
context("Custom Functions")

test_that("custom population", {
  ## population
  my_population_function <- function(N) {
    data.frame(u = rnorm(N))

  my_population_custom <- declare_model(
    handler = my_population_function, N = 100

  pop_custom <- my_population_custom()

  expect_equal(dim(pop_custom), c(100, 1))

test_that("custom PO", {
  ## potential outcomes
  my_potential_outcomes_function <-
    function(data) {
      data$Y_Z_0 <- with(data, extra)
      data$Y_Z_1 <- with(data, 0.25 + extra)

  my_potential_outcomes_custom <- declare_potential_outcomes(
    handler = my_potential_outcomes_function

  pop_custom <- my_potential_outcomes_custom(data = sleep)

  expect_equal(dim(pop_custom), c(20, 5))

test_that("custom sampling", {
  ## sampling
  my_sampling_function <- function(data) {
    data$S <- rbinom(
      n = nrow(data),
      size = 1,
      prob = 0.1
    data[data$S == 1, ]

  my_sampling_custom <- declare_sampling(
    handler = my_sampling_function

  smp_custom <- my_sampling_custom(sleep)
  expect_true("S" %in% names(smp_custom))

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DeclareDesign documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:10 a.m.