
Defines functions loadMentionsTEI fixDate loadCharactersTEI fixColumnType writeSegmentRow writeTextRow parseTEI loadDramaTEI

Documented in loadDramaTEI

#' @title Load drama
#' @description This function parses and loads one or more dramas in raw TEI format.
#' @param filename The filename of the drama to load (or a list thereof).
#' @import xml2
#' @importFrom data.table data.table
#' @importFrom tokenizers tokenize_words
#' @exportClass QDDrama
#' @return The function returns an object of class \code{QDDrama}.
#' @export
loadDramaTEI <- function(filename) {
  # recursive loading for multiple dramas
  if (is.list(filename)) {
    drama_list <- lapply(filename, loadDramaTEI)
    drama <- drama_list[[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(drama_list)) {
      drama <- combine(drama, drama_list[[i]])
  } else {
    raw_tei <- xml2::read_xml(filename) # read xml file
    nsp <- xml2::xml_ns_rename(xml2::xml_ns(raw_tei), d1="tei") # set tei-namespace
    id <- gsub("([^.]+).xml", "\\1", filename)
    corpus <- "tei"
    # create QDDrama object and its elements
    drama <- list()
    text_segments_stage <- parseTEI(raw_tei, nsp, id, corpus)
    drama$text <- text_segments_stage$text
    drama$segments <- text_segments_stage$segments
    drama$characters <- loadCharactersTEI(raw_tei, nsp, corpus, id)
    drama$meta <- loadMetaTEI(raw_tei, nsp, corpus, id)
    drama$mentions <- loadMentionsTEI()
    drama$stageDirections <- text_segments_stage$stage
    # add classes to list objects
    class(drama$text) <- append("QDHasUtteranceBE", class(drama$text))
    class(drama$segments) <- append("QDHasSegments", class(drama$segments))
    class(drama$mentions) <- append("QDHasUtteranceBE", class(drama$mentions))
    class(drama$stageDirections) <- append("QDHasUtteranceBE", class(drama$stageDirections))
    class(drama) <- append("QDDrama", class(drama))

# This function parses the xml object iteratively, constructs the text, 
# segments and stageDirections data.table objects row by row as a list 
# and then converts them into the right format.
# internal
parseTEI <- function(raw_tei, nsp, id, corpus) {
  # initialize lists of text, segments and stageDirections
  text_l <- list()
  segments_l <- list()
  stage_l <- list()
  # intialize count variables
  d_length <- 0
  act_counter <- 0
  scene_counter <- 0
  position <- 1
  no_scenes <- FALSE
  # subset of raw_tei that is relevant: act-divs, scene-divs, sp-elements, stage-elements outside sp
  relevant_tei <- xml2::xml_find_all(raw_tei, 
  # tei-parsing
  for (elem in relevant_tei) {
    # new act
    if (identical(xml2::xml_attr(elem, "type", ns = nsp), "act")) {
      if (act_counter > 0 && scene_counter == 0) { # if there are no scenes
        segments_l <- writeSegmentRow(corpus, id, act_begin, 
                                      act_counter, 0, 0, scene_counter, segments_l)
        no_scenes <- TRUE
      } else if (scene_counter > 0) { # write last scene of last act
        scene_end <- position - 1
        segments_l <- writeSegmentRow(corpus, id, act_begin, act_counter, 
                                      scene_begin, scene_end, scene_counter, segments_l)
      # update count variables for act and scene
      act_begin <- position
      act_counter <- act_counter + 1
      scene_counter <- 0
      # new scene
    } else if (identical(xml2::xml_attr(elem, "type", ns = nsp), "scene")) {
      scene_end <- position - 1
      if (act_counter == 0) { # if there are no acts
        act_begin <- 0
      if (scene_counter > 0) { # if there are scenes
        segments_l <- writeSegmentRow(corpus, id, act_begin, act_counter, 
                                      scene_begin, scene_end, scene_counter, segments_l)
      # update count variables for scenes
      scene_counter <- scene_counter + 1
      scene_begin <- position
      # new stage direction without speaker
    } else if (identical(xml2::xml_name(elem, ns = nsp), "tei:stage")) {
      tokenized_st <- tokenizers::tokenize_words(xml2::xml_text(elem), lowercase = FALSE, strip_punct = FALSE)[[1]]
      stage_l <- writeTextRow(corpus, id, tokenized_st, c("_Stage"), stage_l, position, elem, "_Stage")
      d_length <- d_length + length(tokenized_st)
      position <- position + nchar(xml2::xml_text(elem))
      # speaker & speech
    } else if (identical(xml2::xml_name(elem, ns = nsp), "tei:sp")) {
      # get speaker ids
      raw_ids <- strsplit(xml2::xml_attr(elem, "who", ns = nsp), "#")[[1]]
      speaker_ids <- sapply(raw_ids, trimws)[2:length(raw_ids)]
      # parse subelements of sp
      for (sp_elem in xml2::xml_children(elem)) {
        # parse speaker_surface
        if (identical(xml2::xml_name(sp_elem, ns = nsp), "tei:speaker")) {
          speaker_surface <- gsub("\\.", "", xml2::xml_text(sp_elem))
          d_length <- d_length + length(tokenizers::tokenize_words(speaker_surface, lowercase = FALSE, strip_punct = FALSE)[[1]])
          position <- position + nchar(xml2::xml_text(sp_elem))
        # parse p-elements inside sp
        } else if (identical(xml2::xml_name(sp_elem, ns = nsp), "tei:p")) {
          # iterate over contents in p
          for (p_elem in xml2::xml_contents(sp_elem)) {
            # parse stage-element inside p
            if (identical(xml2::xml_name(p_elem, ns = nsp), "tei:stage")) {
              tokenized_st <- tokenizers::tokenize_words(xml2::xml_text(p_elem), lowercase = FALSE, strip_punct = FALSE)[[1]]
              stage_l <- writeTextRow(corpus, id, tokenized_st, speaker_ids, stage_l, position, p_elem, speaker_surface)
              d_length <- d_length + length(tokenized_st)
            # parse text inside speech
            } else {
              tokenized_p <- tokenizers::tokenize_words(xml2::xml_text(p_elem), lowercase = FALSE, strip_punct = FALSE)[[1]]
              text_l <- writeTextRow(corpus, id, tokenized_p, speaker_ids, text_l, position, sp_elem, speaker_surface)
              d_length <- d_length + length(tokenized_p)
            position <- position + nchar(xml2::xml_text(p_elem))
          # parse lg-element inside sp
        } else if (identical(xml2::xml_name(sp_elem, ns = nsp), "tei:lg")) {
          temp_text <- paste(lapply(xml2::xml_children(sp_elem), xml2::xml_text), collapse=" ")
          tokenized_lg <- tokenizers::tokenize_words(temp_text, lowercase = FALSE, strip_punct = FALSE)[[1]]
          text_l <- writeTextRow(corpus, id, tokenized_lg, speaker_ids, text_l, position, sp_elem, speaker_surface)
          d_length <- d_length + length(tokenized_lg)
          position <- position + nchar(xml2::xml_text(sp_elem))
          # parse stage-element inside sp
        } else if (identical(xml2::xml_name(sp_elem, ns = nsp), "tei:stage")) { # stage-element inside sp-element
          tokenized_st <- tokenizers::tokenize_words(xml2::xml_text(sp_elem), lowercase = FALSE, strip_punct = FALSE)[[1]]
          stage_l <- writeTextRow(corpus, id, tokenized_st, speaker_ids, stage_l, position, sp_elem, speaker_surface)
          d_length <- d_length + length(tokenized_st)
          position <- position + nchar(xml2::xml_text(sp_elem))
          # parse l-element inside sp
        } else if (identical(xml2::xml_name(sp_elem, ns = nsp), "tei:l")) { # l-element inside sp-element
          tokenized_l <- tokenizers::tokenize_words(xml2::xml_text(sp_elem), lowercase = FALSE, strip_punct = FALSE)[[1]]
          text_l <- writeTextRow(corpus, id, tokenized_l, speaker_ids, text_l, position, sp_elem, speaker_surface)
          d_length <- d_length + length(tokenized_l)
          position <- position + nchar(xml2::xml_text(sp_elem))
  # write last segments row after parsing
  if (no_scenes) { # if there are no scenes
    segments_l <- writeSegmentRow(corpus, id, act_begin, 
                                  act_counter, 0, 0, scene_counter, segments_l)
  } else {
    scene_end <- position - 1
    segments_l <- writeSegmentRow(corpus, id, act_begin, act_counter, 
                                  scene_begin, scene_end, scene_counter, segments_l)
  # convert text_l into data.table
  dt_text <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, text_l)))
  names(dt_text) <- c("corpus", "drama", "utteranceBegin", "utteranceEnd", 
                      "Speaker.figure_surface", "Speaker.figure_id", "Token.surface")
  dt_text$Token.pos <- NA
  dt_text$Token.lemma <- NA
  dt_text$length <- d_length
  dt_text <- fixColumnType(dt_text)
  dt_text$Speaker.figure_surface <- as.factor(dt_text$Speaker.figure_surface)
  dt_text$Speaker.figure_id <- as.factor(dt_text$Speaker.figure_id)
  # convert segments_l into data.table
  dt_segments <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, segments_l)))
  names(dt_segments) <- c("corpus", "drama", "begin.Act", "end.Act", "Number.Act",
                          "begin.Scene", "end.Scene", "Number.Scene")
  act_begins <- unique(dt_segments$begin.Act)[-1]
  # fill end.Act-columns of segments-object
  if (act_counter == 1) { # if there is only one act
    dt_segments$end.Act[] <- position - 1
  } else if (act_counter > 1) { # if there is more than one act
    for (i in 1:length(act_begins)) {
      dt_segments$end.Act[dt_segments$Number.Act == i] <- act_begins[[i]] - 1
    dt_segments$end.Act[is.na(dt_segments$end.Act)] <- position - 1 
  } else { # if there are no acts
    dt_segments$end.Act[] <- position - 1
  dt_segments <- fixColumnType(dt_segments)
  # convert stage_l into data.table
  dt_stage <- data.table::data.table(as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, stage_l)))
  names(dt_stage) <- c("corpus", "drama", "utteranceBegin", "utteranceEnd", 
                      "Speaker.figure_surface", "Speaker.figure_id", "Token.surface")
  dt_stage$Token.pos <- NA
  dt_stage$Token.lemma <- NA
  dt_stage$length <- d_length
  dt_stage <- fixColumnType(dt_stage)
  dt_stage$Speaker.figure_surface <- as.factor(dt_stage$Speaker.figure_surface)
  dt_stage$Speaker.figure_id <- as.factor(dt_stage$Speaker.figure_id)
  # output named list of data.table objects
  list("text" = dt_text, "segments" = dt_segments, "stage" = dt_stage)

# This helper function for \code{parseTEI()} adds a row to the input text list.
# internal
writeTextRow <- function(corpus, id, tokenized, speakers, text_l, position, elem, speaker_surface) {
  for (token in tokenized) {
    for (speaker in speakers) {
      text_l <- append(text_l, list(list(corpus,
                                         position + nchar(xml2::xml_text(elem)) - 1,

# This helper function for \code{parseTEI()} adds a row to the input segments list.
# internal
writeSegmentRow <- function(corpus, id, act_begin, act_counter, 
                            scene_begin, scene_end, scene_counter, segments_l) {
  segments_l <- append(segments_l, list(list(corpus,
                                             NA, # act end

# This helper function for \code{parseTEI()} fixes column types of the input data.table object.
# internal
fixColumnType <- function(dt) {
  dt[] <- lapply(dt, function(column) {
    if (is.character(column[[1]])) {
    } else if (is.numeric(column[[1]])){
    } else {

# This function parses the raw input tei and creates the characters data.table
# from the listPerson-element.
# internal
loadCharactersTEI <- function(raw_tei, nsp, corpus, drama) {
  # initalize data.table
  dt_characters <- data.table::data.table(corpus=character(), drama=character(), figure_surface=character(), 
                                          figure_id=character(), Gender=character(), Age=numeric())
  # find listPerson-element
  listPerson <- xml2::xml_find_all(raw_tei, "//tei:listPerson/tei:person", ns = nsp)
  # parse all characters in listPerson
  for (elem in listPerson) {
    dt_characters <- rbind(dt_characters, list(corpus, drama, xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_children(elem)[[1]]), xml2::xml_attr(elem, "id"), xml2::xml_attr(elem, "sex"), xml2::xml_attr(elem, "age")))
  # output data.table object

# This function parses the raw input tei and creates the meta data.table from 
# the titleStmt-element and the bibl-element of type originalSource.
# internal
loadMetaTEI <- function (raw_tei, nsp, corpus, id) {
  # find title, language, author and pnd in titleStmt
  title <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(raw_tei, "//tei:titleStmt/tei:title[@type='main']", ns = nsp))
  language <- xml2::xml_attr(raw_tei, "lang")
  author <- xml2::xml_text(xml2::xml_find_first(raw_tei, "//tei:titleStmt/tei:author", ns = nsp))
  pnd <- gsub("pnd:", "", xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_find_first(raw_tei, "//tei:titleStmt/tei:author", ns = nsp), "key"))
  # find dates from bibl-element of type originalSource
  date_written <- fixDate(xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_find_first(raw_tei, "//tei:bibl[@type='originalSource']/tei:date[@type='written']", ns = nsp), "when"))
  date_printed <- fixDate(xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_find_first(raw_tei, "//tei:bibl[@type='originalSource']/tei:date[@type='print']", ns = nsp), "when"))
  date_premiere <- fixDate(xml2::xml_attr(xml2::xml_find_first(raw_tei, "//tei:bibl[@type='originalSource']/tei:date[@type='premiere']", ns = nsp), "when"))
  date_translated <- NA # not applicable so far
  # construct data.table
  dt_meta <- data.table::data.table(corpus = corpus, drama = id, documentTitle = title, 
                        language = language, Name = author, Pnd = pnd, Translator.Name = NA, 
                        Translator.Pnd = NA, Date.Written = date_written, Date.Printed = date_printed, 
                        Date.Premiere = date_premiere, Date.Translation = NA)
  # output data.table object

# This helper function for \code{loadMetaTEI()} fixes the type of dates if available.
# internal 
fixDate <- function(date) {
  if (is.na(date)) {
  } else {

# This function creates the mentions data.table. Since there are no linguistic
# annotations for the tei files (yet), the mentions table is left empty.
# internal
loadMentionsTEI <- function() {
  dt_mentions <- data.table::data.table(corpus=character(), drama=character(), utteranceBegin=numeric(),
                            utteranceEnd=numeric(), utteranceSpeakerId=character(), 
                            mentionBegin=numeric(), mentionEnd=numeric(), 
                            mentionSurface=character(), entityId=character())

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DramaAnalysis documentation built on Jan. 13, 2021, 10:02 p.m.