as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
#Update the stored target data.
assign("tgt_dat", tgt_dat, envir=.DEVis_env)
#' Create a new metadata field by renaming existing levels of an existing field.
#' This function, given a target metadata field, will create a new column based on that field that has different labels.
#' This is particularly useful when cleaning figures for publication quality, as often labels will contain abbreviations or
#' delimiting characters such as "_". This function allows for a new column to be generated with more human-friendly labels
#' that can be fed into visualizations instead of the defaults.
#' Requires that target data has been prepared with prep_targets().
#' @param target_column Column name in targets data to be included in the new column. String.
#' @param new_column_name Name for the new column that will be created. String.
#' @return This function returns target data containing the newly created label field.
#' @keywords aggregate metadata
#' @seealso \code{\link{prep_targets}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' myCounts <- prep_counts(count_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' myTargets <- prep_targets(target_input="master_count_data.txt", delim="t")
#' #Create a field based on the "treatment_time" fields with new labels.
#' myTargets <- create_relabel_field(target_column="treatment_time",
#' new_column_name="treatment_time_relabel")
#' }
create_relabel_field <- function(target_column, new_column_name)
if(typeof(target_column) != "character")
stop("Type Mismatch. target_column must be a character type.")
if(typeof(new_column_name) != "character")
stop("Type Mismatch. new_column_name must be a character type.")
if(length(target_column) < 1)
stop("Target update label fields can only be created from 1 field at a time.")
if(length(new_column_name) != 1)
stop("new_column_name fields can only be created from 1 string value. Provide a single string for this parameter.")
if(!exists("tgt_dat", envir=.DEVis_env))
stop("create_relabel_field(): Target data not present. Please run prep_targets() first.")
if(!(target_column %in% colnames(.DEVis_env$tgt_dat)))
print("create_relabel_field requires that annotation correspond to available metadata.")
print("Possible values are: ")
stop("create_relabel_field(): Invalid target column provided.")
if(new_column_name %in% colnames(.DEVis_env$tgt_dat))
stop("create_relabel_field(): Column provided for new_column_name already exists. Provide a different column name.")
#Create a copy of the initial column.
tgt_dat <- .DEVis_env$tgt_dat
sub1 <- paste("tgt_dat$", new_column_name, " <- as.character(tgt_dat$", target_column, ")", sep="")
as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
#Get updated labels for each level in the original target column.
sub1 <- paste("levels(tgt_dat$", target_column, ")", sep="")
target_col_levels <- as.character(eval(parse(text = sub1)))
newLabs <- c()
for(i in 1:length(target_col_levels))
curLab <- readline(prompt=paste("Enter a value corresponding to ", target_col_levels[i], ": ", sep=""))
curLab <- as.character(curLab)
newLabs[i] <- curLab
#Replace the new column values with the user provided verisons.
for(i in 1:length(target_col_levels))
sub1 <- paste("tgt_dat$", new_column_name, "[grepl('", target_col_levels[i], "',tgt_dat$", new_column_name, ")] <- '", newLabs[i], "'", sep="")
eval(parse(text = sub1))
#Update the stored target data.
assign("tgt_dat", tgt_dat, envir=.DEVis_env)
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