
Defines functions cpc.cov.matrix helmert.matrix expected get.e.mat get.e.mat.uni get.e.mat.obs sharma.song.test

Documented in sharma.song.test

# Method to determine second order (interaction) differential patterns
# Input : a list of sampled matrices, must be greater or equal to 2
# Output: Statistics and p-value, significance of differentiality
# Created by: Ruby Sharma and Dr. Joe Song
# Date Created: 28 December 2018
# Modified: 
#   12 June 2019 by Dr. Joe Song
#   October 29, 2019:
#     - Added ifelse to check if U is a matrix, if, yes, multiply by 
#       nrow(U) else multiply by 1
#     - Added a test case for 2x2 tables
#     - Renamed matrix U to Q to be consistent with the manuscript.
#     - Simplified the calculation of Df.
#   March 18, 2020: The rank of the covariance matrix is always
#     K-1. No need to compute the rank numerically.
#   May 14, 2020: Corrected the normalized frequency table A inside 
#     function get.e.mat() when an entry has both zero row and zero 
#     column sums.
#   December 17, 2020: 
#   Introduced a new parameter to select the marginal distribution of the 
#   tables in null population.
#   Two options for null.table.marginal:
#   observed: Utilizes the observed marginal in null population to determine the
#   second order differential patterns [default]
#   uniform: Utilizes the uniform marginal in null population to determine the
#   second order differential patterns.
#   April 20, 2021: 
#   Introduced a boolean parameter 'compensated' to avoid the issue of upwards bias 
#   originating due to small expected value (Cochran's condition). Default is FALSE.

#### Imports for the whole package ####
# No longer need this import 
#XXXXXXXXXX' @importFrom Matrix rankMatrix

#' @export
sharma.song.test <- function(tables, null.table.marginal = c("observed", "uniform"),
                             compensated = FALSE)
  if (mode(tables) != "list" || length(tables) < 2) {
    stop("Input must be a list of 2 or more matrices!")

  for(k in 1:(length(tables)-1)){
    if(!identical(dim(tables[[k]]), dim(tables[[k+1]])))
    stop("All matrices must have identical dimensions!")
  DNAME <- deparse(substitute(tables))
    tables = lapply(tables, function(X){
        X = X+(1/prod(dim(X)))

  null.table.marginal <- match.arg(null.table.marginal)
  # Get independent standard normal variables (E matrix) using Helmert tranfrom 
  if(null.table.marginal == "uniform"){
    EN <- get.e.mat.uni(tables)
    type <- "Null table marginal is uniform"
    EN <- get.e.mat.obs(tables)
    type <- "Null table marginal is observed"
  n <- EN$SamS

  if(all(n >= 0) && any(n > 0)) {

    K <- length(tables)

    EList <- EN$EList

    EP <- Reduce('+', EList) # Pooled E vectors of all conditions

    # Get the scaling coffecients:
    b <- sqrt(n) / sum(sqrt(n))

    # Difference of individual E vectors from E pooled:
    Q <- sapply(seq(K), function(k){
      return( EList[[k]] - b[k] * EP )

    # Calculate covariance matrix:
    C <- cpc.cov.matrix(b)

    # Find the rank of the cov matrix
    R <- K - 1 # rankMatrix(C) 

    # Perform eigen-decomposition of covariance matrix:
    eig <- eigen(C)

    nonzero.eigenvalues <- eig$values[seq(R)]

    # Eigenvectors corresponding to non-zero eigenvalues:
    S <- eig$vectors[, seq(R), drop=FALSE]

    Z <- diag( 1 / sqrt( nonzero.eigenvalues ), nrow = R, ncol = R)

    # Calculating Mahalanobis distance squared from eigenvalue
    #   decomposition since rank is not full
    Stat <- sum( ( Q %*% S %*% Z ) ^ 2 )

    Df <- R * length(EP)  # Df <- R * ifelse(is.matrix(Q), nrow(Q), 1)
    P.val <- pchisq(Stat, Df, lower.tail = FALSE)

  } else {

    Stat = 0
    Df = 0
    P.val = 1


  names(Stat) <- "X-squared"
  names(Df) <- "df"
    statistic = Stat,
    parameter = Df,
    p.value = P.val,
    data.name = DNAME,
    method = paste("Sharma-Song Test for Second-Order Differential 
                   Contingency Tables","\n", type)),
    class = "htest"))

get.e.mat.obs <- function(tables)
  K <- length(tables)
  EList <- vector("list", length = K)
  n <- vector("numeric", length = K)

  for(k in seq(K)) {

    # Obtain row and column Helmert matrices
    rowSum <- rowSums(tables[[k]])  
    colSum <- colSums(tables[[k]])
    totalSum <- sum(rowSum)

    # Calculate expected table
    expec <- expected(tables[[k]])
    # Get normalized frequency table of sampled data
    A <- (tables[[k]] - expec) / sqrt(ifelse(expec == 0, 1, expec))
    # Correct the frequency for zero entries with both 
    #   a zero row sum and a zero column sum.
    #for(r in seq_along(rowSum)) {
    #   if(rowSum[r] != 0) next 
    #  for(c in seq_along(colSum)) {
    #     if(colSum[c] == 0) A[r, c] <- sqrt(totalSum)
    #  }
    # }

    # Vectorize E in column major 
    EList[[k]] <- get.e.mat(rowSum, colSum, totalSum, A)

    n[k] <- totalSum
  return(list(SamS = n, EList = EList))

get.e.mat.uni <- function(tables)
  K <- length(tables)
  EList <- vector("list", length = K)
  n <- vector("numeric", length = K)
  for(k in seq(K)) {
    # Obtain row and column Helmert matrices
    rowSum <- rowSums(tables[[k]])  # (expec)
    colSum <- colSums(tables[[k]])  # (expec)
    totalSum <- sum(rowSum)
    R <- length(rowSum)
    S <- length(colSum)
    uniformSamp <- (totalSum)/(R*S)
    unimat = matrix(data = rep( uniformSamp,R*S), nrow = R, ncol = S)
    rowSum <- rowSums(unimat)  
    colSum <- colSums(unimat) 
    # Calculate expected table
    expec <- expected(tables[[k]])
    # Get normalized frequency table of sampled data
    A <- (tables[[k]] - expec) / sqrt(ifelse( uniformSamp == 0, 1,  uniformSamp))
    # Vectorize E in column major 
    EList[[k]] <- get.e.mat(rowSum, colSum, totalSum, A) 
    n[k] <- totalSum
  return(list(SamS = n, EList = EList))

get.e.mat <- function(rowSum, colSum, totalSum, A){
  prdot <- rowSum / totalSum
  pcdot <- colSum / totalSum
  V <- helmert.matrix(prdot)
  W <- helmert.matrix(pcdot)
  # Transform normalized frequency matrix A to independent normal 
  #   variables by multiplying row and column helmert matrices
  E <- V %*% A %*% t(W)
  # Remove the first row and first column from E, which
  #   are alwarys zero. The other entries in E are random normal
  #   variables.
  E <- E[-1, -1]
  E <- as.vector(E)

expected <- function(table)
  rowSum = rowSums(table)
  colSum = colSums(table)
  totalSum = sum(rowSum)
  prod = outer(rowSum, colSum, "*")

  if(totalSum != 0) {
    Exp <- prod / totalSum
  } else {
    Exp <- prod
  return (Exp)

helmert.matrix <- function(p)
  n <- length(p)
  L <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
  L[1, ] <- sqrt(p)

  sumpi.minus.1 <- p[1]

  if(n >= 2) {
    for(i in 2:n) {
      sumpi <- sumpi.minus.1 + p[i]

      # L[i,i] <- - sqrt(sumpi.minus.1  / sumpi) 
      L[i,i] <- - sqrt(
       ifelse(sumpi.minus.1 == 0,
              sumpi.minus.1  / sumpi) )

      # L[i,1:(i-1)] <- sqrt(p[i] * p[1:(i-1)] / (sumpi.minus.1 * sumpi))
      L[i,1:(i-1)] <- sqrt(
        ifelse( p[i] * p[1:(i-1)] == 0,
                p[i] * p[1:(i-1)] / (sumpi.minus.1 * sumpi)
              ) )

      sumpi.minus.1 <- sumpi

cpc.cov.matrix <- function(b)
  # bj > 0 and sum bj=1
  K <- length(b)
  JK <- matrix(1, nrow=K, ncol=K)
  covmat <- diag(K) - JK %*% diag(b) - diag(b) %*% JK + K * b %*% t(b)

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DiffXTables documentation built on May 16, 2021, 9:07 a.m.