
Defines functions predict.DImulti

Documented in predict.DImulti


#' predict.DImulti
#' @method predict DImulti
#' @description Predict from a multivariate repeated measures DI model
#' @param object an object of class DImulti
#' @param newdata an optional dataframe containing the communities from which to predict. If data is
#' multivariate and in a wide format, to predict from a subset of ecosystem functions, as opposed
#' to all, please include a column for each function with any numerical value, e.g.
#' \code{newdata$Y2 <- 0}. If predicting from all functions, these columns may be included or left
#' out.
#' @param stacked a logical value used to determine whether the output is in a wide or stacked
#' format. Defaults to TRUE, meaning output is stacked/long. \cr If set to FALSE, non-unique groups of
#' unit_IDs, ecosystem function, and time points will be aggregated upon widening using the mean
#' function, please use unique unit_IDs values through newdata to avoid aggregation.
#' @param ... some methods for this generic function require additional arguments. None are used in
#' this method.
#' @return The predictions from the supplied fitted DI models for the provided 'newdata', or the
#' data used to fit the model if no 'newdata' is supplied. Predictions are returned in either a
#' stacked or wide dataframe format.
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[nlme]{predict.gls}} which this function wraps.
#' @export

predict.DImulti <- function(object, newdata = NULL, stacked = TRUE, ...)

  #Terms in model (removing response value Y)
  objTerms <- names(attr(stats::terms(object), "dataClasses"))[-1]

    objData <- TRUE
    newdata <- attr(object, "data")
  else if(attr(object, "MVflag"))
    objData <- FALSE

    if(inherits(newdata, 'tbl_df'))
      newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)

    #Missing unit_IDs column
    if(is.null(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]]))
      warning("The column containing unit_IDs has not been supplied through newdata. ",
              "This column is required as a grouping factor for the covarying responses, ",
              "although its value does not matter as there is no between subject effect included. ",
              "Defaulting to row numbers. ")

      newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]] <- 1:nrow(newdata)

    if(attr(object, "Timeflag") & !(attr(object, "time") %in% colnames(newdata)))
      newdata <- merge(newdata, unique(attr(object, "data")[[attr(object, "time")]]))
      colnames(newdata)[length(colnames(newdata))] <- attr(object, "time")
      newdata[[attr(object, "time")]] <- as.factor(newdata[[attr(object, "time")]])

    #If wide data, stack
    if(length(attr(object, "y")) != 1)
      if(!any(attr(object, "y") %in% colnames(newdata)))
        newdata[attr(object, "y")] <- 0

      predictors <- setdiff(colnames(newdata), attr(object, "y"))

      newdata <- reshape2::melt(newdata,
                                id.vars = predictors,
                                variable.name = "func",
                                value.name = "value")
    else #stacked
      if(!(attr(object, "Yfunc") %in% colnames(newdata)))
        newdata <- merge(newdata, unique(attr(object, "data")[[attr(object, "Yfunc")]]))
        colnames(newdata)[length(colnames(newdata))] <- attr(object, "Yfunc")

    newdata <- newdata[order(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]], newdata[[attr(object, "Yfunc")]]),]
  else # Repeated Measures Only
    objData <- FALSE

    #Missing unit_IDs column
    if(is.null(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]]))
      warning("The column containing unit_IDs has not been supplied through newdata. ",
              "This column is required as a grouping factor for the covarying responses, ",
              "although its value does not matter as there is no between subject effect included. ",
              "Defaulting to row numbers. ")

      newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]] <- 1:nrow(newdata)

    if(!(attr(object, "time") %in% colnames(newdata)))
      newdata <- merge(newdata, unique(attr(object, "data")[[attr(object, "time")]]))
      colnames(newdata)[length(colnames(newdata))] <- attr(object, "time")
      newdata[[attr(object, "time")]] <- as.factor(newdata[[attr(object, "time")]])

    newdata <- newdata[order(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]]),]

  singleRow <- FALSE

  if(nrow(newdata) == 1)
    singleRow <- TRUE
    newdata <- rbind(newdata, newdata)

  missing <- c()
  #Check if all needed props are included
  if(!all(attr(object, "props") %in% colnames(newdata)))
    for(i in attr(object, "props"))
      if(!(i %in% colnames(newdata)))
        missing <- append(missing, i)
    stop("The following initial proportion columns are missing from 'newdata':\n",
         paste0(missing, collapse = ", "))

  if((attr(object, "DImodel") != "STR") & (attr(object, "DImodel") != "ID") & !objData)

    if(inherits(newdata, 'tbl_df'))
      newdata <- as.data.frame(newdata)
    if(any(c("AV", "E", "NULL", "NA") %in% colnames(newdata)))
      stop("You must not have any columns named \"AV\" or \"E\", \"NA\" or \"NULL\" in your dataset provided through the parameter 'newdata'")
    if(any(startsWith(colnames(newdata), c("FULL.", "FG."))))
      stop("You must not have any column names beginning with \"FULL.\" or \"FG.\" in your dataset provided through the parameter 'newdata'")
    if(any(endsWith(colnames(newdata), c("_add"))))
      stop("You must not have any column names ending with \"_add\" in your dataset provided through the parameter 'newdata'")

    if(length(unique(attr(object, "thetas")) == 1)) # All the same theta value
      intCols <- DImodels::DI_data(prop = attr(object, "props"), FG = attr(object, "FGs"), data = newdata, theta = attr(object, "thetas")[1],
                                   what = attr(object, "DImodel"))

      #Change new column names
      if(attr(object, "DImodel") == "FULL")
        for(i in 1:ncol(intCols))
          colnames(intCols)[i] <- paste0("FULL.", colnames(intCols)[i])
        newdata <- cbind(newdata, data.frame(intCols))
      else if(attr(object, "DImodel") == "FG")
        for(i in 1:ncol(intCols))
          colnames(intCols)[i] <- paste0("FG.", colnames(intCols)[i])
        newdata <- cbind(newdata, data.frame(intCols))
      else if(attr(object, "DImodel") %in% c("AV", "E"))
        newdata <- cbind(newdata, data.frame(intCols))

        colnames(newdata)[ncol(newdata)] <- attr(object, "DImodel")
      else if(attr(object, "DImodel") == "ADD")
        newdata <- cbind(newdata, data.frame(intCols))

    else # Differing theta values
      dataTemp <- data.frame()
      iCount <- 1

      #need to divide up dataset by EF and apply each theta in loop
      for(i in unique(newdata[, attr(object, "Yfunc")]))
        intCols <- DImodels::DI_data(prop = attr(object, "props"), FG = attr(object, "FGs"),
                                     data = newdata[which(newdata[, attr(object, "Yfunc")] == i), ], theta = attr(object, "thetas")[iCount],
                                     what = attr(object, "DImodel"))

        #Change new column names
        if(attr(object, "DImodel") == "FULL")
          for(j in 1:ncol(intCols))
            colnames(intCols)[j] <- paste0("FULL.", gsub(":", ".", colnames(intCols)[j]))
        else if(attr(object, "DImodel") == "FG")
          for(j in 1:ncol(intCols))
            colnames(intCols)[j] <- paste0("FG.", colnames(intCols)[j])

        dataTemp <- rbind(dataTemp, cbind(newdata[which(newdata[, attr(object, "Yfunc")] == i), ], intCols))

        iCount <- iCount + 1
      newdata <- dataTemp

      if(attr(object, "DImodel") %in% c("AV", "E"))
        colnames(newdata)[ncol(newdata)] <- attr(object, "DImodel")

      newdata <- newdata[order(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]], newdata[[attr(object, "Yfunc")]]), ]

  #Non unique rows which would be aggregated upon widening
  # if(!all(!duplicated(newdata[, !(names(newdata) %in% attr(object, "Yvalue"))])) & #!stacked &
  #    !singleRow)
  # {
  #   newdata <- dplyr::distinct(newdata[, !(names(newdata) %in% attr(object, "Yvalue"))])
  #   warning("Removing rows with duplicate predictors in newdata, ",
  #           "you can use function duplicated() to test your dataset")
  #   print(newdata)
  # }

  #ID grouping
  ID_name_check(ID = attr(object, "IDs"), prop = attr(object, "props"), FG = attr(object, "FGs"))
  grouped_ID <- group_IDs(data = newdata, prop = attr(object, "props"), ID = attr(object, "IDs"))

  newdata <- cbind(newdata, grouped_ID)

  missing <- c()
  #Check if all needed columns are included
  if(!all(objTerms %in% colnames(newdata)))
    for(i in objTerms)
      if(!(i %in% colnames(newdata)))
        if(is.factor(attr(object, "data")[[i]]))
          warning("The model term ", i, " is missing from  the dataset supplied through newdata. ",
                  "The column has been added with a set value taken from the training dataset: ",
                  levels(attr(object, "data")[[i]])[1])
          newdata[[i]] <- levels(attr(object, "data")[[i]])[1]
        else if(is.numeric(attr(object, "data")[[i]]))
          warning("The model term ", i, " is missing from  the dataset supplied through newdata. ",
                  "The column has been added with a mean value taken from the training dataset: ",
                  mean(attr(object, "data")[[i]]))
          newdata[[i]] <- mean(attr(object, "data")[[i]])
        else #fail safe for non-numeric non-factor columns
          missing <- append(missing, i)

    if(!is.null(missing)) # missing non-factor column
      stop("The following model terms are missing from the dataset supplied through newdata:\n",
           paste0(i, collapse = ", "))

  #Number of responses to be predicted
  nFuncs <- 1
  nTimes <- 1

  if(attr(object, "MVflag"))
    nFuncs <- nlevels(as.factor(newdata[, attr(object, "Yfunc")]))
  if(attr(object, "Timeflag"))
    nTimes <- nlevels(as.factor(newdata[, attr(object, "time")]))

  #Predict for each community, add each row to modelPreds (dataframe)
  form <- stats::delete.response(object[["terms"]])
  contr <- object$contrasts
  dataMod <- stats::model.frame(formula = form, data = newdata,
                                drop.unused.levels = TRUE, xlev = lapply(contr, rownames))
  N <- nrow(dataMod)
  if (length(all.vars(form)) > 0)
    X <- stats::model.matrix(form, dataMod, contr)
    X <- array(1, c(N, 1), list(row.names(dataMod), "(Intercept)"))
  cf <- object$coefficients
  val <- c(X[, names(cf), drop = FALSE] %*% cf)
  lab <- "Predicted values"
  if (!is.null(aux <- attr(object, "units")$y))
    lab <- paste(lab, aux)
  modelPreds <- structure(val, label = lab)

    modelPreds <- modelPreds[1]

  if(attr(object, "MVflag") & !attr(object, "Timeflag"))
    modelPreds <- cbind.data.frame(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]], modelPreds, newdata[, attr(object, "Yfunc")])
    colnames(modelPreds) <- c(attr(object, "unitIDs"), "Yvalue", attr(object, "Yfunc"))
  else if(attr(object, "Timeflag") & !attr(object, "MVflag"))
    modelPreds <- cbind.data.frame(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]], modelPreds, newdata[, attr(object, "time")])
    colnames(modelPreds) <- c(attr(object, "unitIDs"), "Yvalue", attr(object, "time"))
  else #both
    modelPreds <- cbind.data.frame(newdata[[attr(object, "unitIDs")]], modelPreds)
    modelPreds$Ytype <- apply(newdata[, c(attr(object, "Yfunc"), attr(object, "time"))], 1, paste, collapse = ":")
    colnames(modelPreds) <- c(attr(object, "unitIDs"), "Yvalue", "Ytype")

    modelPreds <- modelPreds[1, ]

    predForm <- stats::as.formula(paste(attr(object, "unitIDs"), "~", colnames(modelPreds)[3]))

    modelPreds <- reshape2::dcast(data = modelPreds, formula = predForm, value.var = "Yvalue", fun.aggregate = mean)


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DImodelsMulti documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:15 a.m.