
Defines functions datashield.assign.expr datashield.assign.resource datashield.assign.table datashield.assign

Documented in datashield.assign datashield.assign.expr datashield.assign.resource datashield.assign.table

#' Data assignment (table or expression result)
#' Assign a table or an expression result to a R symbol in the Datashield R session.
#' Note that usage of usage of respectively \code{\link{datashield.assign.table}} or 
#' \code{\link{datashield.assign.expr}} should be preferred for readability.
#' @param conns \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} object or a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}s.
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @param value Fully qualified name of a table reference in data repositories (see
#'   \code{\link{datashield.assign.table}} for more details) OR a R expression with allowed assign
#'  functions calls (see \code{\link{datashield.assign.expr}} for more details).
#' @param variables List of variable names or Javascript expression that selects the variables of a table
#'   (ignored if value does not refere to a table). See javascript documentation:
#'   \url{http://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/magma-user-guide/variable/}
#' @param missings If TRUE, missing values will be pushed from data repository to R, default is FALSE.
#'   Ignored if value is an R expression.
#' @param identifiers Name of the identifiers mapping to use when assigning entities to R (if supported
#'   by data repository).
#' @param id.name Name of the column that will contain the entity identifiers. If not specified, the identifiers
#'   will be the data frame row names. When specified this column can be used to perform joins between data frames.
#' @param async Whether the result of the call should be retrieved asynchronously (TRUE means that calls are parallelized over
#'   the connections, when the connection supports that feature, with an extra overhead of requests).
#' @param success Callback function that will be called each time an assignment is successful. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @param error Callback function that will be called each time the assignment request has failed. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name and the error message. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # assign a list of variables from table CNSIM1
#' datashield.assign(conn, symbol="D", value="CNSIM.CNSIM1",
#'   variables=list("GENDER","LAB_GLUC"))
#' # assign all the variables matching 'LAB' from table CNSIM1
#' datashield.assign(conn, symbol="D", value="CNSIM.CNSIM1",
#'   variables="name().matches('LAB_')")
#' # do assignment with callback functions
#' datashield.assign(conns, "D", 
#'   list(server1="CNSIM.CNSIM1", server2="CNSIM.CNSIM2"),
#'   success = function(server) {
#'     # do something with server's success
#'   },
#'   error = function(server, error) {
#'     # do something with server's error message
#'   })
#' }
#' @export
datashield.assign <- function(conns, symbol, value, variables=NULL, missings=FALSE, identifiers=NULL, id.name=NULL, async=TRUE, success=NULL, error=NULL) {
  if(is.language(value) || is.function(value)) {
    datashield.assign.expr(conns, symbol, value, async, success, error)
  } else {
    datashield.assign.table(conns, symbol, value, variables, missings, identifiers, id.name, async, success, error)

#' Table assignment
#' Assign a table to a R symbol in the Datashield R session.
#' @param conns \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} object or a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}s.
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @param table Fully qualified name of a table in the data repository (can be a vector or must be
#'   the same in each data repository); or a named list of fully qualified table names (one per server
#'   name); or a data frame with 'server' and 'table' columns (such as the one that is used in
#'   \code{\link{datashield.login}})
#' @param variables List of variable names or Javascript expression that selects the variables of
#'   a table. See javascript documentation:
#'   \url{http://opaldoc.obiba.org/en/latest/magma-user-guide/variable/}
#' @param missings If TRUE, missing values will be pushed from data repository to R, default is FALSE.
#'   Ignored if value is an R expression.
#' @param identifiers Name of the identifiers mapping to use when assigning entities to R (if supported
#'   by the data repository).
#' @param id.name Name of the column that will contain the entity identifiers. If not specified, the identifiers
#'   will be the data frame row names. When specified this column can be used to perform joins between data frames.
#' @param async Whether the result of the call should be retrieved asynchronously. When TRUE (default) the calls are parallelized over
#'   the connections, when the connection supports that feature, with an extra overhead of requests.
#' @param success Callback function that will be called each time an assignment is successful. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @param error Callback function that will be called each time the assignment request has failed. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name and the error message. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # assign a list of variables from table CNSIM1
#' datashield.assign.table(conn, symbol="D", table="CNSIM.CNSIM1",
#'   variables=list("GENDER","LAB_GLUC"))
#' # assign all the variables matching 'LAB' from table CNSIM1
#' datashield.assign.table(conn, symbol="D", table="CNSIM.CNSIM1",
#'   variables="name().matches('LAB_')")
#' # assign the tables that are defined in the logindata ('server' and 'table' columns are
#' # expected) data frame that is used in datashield.login() function. Connections 
#' # are filtered by the list names.
#' datashield.assign.table(conns, "D", logindata)
#' # assign the tables that are defined in the provided named list. 
#' # Connections are filtered by the list names.
#' datashield.assign.table(conns, "D", 
#'   list(server1="CNSIM.CNSIM1", server2="CNSIM.CNSIM2"))
#' # do assignment with callback functions
#' datashield.assign.table(conns, "D", 
#'   list(server1="CNSIM.CNSIM1", server2="CNSIM.CNSIM2"),
#'   success = function(server) {
#'     # do something with server's success
#'   },
#'   error = function(server, error) {
#'     # do something with server's error message
#'   })
#' }
#' @export
datashield.assign.table <- function(conns, symbol, table, variables=NULL, missings=FALSE, identifiers=NULL, id.name=NULL, async=TRUE, success=NULL, error=NULL) {
  if (is.null(table) || length(table) == 0) {
    stop("Not a valid table name", call.=FALSE)

  # prepare tables as a named list
  tables <- .asNamedListOfTables(conns, table)

  if (is.list(conns)) {
    # filter connections to assign 
    fconns <- .filterConnectionsByName(conns, names(tables))
    results <- list()
    async <- lapply(fconns, function(conn) { ifelse(async, dsIsAsync(conn)$assignTable, FALSE) })
    pb <- .newProgress(total = 1 + length(fconns))
    # async first
    for (n in names(fconns)) {
      if(async[[n]]) {
          results[[n]] <- dsAssignTable(fconns[[n]], symbol, tables[[n]], variables, missings, identifiers, id.name, async=TRUE)
        }, error = function(e) {
          .appendError(n, e$message)
          if (.is.callback(error)) {
            error(n, e$message)
    # not async (blocking calls)
    for (n in names(fconns)) {
      if(!async[[n]]) {
          .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Assigning ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", tables[[n]], "`)")))
          results[[n]] <- dsAssignTable(fconns[[n]], symbol, tables[[n]], variables, missings, identifiers, id.name, async=FALSE)
        }, error = function(e) {
          .appendError(n, e$message)
          if (.is.callback(error)) {
            error(n, e$message)
    # polling
    completed <- replicate(length(fconns), FALSE)
    names(completed) <- names(fconns)
    checks <- 1
    while (!all(completed)) {
      for (n in names(fconns)) {
        if (!completed[[n]]) {
          if (!.hasLastErrors(n)) {
              .updateProgress(pb, step = length(subset(completed, completed == TRUE)), total = length(fconns), tokens = list(what = paste0("Checking ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", tables[[n]], "`)")))
              if(async[[n]]) {
                completed[[n]] <- dsIsCompleted(results[[n]])
                if (completed[[n]]) {
                  .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Finalizing assignment ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", tables[[n]], "`)")))
              } else {
                completed[[n]] <- TRUE
                .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Finalizing assignment ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", tables[[n]], "`)")))
              if (completed[[n]] && .is.callback(success)) {
            }, error = function(e) {
              .appendError(n, e$message)
              completed[[n]] <- TRUE
              if (.is.callback(error)) {
                error(n, e$message)
          } else {
            completed[[n]] <- TRUE
        } else {
          # heart beat request
      if (!all(completed)) {
        .updateProgress(pb, step = length(subset(completed, completed == TRUE)), total = length(fconns), tokens = list(what = paste0("Waiting... ", " (", symbol, " <- ...)")))
        checks <- checks + 1
    ignore <- .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Assigned all table (", symbol, " <- ...)")))
  } else {
      res <- dsAssignTable(conns, symbol, tables[[conns@name]], variables, missings, identifiers, id.name)
      ignore <- dsFetch(res)
      if (.is.callback(success)) {
    }, error = function(e) {
      .appendError(conns@name, e$message)
      if (.is.callback(error)) {
        error(conns@name, e$message)

#' Resource assignment
#' Assign a resource object of class 'ResourceClient' to a R symbol in the Datashield R session.
#' @param conns \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} object or a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}s.
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @param resource Fully qualified name of a resource reference in the data repository (can be a vector or must be
#'   the same in each data repository); or a named list of fully qualified resource names (one per server
#'   name); or a data frame with 'server' and 'resource' columns (such as the one that is used in
#'   \code{\link{datashield.login}})
#' @param async Whether the result of the call should be retrieved asynchronously. When TRUE (default) the calls are parallelized over
#'   the connections, when the connection supports that feature, with an extra overhead of requests.
#' @param success Callback function that will be called each time an assignment is successful. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @param error Callback function that will be called each time the assignment request has failed. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name and the error message. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # assign a resource asynchronously
#' datashield.assign.resource(conn, symbol="rsrc", resource="RSRC.CNSIM1")
#' # assign a resource synchronously
#' datashield.assign.resource(conn, symbol="rsrc", resource="RSRC.CNSIM1", async = FALSE)
#' # assign the tables that are defined in the logindata ('server' and 'resource' columns are
#' # expected) data frame that is used in datashield.login() function. Connections names
#' # and server names must match.
#' datashield.assign.resource(conns, "rsrc", logindata)
#' # assign the resources that are defined in the provided named list. 
#' # Connections are filtered by the list names.
#' datashield.assign.resource(conns, "rsrc",
#'   list(server1="RSRC.CNSIM1", server2="RSRC.CNSIM2"))
#' # do assignment with callback functions
#' datashield.assign.resource(conn, symbol="rsrc",
#'   resource = list(server1="RSRC.CNSIM1", server2="RSRC.CNSIM2"),
#'   success = function(server) {
#'     # do something with server's success
#'   },
#'   error = function(server, error) {
#'     # do something with server's error message
#'   })
#' }
#' @export
datashield.assign.resource <- function(conns, symbol, resource, async=TRUE, success=NULL, error=NULL) {
  if (is.null(resource) || length(resource) == 0) {
    stop("Not a valid resource name", call.=FALSE)

  # prepare resources as a named list
  resources <- .asNamedListOfResources(conns, resource)

  if (is.list(conns)) {
    # filter connections to assign 
    fconns <- .filterConnectionsByName(conns, names(resources))
    results <- list()
    async <- lapply(fconns, function(conn) { ifelse(async, dsIsAsync(conn)$assignResource, FALSE) })
    pb <- .newProgress(total = 1 + length(fconns))
    # async first
    for (n in names(fconns)) {
      if(async[[n]]) {
          results[[n]] <- dsAssignResource(fconns[[n]], symbol, resources[[n]], async=TRUE)
        }, error = function(e) {
          .appendError(n, e$message)
          if (.is.callback(error)) {
            error(n, e$message)
    # not async (blocking calls)
    for (n in names(fconns)) {
      if(!async[[n]]) {
          .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Assigning ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", resources[[n]], "`)")))
          results[[n]] <- dsAssignResource(fconns[[n]], symbol, resources[[n]], async=FALSE)
        }, error = function(e) {
          .appendError(n, e$message)
          if (.is.callback(error)) {
            error(n, e$message)
    # polling
    completed <- replicate(length(fconns), FALSE)
    names(completed) <- names(fconns)
    checks <- 1
    while (!all(completed)) {
      for (n in names(fconns)) {
        if (!completed[[n]]) {
          if (!.hasLastErrors(n)) {
              .updateProgress(pb, step = length(subset(completed, completed == TRUE)), total = length(fconns), tokens = list(what = paste0("Checking ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", resources[[n]], "`)")))
              if(async[[n]]) {
                completed[[n]] <- dsIsCompleted(results[[n]])
                if (completed[[n]]) {
                  .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Finalizing assignment ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", resources[[n]], "`)")))
              } else {
                completed[[n]] <- TRUE
                .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Finalizing assignment ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- `", resources[[n]], "`)")))
              if (completed[[n]] && .is.callback(success)) {
            }, error = function(e) {
              .appendError(n, e$message)
              completed[[n]] <- TRUE
              if (.is.callback(error)) {
                error(n, e$message)
          } else {
            completed[[n]] <- TRUE
        } else {
          # heart beat request
      if (!all(completed)) {
        .updateProgress(pb, step = length(subset(completed, completed == TRUE)), total = length(fconns), tokens = list(what = paste0("Waiting... ", " (", symbol, " <- ...)")))
        checks <- checks + 1
    ignore <- .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Assigned all resource (", symbol, " <- ...)")))
  } else {
      res <- dsAssignResource(conns, symbol, resources[[conns@name]])
      ignore <- dsFetch(res)
      if (.is.callback(success)) {
    }, error = function(e) {
      .appendError(conns@name, e$message)
      if (.is.callback(error)) {
        error(conns@name, e$message)

#' Expression result assignment
#' Assign the result of the execution of an expression to a R symbol in the Datashield R session.
#' @param conns \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} object or a list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}}s.
#' @param symbol Name of the R symbol.
#' @param expr R expression with allowed assign functions calls.
#' @param async Whether the result of the call should be retrieved asynchronously. When TRUE (default) the calls are parallelized over
#'   the connections, when the connection supports that feature, with an extra overhead of requests.
#' @param success Callback function that will be called each time an assignment is successful. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @param error Callback function that will be called each time the assignment request has failed. 
#'   The expected function signature is the connection/study name and the error message. Default is NULL (no callback).
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # assign an expression to G asynchronously
#' datashield.assign.expr(conns, symbol = "G", expr = quote(as.numeric(D$GENDER)))
#' # assign an expression to G synchronously
#' datashield.assign.expr(conns, symbol = "G", expr = quote(as.numeric(D$GENDER)), async = FALSE)
#' # assign the expressions that are defined in the provided named list. 
#' # Connections are filtered by the list names.
#' datashield.assign.expr(conns, "G",
#'   list(server1=quote(as.numeric(D$GENDER)), server2=quote(as.numeric(D$SEX))))
#' # do assignment with callback functions
#' datashield.assign.expr(conns, symbol = "G", expr = quote(as.numeric(D$GENDER)),
#'   success = function(server) {
#'     # do something with server's success
#'   },
#'   error = function(server, error) {
#'     # do something with server's error message
#'   })
#' }
#' @export
datashield.assign.expr <- function(conns, symbol, expr, async=TRUE, success=NULL, error=NULL) {
  # prepare expressions as a named list
  exprs <- .asNamedListOfValues(conns, expr)
  if (is.list(conns)) {
    # filter connections to assign 
    fconns <- .filterConnectionsByName(conns, names(exprs))
    results <- list()
    async <- lapply(fconns, function(conn) { ifelse(async, dsIsAsync(conn)$assignExpr, FALSE) })
    pb <- .newProgress(total = 1 + length(fconns))
    # async first
    for (n in names(fconns)) {
      if(async[[n]]) {
          results[[n]] <- dsAssignExpr(fconns[[n]], symbol, exprs[[n]], async=TRUE)
        }, error = function(e) {
          .appendError(n, e$message)
          if (.is.callback(error)) {
            error(n, e$message)
    # not async (blocking calls)
    for (n in names(fconns)) {
      if(!async[[n]]) {
          .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Assigning expr. ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- ", .deparse(exprs[[n]]), ")")))
          results[[n]] <- dsAssignExpr(fconns[[n]], symbol, exprs[[n]], async=FALSE)
        }, error = function(e) {
          .appendError(n, e$message)
          if (.is.callback(error)) {
            error(n, e$message)
    # polling
    completed <- replicate(length(fconns), FALSE)
    names(completed) <- names(fconns)
    checks <- 1
    while (!all(completed)) {
      for (n in names(fconns)) {
        dexpr <- .deparse(exprs[[n]])
        if (!completed[[n]]) {
          if (!.hasLastErrors(n)) {
              .updateProgress(pb, step = length(subset(completed, completed == TRUE)), total = length(fconns), tokens = list(what = paste0("Checking ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- ", dexpr, ")")))
              if(async[[n]]) {
                completed[[n]] <- dsIsCompleted(results[[n]])
                if (completed[[n]]) {
                  .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Finalizing assignment ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- ", dexpr, ")")))
              } else {
                completed[[n]] <- TRUE
                .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Finalizing assignment ", fconns[[n]]@name, " (", symbol, " <- ", dexpr, ")")))
              if (completed[[n]] && .is.callback(success)) {
            }, error = function(e) {
              .appendError(n, e$message)
              completed[[n]] <- TRUE
              if (.is.callback(error)) {
                error(n, e$message)
          } else {
            completed[[n]] <- TRUE
        } else {
          # heart beat request
      if (!all(completed)) {
        .updateProgress(pb, step = length(subset(completed, completed == TRUE)), total = length(fconns), tokens = list(what = paste0("Waiting... ", " (", symbol, " <- ", ifelse(is.vector(expr), "...", .deparse(expr)), ")")))
        checks <- checks + 1
    ignore <- .tickProgress(pb, tokens = list(what = paste0("Assigned expr. (", symbol, " <- ", ifelse(is.vector(expr), "...", .deparse(expr)), ")")))
  } else {
      res <- dsAssignExpr(conns, symbol, exprs[[conns@name]])
      ignore <- dsFetch(res)
      if (.is.callback(success)) {
    }, error = function(e) {
      .appendError(conns@name, e$message)
      if (.is.callback(error)) {
        error(conns@name, e$message)

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