# Signal Table -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Signal tables
#' @description The `signal_table()` function modifies the `data.table` class to
#' work with electrical signal data. The input should be a data set of equal
#' number of rows. It will add a column of index positions called `sample` if
#' it does not already exist.
#' @returns An object of class `signal_table`, which is an extension of the
#' `data.table` class. The `sample` column is *invariant* and will always be
#' present. The other columns represent additional channels.
#' @param x `data.frame` A data frame of signal data
#' @param ... A `list` of equal lengths
#' @export
signal_table <- function(...) {
# Invariant rules:
# Can add and remove rows (each row is a time point)
# Rows can NOT be re-ordered
# Columns CAN be re-ordered
# Signal columns must be numeric (integer or double)
# Invariant columns:
# sample <integer> = represents a time point and order of data
x <- df_list(..., .name_repair = ~ make.unique(.x, sep = "_"))
if (length(x) == 0) {
# Check to see if a `sample` column exists
# If it is, put it in front
if ('sample' %in% names(x)) {
y <- x[c('sample', names(x)[which(names(x) != 'sample')])]
} else {
x$sample <- 1:max(lengths(x))
y <- x[c('sample', names(x)[which(names(x) != 'sample')])]
# Last checks
checkmate::assert_list(y, types = 'numeric')
checkmate::assert_names(names(y), must.include = 'sample')
new_signal_table(data = y)
#' @keywords internal
new_signal_table <- function(data = list()) {
new_data_frame(data, class = c('signal_table', 'data.table'))
#' @export
print.signal_table <- function(x, ...) {
cat(sprintf('<%s: %s x %s>\n', class(x)[[1]], dim(x)[1], dim(x)[2]))
if (length(x) > 0) {
#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.signal_table <- function(x, ...) "sig_tbl"
#' @export
vec_ptype_full.signal_table <- function(x, ...) "signal_table"
#' @rdname signal_table
#' @export
is_signal_table <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "signal_table")
#' @importFrom vctrs vec_ptype2 vec_cast
#' @keywords internal
signal_table_ptype2 <- function(x, y, ...) {, y, ...))
#' @keywords internal
signal_table_cast <- function(x, to, ...) {, to, ...))
## signal_table
#' @export
vec_ptype2.signal_table.signal_table <- function(x, y, ...) {
#' @export
vec_cast.signal_table.signal_table <- function(x, to, ...) {
## data.table
#' @export <- function(x, y, ...) {
signal_table_ptype2(x, y, ...)
#' @export <- function(x, to, ...) {
signal_table_cast(x, to, ...)
## data.frame
#' @export <- function(x, y, ...) {
signal_table_ptype2(x, y, ...)
#' @export <- function(x, to, ...) {
signal_table_cast(x, to, ...)
# Annotation Table -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Annotation Table
#' @description `annotation_table()` modifies the `data.table` class to work
#' with annotation data. The columns are of all equal length, and each row
#' describes a single annotation (although there may be duplicate time points).
#' @details The `annotation_table()` function creates a compatible table that
#' can be used with [write_annotation()] and [read_annotation()] functions.
#' @inheritSection wfdb_annotations Annotation files
#' @returns A `data.table` that has invariant columns that are compatible with
#' the WFDB library. The key columns include the sample index, the type of
#' annotation (and its subtype and number qualifier), and the channel.
#' @inheritParams wfdb
#' @inheritParams wfdb_io
#' @param x A `data.table` object that represents an annotation table
#' @param time A `character` time stamp of the annotation, written in the format
#' of __HH:MM:SS.SSS__, starting at __00:00:00.000__. This is converted to the
#' appropriate time based on the header file (which records the actual start
#' time and sampling frequency). This is often a missing variable and is
#' given for compatibility with the WFDB applications.
#' @param sample An `integer` representing the sample number of the annotation
#' @param type A `character` or string representing the type of the annotation
#' @param subtype A `character` or string representing the subtype of the
#' annotation
#' @param channel An `integer` representing the channel number of the
#' annotation, or a `character` representing the channel name
#' @param number An additional `integer` value or number that classifies the
#' annotation (allows for compatibility with multiple annotation types)
#' @param frequency An `integer` that represents the sampling frequency in Hertz
#' @export
annotation_table <- function(annotator = character(),
time = character(),
sample = integer(),
frequency = integer(),
type = character(),
subtype = character(),
channel = integer(),
number = integer(),
...) {
# Invariant rules:
# Can add and remove rows (each row is an annotation)
# Rows CAN be re-ordered
# Columns CANNOT be re-ordered
# Each column type is specific and invariant
# Invariant columns:
# time: <character>
# sample: <integer>
# type: <character>
# subtype: <character>
# channel: <integer>
# number: <integer>
# The input data may be partially missing, and can be cleaned up empirically
# Can recycle some elements of data before placing in list
# The minimum data point is the type of annotation
# Everything revolves around the annotation itself
n <- length(sample)
# Type data
if (length(type) == 0) {
type <- vector(mode = "character", length = n)
# Subtypes
if (length(subtype) == 0) {
subtype <- vector(mode = "character", length = n)
# Number
if (length(number) == 0) {
number <- vector(mode = "integer", length = n)
# Channel
if (length(channel) == 0) {
channel <- vector(mode = "integer", length = n)
# Sample/time are more complicated
# Sample can be given, and if so, time can be imputed if frequency is known
if (length(time) == 0 & length(sample) > 0) {
if (length(frequency) == 0) {
stop("Frequency must be given to impute time from sample")
} else {
# These periods are the time points in seconds
timePoints <- sample / frequency
# Hours
hours <- floor(timePoints / 3600)
# Minutes
minutes <- floor((timePoints - (hours * 3600)) / 60)
# Seconds
seconds <- timePoints - (hours * 3600) - (minutes * 60)
# Convert to characters
hours <- ifelse(hours < 10, paste0("0", hours), hours)
minutes <- ifelse(minutes < 10, paste0("0", minutes), minutes)
seconds <- ifelse(seconds < 10, paste0("0", seconds), seconds)
time <- paste0(hours, ":", minutes, ":", seconds)
x <- df_list(time = time,
sample = sample,
type = type,
subtype = subtype,
channel = channel,
number = number)
new_annotation_table(x, annotator)
#' @keywords internal
new_annotation_table <- function(x = list(),
annotator = character()) {
if (length(x) > 0) {
types = c("numeric", "integer", "character")
names(x), = c("time", "sample", "type", "subtype", "channel", "number")
new_data_frame(x, annotator = annotator, class = c("annotation_table", "data.table"))
#' @export
print.annotation_table <- function(x, ...) {
if (nrow(x) > 0) {
'<%s: %s `%s` annotations>\n',
if (lengths(x)[1] > 0) {
} else {
cat(sprintf( '<%s: 0 annotations>\n', class(x)[[1]]))
#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.annotation_table <- function(x, ...) "ann_tbl"
#' @export
vec_ptype_full.annotation_table <- function(x, ...) "annotation_table"
#' @export
#' @rdname annotation_table
is_annotation_table <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "annotation_table")
#' @keywords internal
annotation_table_ptype2 <- function(x, y, ...) {, y, ...))
#' @keywords internal
annotation_table_cast <- function(x, to, ...) {, to, ...))
#' @export
vec_ptype2.annotation_table.annotation_table <- function(x, y, ...) {
#' @export
vec_cast.annotation_table.annotation_table <- function(x, to, ...) {
#' @export <- function(x, y, ...) {
annotation_table_ptype2(x, y, ...)
#' @export <- function(x, to, ...) {
annotation_table_cast(x, to, ...)
#' @export <- function(x, y, ...) {
annotation_table_ptype2(x, y, ...)
#' @export <- function(x, to, ...) {
annotation_table_cast(x, to, ...)
# Header Table -------------------------------------------------------------
#' Header Table
#' @description `header_table()` modifies the `data.table` class to work with
#' header data. The header data is read in from a similar format as to that of
#' WFDB files and should be compatible/interchangeable when writing out to disk.
#' The details extensively cover the type of data that is input. Generally, this
#' function is called by `read_*_header()` functions and will generally not be
#' called by the end-user.
#'@details The `header_table` object is relatively complex in that it directly
#' deals with properties of the signal, and allows compatibility with WFDB
#' files and other raw header files for other signal objects. It can be written
#' out using [write_wfdb()].
#' # Header file structure
#' There are three components to the header file:
#' 1. __Record line__ that contains the following information, in the order
#' documented, however pieces may be missing based on different parameters.
#' From left to right...
#' - Record name
#' - Number of signals: represents number of segments/channels
#' - Sampling frequency (optional)
#' - Number of samples (optional)
#' - Time: in HH:MM:SS format (optional)
#' - Date: in DD/MM/YYYY (optional)
#' 1. __Signal specification lines__ contains specifications for individual
#' signals, and there must be as many signal lines as there are reported by the
#' above record line. From left to right....
#' - File name: usually *.dat
#' - Format `integer`: represents storage type, e.g. 8-bit or 16-bit
#' - ADC gain: ADC units per physical unit (optional)
#' - Baseline: corresponds to 0 physical units, sep = '*(0)" (optional)
#' - Units: with '/' as a field separator e.g '*/mV' (optional)
#' - ADC resolution `integer`: bits, usually 8 or 16 (optional)
#' - ADC zero: represents middle of ADC input range (optional)
#' - Initial value (optional)
#' - Checksum (optional)
#' - Block size (optional)
#' - Description: text or label information (optional)
#' 1. __Info strings__ are unstructured lines that contains information about
#' the record. Usually are descriptive. Starts with initial '#' without
#' preceding white space at beginning of line.
#' @returns A `header_table` object that is an extension of the `data.table`
#' class. This contains an adaptation of the function arguments, allowing for
#' compatibility with the WFDB class.
#' @param x A `data.table` object that serves as the header table
#' @param record_name A `character` vector of record line information
#' @param number_of_channels An `integer` describing number of signals
#' @param frequency A `numeric` value of sampling frequency, 250 Hz default
#' @param samples An `integer` for the number of samples
#' @param start_time The `POSIXct` time of recording, with miliseconds included.
#' For example, `strptime(start_time, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%:%OSn")` where as
#' described in [base::strptime()]
#' @param ADC_saturation An `integer` representing ADC saturation
#' @param file_name A `character` for the signal specific information
#' @param storage_format An `integer` of the bits for the storage format, 16-bit
#' default
#' @param ADC_gain An `integer` of ADC gain, default of 200
#' @param ADC_baseline An `integer` of ADC baseline, defaults to __ADC_zero__
#' @param ADC_units A `character` to describe ADC units, "mV" is default
#' @param ADC_resolution An `integer` for ADC resolution, default is 12
#' @param ADC_zero An `integer` for ADC zero, defaults to 0
#' @param initial_value An `integer` for the initial value, defaults to
#' __ADC_zero__ value
#' @param checksum An `integer` that serves as the checksum
#' @param blocksize An `integer` of the block size
#' @param label A `character` description of the signal
#' @param info_strings A `list` of strings that will be written as an appendix
#' to the header file, usually containing information about the channels,
#' (e.g. list of colors, extra labels, etc).
#' @param additional_gain A `numeric` Additional gain, defaults to 1.0
#' @param low_pass An `integer` Low pass filter
#' @param high_pass An `integer` High pass filter
#' @param color A `character` Color as hexadecimal format, defaults to black
#' @param scale An `integer` Scale
#' @export
header_table <- function(record_name = character(), # Record line information
number_of_channels = integer(),
frequency = 250.0,
samples = integer(),
start_time = strptime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OSn"),
ADC_saturation = integer(),
file_name = character(), # Signal specific information
storage_format = 16L,
ADC_gain = 200L,
ADC_baseline = ADC_zero,
ADC_units = "mV",
ADC_resolution = 12L,
ADC_zero = 0L,
initial_value = ADC_zero,
checksum = 0L,
blocksize = 0L,
label = character(),
info_strings = list(), # Secondary information
additional_gain = 1.0,
low_pass = integer(),
high_pass = integer(),
color = '#000000',
scale = integer()) {
# Three components to the header structure as described above
# Record line
# Signal line(s)
# Info strings
# File name from record name
if (length(record_name) == 0) {
record_name <- NA
file_name <- NA
} else {
file_name <- paste0(record_name, '.dat')
# First line of (*.hea) equivalent
record_line <- list(
record_name = record_name,
number_of_channels = number_of_channels,
samples = samples,
start_time = start_time,
frequency = frequency,
ADC_saturation = ADC_saturation
# Channels and specific signal should be organized appropriately
# Top to bottom should be from high to low, and then from left to right
# Catheters/leads are specifically included
# Retrieved from "data-raw" folder from leads.R file
# Table of channel information
# Clean up names if possible
# All are made upper character
label <-
toupper(label) |>
gsub("_", "\ ", x = _)
if (length(label) > 0 & all(label %in% .labels)) {
lab_splits <-
stringr::str_split(label, pattern = "_", n = 2, simplify = TRUE)
source <- lab_splits[,1]
source <- ifelse(label %in% .leads$ECG, "ECG", source)
lead <- lab_splits[,2]
lead <- ifelse(label %in% .leads$ECG, label, lead)
# Factor if possible
source <- factor(source, levels = intersect(.source, source))
label <- factor(label, levels = intersect(.labels, label))
} else {
source <- NA
lead <- NA
label <- make.unique(label, sep = "_")
# Make sure labels are unique
if (length(low_pass) == 0) {
low_pass <- NA_integer_
if (length(high_pass) == 0) {
high_pass <- NA_integer_
# ADC gain can be generated by dividing saturation by digital gain
# Otherwise defaults
if (length(ADC_saturation) > 0) {
ADC_gain <- ADC_saturation / additional_gain
# Option characteristics
# Signal specifications
x <- df_list(
"file_name" = ifelse(length(file_name) == 0, NA_character_, file_name),
"storage_format" = storage_format,
"number" = ifelse(length(number_of_channels) == 0, 0, 1:number_of_channels),
"ADC_gain" = ADC_gain,
"ADC_baseline" = ADC_baseline,
"ADC_units" = ADC_units,
"ADC_zero" = ADC_zero,
"ADC_resolution" = ADC_resolution,
"initial_value" = initial_value,
"checksum" = checksum,
"blocksize" = blocksize,
"label" = label,
"lead" = lead,
"source" = source,
"additional_gain" = additional_gain,
"low_pass" = low_pass,
"high_pass" = high_pass,
"color" = color,
"scale" = ifelse(length(scale) == 0, NA, scale)
# Info strings
# Construct new table
x = x,
record_line = record_line,
info_strings = info_strings
#' @keywords internal
new_header_table <- function(x = list(),
record_line = list(),
info_strings = list()) {
record_line = record_line,
info_strings = info_strings,
class = c("header_table", "data.table")
#' @export
#' @rdname header_table
is_header_table <- function(x) {
inherits(x, "header_table")
#' @export
print.header_table <- function(x, ...) {
if (nrow(x) > 0) {
"<%s: %s channels, %s samples @ %s Hz> %s\n",
if (lengths(x)[1] > 0) {
} else {
cat(sprintf( "<%s: 0 channels, 0 samples>\n", class(x)[[1]]))
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