
Defines functions qEI.grad krigingDeriv HPhi GPhi decompo

Documented in qEI.grad

decompo <- function(x, mu, Sigma,k) {
  if (length(k)==length(x[,1])) {
  x1 <- x[k,1]
  x2 <- x[-k,1]
  mu1 <- mu[k,1]
  Sig22 <- Sigma[-k,-k]
  Sig21 <- matrix(Sigma[-k,k],ncol=length(k))
  Sig12 <- t(Sig21)
  Sig11 <- Sigma[k,k]
  Sig11Inv <- solve(Sig11)
  varcov <- Sig22 - Sig21%*%Sig11Inv%*%Sig12
  varcov <- 0.5*(varcov+t(varcov))
  if (min(diag(varcov))<=0) {diag(varcov) <- diag(varcov)*(diag(varcov)>=0)+10^(-9)}
  moy <- mu[-k,1]+Sig21 %*% Sig11Inv%*%(x1-mu1)

  return (
    dmnorm(x=x1,  mu[k,1], varcov = Sig11)
    pmnorm(x=t(matrix(x2)), mean = t(moy), varcov = varcov,maxpts=(length(moy)*200))

# gradient of CDF
GPhi <- function(x,mu,Sigma) {
  q <- length(x[,1])
  res <- matrix(NaN,q,1)
  for (i in 1:q) {
    res[i,1] <- decompo(x,mu,Sigma,i)
  return( res )

# hessian matrix of CDF
HPhi <- function(x,mu,Sigma,gradient=NULL) {
  q <- length(x[,1])
  if (q == 1) {
    res <- -(x-mu)/Sigma*dnorm(x,mu,sqrt(Sigma))
  else {
    res <- matrix(0,q,q)
    for (i in 1:(q-1)) { 
      for (j in (i+1):q) {
        res[i,j] <- decompo(x,mu,Sigma,c(i,j))
    res <- res + t(res) # hessian matrix is symetric
    # diagonal terms can be computed with the gradient of CDF and the other hessian terms
    if(is.null(gradient)) {
      res <- res - diag(((c(x)-c(mu))*c(GPhi(x,mu,Sigma)) + diag(Sigma%*%res))/diag(Sigma))
    } else {
      res <- res - diag(((c(x)-c(mu))*c(gradient) + diag(Sigma%*%res))/diag(Sigma))

krigingDeriv <- function(x, model, type="UK", envir=NULL){

# Compute from a km object the derivatives of kriging mean and covariance in respect 
# of a batch of points.

  q <- length(x[,1])
  # Convert x in proper format(s)
  d <- length(x[1,])
  if (d != model@d){ stop("x does not have the right size") }
  newdata.num <- matrix(as.numeric(x),ncol=d)
  newdata <- data.frame((newdata.num))
  colnames(newdata) = colnames(model@X)
  # Get quantities related to the model
  T <- model@T
  X <- model@X
  z <- model@z
  u <- model@M
  covStruct <- model@covariance
  F.newdata <- model.matrix(model@trend.formula, data=newdata)
  # Get quantities related to the prediction
  if (is.null(envir))
    predx <- predict(object=model, newdata=newdata, type=type,
                     checkNames = FALSE,se.compute=FALSE,cov.compute=TRUE)
    kriging.mean <- predx$mean
    kriging.cov <- predx$cov
    v <- predx$Tinv.c
    c <- predx$c
  } else
  {  # If uploaded through "envir", no prediction computation is necessary 
    toget <- matrix(c("kriging.mean","kriging.cov","Tinv.c","c"), 4, 1)
    apply(toget, 1, get, envir=envir)
    kriging.mean <- envir$kriging.mean
    kriging.cov  <- envir$kriging.cov
    v            <- envir$Tinv.c
    c            <- envir$c

  # Pursue calculation only if standard deviation is non-zero
  if ( prod(diag(kriging.cov)/(model@covariance@sd2) < 1e-08) ) 
  { return (NULL)
  } else 
    kriging.mean.jacob <- array(0,dim=c(q,d,q))  # three dimensions : d(m_k)/d(x_ij)
    kriging.cov.jacob <- array(0,dim=c(q,d,q,q)) # four dimensions : d(Sigma_kl)/d(x_ij)
    tuuinv <- solve(t(u)%*%u)
    covM <- covMatrix(covStruct, as.matrix(newdata))[[1]]
    for(k in 1:q) {
    # Compute derivatives of the covariance and trend functions
    dc <- covVector.dx(x=newdata.num[k,], X=X, object=covStruct, c=c[,k])  
    f.deltax <- trend.deltax(x=newdata.num[k,], model=model)
    # Compute gradients of the kriging mean at point k
    W <- backsolve(t(T), dc, upper.tri=FALSE)
    kriging.mean.jacob[k,,k] <- t(z)%*%W + model@trend.coef%*%f.deltax
    # Compute gradients of the kriging covariance between point k and point l
    for (l in 1:q) {
        # Compute gradients of the kernel between point k and point l
        ker.grad <- covVector.dx(x=newdata.num[k,], X=newdata[l,],
                                 object=covStruct, c=covM[k,l])
        kriging.cov.jacob[k,,k,l] <- ker.grad - t(v[,l])%*%W
        if (type=="UK") {
          kriging.cov.jacob[k,,k,l] <- kriging.cov.jacob[k,,k,l] + t((t(f.deltax) - t(W)%*%u)%*%tuuinv%*%t(F.newdata[l,] - t(v[,l])%*%u))
  for(l in 1:q) {
    for(j in 1:d) {
       kriging.cov.jacob[l,j,,] <- kriging.cov.jacob[l,j,,] + t(kriging.cov.jacob[l,j,,])

##' Computes an exact or approximate gradient of the multipoint expected
##' improvement criterion
##' @title Gradient of the multipoint expected improvement (qEI) criterion
##' @param x a matrix representing the set of input points (one row corresponds
##' to one point) where to evaluate the gradient,
##' @param model an object of class \code{\link[DiceKriging]{km}},
##' @param plugin optional scalar: if provided, it replaces the minimum of the
##' current observations,
##' @param type "SK" or "UK" (by default), depending whether uncertainty
##' related to trend estimation has to be taken into account,
##' @param minimization logical specifying if EI is used in minimiziation or in
##' maximization,
##' @param fastCompute if TRUE, a fast approximation method based on a
##' semi-analytic formula is used (see [Marmin 2014] for details),
##' @param eps the value of \emph{epsilon} of the fast computation trick.
##' Relevant only if \code{fastComputation} is TRUE,
##' @param envir an optional environment specifying where to get intermediate
##' values calculated in \code{\link{qEI}}.
##' @return The gradient of the multipoint expected improvement criterion with
##' respect to x. A 0-matrix is returned if the batch of input points contains
##' twice the same point or a point from the design experiment of the km object
##' (the gradient does not exist in these cases).
##' @author Sebastien Marmin 
##' Clement Chevalier 
##' David Ginsbourger
##' @seealso \code{\link{qEI}}
##' @references
##' C. Chevalier and D. Ginsbourger (2014) Learning and Intelligent
##' Optimization - 7th International Conference, Lion 7, Catania, Italy,
##' January 7-11, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, chapter Fast computation of
##' the multipoint Expected Improvement with applications in batch selection,
##' pages 59-69, Springer.
##' D. Ginsbourger, R. Le Riche, L. Carraro (2007), A Multipoint Criterion for
##' Deterministic Parallel Global Optimization based on Kriging. The
##' International Conference on Non Convex Programming, 2007.
##' D. Ginsbourger, R. Le Riche, and L. Carraro. Kriging is well-suited to
##' parallelize optimization (2010), In Lim Meng Hiot, Yew Soon Ong, Yoel
##' Tenne, and Chi-Keong Goh, editors, \emph{Computational Intelligence in
##' Expensive Optimization Problems}, Adaptation Learning and Optimization,
##' pages 131-162. Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
##' S. Marmin. Developpements pour l'evaluation et la maximisation du critere
##' d'amelioration esperee multipoint en optimisation globale (2014). Master's
##' thesis, Mines Saint-Etienne (France) and University of Bern (Switzerland).
##' J. Mockus (1988), \emph{Bayesian Approach to Global Optimization}. Kluwer
##' academic publishers.
##' M. Schonlau (1997), \emph{Computer experiments and global optimization},
##' Ph.D. thesis, University of Waterloo.
##' @keywords models optimize
##' @examples
##' set.seed(15)
##' # Example 1 - validation by comparison to finite difference approximations
##' # a 9-points factorial design, and the corresponding response
##' d <- 2
##' n <- 9
##' design <- expand.grid(seq(0,1,length=3), seq(0,1,length=3)) 
##' names(design)<-c("x1", "x2")
##' design <- data.frame(design) 
##' names(design)<-c("x1", "x2")
##' y <- apply(design, 1, branin)
##'y <- data.frame(y) 
##' names(y) <- "y" 
##' # learning
##' model <- km(~1, design=design, response=y)
##' # pick up 2 points sampled from the simple expected improvement
##' q <- 2  # increase to 4 for a more meaningful test
##' X <- sampleFromEI(model,n=q)
##' # compute the gradient at the 4-point batch
##' grad.analytic <- qEI.grad(X,model)
##' # numerically compute the gradient
##' grad.numeric <- matrix(NaN,q,d)
##' eps <- 10^(-6)
##' EPS <- matrix(0,q,d)
##' for (i in 1:q) {
##'   for (j in 1:d) {
##'     EPS[i,j] <- eps
##'     grad.numeric[i,j] <- 1/eps*(qEI(X+EPS,model,fastCompute=FALSE)-qEI(X,model,fastCompute=FALSE))
##'     EPS[i,j] <- 0
##'   }  
##' }
##' print(grad.numeric)
##' print(grad.analytic)
##' \dontrun{
##' # graphics: displays the EI criterion, the design points in black, 
##' # the batch points in red and the gradient in blue.
##' nGrid <- 15
##' gridAxe1 <- seq(lower[1],upper[1],length=nGrid)
##' gridAxe2 <- seq(lower[2],upper[2],length=nGrid)
##' grid <- expand.grid(gridAxe1,gridAxe2)
##' aa <- apply(grid,1,EI,model=model)
##' myMat <- matrix(aa,nrow=nGrid)
##' image(x = gridAxe1, y = gridAxe2, z = myMat, 
##'       col = colorRampPalette(c("darkgray","white"))(5*10), 
##'       ylab = names(design)[1], xlab=names(design)[2], 
##'       main = "qEI-gradient of a batch of 4 points", axes = TRUE, 
##'       zlim = c(min(myMat), max(myMat)))
##' contour(x = gridAxe1, y = gridAxe2, z = myMat, 
##'         add = TRUE, nlevels = 10)
##' points(X[,1],X[,2],pch=19,col='red')
##' points(model@@X[,1],model@@X[,2],pch=19)
##' arrows(X[,1],X[,2],X[,1]+0.012*grad.analytic[,1],X[,2]+0.012*grad.analytic[,2],col='blue')
##' }
##' @export qEI.grad
qEI.grad <- function(x, model, plugin=NULL, type="UK", minimization = TRUE, fastCompute = TRUE, eps = 10^(-6), envir=NULL) {
  #compteur_global <<- compteur_global + 1
  if (!minimization) {
    if (is.null(plugin)) {
      plugin <- -max(model@y)
  # Compute the multipoint expected improvement from a batch of point and a km object.
  #### Arguments:
  # x: position of multEI evaluation. One row correspond to one point.
  # model: a km object.
  # plugin: the threshold used to compute the EI
  # type: do we perform a universal krigiging ("UK") ?
  d <- model@d
  if (!is.matrix(x)) {
    x <- matrix(x,ncol = d)

  q <- nrow(x)
  xb <- rbind(model@X,x)
  ux <- unique(round(xb,digits=8))
  if(length(xb[,1])!=length(ux[,1])) {return (matrix(0,q,d))}
  if (is.null(plugin)) plugin <- min(model@y)

  if (q == 1) {
    if (!minimization) {
      stop("qEI.grad doesn't work in \'minimization = FALSE\' when dim = 1 (in progress).")
  if(!is.null(envir)) {
    if (fastCompute == TRUE) {
      toget <- matrix(c("pk"), 1, 1)
      apply(toget, 1, get, envir=envir)
      pk <- envir$pk
    } else {
      toget <- matrix(c("pk","symetric_term"), 2, 1)
      apply(toget, 1, get, envir=envir)
      pk <- envir$pk
      symetric_term <- envir$symetric_term
  # Get kriging (conditionnal) mean and covariance and their derivatives
  kriging.dx <- krigingDeriv(x=x, model=model, type=type, envir=envir)
  if (is.null(kriging.dx)) {return (matrix(0,q,d))}
  kriging.mean        <- kriging.dx[[1]] # 1 dimension
  kriging.mean.jacob  <- kriging.dx[[2]] # 3 dimensions q*d*q,  kriging.mean.jacob[l,j,k] = d(m_k)/d(x_lj)
  if (!minimization) {kriging.mean <- -kriging.mean; kriging.mean.jacob <- -kriging.mean.jacob}
  kriging.cov         <- kriging.dx[[3]] # 2 dimensions q*q
  kriging.cov.jacob   <- kriging.dx[[4]] # 4 dimensions q*d*q*q : kriging.cov.jacob[l,j,k,i]= d(Sigma_ki)/d(x_lj)
  # Initialisation
  EI.grad <- matrix(0,q,d) # result
  b <- matrix(rep(0,q),q,1)
  L <- -diag(rep(1,q))
  Dpk <- matrix(0,q,d)
  if (fastCompute == TRUE) {
    termB <- matrix(0,q,d)
  Sigk_dx <- array(0,dim=c(q,d,q,q))
  mk_dx <- array(0,dim=c(q,d,q))
  # First sum of the formula
  for (k in 1:q) {
    bk <- b
    bk[k,1] <- plugin     # creation of vector b^(k)
    Lk <- L
    Lk[,k] <- rep(1,q)    # linear application to transform Y to Zk
    tLk <- t(Lk)
    mk     <- Lk %*% kriging.mean # mean of Zk (written m^(k) in the formula)
    Sigk <- Lk %*% kriging.cov %*% tLk # covariance of Zk
    Sigk <- 0.5*(Sigk+t(Sigk)) # numerical symetrization
    # term A1
    if (is.null(envir)) {
      EI.grad[k,] <-  EI.grad[k,] - kriging.mean.jacob[k,,k]*pmnorm(x=t(bk), mean = t(mk), varcov = Sigk,maxpts=q*200)
      } else {
      EI.grad[k,] <-  EI.grad[k,] - kriging.mean.jacob[k,,k]*pk[k]
    # compute gradient ans hessian matrix of the CDF term pk.
    gradpk <- GPhi(bk-mk,b,Sigk)
    hesspk <- HPhi(x = bk, mu = mk, Sigma = Sigk, gradient = gradpk)

    # term A2
    for (l in 1:q) {
      for (j in 1:d) {
        Sigk_dx[l,j,,] <- Lk%*%kriging.cov.jacob[l,j,,]%*%tLk
        mk_dx[l,j,] <- Lk%*%kriging.mean.jacob[l,j,]
        Dpk[l,j] <- 0.5*sum(hesspk*Sigk_dx[l,j,,]) - crossprod(gradpk,mk_dx[l,j,])
    EI.grad <- EI.grad + (plugin-kriging.mean[k])*Dpk
    # term B
    if (fastCompute == TRUE) {
      gradpk1<- GPhi(bk-mk+Sigk[,k]*eps,b,Sigk)
      hesspk1<- HPhi(x = bk+Sigk[,k]*eps, mu = mk, Sigma = Sigk, gradient = gradpk1)
      for (l in 1:q) {
	for (j in 1:d) {
	  f1 <- -crossprod(mk_dx[l,j,],gradpk1) + eps*crossprod(Sigk_dx[l,j,,k],gradpk1) + 0.5*sum(Sigk_dx[l,j,,]*hesspk1)
	  f  <- -crossprod(mk_dx[l,j,],gradpk ) + 0.5*sum(Sigk_dx[l,j,,]*hesspk)
	  termB[l,j] <- 1/eps*(f1-f)
    } else {
      B1 <- B2 <- B3 <- matrix(0,q,d)
      for (i in 1:q) {
	Sigk_ik <- Sigk[i,k]
	Sigk_ii <- Sigk[i,i]
	mk_i <- mk[i]
	mk_dx_i <- mk_dx[,,i]
	bk_i <- bk[i,1]
	ck_pi <- bk[-i,1]-mk[-i,]-(bk[i,1]-mk[i,1])/Sigk_ii*Sigk[-i,i]
	Sigk_pi <- 0.5*(Sigk[-i,-i] - 1/Sigk_ii*Sigk[-i,i]%*%t(Sigk[-i,i])+t(Sigk[-i,-i] - 1/Sigk_ii*Sigk[-i,i]%*%t(Sigk[-i,i])))
	Sigk_dx_ii <- Sigk_dx[,,i,i]
	Sigk_dx_ik <- Sigk_dx[,,i,k]
	phi_ik <- dnorm(bk[i,1],mk_i,sqrt(Sigk_ii))
	dphi_ik_dSig <- ((bk_i-mk_i)^2/(2*Sigk_ii^2)-0.5*1/Sigk_ii)*phi_ik
	dphi_ik_dm <- (bk_i-mk_i)/Sigk_ii*phi_ik
	if (is.null(envir)) {
	  Phi_ik <- pmnorm(x=ck_pi, mean = rep(0,q-1), varcov = Sigk_pi,maxpts=(q-1)*200)
	} else {
	  Phi_ik <- symetric_term[k,i]/phi_ik
	GPhi_ik <- GPhi(matrix(ck_pi,q-1,1),matrix(0,q-1,1),Sigk_pi)
	HPhi_ik <- HPhi(matrix(ck_pi,q-1,1),matrix(0,q-1,1),Sigk_pi,GPhi_ik)
	Sigk_mi <- Sigk[-i,i]
	for (l in 1:q) {
	  for (j in 1:d) {
	    # B1
	    B1[l,j] <- B1[l,j] + Sigk_dx_ik[l,j]*phi_ik*Phi_ik
	    # B2
	    B2[l,j] <- B2[l,j] + Sigk_ik*(mk_dx_i[l,j]*dphi_ik_dm + dphi_ik_dSig*Sigk_dx_ii[l,j])*Phi_ik
	    # B3
	    dck_pi <- -mk_dx[l,j,-i]+(mk_dx_i[l,j]*Sigk_ii+(bk_i-mk_i)*Sigk_dx_ii[l,j])/Sigk_ii^2*Sigk_mi-(bk[i,1]-mk_i)/Sigk_ii*Sigk_dx[l,j,-i,i]
	    SigtCross <- tcrossprod(Sigk_dx[l,j,-i,i],Sigk_mi)
	    dSigk_pi <- Sigk_dx[l,j,-i,-i]+Sigk_dx_ii[l,j]/Sigk_ii^2*tcrossprod(Sigk_mi,Sigk_mi)-Sigk_ii^-1*(SigtCross+t(SigtCross))
	    B3[l,j] <- B3[l,j] + Sigk_ik*phi_ik*(crossprod(GPhi_ik,dck_pi)+0.5*sum(HPhi_ik*dSigk_pi))
    if (fastCompute == TRUE) {
      EI.grad <- EI.grad + termB
    } else {
      EI.grad <- EI.grad + B1 + B2 + B3
  if(is.nan(sum(EI.grad))) {return(matrix(0,q,d))}
  return (EI.grad)

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