
Defines functions Delaunay4Points

Documented in Delaunay4Points

Delaunay4Points <- function(Points, IsToroid = TRUE,LC,PlotIt=FALSE,Gabriel=FALSE){
  # Delaunay=Delaunay4Points(Points, IsToroid,Grid,PlotIt)$Delaunay
  # Calculates the adjacency matrix of the delaunay graph for bestmatches in tiled form if BMs are located on a toroid grid
  # Points[1:n,1:3]            n by 3 matrix containing the BMKey, X and Y coordinates of the n Points
  #                                 Points NEED NOT BE UNIQUE!
  #                                 however, there is an edge in the Deaunay between duplicate points!  
  # LC[1:2]                         A vector of length 2, containing the number of lines (y-points) and columns (x-points) of the Grid
  # IsToroid                        logical, indicating if BM's are on a toroid grid. Default is True
  # PlotIt                          Set PlotIt=TRUE, if you want to see the Plots
  # DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix[1:n,1:n]  adjacency matrix of the Delaunay-Graph
  # NOTE: Im Unterschied zu Delauany4Bestmatches hier in cartesischer Definition, Testweise auch Gabriel Graph moeglich
  # 	     Die Unterfunktionen wurden fuer diesen einen Zweck noch nachoptimiert  
  # authors:  MT 03/16

    stop('Points is a list not a matrix')
  if(ncol(Points) > 3){
    stop('Points have wrong number of dimensions')
  if(ncol(Points) < 1){
    stop('Points have wrong number of dimensions')
  # if(ncol(Points)==2)
  #   if(!is.null(Grid)) stop('Points have wrong number of dimensions or LC is not NULL')
  if(ncol(Points) == 3) {
    Points = Points[, 2:3]
		warning("calcGabrielGraph2D: As Input argument *LC* is missing, IsToroid is set to FALSE.")
		warning("Delaunay4Points: As Input argument *LC* is missing, IsToroid is set to FALSE.")
    #shuffle so that it works for points
    if (IsToroid){
      stop('LC has to be set, if toroid=TRUE')
  if (!missing(LC)) {
    Xgrid = Grid[1]
    Ygrid = Grid[2]
    if(floor(max(Points[, 1])) > floor(Grid[1])){
    if(round(max(Points[, 2])) > round(Grid[2])){
  DelaunayGraphMatrix_hlp <- function(X, Y, PlotIt = FALSE) {
    # D <- DelaunayGraphMatrix(X,Y,PlotIt)
    # Calculates the Adjacency Martix for a Delaunay-Graph
    # INPUT
    # X[1:n],  Y[1:n]         point coordinates for which a planar Delaunay graph is constucted
    #                         POINTS NEED NOT BE UNIQUE!
    #                         however, there is an edge in the Delaunay between duplicate points!
    # PlotIt                  if TRUE Delaunay graph is plotted
    # OUTPUT
    # a list of
    # Delaunay[1:n,1:n]       The adjacency matrix of the Delaunay-Graph.
    # uses packages deldir
    # Punkte unique machen
    unique           = UniquePoints(cbind(X, Y))
    UniqXY           = unique$Unique
    UniqueInd        = unique$UniqueInd
    Uniq2DataInd     = unique$Uniq2DatapointsInd
    Uniq2DataInd2    = unique$NewUniq2DataIdx
    IsDuplicate      = unique$IsDuplicate
    UniqX            = UniqXY[, 1]
    UniqY            = UniqXY[, 2]
    DeldirOutput     = deldir::deldir(UniqX , UniqY)                            # Delaunay ausrechnen mit deldir
    PointsAndIndices = DeldirOutput$delsgs                                      # dadrin stecken die indices des Delaunays von -> Nach
    FromInd          = PointsAndIndices$ind1                                    #  indices der Ausgangspunkte des Delanays
    ToInd            = PointsAndIndices$ind2                                    #  indices der Endpunkte des Delanays
    UniqDelaunay     = matrix(0, length(UniqX), length(UniqY))                  # Adjazenzmatrix initialisieren
    for (i in c(1:length(FromInd))) {
      UniqDelaunay[FromInd[i], ToInd[i]] = 1                                    # Only Direct neighbours A and B get an one from A to B
      UniqDelaunay[ToInd[i], FromInd[i]] = 1                                    # Only Direct neighbours A and B get an one from A to B
    } # end for i neighbours
    Delaunay = matrix(0, length(X), length(Y))
    Delaunay = UniqDelaunay[Uniq2DataInd2, Uniq2DataInd2]
    #Delaunay = Delaunay + diag(IsDuplicate)
    if(sum(IsDuplicate)>1){ #Verstehe ich nicht, aber bei genau einem duplikat funktioniert es nicht
      Duplicates = which(IsDuplicate)
      UniqueNgbh = unique$Uniq2DatapointsInd[which(IsDuplicate)]
      diag(Delaunay[Duplicates,UniqueNgbh]) = 1 
    #erstmal fallback auf urspruengliche version
      Delaunay = Delaunay + diag(IsDuplicate)
    #Delaunay[IsDuplicate, ]
    # jetzt uniqe points wieder auf originale uebertragen
    #Delaunay = matrix(0, length(X), length(Y))
    #Delaunay = UniqDelaunay[RightIdx, RightIdx]
    #Delaunay = UniqDelaunay[Uniq2DataInd, Uniq2DataInd]
    #Delaunay = Delaunay + IsDuplicate # noch je eine Verbindung zwischen den Doubletten eintragen
    #Delaunay = Delaunay + diag(IsDuplicate)
    # ausgabe zusammenstellen
    return(Delaunay = Delaunay)
  }# end function  DelaunayGraphMatrix
    # behandlung eines pack-man (toroiden) MapSpaces
    TiledX = Points[, 1]
    TiledY = Points[, 2]
    TiledX = c(TiledX, TiledX + Xgrid, TiledX + Xgrid, TiledX)
    TiledY = c(TiledY, TiledY, TiledY + Ygrid, TiledY + Ygrid)
      Delaunay = calcGabrielGraph2D(cbind(TiledX, TiledY), PlotIt = PlotIt)
      Delaunay = DelaunayGraphMatrix_hlp(TiledX, TiledY, PlotIt = PlotIt)
    TiledDelaunay =  Delaunay
    n = nrow(Points)
    AnzBestMatches = nrow(Points)
    Offset = c(0, 1, 2, 3) * AnzBestMatches
    DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix = TiledDelaunay[c(1:AnzBestMatches), c(1:AnzBestMatches)]  # initialisieren mit dem oberen viertel
    for (i in Offset) {
      for (j in Offset) {
        DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix = DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix + TiledDelaunay[c(1:AnzBestMatches) +
                                                                          i, c(1:AnzBestMatches) + j]
      }# end for j
    }# end for i
    # zurueckrechnen auf die ungekachelten werte
    DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix = (DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix > 0) * 1  # alles auf 0/1 reduzieren
    # X=TiledX
    # Y=TiledY
    # MapSpace ist planar
    X = Points[, 1]
    Y = Points[, 2]
    if (Gabriel) {
      Delaunay = calcGabrielGraph2D(cbind(X, Y), PlotIt = PlotIt)
    } else{
      Delaunay <- DelaunayGraphMatrix_hlp(X, Y, PlotIt)
    DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix  = Delaunay
    #TiledDelaunay = DelaunayAdjazenzMatrix
  }# end if(IsToroid)
  # Ausgabe zusammenstellen
}# end function

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DatabionicSwarm documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 5:10 p.m.