
# This is a Shiny web application intended to demonstrate the concepts of:
#   Norris DC. Costing “the” MTD. bioRxiv. August 2017:150821. doi:10.1101/150821.
# /1. Implement the Emax function view (horiz. axis D/MTD_i)
# /(a) Show fractions untreated and treated at under half their MTDi's
# /(b) Display relative efficacy vs individualized dosing
# /2. Fix alpha/beta (i.e., *mean* MTDi) rather than beta:=1/200
# 3. Refine the display
# /(a) Dash the theta>1 portion of Emax curve
# /(b) Show the % loss of efficacy
# (c) Include 'inset' showing best obtainable efficacy
# 4. Dynamic plotting!
# (a) Show dynamic cross-hairs on the inset
# (b) Add a [Plot point] button
# (c) Accumulate dots on the inset
# 5. Speed up plotting by rescaling a *precomputed* Gamma density
# 6. Let user switch view to 'absolute dose' horiz. axis?
#    NB: This might best be accomplished via tabsetPanel()
# -------
# 1. Superpose MTDi stratum markers
# (a) At first, fixed -- e.g. 50, 75, 100, 200, 300, 400
# (b) Consider DYNAMIC or at least 'smart' selections per CV
# 2. Can (should??) I factor out reactive shape() and scale()?
# 3. Can I align a rainbow spectrum with the MTD slider?


ui <- fluidPage(
   # Application title
   titlePanel("The Cost of 1-Size-Fits-All Dose Finding in Oncology"),
   # Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins 
                    ,"Select coefficient of variation (CV) for MTDi in population"
                    ,min = 0.2
                    ,max = 1.4
                    ,value = 0.75),
                    ,"Adjust 'the' MTD to maximize population-level efficacy"
                    ,min = 50
                    ,max = 500
                    ,value = 200),
                      ,"Show MTDi rainbow"
                      ,value = FALSE),
        tags$div(class = "header", checked = NA,
                 tags$p(tags$b("See:"), "Norris DC. Costing 'the' MTD.",
                        tags$i("bioRxiv"), "August 2017:150821.",
      # Show a plot of the generated distribution

server <- function(input, output) {
  mean.MTDi <- 200 # i.e., alpha/beta = shape*scale
  shape <- reactive((input$CV)^-2)
  scale <- reactive(mean.MTDi/input$theMTD/shape())
  # Precompute the density curve each time the input$CV changes.
  # This precomputed density needs to span the full width of theta plotted,
  # at the lowest MTDthe on the slider.
  density <- reactive(dinvgamma((0:2000)/1000
                                   , shape = (input$CV)^-2
                                   , scale = mean.MTDi/50/(input$CV)^-2
  # That precomputed 'density' should now be indexable by the following function:
  densityFun <- function(theta){
    (50/input$theMTD)*density()[round(1000 * theta*50/input$theMTD) + 1]
  Pr <- reactive({
    alpha <- shape()
    beta <- 1/scale()
    Q <- Rgamma(alpha - 0.5, beta, lower=FALSE) # Regularized gamma function
    0.5 * sqrt(beta)*gamma(alpha - 0.5)/gamma(alpha) * Q
  # Build non-reactive data.frame with all series for plotting
  x <- (0:200)/100
  x. <- c(x[x<=1], x[x>=1])
  X <- x[x<=1]
  Z <- rep(0.0, 1+length(x[x>1]))
  Emax <- rbind(data.frame(x=X, Emax=0.5*sqrt(X), series="approx"),
                data.frame(x=x[x>1], Emax=(x/(x+1))[x>1], series="Emax"))
  Emax$series <- as.factor(Emax$series)
  output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
    right <- xYplot(Emax ~ x, group=series, data=Emax, type="l", lty=c(1,2)
                    , xlim=c(0,2), ylim=c(0,0.7)
                    , ylab = "Probability of achieving remission"
                    , label.curves = FALSE
                    , panel = function(x,y,...) {
                      panel.points(x=1, y=0.5, pch=10, cex=1.2)
                      panel.arrows(x0=1, y0=0.5, x1=2, y1=0.5, lty=1, type="closed", length=0.1)
                      panel.text(x=2, y=0.52, adj=c(1,NA),
                                 "Remission rate for individualized 'MTDi' dosing  ")
                      panel.arrows(x0=0, y0=Pr(), x1=2, y1=Pr(), lty=3, type="closed", length=0.1)
                      panel.text(x=2, y=Pr()+0.02, adj=c(1,NA),
                                 paste("Population-level remission rate under 1-size-fits-all dosing at 'the' MTD =",
                                       input$theMTD, " "))
                      panel.arrows(x0=1.25, y0=0.48, x1=1.25, y1=Pr()+0.05, lty=1, lwd=2, type="closed",
                      panel.text(x=1.27, y=(Pr()+0.5)/2, adj=c(0,0),
                                 paste(round(200*(0.5-Pr())), "% loss of population-level efficacy", sep=''))
    # 2. Overplot Inv-Gamma dashed with chopped version
    #shape <- (input$CV)^-2
    #scale <- mean.MTDi/input$theMTD/shape()
    sub.half <- Rgamma(a=shape(), x=(0.5*scale())^-1, lower=FALSE)
    excluded <- Rgamma(a=shape(), x=(1*scale())^-1, lower=TRUE)
    dist <- rbind(data.frame(x=x, f=densityFun(x)))
    dist$rainbow <- rev(rainbow(n=nrow(dist), start=0, end=0.7, alpha=0.35))
    dissed <- rbind(data.frame(x=x., f=c(densityFun(X), Z)))
    left <- xYplot(f ~ x, data=dist, type='l', lty=2
                   , ylim=c(0,2.4) # TODO: Recalculate to avoid clipping?
                   , ylab="Density"
                   , panel=function(x,y,...,cutoff){
                       m1 <- min(which(x >= 0.0))
                       m2 <- max(which(x <= cutoff))
                       tmp <- data.frame(x1 = x[c(m1,m1:m2,m2)], y1 = c(0,y[m1:m2],0))
                       panel.polygon(tmp$x1, tmp$y1, col="lightgray", border="lightgray")
                       tailTextCol <- ifelse(input$rainbow
                                             , 'black'
                                             , trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col)
                       panel.text(x=0.35, y=0.2
                                  , col = tailTextCol
                                  , paste(round(100*sub.half),
                                          "% treated\nat under half\ntheir MTDi", sep=''))
                       panel.text(x=1.23, y=0.2
                                  , col = tailTextCol
                                  , paste(round(100*excluded),
                                          "% untreated\nbecause 'the' MTD\nexceeds their MTDi", sep=''))
                       # TODO: Draw the length(x)-1 polygons in various colors
                         for(i in 1:length(x[-1])){
                           # Compute cumulative frequency as index into rainbow
                           F <- pinvgamma(i/length(x), shape=shape(), scale=scale())
                             panel.polygon(x = rep(x[i:(i+1)], each=2)
                                          ,y = c(0, f[i:(i+1)], 0)
                                          ,col = rainbow[floor(F^0.4*length(x))+1]
                                          ,lty = 0
                   , cutoff=0.5 # shade all treated at under half their MTDi's
    left <- left + xYplot(f ~ x, data=dissed, type='l', lty=1)
    update(doubleYScale(left, right, add.ylab2=TRUE)
           , par.settings = simpleTheme(col=brewer.pal(4,"PRGn")[c(4,1)])
           , xlab=expression(theta[i] %==% MTD[the] / MTD[i])
           , xlim=c(0,2.0)

# Run the application 
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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DTAT documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:10 a.m.