
Defines functions .getSleepTime .is.callback .appendError .checkLastErrors .hasLastErrors .clearLastErrors .clearCache .deparse .updateProgress .tickProgress .newProgress .filterConnectionsByName .asNamedListOfConnections .asNamedListOfValues .asNamedListOfResources .asNamedListOfTables

Documented in .appendError .asNamedListOfConnections .asNamedListOfResources .asNamedListOfTables .asNamedListOfValues .checkLastErrors .clearCache .clearLastErrors .deparse .getSleepTime .hasLastErrors .is.callback .newProgress .tickProgress .updateProgress

#' Makes a typical logindata data frame a list of tables named by the server in which they are defined.
#' Makes a character vector of table names a list named by the connections.
#' @keywords internal
.asNamedListOfTables <- function(conns, value) {
  .asNamedListOfValues(conns, value, "table")

#' Makes a typical logindata data frame a list of resources named by the server in which they are defined.
#' Makes a character vector of resource names a list named by the connections.
#' @keywords internal
.asNamedListOfResources <- function(conns, value) {
  .asNamedListOfValues(conns, value, "resource")

#' Makes a typical logindata data frame a list of items named by the server in which they are defined.
#' Makes a character vector of item names a list named by the connections.
#' @keywords internal
.asNamedListOfValues <- function(conns, value, colname = NULL) {
  rval <- value
  if (is.data.frame(value) && !is.null(value[[colname]]) && !is.null(value$server)) {
    rval <- as.character(value[[colname]])
    names(rval) <- value$server
  } else if (is.character(value)) {
    if (!is.vector(value) || length(value) == 1) {
      rval <- rep(value, length(conns))
    cs <- .asNamedListOfConnections(conns)
    names(rval) <- unlist(lapply(cs, function(c) c@name))
  } else if (is.function(value) || is.language(value)) {
    rval <- list()
    cs <- .asNamedListOfConnections(conns)
    for (n in unlist(lapply(cs, function(c) c@name)))
      rval[[n]] <- value

#' Makes a single \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} object or a named list of \code{\link{DSConnection-class}} objects.
#' @keywords internal
.asNamedListOfConnections <- function(conns) {
  cs <- conns
  if (!is.list(conns) && .isDSConnection(conns)) {
    cs <- list()
    cs[[conns@name]] <- conns

#' @keywords internal
.filterConnectionsByName <- function(conns, names) {
  fconns <- list()
  for (n in names)
    if (!is.null(conns[[n]]))
      fconns[[n]] <- conns[[n]]

#' Create a new progress instance with default settings.
#' @import progress
#' @keywords internal
.newProgress <- function(format = "  :what [:bar] :percent /:elapsed", clear = getOption("datashield.progress.clear", FALSE), total, width = 100) {
  pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = format, clear = clear, total = total, width = width, show_after = 0)
  pb$tick(0, tokens = list(what = ''))

#' Update and increment the progress status if option "datashield.progress" is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
.tickProgress <- function(progress, tokens = list()) {
  if (getOption("datashield.progress", TRUE)) progress$tick(tokens = tokens)

#' Update the progress status if option "datashield.progress" is TRUE.
#' @keywords internal
.updateProgress <- function(progress, step, total, tokens = list()) {
  if (getOption("datashield.progress", TRUE)) progress$update(ratio = step/total, tokens = tokens)

#' Deparse language expression
#' @keywords internal
.deparse <- function(expr) {
  if (is.language(expr)) {
  } else {

#' Clear some cache
#' @keywords internal
.clearCache <- function(env=getOption("datashield.env", globalenv())) {
  if (exists(".datashield.pkg_status", envir = env)) {
    rm(".datashield.pkg_status", envir = env)

#' Clear last errors
#' @keywords internal
.clearLastErrors <- function(env=getOption("datashield.env", globalenv())) {
  if (exists(".datashield.last_errors", envir = env)) {
    rm(".datashield.last_errors", envir = env)

#' Check if there are last errors
#' @keywords internal
.hasLastErrors <- function(name, env=getOption("datashield.env", globalenv())) {
  if (exists(".datashield.last_errors", envir = env)) {
    errs <- get(".datashield.last_errors", envir = env)
  } else {

#' Check if there are last errors
#' @keywords internal
.checkLastErrors <- function(env=getOption("datashield.env", globalenv())) {
  if (exists(".datashield.last_errors", envir = env)) {
    if (getOption("datashield.errors.stop", TRUE)) {
      stop("There are some DataSHIELD errors, list them with datashield.errors()", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      warning("There are some DataSHIELD errors, list them with datashield.errors()", call. = FALSE)

#' Append error message to last errors vector
#' @keywords internal
.appendError <- function(name, msg, env=getOption("datashield.env", globalenv())) {
  if (exists(".datashield.last_errors", envir = env)) {
    errs <- get(".datashield.last_errors", envir = env)
    if (is.null(errs[[name]])) {
      errs[[name]] <- msg
    } else {
      errs[[name]] <- append(errs[[name]], msg)
    assign(".datashield.last_errors", value = errs, envir = env)
  } else {
    errs <- list()
    errs[[name]] <- msg
    assign(".datashield.last_errors", value = errs, envir = env)

#' Check if a callback parameter is a valid function
#' @keywords internal
.is.callback <- function(cb) {
  !is.null(cb) && is.function(cb)

#' Get time to sleep depending on the numer of previous iterations
#' @keywords internal
.getSleepTime <- function(checks) {
  t0 <- getOption("datashield.polling.sleep.0", 0.05)
  # wait 1s after 1s
  t1 <- getOption("datashield.polling.sleep.1", 1)
  # wait 2s after 10s
  t10 <- getOption("datashield.polling.sleep.10", t1 * 2)
  # wait 10s after 1min
  t60 <- getOption("datashield.polling.sleep.60", t1 * 10)
  # wait 1min after 10mins
  t600 <- getOption("datashield.polling.sleep.600", t1 * 60)
  # wait 10min after 1h
  t3600 <- getOption("datashield.polling.sleep.3600", t1 * 600)
  n1 <- 1 / t0
  n10 <- n1 + 9 / t1
  n60 <- n10 + 50 / t10
  n600 <- n60 + 540 / t60
  n3600 <- n600 + 3000 / t600
  t <- t0
  if (checks>=n1 && checks<n10) {
    t <- t1
  } else if (checks>=n10 && checks<n60) {
    t <- t10
  } else if (checks>=n60 && checks<n600) {
    t <- t60
  } else if (checks>=n600 && checks<n3600) {
    t <- t600
  } else if (checks>=n3600) {
    t <- t3600

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DSI documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:59 a.m.