# Helper fns for testthat
########################### SIMULATE META-ANALYSIS DATA (FROM MRM) ###########################
# potentially with clustering
# notes:
# - number of actually generated clusters could be less than m
# because we randomly draw from the m clusters with replacement (to allow for k not divisible by m)
# - if bc = bb = 0 (i.e., moderators have no effect), then mu will be static within clusters and equal to zeta1 + b0
# see helper_MRM_sanity_checks.R for extensive sanity checks of this function
sim_data2 = function( k, # total number of studies
m = k, # number of clusters (m=k implies no clustering)
b0, # intercept
bc, # effect of continuous moderator
bb, # effect of binary moderator
V, # TOTAL residual heterogeneity after conditioning on moderators (including within- and between-cluster variance)
Vzeta = 0, # between-cluster variance (must be less than V)
true.effect.dist) {
# # @test for m=k case
# k = 3
# m = 3
# b0 = 0 # intercept
# bc = 0 # effect of continuous moderator
# bb = 0 # effect of binary moderator
# V = .5
# Vzeta = 0.25
# muN = 100
# minN = 50
# sd.w = 1
# true.effect.dist = "expo"
if ( Vzeta > V ) stop( "Vzeta must be less than or equal to V" )
# assign studies to clusters
# each in own cluster:
if (m == k) cluster = 1:k # each in its own cluster
# k not divisble by m:
# fine if k isn't divisible by m (number of clusters); clusters will just be unbalanced and actual number of cluster might be less than m
#if ( m < k ) cluster = sample( 1:m, size = k, replace = TRUE )
# k not divisible by m: assign each observation to a cluster chosen at random (unbalanced clusters)
if ( m < k & (k %% m != 0) ) cluster = sample( 1:m, size = k, replace = TRUE )
# k divisible by m: assign observations to clusters in a balanced way
if ( m < k & (k %% m == 0) ) cluster = rep(1:m, each = k/m)
if (m > k) stop("m must be <= k")
cluster = sort(cluster)
# generate cluster random intercepts (zeta)
# these are normal even when true effect dist is exponential
zeta1 = rnorm( n = m, mean = 0, sd = sqrt( Vzeta ) ) # one entry per cluster
zeta1i = zeta1[cluster] # one entry per study
# simulate k studies
for (i in 1:k) {
study = sim_one_study2( b0, # intercept
bc, # effect of continuous moderator
bb, # effect of binary moderator
V = V,
Vzeta = Vzeta,
zeta1 = zeta1i[i], # cluster random intercept for this study's cluster
muN = muN,
minN = minN,
sd.w = sd.w,
true.effect.dist = true.effect.dist)
if ( i == 1 ) d = study else d = rbind( d, study )
# add cluster indicator
d = d %>% mutate( cluster, .before = 1)
# ICC of study population effects within clusters (will be static for dataset)
d$icc = ICCbareF( x = as.factor(d$cluster),
y = d$Mi )
# potentially with clustering
sim_one_study2 = function(b0, # intercept
bc, # effect of continuous moderator
bb, # effect of binary moderator
Vzeta, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
zeta1, # scalar cluster random intercept for this study's cluster
true.effect.dist = "normal"
) {
# # @test for m=1 case
# b0 = 0.5 # intercept
# bc = 0.5 # effect of continuous moderator
# bb = 1 # effect of binary moderator
# V = .5
# Vzeta = 0.25
# zeta1 = -0.2
# muN = 100
# minN = 50
# sd.w = 1
# true.effect.dist = "normal"
if( !true.effect.dist %in% c("normal", "expo") ) stop("True effect dist not recognized")
##### Simulate Sample Size and Fixed Design Matrix for This Study #####
# simulate total N for this study
N = round( runif( n = 1, min = minN, max = minN + 2*( muN - minN ) ) ) # draw from uniform centered on muN
# simulate study-level moderators (each a scalar)
Zc = rnorm( n = 1, mean = 0, sd = 1)
Zb = rbinom( n = 1, size = 1, prob = 0.5)
# mean (i.e., linear predictor) conditional on the moderators and cluster membership
mu = b0 + zeta1 + bc*Zc + bb*Zb
# all that follows is that same as in NPPhat, except incorporating clustering as in SAPB
##### Draw a Single Population True Effect for This Study #####
if ( true.effect.dist == "normal" ) {
Mi = rnorm( n=1, mean=mu, sd=sqrt(V - Vzeta) )
if ( true.effect.dist == "expo" ) {
# within-cluster variance = total - between
Vwithin = V - Vzeta
# set the rate so the heterogeneity is correct
Mi = rexp( n = 1, rate = sqrt(1/Vwithin) )
# now the mean is sqrt(V) rather than mu
# shift to have the correct mean (in expectation)
Mi = Mi + (mu - sqrt(Vwithin))
###### Simulate Data For Individual Subjects ######
# group assignments
X = c( rep( 0, N/2 ), rep( 1, N/2 ) )
# simulate continuous outcomes
# 2-group study of raw mean difference with means 0 and Mi in each group
# and same SD
Y = c( rnorm( n = N/2, mean = 0, sd = sd.w ),
rnorm( n = N/2, mean = Mi, sd = sd.w ) )
# calculate ES for this study using metafor (see Viechtbauer "Conducting...", pg 10)
ES = escalc( measure="SMD",
n1i = N/2,
n2i = N/2,
m1i = mean( Y[X==1] ),
m2i = mean( Y[X==0] ),
sd1i = sd( Y[X==1] ),
sd2i = sd( Y[X==0] ) )
yi = ES$yi
vyi = ES$vi
return( data.frame( Mi, # study's true effect size; if within-cluster heterogeneity is zero, will be equal to mu
mu, # study's linear predictor conditional on the moderators and cluster membership
vyi ) )
# return the threshold q that is the TheoryP^th quantile
# when moderators are set to and
calculate_theory_p = function(true.effect.dist,
# get the mean for this combination of moderators
mu = b0 + bc*zc + bb*zb
if ( true.effect.dist == "normal" ) {
return( 1 - pnorm( q = q,
mean = mu,
sd = sqrt(V) ) )
if ( true.effect.dist == "expo" ) {
# we generate from a exponential, then shift to achieve the correct mean,
# so q is the threshold BEFORE shifting
# here is the data generation code from sim_data:
# Mi = rexp( n = 1, rate = sqrt(1/V) )
# Mi = Mi + (mu - sqrt(V))
# is this first line right?
#stop("Not tested/written yet")
q0 = q - ( mu - sqrt(V) )
return( pexp( q = q0,
rate = sqrt(1/V),
lower.tail = FALSE) )
if ( true.effect.dist == "unif2" ) {
stop("unif2 method not tested/written yet")
# return( qunif2( p = 1 - TheoryP,
# mu = mu,
# V = V) )
if (true.effect.dist == "t.scaled") {
stop("t.scaled method not tested/written yet")
# from metRology package
# return( qt.scaled(p = 1 - TheoryP,
# df = 3,
# mean = mu,
# sd = sqrt(V) ) )
else stop("true.effect.dist not recognized.")
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