
Defines functions sub_expr_text pred find_triple_bracket return_args construct_design_code code_fixer str_within assignment_string group_code_lines match.call.defaults get_design_code

Documented in assignment_string code_fixer construct_design_code get_design_code match.call.defaults return_args str_within sub_expr_text

# User-facing helpers -----------------------------------------------------

#' Get the code from a design
#' @importFrom randomizr block_and_cluster_ra strata_and_cluster_rs strata_rs complete_ra obtain_condition_probabilities block_ra
#' @param design A design that has code as an attribute.
#' @export
get_design_code <- function(design) attr(design, "code")

#' Argument matching with defaults
#' This is a version of \code{\link{match.call}} which also includes default arguments.
#' @param definition a function, by default the function from which match.call is called. See details.
#' @param call an unevaluated call to the function specified by definition, as generated by call.
#' @param expand.dots ogical. Should arguments matching \code{...} in the call be included or left as a \code{...} argument?
#' @param envir an environment, from which the \code{...} in call are retrieved, if any.
#' @return An object of class call.
#' @author Neal Fultz
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' foo <- function(x=NULL,y=NULL,z=4, dots=TRUE, ...) {
#'   match.call.defaults(expand.dots=dots)
#' }

match.call.defaults <- function(definition = sys.function(sys.parent()),
                                call = sys.call(sys.parent()),
                                expand.dots = TRUE,
                                envir = parent.frame(2L)) {
  call <- match.call(definition, call, expand.dots, envir)
  formals <- formals(definition)
  if(expand.dots && '...' %in% names(formals))
    formals[['...']] <- NULL
  for(i in setdiff(names(formals), names(call)))
    call[i] <- list( formals[[i]] )
  match.call(definition, call, TRUE, envir)

# Internal helpers for {{{ }}} approach -----------------------------------

group_code_lines <- function(code_string){
  # determine line spaces separating expressions
  # note: this means there must be a line space between expressions
  code_sep <- gsub("^[[:space:]]*$", "", code_string, perl = TRUE)
  sep_lines <- which(code_sep == "" | grepl("^#", code_string))
  assign_lines <- setdiff(1:length(code_string), sep_lines)
  expr_i <- list()
  j <- 1
  difference = diff(assign_lines) == 1
  for(i in seq_along(assign_lines)) {
    if(i == 1) expr_i[[j]] <- assign_lines[i]
    else {
      if (difference[i-1]){
        expr_i[[j]] <- c(expr_i[[j]], assign_lines[i])
      } else {
        j <- j + 1
        expr_i[[j]] <- assign_lines[i]

#' Generates string of assignment of value to argument
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @param arg_name A string. Label of assignment object.
#' @param arg_values A list. Values to be assigned to the argument. Can be character, logical or numeric of any length.
#' @value A vector of strings of the form \code{"arg_name <- arg_value"} where \code{arg_value} is in its evaluated format.
assignment_string <- function(arg_name, arg_values){
  if (length(arg_values[[arg_name]]) == 1){
    glue({arg_name}, " <- ", {arg_values[[arg_name]]})
  } else {
    arg_quoted <- as.character(arg_values)[names(arg_values) == arg_name]
    glue({arg_name}, " <- ", arg_quoted) 

#' Takes substring between matched strings. Avoids dependency on stringr package.
#' @param string A string. String from which substring is extracted.
#' @param pattern A regular expression that matches the beggining and end of a substring
#' @value Substring within \code{string} surrounded by matched \code{pattern}.
str_within <- function(string, pattern = "^(structure\\()|(, \\.Names)"){
  if(any(grepl(".Names", string, fixed = TRUE))){
    if(length(string) > 1) string <- paste(string, collapse = " ")
    matches <- gregexpr(pattern, string)
    substr_out <- regmatches(string, matches, invert = TRUE)[[1]]
    substr_out <- grep("list", substr_out, fixed = TRUE, value = TRUE)
  } else {

#' Substitute approach
#' @param design_expr A string. The text of the expression in which you wish to substitute symbols for their set values.
#' @param list_fixed_str A string. The string of code that generates a named list of arguments that will be substituted in the evaluated \code{design_expr}.
#' @param eval_envir The evaluation environment. Defaults to environment in which design arguments are already evaluated.
code_fixer <- function(design_expr, list_fixed_str, eval_envir){
  e <- paste0("substitute({", design_expr, "},", list_fixed_str, ")")
  t_e <- expr_text(eval(parse_expr(e), envir = eval_envir))
  gsub("^[{][\n]|[}]$", "", t_e)

# This is the core function for grabbing code when using the {{{ }}} approach:

#' Generates clean code string that reproduces design
#' @importFrom utils getSrcref
#' @importFrom rlang expr quo_text expr_text
#' @param designer Designer function.
#' @param args Named list of arguments to be passed to designer function.
#' @param args_to_fix Vector of strings. Designer arguments to fix in design code.
#' @param arguments_as_values Logical. Whether to replace argument names for value.
#' @param exclude_args Vector of strings. Name of arguments to be excluded from argument definition at top of design code.

construct_design_code <- function(designer, args, args_to_fix = NULL, 
                                  arguments_as_values = FALSE, exclude_args = NULL){
  if(is.null(exclude_args) && !is.null(args_to_fix)) exclude_args <- args_to_fix
  exclude_args <- union(args_to_fix, exclude_args)
  # get the code for the design 
  txt <- as.character(getSrcref(designer))
    txt <- find_triple_bracket(designer)
    open <- grep("[{]{3}", txt)
    close <- grep("[}]{3}", txt)
    if(length(open) != 1) stop("could not find opening tag in ", substitute(designer))
    if(length(close) != 1) stop("could not find opening tag in ", substitute(designer))
    txt <- txt[seq(open + 1, close - 1)]
  indentation <- strsplit(txt[1], "")[[1]]
  indentation <- indentation[cumprod(indentation == " ") == 1]
  indentation <- paste0("^", paste(indentation, collapse=""))
  code <- sub(indentation, "", txt)
  # Get names of arguments
  arg_names <- setdiff(names(args), c("", "args_to_fix"))
  if(!is.null(arg_names)) {
  # the following evaluates arguments all passed onto the function
  # it also allows evaluation of arguments of class `language` when they contain 
  # symbols were defined in previous arguments
  ee <- new.env() #shorter than eval_envir
  for(i in arg_names) {
    invisible(assign(i, eval(args[[i]], envir=ee), ee))
  args_eval <- mget(arg_names, envir = ee)
  #if any arguments are set to fixed
    # for each of the expressions separated by new line turn from string to 
    # expression substitute the arguments for their (evaluated) values if they are 
    # set in args_to_fix
    expr_i <- group_code_lines(code)
    #list of fixed arguments
    list_fixed <- setNames(mapply(function(arg_to_fix) args[[arg_to_fix]], args_to_fix), args_to_fix)
    if(!is.list(list_fixed)) list_fixed <- as.list(list_fixed)
    # create string of list of arguments to substitute
    list_fixed_str <- str_within(deparse(expr(!!list_fixed)))
    # bundle code lines related to same assignment function together
    design_exprs <- mapply(function(lines) paste0(code[lines], collapse = "\n"), expr_i)
    # evaluate a parsed expression where we substitute fixed arguments for their values
    fixed_code_lines <- lapply(design_exprs, code_fixer, list_fixed_str = paste0(list_fixed_str, collapse = ""), eval_envir = ee)
    code_fixed <- code
    for(i in seq_along(expr_i)){
      code_fixed[expr_i[[i]]] <- fixed_code_lines[[i]]
    code <- unique(code_fixed)
    # if(length(with_comments)>1L){
    #   for(i in 1:nrow(paste_comments)){
    #     code <- gsub(paste_comments[i,1], paste_comments[i,2], code)
    #   }
    # }

  # If `arguments_as_values = TRUE`, assignment code replaces argument symbol with its (evaluated) value
  if(arguments_as_values && !is.null(args_eval)){
    # print(args_eval)
    args_text <- vapply(arg_names, function(arg_name) assignment_string(arg_name, args_eval), FUN.VALUE = character(1))
  } else {
    # convert (unevaluated) args to text
    args_text <- as.character(vapply(arg_names, function(x) paste0(x, " <- ", deparse(args[[x]])), FUN.VALUE = character(1)))
  # optionally exclude arguments
  if(!is.null(exclude_args)) args_text <- args_text[!(arg_names %in% exclude_args)]
  # add arguments and code
  code <- c(args_text, "", code)

#' Generates character string for non-fixed arguments in a designer using substitution approach.
#' @param args Function arguments.
#' @param fixes Function arguments that are fixed (i.e., already evaluated in body of function)
return_args <- function(args, fixes){
  # Get names of arguments   
  arg_names <- names(args[2:(length(args)-1)])
  # Exclude any fixed arguments
  if(!is.null(fixes)) arg_names <- arg_names[!(arg_names%in%names(fixes))]
  # Format
  sapply(arg_names, function(x) paste0(x, " <- ", deparse(args[[x]])))

# These functions find triple braces when there is no source code 
find_triple_bracket <- function(f){
  clean <- function(ch, n=length(ch)-1) ch[2:n]
  ret <- Filter(pred, body(f))
  if(length(ret) == 0) "" else clean(deparse(ret[[1]][[2]][[2]]))
pred <- function(expr, depth=3) {
  (depth == 0) || (
    length(expr) > 1 &&
      expr[[1]] == as.symbol('{') &&
      Recall(expr[[2]], depth - 1)

#' Substitute text from expressions in design code
#' @importFrom rlang get_expr quo_text list2 quos
#' @param code List contaitining design code.
#' @param ... List of expressions to be substituted for their text.
#' @return Code with expression text.
sub_expr_text <- function(code, ...){
  dots <- list2(...)
  deparsed_dots <- sapply(substitute(list(...))[-1], deparse)
  for(i in 1:length(dots)){
    to_sub <- paste0("eval_bare\\(", deparsed_dots[i], "\\)")
    code <- gsub(to_sub, quo_text(dots[[i]]), code)

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DesignLibrary documentation built on Oct. 18, 2021, 5:07 p.m.