
 #' @include generic.functions.R

#' @title  Class "Density" 
#' @description  Class \code{"Density"} is an S4 class containing a list of grids which
#' describe the density of individuals / clusters of a population. The list
#' contains one grid (\code{data.frame}) for each strata.
#' @name Density-class
#' @docType class
#' @slot region.name Object of class \code{"character"}; the region name.
#' @slot strata.name Object of class \code{"character"}; the strata names
#' @slot density.surface Object of class \code{"list"}; list of data.frames
#' with the columns x, y and density. There must be one data.frame for each
#' strata.
#' @slot x.space Object of class \code{"numeric"}; The spacing between
#' gridpoints described in the density data.frames in the x-direction.
#' @slot y.space Object of class \code{"numeric"}; The spacing between
#' gridpoints described in the density data.frames in the y-direction.
#' @slot units Object of class \code{"numeric"}; The units of the grid 
#' points.
#' @keywords classes
#' @seealso \code{\link{make.density}}
#' @export
setClass("Density", representation(region.name = "character", 
                                   strata.name = "character", 
                                   density.surface = "list", 
                                   x.space = "numeric", 
                                   y.space = "numeric", 
                                   units = "character"))

  definition=function(.Object, region, strata.name = character(0), density.surface = list(), x.space, y.space, constant = NULL, density.gam = NULL, buffer = numeric(0)){
    #Input pre-processing
    if(length(density.surface) == 0){
        #Create density surface from gam
        density.surface <- get.surface.gam(region, x.space, y.space, density.gam, buffer)
        #Create density surface with constant density within strata
        density.surface <- get.surface.constant(region, x.space, y.space, constant, buffer)
    #Set slots
    .Object@region.name <- region@region.name
    .Object@strata.name <- strata.name
    .Object@density.surface <- density.surface
    .Object@x.space <- x.space
    .Object@y.space <- y.space
    .Object@units <- region@units
    #Check object is valid
    # return object
    #check region object exists and is of the correct class
    #check strata object exists and is of the correct class
    #check the density grid was created without problem
    some.strata.with.grids <- FALSE
    some.strata.with.no.grids <- FALSE
    for(i in seq(along = object@density.surface)){
      density.sum <- sum(object@density.surface[[i]]$density)
      #check there are some cells with non-zero density
      if(density.sum == 0){
        return("All strata must have some cells with non-zero density. Check that you have correctly specified your density grid. Large grid spacing may also generate this error.") 
      if(nrow(object@density.surface[[1]]) > 0){  
        some.strata.with.grids <- TRUE
        some.strata.with.no.grids <- TRUE  
    if(some.strata.with.grids & some.strata.with.no.grids){
      return("The grid spacing needs to be smaller, not all strata have points in them")
    }else if(!some.strata.with.grids){
      return("There has been a problem generating the density grid. You must supply either a valid density surface, constant or valid density gam argument. DSM and formula are not currently suported")

# GENERIC METHODS DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------

#' @rdname add.hotspot-methods
#' @export
          function(object, centre, sigma, amplitude){
            density.surface <- object@density.surface    
            for(strat in seq(along = density.surface)){
              #Find distances from centre to each point on the density surface
              strata.surface <- density.surface[[strat]]
              dists <- sqrt((strata.surface$x-centre[1])^2 + (strata.surface$y-centre[2])^2) 
              #Calculate radial decay
              additive.values <- (exp(-dists^2/(2*sigma^2)))*amplitude
              #Add to surface
              strata.surface$density <- strata.surface$density+additive.values
              density.surface[[strat]] <- strata.surface
            object@density.surface <- density.surface

#' Plot
#' Plots an S4 object of class 'Density'
#' @param x object of class Density
#' @param y not used
#' @param add logical indicating whether it should be added to 
#'  existing plot
#' @param plot.units allows for units to be converted between m
#'  and km
#' @param contours logical indicating whether contours should be 
#'  added
#' @param style character "points" or "blocks". Points displays
#'  a coloured point at the centre of each grid cell where as 
#'  blocks colours the entire cell.
#' @param density.col the colours used to indicate density level
#' @param main character plot title
#' @param ... other general plot parameters
#' @rdname plot.Density-methods
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors rainbow terrain.colors topo.colors cm.colors
#' @importFrom graphics image contour plot points axTicks axis
#' @importFrom fields quilt.plot
#' @exportMethod plot
  f = "plot",
  signature = "Density",
  definition = function(x, y, add = FALSE, plot.units = character(0), contours = TRUE, style = "points", density.col = heat.colors(12), main = "", ...){
    # If main is not supplied then take it from the object
    if(main == ""){
      main <- x@region.name
    #Check a valid style has been requested
    if(!style %in% c("points", "blocks")){
      stop("You have requested an unsupported plot style", call. = FALSE)
    density.surface <- x@density.surface
    #Get all the x, y and density values across strata
    densities <- x.vals <- y.vals <- NULL
    full.density.grid <- data.frame(x = NULL, y = NULL, density = NULL)
    for(strat in seq(along = density.surface)){
      full.density.grid <- rbind(full.density.grid, density.surface[[strat]])
      densities <- c(densities, density.surface[[strat]]$density)
      x.vals <- c(x.vals, density.surface[[strat]]$x)
      y.vals <- c(y.vals, density.surface[[strat]]$y)
    # keep a copy of all the x and y values
    x.vals.orig <- x.vals
    y.vals.orig <- y.vals
    #define plot.units if it was not specified
    if(length(plot.units) == 0){
      plot.units <- x@units
    #Create plot axes labels
    xlabel <- paste("X-coords (",plot.units[1],")", sep = "")
    ylabel <- paste("Y-coords (",plot.units[1],")", sep = "")
    #If all z values are equal turn contours off
    if(length(unique(densities)) == 1){
      contours = FALSE
    if(contours | style == "blocks"){
      #Sort the x and y values
      x.vals <- sort(unique(x.vals))
      y.vals <- sort(unique(y.vals))
      z.matrix <- matrix(rep(NA, length(x.vals)*length(y.vals)), ncol = length(y.vals))
      #Fill in the z matrix
      for(ix in seq(along = x.vals)){
        for(iy in seq(along = y.vals)){
          #find densities
          index <- which(full.density.grid$x == x.vals[ix] & full.density.grid$y == y.vals[iy])
          #use the first one incase there is over lap with strata buffers
          z.matrix[ix,iy] <- full.density.grid$density[index[1]]
    #Check to see if the units of the z-matrix need converting
    if(plot.units != x@units){
      #convert units
      if(x@units == "m" & plot.units == "km"){ 
        if(contours| style == "blocks"){
          z.matrix <- z.matrix * 1000000 
          densities <- densities * 1000000
      }else if(x@units == "km" & plot.units == "m"){
        if(contours| style == "blocks"){
          z.matrix <- z.matrix/1000000
          densities <- densities/1000000
        warning("The requested conversion of units is not currently supported, this option will be ignored.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    #If a contour plot is requested
    if(style == "blocks"){
      #Create the image
      #image(x.vals, y.vals, z.matrix, yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, main = x@region.name, col = density.col)
      # Get the number of intervals in each direction
      nx <- (range(x.vals)[2]-range(x.vals)[1])/x@x.space
      ny <- (range(y.vals)[2]-range(y.vals)[1])/x@y.space
      # Use quilt plot to avoid stretching between polygons
      fields::quilt.plot(x = x.vals.orig, y = y.vals.orig, z = densities, nx = nx, ny = ny, yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n", xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, main = main, col = density.col)
        contour(x.vals, y.vals, z.matrix, add = TRUE, ...)  
        x.min <- min(x.vals)
        y.min <- min(y.vals)
        points(x.min - 100000, y.min - 100000)
      #Set up plot
        plot(range(x.vals), range(y.vals), col = "white", xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, main = main, yaxt = "n", xaxt = "n")
      #Find the range of densities
      #zlim <- range(strat.density) 
      zlim <- range(densities) 
      #Find the break points
      breaks <- seq(zlim[1], zlim[2], length = length(density.col)+1)
      #Add the points for each strata
      for(strat in seq(along = density.surface)){
        #col <- colorlut[density.surface[[strat]]$density*multiplier-zlim[1]+1]
        strat.density <- density.surface[[strat]]$density
        #Set up a vector for the colours
        colours <- rep(NA, length = length(strat.density))
        #Fill in colours
        for(i in seq(along = density.col)){
          colours <- ifelse(strat.density >= breaks[i] & strat.density <= breaks[i+1], density.col[i], colours)
        points(density.surface[[strat]]$x, density.surface[[strat]]$y, col = colours, pch = 20)
        contour(x.vals, y.vals, z.matrix, add = TRUE, ...)  
    #Now add the tick marks to the axese
    xticks <- axTicks(1)
    yticks <- axTicks(2)
    #Set up axes
    if(plot.units != x@units){
      #convert units
      if(x@units == "m" & plot.units == "km"){ 
        axis(1, at = xticks, labels = xticks/1000, col.ticks = 1)
        axis(2, at = yticks, labels = yticks/1000)
      }else if(x@units == "km" & plot.units == "m"){
        axis(1, at = xticks, labels = xticks*1000)
        axis(2, at = yticks, labels = yticks*1000)
        warning("The requested conversion of units is not currently supported, this option will be ignored.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
      #no unit conversion needed
      axis(1, at = xticks, labels = xticks)
      axis(2, at = yticks, labels = yticks)

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