# SABC.inf Algorithm
## f.dist: Function that either returns a random sample from the likelihood
## or the distance between data and such a random sample
## The first argument must be the parameter vector.
## d.prior: Function that returns the density of the prior distribution
## r.prior: Function which returns one vector of a random realization of the
## prior distribution.
## n.sample: desired number of samples
## eps.init: initial epsilon
## iter.max maximal number of iterations
## v: tuning parameter
## beta: tuning parameter
## delta: parameter for resampling
## resample: parameter for resampling
## verbose: shows the iteration progress each verbose outputs. NULL for no output.
## adaptjump: whether to adapt covariance of jump distribution. Default is TRUE.
## ... : further arguments passed to f.dist
## A list with the following components:
## E: matrix with ensemble of samples
## P: matrix with prior ensemble of samples
## eps: value of epsilon at final iteration
## ESS: effective sample size
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
SABC.inf <- function(f.dist, d.prior, r.prior, n.sample, eps.init, iter.max,
v, beta, delta, resample, verbose, adaptjump,
summarystats, y, f.summarystats, ...)
## Define global variables:
dim.par <- length(r.prior())
new.sample <- FALSE # has the prior sample been renewed ?
E <- to.tensor(NA,dims=c("k"=n.sample, "alpha"=dim.par+2)) # Ensemble
P <- NULL # joint prior sample
s <- 0
a.force <- 6 # factor a in eq. (51) in Albert et al 2014
## Define functions:
# Define mean U and V using P:
X <- function(eps.1, eps.2)
SS <- sum(exp(log.weights - P[,dim.par+1]/eps.1-eps.2*P[,dim.par+2]))
U <- (sum(exp(log.weights - P[,dim.par+1]/eps.1-eps.2*P[,dim.par+2])*P[,dim.par+1]))/SS
V <- (sum(exp(log.weights - P[,dim.par+1]/eps.1-eps.2*P[,dim.par+2])*P[,dim.par+2]))/SS
SS <- sum(exp(-P[,dim.par+1]/eps.1-eps.2*P[,dim.par+2]))
U <- (sum(exp(-P[,dim.par+1]/eps.1-eps.2*P[,dim.par+2])*P[,dim.par+1]))/SS
V <- (sum(exp(-P[,dim.par+1]/eps.1-eps.2*P[,dim.par+2])*P[,dim.par+2]))/SS
# Define L using E and P:
L <- function(eps.1, eps.2)
U.sys.ten <- rep(E[["alpha"=dim.par+1]], times=N.thin, pos=2, name="kp")
V.sys.ten <- rep(E[["alpha"=dim.par+2]], times=N.thin, pos=2, name="kp")
chi.ten <- to.tensor(ifelse (
if(new.sample) tmp <- k*exp(log.weights.ten + V.pri.ten)*chi.ten
else tmp <- k*exp(V.pri.ten)*chi.ten
den <- n.sample * N.thin
L.11 <- sum((U.sys.ten - U.pri.ten)^2 * tmp)/den
L.22 <- sum((V.sys.ten - V.pri.ten)^2 * tmp)/den
L.12 <- sum((U.sys.ten - U.pri.ten)*(V.sys.ten - V.pri.ten) * tmp)/den
# Define schedule:
Schedule <- function(eps.1, eps.2, eps.2.e)
aa <- L(eps.1,eps.2)
de <- eps.2 - eps.2.e
disk <- aa[2]^2*de^2 - aa[1]*(aa[3]*de^2-v)
kappa <- ifelse(disk>0, (-aa[2]*de-sqrt(disk))/aa[1],0)
# Define k density matrix:
K <- function(Covar.jump)
jump.inv <- solve(Covar.jump)
Sigma.tensor <- to.tensor(jump.inv)
names(Sigma.tensor) <- c("alpha","beta")
system.tensor <- rep(E[["alpha"=(1:dim.par),drop=FALSE]], times=N.thin, pos=2, name="kp")
Theta.tensor <- add.tensor(system.tensor, prior.tensor, op="-")
tmp <- mul.tensor(Theta.tensor,"alpha", Sigma.tensor, "alpha")
k <- mul.tensor(tmp,"beta", Theta.tensor, j="alpha",by=c("k","kp"))
den <- (2*pi)^(dim.par/2)*sqrt(det(Covar.jump))
# Effective sample size:
ESS <- function(eps.1,eps.2)
weights <- exp(-P[,dim.par + 1]/eps.1-P[,dim.par+2]*eps.2)
weights <- weights/sum(weights)
## ------------------
## 1. initialization
## ------------------
## 1.1 sample initial population
# Sample from joint prior:
dim.f <- length( f.summarystats( f.dist( r.prior(),... ) ) )
PP <- matrix(nrow=3*n.sample, ncol=dim.par + dim.f ) # Prior sample
for( i in 1:(3*n.sample) )
theta.p <- r.prior()
x.p <- as.numeric( f.summarystats( f.dist(theta.p,... ) ) )
PP[i,] <- c( theta.p,x.p )
iter <- 3*n.sample # global counter for likelihood simulations
# Linear regression:
B <- matrix( nrow = (dim.f), ncol = dim.par) # Regression parameters
XX <- cbind( PP[,(dim.par+1):ncol(PP)],rep(1,n.sample) )
BB <- solve( t(XX) %*% XX ) %*% t(XX)
for (i in 1:dim.par)
B[,i] <- (BB %*% PP[,i])[1:dim.f,]
# Calculate summary stats of data:
y_ss <- t(B) %*% as.numeric( f.summarystats( y ) )
# Redefine f.dist:
f.dist.old <- f.dist
if(!all(y_ss !=0))
f.dist <- function(par,...)
x_ss <- t(B) %*% as.numeric( f.summarystats( f.dist.old( par,... ) ) )
return( sum( ( x_ss-y_ss )^2 ) )
f.dist <- function(par,...)
x_ss <- t(B) %*% as.numeric( f.summarystats( f.dist.old( par,... ) ) )
return( sum( ( ( x_ss-y_ss )/y_ss )^2 ) )
# Redefine prior sample P and initialize E:
counter <- 1
for( i in 1:(3*n.sample) )
theta.p <- PP[i,1:dim.par]
v.p <- -log(d.prior(theta.p))
rho.p <- f.dist(theta.p,... )
P <- rbind(P,c(theta.p,rho.p,v.p))
if( runif(1) < exp(-rho.p/eps.init) & counter <=n.sample )
E[counter,1:dim.par] <- t(theta.p)
E[counter,dim.par+1] <- rho.p
E[counter,dim.par+2] <- v.p
counter <- counter + 1
# Add more sample points to E if necessary:
while( counter <= n.sample)
if(iter>iter.max) stop("'iter.max' reached! No initial sample could be generated.")
# Propose particle:
theta.p <- r.prior()
v.p <- -log(d.prior(theta.p))
rho.p <- f.dist(theta.p,...)
# Store particle in prior matrix:
P <- rbind(P,c(theta.p,rho.p,v.p))
# If close enough to target, store particle in ensemble matrix:
if( runif(1) < exp(-rho.p/eps.init) )
E[counter,1:dim.par] <- t(theta.p)
E[counter,dim.par+1] <- rho.p
E[counter,dim.par+2] <- v.p
counter <- counter + 1
iter <- iter + 1
iter <- 1 # counter for likelihood draws during initialization
i <- 1 # counter for initial population E
while(i <= n.sample)
if(iter>iter.max) stop("'iter.max' reached! No initial sample could be generated.")
# Propose particle:
theta.p <- r.prior()
v.p <- -log(d.prior(theta.p))
rho.p <- f.dist(theta.p,...)
# Store particle in prior matrix:
P <- rbind(P,c(theta.p,rho.p,v.p))
# If close enough to target, store particle in ensemble matrix:
if( runif(1) < exp(-rho.p/eps.init) )
E[i,1:dim.par] <- t(theta.p)
E[i,dim.par+1] <- rho.p
E[i,dim.par+2] <- v.p
i <- i+1
iter <- iter+1
N.prior <- nrow(P)
# Define initial epsilons:
eps.1 <- eps.init
eps.2 <- 0
# Estimate covariation matrix of parameters
Covar <- var(E[,1:dim.par])
# draw a smaller sample from prior and prepare tensors:
N.thin <- 300
indices.2 <- sample(1:N.prior, N.thin)
U.pri.ten <- rep(to.tensor(P[indices.2,dim.par+1]),
times=n.sample, pos=1, name="k")
names(U.pri.ten) <- c("k","kp")
V.pri.ten <- rep(to.tensor(P[indices.2,dim.par+2]),
times=n.sample, pos=1, name="k")
names(V.pri.ten) <- c("k","kp")
prior.tensor <- rep(to.tensor(as.vector(P[indices.2,1:dim.par]),dims=c(kp=N.thin,alpha=dim.par)),
times=n.sample,pos=1,name="k" )
# Calculate jump matrix
Covar.jump <- beta*Covar + s*diag(1,dim.par)
# Calculate k density matrix:
k <- K(Covar.jump)
# find initial epsilons:
eps.2.e <- 0
eps.1.e <- Schedule(eps.init,eps.2,eps.2.e)
# Calculate mean U and V:
U <- mean.tensor(E[["alpha"=dim.par+ 1]],along="k")
V <- mean.tensor(E[["alpha"=dim.par+ 2]],along="k")
# Determine critical epsilon:
tmp <- Vectorize(function(epsilon) abs(as.numeric(ESS(epsilon,0))-50))
eps.crit <- optimize(tmp,c(0,0.5))$minimum
# Catch an error and jump to noninformative case
Cov.uv <- cov(E[,(dim.par+1):(dim.par+2)])
expr = {
# Specifying error message
error = function(e){
warning("Flat prior; method 'uninformative' was used instead!")
res <- SABC.noninf(f.dist, d.prior, r.prior, n.sample, eps.init,
iter.max, v, beta, delta, resample, verbose,
adaptjump, summarystats, y, f.summarystats, ...)
## 2. iteration
a <- 0 # acceptance counter
kk <- 1 # update counter
update.interval <- round(n.sample / 2)
while (kk < (iter.max-iter) )
# Show progress:
if(!is.null(verbose) && kk %% verbose == 0)
cat('ensemble updates' , (kk+iter)/n.sample, '\t',
# 'eps.1.e ' , eps.1.e, '\t',
# 'eps.2.e' , eps.2.e, '\t',
'eps.1' , eps.1, '\t',
'eps.2' , eps.2, '\n'
# 'U' , U, '\t',
# 'V' , V, '\n'
## 2.1 select one arbitrary particle:
index <- sample(1:n.sample,1)
## sample proposal parameter and calculate u and v:
theta.p <- as.vector(E[index,1:dim.par] + to.tensor(mvrnorm(1, mu=rep(0, dim.par), Sigma=Covar.jump)))
u.p <- f.dist(theta.p,...)
v.p <- -log(d.prior(theta.p))
## 2.3 acceptance probability:
Prob.accept <- min(1,
(E[index,dim.par+1] - u.p)/eps.1.e+
## 2.4 if accepted:
if(runif(1) < Prob.accept)
# Update E:
E[index,1:dim.par] <- theta.p
E[index,dim.par+1] <- u.p
E[index,dim.par+2] <- v.p
if(a %% update.interval == 0)
## update U and V:
U.old <- U
U <- mean.tensor(E[["alpha"=dim.par+ 1]],along="k")
V.old <- V
V <- mean.tensor(E[["alpha"=dim.par+ 2]],along="k")
if (U == 0){
eps.1 <- 0
varV <- var(E[,(dim.par+2)])
eps.2 <- eps.2 - ( V - V.old ) / varV
X.soll <- X(eps.1,eps.2)[2]
error <- abs((V-X.soll)/V)
if ( error <= 0.01 ) break
V.old <- X.soll
Cov.uv <- cov(E[,(dim.par+1):(dim.par+2)])
Cov.uv.inv <- solve(Cov.uv)
## update epsilons:
{ <- c(1/eps.1,eps.2) - Cov.uv.inv %*% (c(U,V)-c(U.old,V.old))
eps.1 <- 1/[1]
eps.2 <-[2]
X.soll <- X(eps.1,eps.2)
error <- abs(c(U,V)-X.soll)/c(U,V)
if (error[1] <= 0.01 & error[2] <= 0.01) break
U.old <- X.soll[1]
V.old <- X.soll[2]
## update covariance:
Covar <- var(E[,1:dim.par])
# Update k:
Covar.jump <- beta*Covar + s*diag(1,dim.par)
k <- K(Covar.jump)
# Update equilibrium epsilons:
eps.2.e <- max(-0.99,-eps.2*a.force)
eps.1.e <- Schedule(eps.1,eps.2,eps.2.e)
# Renew sample, if necessary:
if( ESS(eps.1,eps.2) < 50 & new.sample == FALSE )
print("sample is renewed!!")
new.sample <- TRUE
Z <- sum(exp(-P[,dim.par+1]/eps.1 - eps.2*P[,dim.par+2]))/N.prior
P <- E
log.weights <- E[,dim.par+1]/eps.1 + eps.2*E[,dim.par+2] + log(Z)
N.thin <- 300
indices.2 <- sample(1:n.sample, N.thin)
U.pri.ten <- rep(to.tensor(P[indices.2,dim.par+1]),
times=n.sample, pos=1, name="k")
names(U.pri.ten) <- c("k","kp")
V.pri.ten <- rep(to.tensor(P[indices.2,dim.par+2]),
times=n.sample, pos=1, name="k")
names(V.pri.ten) <- c("k","kp")
prior.tensor <- rep(to.tensor(as.vector(P[indices.2,1:dim.par]),dims=c(kp=N.thin,alpha=dim.par)),
times=n.sample,pos=1,name="k" )
log.weights.ten <- rep(log.weights[indices.2], times = n.sample, pos=1, name="k")
names(log.weights.ten) <- c("k","kp")
## increment acceptance counter:
a <- a+1
## 2.5 resampling
if(a == resample && eps.1 > 1e-100)
## weighted resampling
w <- exp(-E[,dim.par+1]*delta/eps.1 + eps.2*E[,dim.par+2])
w <- w/sum(w)
index <- sample(1:n.sample, n.sample, replace=TRUE, prob=w)
E <- E[index,, drop=FALSE]
# Update U, V and epsilons:
eps.1 <- eps.1*(1-delta)
eps.2 <- 0
U <- mean.tensor(E[["alpha"=dim.par+ 1]],along="k")
V <- mean.tensor(E[["alpha"=dim.par+ 2]],along="k")
# Update equilibrium epsilons:
eps.2.e <- max(-0.99,-eps.2*a.force)
eps.1.e <- Schedule(eps.1,eps.2,eps.2.e)
## print effective sampling size
cat("Resampling. Effective sampling size: ", 1/sum((w/sum(w))^2), "\n")
## update covariance
Covar <- var(E[,1:dim.par])
a <- 0
kk <- kk+1
# final bias correction:
w <- exp(-E[,dim.par+1]*delta/eps.1 + eps.2*E[,dim.par+2])
w <- w/sum(w)
index <- sample(1:n.sample, n.sample, replace=TRUE, prob=w)
E <- E[index,, drop=FALSE]
# Output
return(list(E=E, P=P, eps=eps.1, ESS=1/sum((w/sum(w))^2) ))
# SABC.noninf Algorithm
## f.dist: Function that either returns a random sample from the likelihood
## or the distance between data and such a random sample
## The first argument must be the parameter vector.
## d.prior: Function that returns the density of the prior distribution
## r.prior: Function which returns one vector of a random realization of the
## prior distribution.
## n.sample: desired number of samples
## eps.init: initial epsilon
## iter.max maximal number of iterations
## v: tuning parameter
## beta: tuning parameter
## delta: tuning parameter
## resample after how many accepted updates?
## verbose: shows progress each verbose outputs. Default is 1.
## adaptjump: whether to adapt covariance of jump distribution. Default is TRUE.
## summarystats: defaults to FALSE
## y: Data
## f.summarystats: function for automatic summary statistic
## ... : further arguments passed to f.dist, aside of the parameter.
## A list with the following components:
## E: matrix with ensemble of samples (row-wise)
## P: matrix with prior ensemble of samples (row-wise)
## eps: value of epsilon at final iteration
## -------------------------------------------------------------------
SABC.noninf <- function (f.dist, d.prior, r.prior,
n.sample, eps.init, iter.max,
v, beta, delta,
resample=n.sample, verbose=1, adaptjump=TRUE,
summarystats=FALSE, y, f.summarystats=NULL, ...){
## Initialize all containers:
## Dimension of theta
dim.par <- length(r.prior())
## Ensemble, each row contains a particle (theta,rho)
E <- matrix(NA, nrow=n.sample, ncol=dim.par+1)
## Global counter which is bounded by iter.max
iter <- 0
## Small constant for preventing degeneration of covariance matrix
s <- 0.0001
## Define a few functions:
## Define functions for moments of mu:
Rho.mean <- function(epsilon)
return( ifelse(epsilon==0,0,(sum(exp( -P[,dim.par + 1] / epsilon) * P[,dim.par + 1])) /
sum(exp( -P[,dim.par + 1] / epsilon))))
## Define schedule:
Schedule <- function(rho)
return( ifelse( rho < 1e-100, 0 ,uniroot(function(epsilon) epsilon^2 + v * epsilon^(3 / 2) - rho^2,
c(0,rho))$root )) # This v is const*v in (32)
## Redefinition of metric:
Phi <- function(rho)
return(sum(rho.old < rho) / nrow(P)) <- function(theta, ...)
return(Phi(f.dist(theta, ...)))
## ------------------
## Initialization
## ------------------
## Sample from joint prior:
dim.f <- length( f.summarystats( f.dist( r.prior(), ...)))
P <- matrix(nrow = 3 * n.sample, ncol = dim.par + dim.f)
for( i in 1:(3 * n.sample)){
theta.p <- r.prior()
x.p <- f.summarystats( f.dist(theta.p, ...) )
P[i,] <- c(theta.p, x.p)
iter <- 3 * n.sample
## Do a linear regression for summary statistics (intercept not used):
B <- matrix( nrow = dim.f, ncol = dim.par) # Regression parameters
for (i in 1:dim.par){
fitcoef <- lm(P[,i] ~ P[,(dim.par +1 ):ncol(P)])$coefficients
B[,i] <-fitcoef[2:(length(fitcoef))]
## Calculate summary stats of data:
y_ss <- t(B) %*% f.summarystats(y)
## Redefine f.dist:
f.dist.old <- f.dist
if(!all(y_ss !=0))
f.dist <- function(par, ...){
x_ss <- t(B) %*% f.summarystats(f.dist.old( par, ... ))
return( sum((x_ss - y_ss)^2 ))
f.dist <- function(par, ...){
x_ss <- t(B) %*% f.summarystats(f.dist.old( par, ... ))
return( sum(((x_ss - y_ss) / y_ss)^2 ))
## Redefine prior sample P and initialize E:
counter <- 0 # Number of particles in E
for(i in 1:(3*n.sample)){
x_ss <- t(B) %*% P[i,(dim.par+1):ncol(P)]
rho.p <- ifelse(!all(y_ss !=0) , sum((x_ss-y_ss)^2) , sum(((x_ss-y_ss)/y_ss)^2 ))
P[i,(dim.par+1)] <- rho.p
if( runif(1) < exp(-rho.p / eps.init) && counter < n.sample ){
counter <- counter + 1
E[counter,] <- c(P[i,1:dim.par],rho.p)
P <- P[,1:(dim.par+1)] # cut-off part of P that is no longer needed
## Add more sample points to E if necessary:
while(counter < n.sample){
## Check if we reached maximum number of likelihood evaluations
iter <- iter + 1
stop("'iter.max' reached! No initial sample could be generated.")
## Generate new particle
theta.p <- r.prior() # Generate a proposal
rho.p <- f.dist(theta.p, ...) # Calculate distance from target
## Accept with Prob=exp(-rho.p/eps.init)
if(runif(1) < exp(-rho.p / eps.init)){
counter <- counter+1
E[counter,] <- c(theta.p, rho.p)
## Add to P and increase its size if full (dynamically)
if(iter > nrow(P))
P <- rbind(P,matrix(NA, nrow=n.sample, ncol=dim.par + 1))
P[iter,1:(dim.par+1)] <- c(theta.p, rho.p)
## Remove empty rows of P due to dynamic allocation
P <- P[1:iter,]
} else { # No summarystats...
## Create matrix of rejected and accepted particles,
## dynamic increasing of nrow
P <- matrix(NA, nrow=2*n.sample, ncol=dim.par+1)
counter <- 0 # Number of accepted particles in E
while(counter < n.sample){
## Check if we reached maximum number of likelihood evaluations
iter <- iter + 1
if(iter > iter.max)
stop("'iter.max' reached! No initial sample could be generated.")
## Generate new particle
theta.p <- r.prior() # Generate a proposal
rho.p <- f.dist(theta.p, ...) # Calculate distance from target
## Accept with Prob=exp(-rho.p/eps.init)
if(runif(1) < exp(-rho.p / eps.init)){
counter <- counter + 1
E[counter,] <- c(theta.p, rho.p)
## Add to P and increase its size if full
if(iter > nrow(P))
P <- rbind(P, matrix(NA, nrow=n.sample, ncol=dim.par + 1))
P[iter,] <- c(theta.p, rho.p)
## Remove empty rows of P due to dynamic allocation
P <- P[1:iter,]
## Distances in old metric
rho.old <- P[,dim.par + 1]
## Define distances in new metric
E[,dim.par+1] <- sapply(E[,dim.par+1], Phi, simplify=TRUE)
P[,dim.par+1] <- sapply(P[,dim.par+1], Phi, simplify=TRUE)
## Find initial epsilon_1:
U <- Rho.mean(eps.init)
eps <- Schedule(U)
## Define jump distribution covariance
Covar.jump <- beta* var(E[,1:dim.par]) + s*diag(1,dim.par)
## Iteration
## Acceptance counter to determine the resampling step
accept <- 0
while (iter <= iter.max){
for(i in 1:verbose){
## Select one arbitrary particle:
index <- sample(1:n.sample, 1)
## Sample proposal parameter and calculate new distance:
theta.p <- E[index,1:dim.par] +
mvrnorm(1, mu=rep(0, dim.par), Sigma=Covar.jump)
rho.p <-, ...)
## Calculate acceptance probability:
prior.prob <- d.prior(theta.p) / d.prior(E[index,1:dim.par])
likeli.prob <- exp((E[index,dim.par+1] - rho.p) / eps)
accept.prob <- prior.prob * likeli.prob
accept.prob <- ifelse((E[index,dim.par+1] - rho.p)<0,0,1)
## If accepted
if(runif(1) <accept.prob){
## Update E
E[index,] <- c(theta.p, rho.p)
## Optionally: Update jump distribution covariance
Covar.jump <- beta * var(E[,1:dim.par]) + s * diag(1,dim.par)
## Update U:
U <- mean(E[,dim.par + 1])
## Update epsilon:
eps <- Schedule(U)
## Increment acceptance counter:
accept <- accept + 1
iter <- iter + verbose
## Show progress:
cat('updates' , iter / iter.max * 100, '% \t',
'eps ' , eps, '\t',
'u.mean' , U, '\n')
## Resampling
if((accept >= resample) && (U > 1e-100)){
## Weighted resampling:
w <- exp(-E[,dim.par + 1] * delta / U)
w <- w/sum(w)
index.resampled <- sample(1:n.sample, n.sample, replace=TRUE, prob=w)
E <- E[index.resampled,]
## Update U and epsilon:
eps <- eps * (1 - delta)
U <- mean(E[,dim.par + 1])
eps <- Schedule(U)
## Print effective sampling size
cat("Resampling. Effective sampling size: ", 1/sum((w/sum(w))^2), "\n")
accept <- 0
## Output
return(list( E=E, P=P, eps=eps))
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