
Defines functions plot.infoCluster summary.infoCluster print.infoCluster infoCluster

Documented in infoCluster

#' @title Information Theoretic Mixture Clustering for \code{\link[EGAnet]{dynEGA}}
#' @description Performs hierarchical clustering using Jensen-Shannon distance
#' followed by the Louvain algorithm with consensus clustering. The method
#' iteratively identifies smaller and smaller clusters until there is no
#' change in the clusters identified
#' @param dynEGA.object  A \code{\link[EGAnet]{dynEGA}} or a
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{dynEGA.ind.pop}} object that is used to match
#' the arguments of the EII object
#' @param plot.cluster Boolean (length = 1).
#' Should plot of optimal and hierarchical clusters be output?
#' Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' Set to \code{FALSE} to not plot
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed on to
#' \code{\link[EGAnet]{jsd}}
#' @examples
#'# Obtain data
#' sim.dynEGA <- sim.dynEGA # bypasses CRAN checks
#' \dontrun{
#' # Dynamic EGA individual and population structure
#' dyn.ega1 <- dynEGA.ind.pop(
#'   data = sim.dynEGA, n.embed = 5, tau = 1,
#'   delta = 1, id = 25, use.derivatives = 1,
#'   ncores = 2, corr = "pearson"
#' )
#' # Perform information-theoretic clustering
#' clust1 <- infoCluster(dynEGA.object = dyn.ega1)}
#' @return Returns a list containing:
#' \item{clusters}{A vector corresponding to cluster each participant belongs to}
#' \item{clusterTree}{The dendogram from \code{\link[stats]{hclust}} the hierarhical clustering}
#' \item{clusterPlot}{Plot output from results}
#' \item{JSD}{Jensen-Shannon Distance}
#' @author Hudson Golino <hfg9s at virginia.edu> & Alexander P. Christensen <alexander.christensen at Vanderbilt.Edu>
#' @seealso \code{\link[EGAnet]{plot.EGAnet}} for plot usage in \code{\link{EGAnet}}
#' @export
# Information Theoretic Clustering for dynEGA
# Updated 27.07.2024
infoCluster <- function(dynEGA.object, plot.cluster = TRUE, ...)

  # Check for appropriate class ("dynEGA.ind.pop" defunct to legacy)
  if(!is(dynEGA.object, "dynEGA") & !is(dynEGA.object, "dynEGA.ind.pop")){
    class_error(dynEGA.object, "dynEGA", "infoCluster")

  # Get proper objects (if not, send an error)
  dynega_objects <- get_dynEGA_object(dynEGA.object)

  # Get individual networks
  individual_networks <- lapply(
    dynega_objects$individual, function(x){x$network}

  # Get pairwise JSD
  jsd_matrix <- pairwise_spectral_JSD(individual_networks, ...)

  # Make diagonal NA
  diag(jsd_matrix) <- NA

  # Remove all NAs
  rm_cols <- !lvapply(
    as.data.frame(jsd_matrix), function(x){all(is.na(x))}

  # Remove missing data points and convert to distance
  jsd_matrix <- jsd_matrix[rm_cols, rm_cols]

  # Get similarity matrix
  jss_matrix <- 1 - jsd_matrix

  # Make diagonal 0 again
  diag(jss_matrix) <- diag(jsd_matrix) <- 0

  # Use agglomerative Ward's D
  hier_clust <- hclust(
    d = as.dist(jsd_matrix),
    method = "ward.D2"

  # Get number of cases
  cases <- dim(jsd_matrix)[2]

  # Get cut sequence
  cut_sequence <- seq_len(cases)[-1]

  # Obtain cuts
  hier_cuts <- lapply(cut_sequence, function(i){
    cutree(hier_clust, i)

  # Compute modularity over solutions
  Qs <- nvapply(
    hier_cuts, function(cut){
      modularity(jss_matrix, cut, resolution = 1.01)

  # Switch based on positive modularity
  Q_index <- which.max(Qs)

  # Obtain clusters
  clusters <- hier_cuts[[Q_index]]

  # Set up results
  results <- list(
    clusters = clusters,
    modularity = Qs[Q_index],
    clusterTree = hier_clust,
    JSD = jsd_matrix

  # Set class
  class(results) <- "infoCluster"

  # Check for plot

    # Get plot
    results$plot_cluster <- plot(results)

    # Actually send plot


  # Return results


#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Print Method ----
# Updated 14.07.2023
print.infoCluster <- function(x, ...)

  # Print clusters
  cat("Number of cases: ", length(x$clusters), "\n")
  cat("Number of clusters: ", unique_length(x$clusters))

  # Add breakspace

  # Print cluster assignments


#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Summary Method ----
# Updated 14.07.2023
summary.infoCluster <- function(object, ...)
  print(object, ...) # same as print

#' @exportS3Method
# S3 Plot Method ----
# Works fast enough, so leaving as original code
# Updated 14.02.2024
plot.infoCluster <- function(x, label_size = 3, rotate = TRUE, ...)

  # Get maximum clusters
  max_clusters <- max(x$clusters)

  # Get cluster sequence
  cluster_sequence <- seq_len(max_clusters)

  # Get color palette
  color_palette <- color_palette_EGA("polychrome", wc = rev(cluster_sequence))

  # Get dendrogram and color branches
  cluster_data <- dendextend::as.ggdend(
      clusters =  x$clusters[x$clusterTree$order],
      col = color_palette

  # Change NA to grey
  cluster_data$segments$col[is.na(cluster_data$segments$col)] <- "grey"

  # Update cluster sequence and color palette
  cluster_sequence <- c("", cluster_sequence)
  color_palette <- c("grey", rev(color_palette))

  # Factor segments by color
  cluster_data$segments$col <- factor(
    cluster_data$segments$col, levels = color_palette

  # Re-set cluster sequence and color palette (if necessary)
  if(!"grey" %in% cluster_data$segments$col){
    cluster_sequence <- cluster_sequence[-1]
    color_palette <- color_palette[-1]

  # Set up plot
  cluster_plot <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
      data = cluster_data$segment,
        x = x, y = -y,
        xend = xend, yend = -yend,
        color = col
    ) +
      labels = cluster_sequence,
      values = color_palette
    ) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_reverse(expand = c(0.2, 0)) +
      axis.line = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.text = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      axis.title = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.background = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      legend.key = ggplot2::element_blank(),
      legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5)
    ) +
      color = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Cluster")

  # Determine whether to rotate

    # Flip and adjust text
    cluster_plot <- cluster_plot +
        data = cluster_data$labels,
        ggplot2::aes(x, -y, label = label, hjust = 1.25),
        size = label_size
      ) +


    # Don't flip and angle text
    cluster_plot <- cluster_plot +
        data = cluster_data$labels,
        ggplot2::aes(x, -y, label = label, hjust = 1.5, vjust = 1),
        size = label_size, angle = 45


  # Remove clusters if none
  if(max_clusters == dim(x$JSD)[2]){
    cluster_plot <- cluster_plot +
      ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "none")

  # Return plot


#' @noRd
# Global variables needed for CRAN checks ----
# Updated 17.11.2023
utils::globalVariables(c("x", "y", "xend", "yend", "cluster", "label"))

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EGAnet documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 9:06 a.m.