
Defines functions pscore.cal

# Compute Propensity Score using IPT
# Propensity Score estimator based on Inverse Probability of Tilting.
# flag is to understand convergence. =0 if trust algorithm converge, =1 if IPT algorithm converged, if needed,
#       = 2 if GLM logit estimator was used (both IPT and trust did not converge)}

pscore.cal <- function(D, int.cov, i.weights, n){
  # Initial conditions for pscore
  pslogit <- suppressWarnings(fastglm::fastglm(x = int.cov,
                                               y = D,
                                               family = stats::binomial(),
                                               weights = i.weights,
                                               intercept = FALSE,
                                               method = 3))

  init.gamma <- suppressWarnings(stats::coef(pslogit))

  #Compute IPT pscore
  pscore.cal <- suppressWarnings(trust::trust(loss.ps.cal, parinit = init.gamma, rinit=1,
                                              rmax=1000, iterlim=1000,
                                              D = D, int.cov = int.cov, iw = i.weights))

  flag <- ifelse(pscore.cal$converged, 0, 1)

  gamma.cal <- try(pscore.cal$argument)

  # If Algorithm doesn't converge, update like in Graham et al
  if(pscore.cal$converged==F) {

    pscore.IPT <- suppressWarnings(stats::nlm(loss.ps.IPT, init.gamma, iterlim = 10000, gradtol = 1e-06,
                                              check.analyticals = F,
                                              D = D, int.cov = int.cov, iw = i.weights,
                                              n = n))
    gamma.cal <- try(pscore.IPT$estimate)

    if(pscore.IPT$code>3) {
      gamma.cal <- init.gamma
      flag <- 2

  #Compute fitted pscore and weights for regression
  pscore.index <- tcrossprod(gamma.cal, int.cov)
  pscore <- as.numeric(stats::plogis(pscore.index))

  if(flag==1) {
    warning("trust algorithm did not converge when estimating propensity score. \n Used IPT algorithm a la Graham et al (2012)")
  if(flag==2) {
    warning(" Used glm algorithm to estimate propensity score as trust and IPT method did not converge")

    if(pslogit$converged == FALSE){
      warning(" glm algorithm did not converge")


    stop("Propensity score model coefficients have NA components. \n Multicollinearity (or lack of variation) of covariates is a likely reason.")

  # return pscore and flag
  return(list(pscore = pscore,
              flag = flag))


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