
Defines functions bestPFT rankPFT matrix.fromPFTs PFTs.from.variants generators.catlg gen.fun2 gen.fun generators.design generators origin ord make.formulas make.generators

Documented in bestPFT generators generators.catlg generators.design gen.fun make.formulas make.generators matrix.fromPFTs ord origin PFTs.from.variants rankPFT

make.generators <- function(name,liste){
       g <- length(liste)
       k <- length(name)-g
       generators <- rep(list(""),g)
       for (i in 1:g) generators[[i]] <- formula(paste(name[k+i],"~",paste(name[liste[[i]]],collapse="*"),sep=""))
make.formulas <- function(orignames, factor.names){
   ## function for creating coding information
   ## for response surface analysis
   aus <- eval(parse(text=paste("list(",
                       sapply(factor.names,function(obj) (obj[2]-obj[1])/2), sep=""),collapse=","),
   names(aus) <- orignames

ord <- function(matrix, decreasing=FALSE){
    ## determines ordering vector that orders matrix 
    ##      w.r.t. first columns, second column etc.
    text <- "order(matrix[,1]"
    if (ncol(matrix)>1)
    for (i in 2:ncol(matrix)) text <- paste(text,",matrix[,",i,"]",sep="")
    text <- paste(text,", decreasing=",decreasing,")")

## new function des.recode
des.recode <- function (var, recodes, as.factor.result, char) 
## fix level order, changed with version 0.27 
## also simplified the way the function operates
## recodes is a long string with assignments separated by ;  
## intention: leave level orders unchanged for factors var
##            choose level orders according to recodes order for non-factor var
##            whenever all levels are given in recodes
##            otherwise have as.factor determine the level order (like so far)
## I got rid of the rev, but don't know what the rev was for so far!
    is.fac <- is.factor(var)
    if (missing(as.factor.result)) 
        as.factor.result <- is.fac
    if (missing(char)) char <- FALSE

    recode.list <- strsplit(recodes, ";")[[1]]
    recode.list <- strsplit(recode.list, "=")
    oldcodes <- sapply(recode.list, function(obj) obj[1])
    if (char)
    newcodes <- sapply(recode.list, function(obj) obj[2])
    else newcodes <- sapply(recode.list, function(obj) eval(parse(text=obj[2]), 
                      envir = parent.frame(), enclos = sys.frame(0)))

    result <- var
    if (is.fac) 
        result <- as.character(result)
    for (i in 1:length(oldcodes)){
            if (is.na(oldcodes[i])) 
                result[is.na(var)] <- newcodes[i]
            else result[var == oldcodes[i]] <- newcodes[i]
## fix level order, changed with version 0.27 
    if (as.factor.result) {
        if (is.fac){ 
           levnew <- levels(var)
           for (i in 1:length(oldcodes)){
               if (is.na(oldcodes[i])) 
                  levnew[is.na(levnew)] <- newcodes[i]
               else levnew[levnew == oldcodes[i]] <- newcodes[i]
           result <- factor(result, levels=levnew)
        if (length(newcodes)==length(unique(result)) & length(setdiff(newcodes, result))==0)    
           result <- factor(result, levels=newcodes)
        else result <- as.factor(result)
### needed for old level order in oa.design
des.recode.old <- function (var, recodes, as.factor.result, char) 
    recode.list <- rev(strsplit(recodes, ";")[[1]])
    is.fac <- is.factor(var)
    if (missing(as.factor.result)) 
        as.factor.result <- is.fac
    if (missing(char)) char <- FALSE
    result <- var
    if (is.fac) 
        result <- as.character(result)
    for (term in recode.list){
        set <- eval(parse(text = strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][1]))
        if (!char)
        target <- eval(parse(text = strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][2]), 
            envir = parent.frame(), enclos = sys.frame(0))
        target <- strsplit(term, "=")[[1]][2]
        for (val in set){
            if (is.na(val)) 
                result[is.na(var)] <- target
            else result[var == val] <- target
    if (as.factor.result) 
        result <- as.factor(result)

## accessor functions for attributes of orthogonal arrays
origin<-function(ID) attr(ID,"origin")
## not needed, as it is available in package base
#comment<-function(ID) attr(ID,"comment")

generators <- function(design, ...){
generators.design <- function(design, ...){
    ## extract generating contrasts for all FrF2 designs
    ## special care is needed for splitplot, hard and blocked designs
    ## and also estimable
    aus <- NULL
    di <- design.info(design)
    if (di$type=="planor") aus <- list(generators=di$generator)
    blocked <- length(grep("blocked", di$type, fixed=TRUE)) > 0
    ### make sure that all functions use the correct catlg (from catlg.name entry)
    catlg.name <- di$catlg.name
    if (is.null(catlg.name)) catlg.name <- "catlg"
    if (!exists(catlg.name)) {
        catlg <- try(eval(parse(text=catlg.name)), silent=TRUE)
        if ("try-error" %in% class(catlg))
        stop("alias information can only be provided, if ", catlg.name, " is available")
    else catlg <- get(catlg.name)   ## within this function, default catlg to the current catalogue
    if (!"catlg" %in% class(catlg)) stop("alias information can not be provided, \nbecause ", catlg.name, " is not a valid design catalogue")
    if (length(grep("FrF2", di$type)) == 0) {
          if (length(grep("full factorial", di$type)) > 0) return(list(generators="none"))
          stop("generators are only determined for regular fractional factorial 2-level designs.")
        k <- round(log2(di$nruns))
        ## prevent execution of function for blocked or splitplot designs generated 
        ## with versions of FrF2 before 1.1
        neuver <- FALSE
        if (!is.null(di$FrF2.version))
            if (compareVersion(di$FrF2.version, "1.1") >= 0) neuver <- TRUE
        block.old <- di$block.old
        if (blocked && is.null(block.old)) {
        if (compareVersion(di$FrF2.version, "2.0") < 0  && blocked) block.old <- TRUE else{
            warning("It is not known which blocking approach was used, ", 
                    "the default new approach was assumed for creating generator information.")
            block.old <- FALSE
        if ((length(grep("splitplot",di$type)) > 0 || blocked) & !neuver) 
              stop("generators cannot be extracted from blocked or splitplot designs created with FrF2 versions before 1.1.")
#        if (length(grep("blocked",di$type))>0 && di$base.design %in% names(get(di$catlg)))
#            if (nfac(get(di$catlg)[di$base.design]) > di$nfactors) 
#              stop("generators cannot be extracted from blocked designs created with ", 
#                   "blockpick.big or with user-specified individual blocking factors")
        if (length(grep("param",di$type)) > 0 | length(grep("folded",di$type)) > 0)
              stop("generators cannot be calculated for folded or parameter designs.")
        if (!is.null(di$catlg.entry)){
             ## catalogue entries for block or split-plot designs are in base.design
             gen <- di$catlg.entry[[1]]$gen
             if(di$nfactors <= 50) fn <- Letters[(round(log2(di$catlg.entry[[1]]$nruns),0)+1) : 
                      di$catlg.entry[[1]]$nfac] else
                      fn <- paste("F",(round(log2(di$catlg.entry[[1]]$nruns),0)+1) : 
             aus <- list("generators"=paste(fn, unlist(names(Yates)[gen]), sep="="))
             #else aus <- paste(paste("F",(round(log2(di$catlg.entry[[1]]$nruns),0)+1) : 
             #         di$catlg.entry[[1]]$nfac,sep=""), sapply(Yates[gen], function(obj2) paste(paste("F", obj2, sep=""),collapse=":")),
             #         sep="=")
        else{ if (!is.null(di$generators))
               aus <- list("generators"=di$generators)
        else{## estimable has map only, named by name of the base design
             ## must be treated separately, because map can refer to all factors
             ##      not only base factors
            if (is.null(di$base.design) && !is.null(di$map) && !(blocked && !block.old)){ 
                 ## determine unmapped generators;
                 ## for new blocking approach, mapping was already treated by permuting factor names
                 hilf <- generators(names(di$map), select.catlg=catlg)[[1]]
                 aus <- list("generators"=sort(chartr(paste(Letters[di$map[[1]]],collapse=""),
        if (!is.null(di$base.design)){ 
               ### can happen for blocked (both versions) and splitplot
               ### can be character string starting with "generator columns:"
               ###   or a design name from catlg (the latter is resolved with catlg loaded only
               ### complications arise from blockpick.big (because of additional block generators)
               ###   and from block factors specified individually
               ### and from splitplot because of generated columns potentially moving up to the front
               ### (depending on resolution of whole plot portion of the design)
               hilf.name <- character(0)
               if (length(grep("generator columns:", di$base.design))>0){
                    ## not a design name but generator columns in base.design
                    hilf.name <- di$base.design
                    di$base.design <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(di$base.design,c(" "))),","))[-c(1,2)])
                    if (length(di$base.design)==0) {
                         if (is.null(di$block.gen))
                         return(list(generators="full factorial"))
                         return(list('generators for design itself'="full factorial",
                                     'block generators'=di$block.gen))   ## FF_from_X
                       base.gen <- di$base.design ## for call to gen.fun2
               else {
                  if (exists(catlg.name)){
                    if (di$base.design %in% names(catlg)){
                       hilf.name <- di$base.design
                       di$base.design <- catlg[[di$base.design]]$gen
                       base.gen <- di$base.design ## for call to gen.fun2
                    else stop("For generator information, you need to load the catalogue ", catlg.name, ".")
               ## Now di$base.design is numeric vector of column numbers
               if (is.null(di$map)) di$map <- 1:k
               if (is.null(di$orig.fac.order)) di$orig.fac.order <- 1:di$nfactors
               mLetters <- Letters[invperm(di$orig.fac.order)]  
               mFnames <- paste0("F", invperm(di$orig.fac.order))  ## for >50 factors
                  ## letters that only refer to experimental factors
                  ## appropriately re-arranged for split-plot designs
                  if (blocked && !block.old){
                      di$base.design <- names(Yates)[di$base.design]  ## this is a vector of character generators
                      if (!length(di$base.design) + k > di$nfactors){
                           ## no extra block factors apart from experimental factors
                           if (di$nfactors<=50) 
                           di$base.design <- paste(Letters[(k+1):(di$nfactors)], di$base.design, sep="=")
                           di$base.design <- paste(paste0("F",(k+1):(di$nfactors)), di$base.design, sep="=")
                       ### April 2020
                       ### estimable or old block strategy with map
                       ###    i.e. not treating map with new block strategy, because it is 
                       ###    already covered by permuting factor names
                       di$base.design <- Yates[di$base.design]
                       di$base.design <- lapply(di$base.design, function(obj) sort(invperm(di$map)[obj]))
                       if (!length(di$base.design) + k > di$nfactors){
                           ## no extra block factors apart from experimental factors
                           if (di$nfactors<=50) 
                           di$base.design <- paste(mLetters[(k+1):(di$nfactors)],
                                                      sapply(di$base.design, function(obj) 
                           di$base.design <- paste(mFnames[(k+1):(di$nfactors)],
                                                      sapply(di$base.design, function(obj) 
               k.block.add <- 0
              if (length(di$base.design) + k > di$nfactors){
               #    di$base.design <- paste(Letters[(k+1):(di$nfactors)],
               #                               sapply(di$base.design, function(obj) paste(sort(Letters[obj]),collapse="")),sep="=")
               ### for blockpick.big - generated blocked designs and added factors for blocking:
               ### returned wrong results for blockpick.big and did not work for added factors for blocking 
               ###      before version 0.23-2
                         k.block <- round(log2(di$nblocks)) 
                         k.block.add <- length(di$base.design) + k - di$nfactors
                  ## k.block.add > 0, but potentially < k.block
                       ## base factors as generators or not ???
                       if (!identical(names(di$base.design),names(Yates[di$block.gen]))) 
                          di$base.design <- paste(Letters[(k-k.block.add+1):(di$nfactors)],
                                          sapply(di$base.design, function(obj) 
                          else di$base.design <- "full factorial"
               if (!is.null(di$block.gen)){ 
                    hilf <- di$block.gen
                    if (k.block.add > 0) {
                        ## special treatment of blocked full factorials
                        if (k == di$nfactors) return(list("generators for design itself"=di$base.design, 
                                                          "block generators"=names(Yates[hilf])))
                        ## other blocked designs
                        if (is.null(di$block.old)) di$block.old <- TRUE 
                             ## neglecting intermediate versions, for which the info was wrongly presented
                             ## in case block.old=FALSE
                        if (di$block.old){
                             hilf <- paste("block generators", paste(paste("b",1:k.block.add,sep=""), collapse=" ")) 
                             if (k.block > k.block.add) hilf <- paste(hilf, names(Yates)[di$block.gen[-(1:k.block.add)]])
                             hilf <- rbind(hilf, 
                                           paste("from Yates matrix columns", paste(di$block.gen, collapse=" ")), 
                                           paste("of base design", hilf.name, "in catalogue", di$catlg))
                             rownames(hilf) <- rep("",3)
                             colnames(hilf) <- ""
                             if (!is.null(di$map)){
                                 if (!identical(di$map, 1:k)){
                                 hilf <- rbind(hilf, paste("base factors remapped as", paste(di$map, collapse=" ")))
                                 rownames(hilf) <- rep("", 4) }
                            ### block.gen contains the block generators
                           ### these are also in base design
                          hilf <- paste(paste("b",1:k.block.add,sep=""), 
                                            names(Yates)[di$block.gen], sep="=")
                                                     ## block generators
                          hilf2 <- gen.fun2(setdiff(base.gen, di$blockgen), k, di$nfactors)
                          return(list("generators for design itself"=hilf2,
                                      "block generators"=hilf)) 
                      if (is.list(hilf)) {
                       ## list of generators with several base column numbers in each list element
                       hilf <- names(Yates)[sapply(hilf, function(obj) 
                       else hilf <- names(Yates)[hilf]
                       aus <- c(list(di$base.design), list(hilf))
                      names(aus) <- c(paste("generators for design itself"),
                          "block generators")
               else {aus <- list(di$base.design)
                      names(aus) <- paste("generators")
    } ## end FrF2

gen.fun <- function(obj,num=FALSE){
       ## obj must be a single catlg entry
             gen <- obj$gen
            if (obj$nfac <= 50) fn <- Letters[(round(log2(obj$nruns),0)+1) : obj$nfac] else
                        fn <- paste("F",(round(log2(obj$nruns),0)+1) : obj$nfac, sep="")
             aus <- paste(fn, unlist(names(Yates)[gen]),sep="=")
             names(gen) <- fn
             if (num) gen else aus

gen.fun2 <- function(gen, k, nfac, num=FALSE){
       ## gen must be a vector of Yates matrix column numbers
        nruns <- 2^k
        if (nfac <= 50) fn <- Letters[(round(log2(nruns),0)+1) : nfac] else
                        fn <- paste("F",(round(log2(nruns),0)+1) : nfac, sep="")
        names(gen) <- fn
        aus <- paste(fn, unlist(names(Yates)[gen]),sep="=")
           #  else aus <- paste(paste("F",(round(log2(obj$nruns),0)+1) : 
           #           obj$nfac,sep=""), sapply(Yates[gen], function(obj2) paste(paste("F", obj2, sep=""),collapse=":")),
           #           sep="=")
        if (num) gen else aus

generators.catlg <- function(design, ...){
    ## design is a list of class catlg
    if (!"catlg" %in% class(design))
       stop("This function works on class catlg objects only.")
    lapply(design, gen.fun)

generators.character <- function (design, select.catlg=catlg, ...) 
     catlg.name <- deparse(substitute(select.catlg))
     ## select.catlg is used for looking up the design name
    if (!is.character(design)) 
        stop("This function works on character strings only.")
    if (!exists(catlg.name)) {
        catlg <- try(eval(parse(text=catlg.name)), silent=TRUE)
        if ("try-error" %in% class(catlg))
        stop("alias information can only be provided, if ", catlg.name, " is available")
    else catlg <- get(catlg.name)
    if (!"catlg" %in% class(catlg)) stop(catlg.name, " is not a valid design catalogue")
    if (!all(design %in% names(catlg))) 
        stop("character string design contains invalid elements")

invperm <- function (perm) 
    sort(perm, index.return = TRUE)$ix

PFTs.from.variants <- function(array, variants, R=3, rela=TRUE){
  ## function to calculate a list of (relative) projection frequency tables from 
  ##    an array and a matrix of column numbers 
  ## array is an orthogonal array
  ## variants is a matrix the rows of which contain distinct column numbers
  ##    pertaining to array
  ## R is the resolution of the design (3 or 4)
  if (max(variants)>ncol(array)) stop("invalid variants for array")
  if (R==3) PFTs <- lapply(1:nrow(variants), function(obj) P3.3(array[,variants[obj,]], rela=rela))
  else PFTs <- lapply(1:nrow(variants), function(obj) P4.4(array[,variants[obj,]], rela=rela))

matrix.fromPFTs <- function(PFTs){
   ## function to bring a list of (R)PFTs with possibly different entries into matrix form
   ## for easy comparison
    zeilen <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(PFTs, function(obj) obj[,1]))))
    spalten <- 1:length(PFTs)
    pfts <- matrix(0, nrow=length(zeilen), ncol=length(PFTs), dimnames=list(zeilen, spalten))
    for (i in 1:length(PFTs))
       pfts[as.character(PFTs[[i]][,1]),i] <- PFTs[[i]][,2]

rankPFT <- function(pfts){
   ## input is an output object of matrix.from.PFTs
   hilf <- t(pfts[nrow(pfts):1,])

bestPFT <- function(pfts){
   ## input is an output object of matrix.from.PFTs
   hilf <- t(pfts[nrow(pfts):1,])
   resort <- ord(hilf)
   hilf <- hilf[resort,,drop=FALSE]
   best <- TRUE
   zeile <- 1
   hb <- hilf[1,]
   nbest <- 1
   while (best & zeile < nrow(hilf)){
        zeile <- zeile + 1
            if (all(hilf[zeile,]==hb)) nbest <- zeile
            else best <- FALSE
   invperm(resort) <= nbest

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