

# fix issue #785
assert('formatXXX() should throw clear errors when table is not valid', {
  # The implementation of formatDate is a little different from other formatting functions
  # So we test both of them
  (has_error(formatDate(list(x = 1L)), silent = TRUE))
  (has_error(formatCurrency(list(x = 1L)), silent = TRUE))
  out = try(formatDate(list(x = 1L)), silent = TRUE)
  (grepl('Invalid table', as.character(out), fixed = TRUE))
  out = try(formatCurrency(list(x = 1L)), silent = TRUE)
  (grepl('Invalid table', as.character(out), fixed = TRUE))

# fix issue #790
# should generate the render callback for each columns individually
assert('formatting functions should support vectorized input', {
  out = datatable(iris) %>% formatRound(1:2, digits = 1:2)
  defs = Filter(function(x) !is.null(x$render), out$x$options$columnDefs)
  (length(defs) %==% 2L)
  (defs[[1L]]$target %==% 1L)
  (grepl('DTWidget.formatRound(data, 1, 3', defs[[1L]]$render, fixed = TRUE))
  (defs[[2L]]$target %==% 2L)
  (grepl('DTWidget.formatRound(data, 2, 3', defs[[2L]]$render, fixed = TRUE))

# issue #799 #702
assert('formatStyle is chainable and unmatched CSS value should be left as it is', {
  out = datatable(
    data.frame(V1 = c('a', 'green', 'c', 'yellow'), V2 = c('1', '2', '3', '4'))
  ) %>% formatStyle(
    target = 'row',
    backgroundColor = styleEqual('a', 'red')
  ) %>% formatStyle(
    target = 'row',
    backgroundColor = styleEqual('c', 'green')
  expect = JS(
    'function(row, data, displayNum, displayIndex, dataIndex) {',
      'var value=data[1]; $(row).css({\'background-color\':value == "a" ? "red" : null});',
      'var value=data[1]; $(row).css({\'background-color\':value == "c" ? "green" : null});',
  (out$x$options$rowCallback %==% expect)

assert('styleValue returns raw value', {
  tbl = data.frame(
    COL = c("A", "B", "C"),
    COLOR = c("#DF9AC2", "#83BF9A", "#A2D485"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  out = datatable(tbl) %>%
    formatStyle(columns = 1, valueColumns = 2, background = styleValue())
  expect = JS(
    'function(row, data, displayNum, displayIndex, dataIndex) {',
    'var value=data[2]; $(this.api().cell(row, 1).node()).css({\'background\':value});',
  (out$x$options$rowCallback %==% expect)

# issue #831
assert('formatting functions allow named colname inputs', {
  x = datatable(mtcars)
  x = formatRound(x, c('mpg' = 1, 'cyl' = 2), mark = ".", dec.mark = ",")
  coldefs = x$x$options$columnDefs
  (names(coldefs) %==% NULL)

assert('styleRow works', {
  tbl = data.frame(
    COL_1 = c("A", "B", "C", "D"),
    COL_2 = c("E", "F", "G", "H"),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  out = datatable(tbl) %>%
      columns = c(2),
      target = "row",
      background = styleRow(list(2, c(1, 3)), c("orange", "yellow"), default = "lightgrey")
  expect = JS(
    'function(row, data, displayNum, displayIndex, dataIndex) {',
    'var value=data[2]; $(row).css({\'background\':$.inArray(dataIndex + 1, [2]) >= 0 ? "orange" : $.inArray(dataIndex + 1, [1, 3]) >= 0 ? "yellow" : "lightgrey"});',
  (out$x$options$rowCallback %==% expect)

assert('jsValuesHandleNull works', {
  (jsValuesHandleNull(NULL) %==% 'null')
  (jsValuesHandleNull(123) %==% '123')
  (jsValuesHandleNull('abc') %==% jsValues('abc'))

assert('styleRow and styleEqual allows scalar values', {
  result = styleRow(1:2, 'a')
  expect = JS("$.inArray(dataIndex + 1, [1]) >= 0 ? \"a\" : $.inArray(dataIndex + 1, [2]) >= 0 ? \"a\" : null")
  (result %==% expect)
  result = styleEqual(1:2, 'a')
  expect = JS("value == 1 ? \"a\" : value == 2 ? \"a\" : null")
  (result %==% expect)

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DT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:56 a.m.