
Defines functions plot_results plot_posterior_distribution extract_mean plot_prior plot_prior_distribution plot_data plot_matrix plot_biotracer_data

Documented in plot_data plot_prior plot_results

#' Plot the biotracer data with one biplot for each combination of 2 biotracers
#' @inheritParams plot_data
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

plot_biotracer_data <- function(biotracer_data, save=FALSE, save_path){

  # If the biotracer data contains 3 elements called d13C, d15N and d125I, then we will plot 3 figures,
  # because there are 3 ways to choose an unordered subset of 2 elements from a fixed set of 3 elements:
  #          d13C vs. d15N,
  #          d13C vs. d125I and
  #          d15N vs. d125I.
  # With the following code, we select all the possible combinations without repetition:

  nb_biotracers <- ncol(biotracer_data) - 1
    figure <- ggplot(biotracer_data,
                     aes(x = biotracer_data$group, y=get(names(biotracer_data)[2]),
                         colour = biotracer_data$group)) +
      ggtitle("Isotopic measurements") +
      geom_point(data=biotracer_data, aes(x = biotracer_data$group, y=get(names(biotracer_data)[2]), colour = biotracer_data$group), position=position_jitter(width=.2,height=.1), show.legend=T) +
      guides(colour = guide_legend()) +
      theme_bw() +
      #xlab(names(biotracer_data)[element1 + 1]) +
      ylab(names(biotracer_data)[element1 + 1]) +
      theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey"),
            panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
            axis.title = element_text(size = 15),
            axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
            axis.text.x = element_text(margin = margin(3, 0, 0, 0), size = 12, angle=45, hjust=1),
            plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5),
    if (save == TRUE){
      save_path <- ifelse(!missing(save_path), save_path, getwd())
      ggsave(paste0(save_path, "/figure_biotracer_", colnames(biotracer_data)[element1],
             height = 4.4, width = 8)
      for (element1 in 1:nb_biotracers){
        for (element2 in 1:nb_biotracers){
          if (element2 > element1){
            figure <- ggplot(data=biotracer_data,
                         aes(x = biotracer_data[, element1 + 1],
                             y = biotracer_data[, element2 + 1],
                             colour = biotracer_data$group)) +
              ggtitle("Isotopic measurements") +
              xlab(names(biotracer_data)[element1 + 1]) +
              ylab(names(biotracer_data)[element2 + 1]) +
              geom_point(size = 3, na.rm = TRUE) +
              guides(colour = guide_legend()) +
              theme_bw() +
              theme(panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey"),
                panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                axis.title = element_text(size = 15),
                axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
                axis.text.x = element_text(margin = margin(3, 0, 0, 0), size = 12),
                plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
          if (save == TRUE){
            save_path <- ifelse(!missing(save_path), save_path, getwd())
            ggsave(paste0(save_path, "/figure_biotracer_", colnames(biotracer_data)[element1+1], "_", colnames(biotracer_data)[element2+1],
                   height = 4.4, width = 8)

#' Plot any matrix data with a raster plot
#' @param matrix the matrix ready to be plotted
#' @param title the title to put (depends on the variable)
#' @inheritParams plot_data
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

plot_matrix <- function(matrix, title, save = FALSE, save_path){

  matrix <- as.data.frame(matrix)

  df <- data.frame(rep(colnames(matrix), each = nrow(matrix)),
                   rep(rownames(matrix), nrow(matrix)),
  colnames(df) <- c("pred", "prey", "value")
  df$value <- round(df$value, 2)
  df$pred <- as.factor(df$pred)
  df$prey <- rev(as.factor(df$prey))

  figure <- ggplot(df, aes_string(x = "pred", y = "prey", fill = "value")) + geom_raster() + theme_bw() +
    #scale_x_continuous(labels = colnames(matrix)), breaks = seq(1, ncol(matrix))) +
    scale_y_discrete(labels = rev(rownames(matrix)), limits=rev) +
    scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "blue3", limit = c(0, 1)) +
    ggtitle(title) +
    ylab("Preys") +
    xlab("Predators") +
    theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
          panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
          axis.title = element_text(size = 15),
          axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12, angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust = 1),
          axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12, angle = 45, vjust = 1, hjust = 0),
          legend.title = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
  if (ncol(matrix) < 15){ 
    figure <- figure + geom_text(data = df[!is.na(df$value), ], aes_string(label = "value"))
  if (save == TRUE){
    save_path <- ifelse(!missing(save_path), save_path, getwd())
    ggsave(paste0(save_path, "figure_", gsub(" ", "_", title),
           height = 4.4, width = 8)


#' Plot the input data
#' @description This function is used to plot the input biotracer and/or the stomach content data.
#' You can use the function with only one parameter to plot only one kind of data.
#' The figure(s) can be saved as PNG using: \code{save = TRUE}, and the directory path to which
#' the figures are saved can be precised with: \code{save_path = "."}.
#' If only the stomach content data is entered, there will be a single raster plot containing the proportions
#' of occurences in the stomachs. 
#' For the biotracer data, there will be as many plots as the number of
#' combinations of elements. For example if only two isotopes are entered, there will be a single biplot
#' plotted. If three elements are entered (element A, B and C), three biplots will be shown : A vs. B, 
#' B vs. C and A vs. C.
#' @inheritParams preprocess_data
#' @inheritParams plot_prior
#' @examples
#' example_biotracer_data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_biotracer_data.csv",
#'                                                package = "EcoDiet"))
#' plot_data(biotracer_data = example_biotracer_data)
#' example_stomach_data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "example_stomach_data.csv",
#'                                              package = "EcoDiet"))
#' plot_data(biotracer_data = example_biotracer_data,
#'           stomach_data = example_stomach_data)
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_prior}} to plot the prior means or probability distribution(s), 
#'   \code{\link{plot_results}} to plot the posterior means or probability distribution(s)
#' @export

plot_data <- function(biotracer_data = NULL, stomach_data = NULL, 
                      save = FALSE, save_path = "."){

  if (!is.null(stomach_data)){
    # Clean the stomach data similarly as in the preprocess_data function except for the commented parts
    if (!colnames(stomach_data)[1] %in% rownames(stomach_data)){
      row.names(stomach_data) <- stomach_data[, 1]
      stomach_data[, 1] <- NULL

    # Divide the number of stomachs by the total number of full stomachs to obtain proportions
    stomach_data[] <- sapply(stomach_data, function(X) X/X[nrow(stomach_data)])
    # Remove the NA caused by division by zero for the trophic groups at the base of the ecosystem
    stomach_data[is.na(stomach_data)] <- 0

    stomach_data <- stomach_data[-nrow(stomach_data), ]
    stomach_data <- stomach_data[, order(colnames(stomach_data))]
    stomach_data <- stomach_data[order(rownames(stomach_data)), ]
    stomach_data[stomach_data == 0] <- NA

    plot_matrix(stomach_data, title = "Proportion of occurences in stomachs", 
                save, save_path)

  if (!is.null(biotracer_data)){
    plot_biotracer_data(biotracer_data, save, save_path)


#' Plot the prior probability distribution(s) for a given variable, a given predator and its given preys
#' @inheritParams plot_prior
#' @param title the title to put (depends on the variable and the predator to plot)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

plot_prior_distribution <- function(data, literature_configuration, pred, prey, 
                                    variable, title, save, save_path){

  # Check that the entered predator is correct
  pred_index <- which(colnames(data$o) == pred)
  if (length(pred_index) == 0){
    stop("You entered a wrong predator name in the `pred` argument.\n",
         "Please check and ensure to pick one of the following: \"",
         paste(colnames(data$o), collapse = "\", \""), "\".\n")
  if (data$nb_prey[pred_index] == 0){
    stop("The predator you have chosen (\"", pred, "\") has no prey.")

  # Check that the entered prey(s) is/are correct
  if (is.null(prey)){
    prey_index <- data$list_prey[pred_index, ]
    prey_index <- prey_index[!is.na(prey_index)]
    prey <- colnames(data$o)[prey_index]
  } else {
    prey_index <- which(colnames(data$o) %in% prey)
    if (length(prey) != length(prey_index)){
      stop("Please check the values entered in `prey` argument.\n",
           "The following names don't correspond to any trophic groups: \n",
           "\".\n  But the prey names are actually: \"",
           paste(prey[which(!prey%in%colnames(data$o))], collapse = "\", \""), "\".\n")
    if (!all(prey_index %in% data$list_prey[pred_index, ])){
      stop("You have entered at least one prey that is not eaten by the predator \"", 
           pred ,"\".\n", "    Here are the preys you have entered: \"", 
           paste(prey, collapse = "\", \""),
           "\".\n    And here are the predator's preys: \"", 
           paste(colnames(data$o)[data$list_prey[pred_index, 1:data$nb_prey[pred_index]]], 
                 collapse = "\", \""), 
           "\".\n    Please rename your prey input to be consistent.")

  # Construct the corresponding data frame
  x <-  seq(0, 1, length = 512)
  df_to_plot <- data.frame(Prey = c(), x = c(), Density = c(), type=c())
  df_to_plot_cond <- data.frame(Prey = c(), x = c(), Density = c(), type=c())

  if (variable == "PI"){
    if (literature_configuration) {
      scalar <- ((length(which(!is.na(data$list_prey[pred_index, ]))) - 1) / (data$CV[pred_index]^2))-1
      scalar <- ifelse(length(which(!is.na(data$list_prey[pred_index, ]))) == 1, 1, scalar)
      df_cond_allprey <- sapply(data$alpha_lit[, pred_index], function(x){stats::rgamma(1000000,x*scalar)})
      df_cond_allprey <- apply(df_cond_allprey, 2, function(X) X/rowSums(df_cond_allprey))
      df_cond_allprey <- apply(df_cond_allprey, 2, function(X) stats::density(X, from=0, to=1)$y)
      vecprey <- rep(0,ncol(data$list_prey))
      vecprey[prey_index] <- 1
      df_cond_allprey <- sapply(vecprey, function(x){stats::rgamma(1000000,x)})
      df_cond_allprey <- apply(df_cond_allprey, 2, function(X) X/rowSums(df_cond_allprey))
      df_cond_allprey <- apply(df_cond_allprey, 2, function(X) stats::density(X, from=0, to=1)$y)
  for (each_prey in prey){
    prey_idx <- which(rownames(data$o) == each_prey)
    if (prey_idx %in% data$list_prey[pred_index, ]){
      if (variable == "PI"){
        if (literature_configuration) {

          Density <- stats::dbeta(x, data$alpha_lit[prey_idx, pred_index] * scalar,
                                  (colSums(data$alpha_lit)[pred_index] - 
                                    data$alpha_lit[prey_idx, pred_index]) * scalar)
          df_to_plot_cond <- rbind(df_to_plot_cond, data.frame(Prey = rep(each_prey, 512), x = x, Density = df_cond_allprey[, prey_idx], type=" conditional"))
        } else {
          Density <- stats::dbeta(x, 1, data$nb_prey[pred_index] - 1)
        df_to_plot <- rbind(df_to_plot, data.frame(Prey = rep(each_prey, 512), x = x, Density = Density, type="marginal"))
      } else if (variable == "eta"){
        if (literature_configuration) {
          Density <- stats::dbeta(x, data$eta_hyperparam_1[prey_idx, pred_index],
                                  data$eta_hyperparam_2[prey_idx, pred_index])
        } else {
          Density <- stats::dbeta(x, 1, 1)
        df_to_plot <- rbind(df_to_plot, data.frame(Prey = rep(each_prey, 512), x = x, Density = Density, type="marginal")) 
  if (variable == "PI" & literature_configuration==T){
    df_to_plot <- rbind(df_to_plot, df_to_plot_cond)

  # Plot the figure
  figure <- ggplot(df_to_plot, aes_string(x = "x", y = "Density", colour = "Prey", linetype = "Prey")) +
    geom_line(size = 1.25) +
    ggtitle(paste(title, "\nfor the", pred, "predator")) +
    xlim(0, 1) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) +
    facet_wrap(~type, scales="free_y")
  if (save == TRUE){
    ggsave(paste0("figure_", gsub(" ", "_", title), "_for_the_", pred, "_predator",
                  format(Sys.time(),'_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), ".png"), 
           height = 4.4, width = 6.2, path = save_path)


#' Plot the prior means or probability distribution(s)
#' @description This function plots the prior means or probability distribution(s) for one or the two
#' variable(s) of interest : the trophic link probabilities ("eta") and/or the diet proportions ("PI").
#' The figure(s) can be saved as PNG using: \code{save = TRUE}, and the directory path to which
#' the figures are saved can be precised with: \code{save_path = "."}.
#' If no "pred" nor "prey" parameter is entered, the plot will be a raster plot with the mean priors for 
#' all the trophic groups.
#' If one predator name is entered as "pred", the probability distribution(s) will be plotted for all its 
#' prey(s) by default. Some specific prey(s) name(s) can also be entered because if a predator has 
#' 22 preys, plotting them all will make the plot hard to read. So you can specify the one or many prey(s) 
#' of interest and only display their corresponding probability distribution(s).
#' The "variable" parameter can be specified if one wants to plot the priors for only one variable 
#' ("PI" or "eta").
#' @param data the preprocessed data list output by the preprocess_data() function
#' @param pred the predator name for which we want to plot the probability densities
#' @param prey the prey(s) name(s) for which we want to plot the probability densities
#' @param variable the variable(s) for which we want to plot the probability densities. By default
#'   we will plot the two variables of interest: eta and PI.
#' @param save A boolean describing whether the figure should be saved as PNG. 
#'   By default the figures are not saved.
#' @param save_path A string describing the path to which the figures should be saved.
#'   By default the figures are saved in a temporary directory.
#' @inheritParams preprocess_data
#' @examples
#' realistic_biotracer_data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "realistic_biotracer_data.csv",
#'                                                package = "EcoDiet"))
#' realistic_stomach_data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "realistic_stomach_data.csv",
#'                                              package = "EcoDiet"))
#' data <- preprocess_data(biotracer_data = realistic_biotracer_data,
#'                         trophic_discrimination_factor = c(0.8, 3.4),
#'                         literature_configuration = FALSE,
#'                         stomach_data = realistic_stomach_data)
#' plot_prior(data, literature_configuration = FALSE)
#' plot_prior(data, literature_configuration = FALSE, pred = "Cod")
#' plot_prior(data, literature_configuration = FALSE, pred = "Cod", 
#'            prey = c("Crabs", "Shrimps"), variable = "eta")
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_results}} to plot the posterior means or probability distribution(s),
#'   \code{\link{plot_data}} to plot the input data
#' @export

plot_prior <- function(data, literature_configuration, 
                       pred = NULL, prey = NULL, 
                       variable = c("eta", "PI"),
                       save = FALSE,
                       save_path = "."){

  if (!all(variable %in% c("eta", "PI"))){
    stop("This function has only be designed to plot the priors of PI or eta.")

  for (var in variable){

    if (is.null(pred) & is.null(prey)){
      title <- switch(var,
                      PI = "Mean of the prior diet proportions",
                      eta = "Mean of the prior trophic link probabilities")

      mean_prior <- matrix(NA, ncol = data$nb_group, nrow = data$nb_group)
      colnames(mean_prior) <- rownames(mean_prior) <- colnames(data$o)

      for (i in data$list_pred){
        for (k in data$list_prey[i, 1:data$nb_prey[i]]){
          if (var == "eta"){
            if (literature_configuration){
              mean_prior[k, i] <- (data$eta_hyperparam_1[k, i]/
                                     (data$eta_hyperparam_1[k, i] + data$eta_hyperparam_2[k, i]))
            } else {
                mean_prior[k, i] <- 1/2
          } else if (var == "PI"){
            if (literature_configuration){
              mean_prior[k, i] <- data$alpha_lit[k, i]/colSums(data$alpha_lit)[i]
            } else {
              mean_prior[k, i] <- 1/data$nb_prey[i]

      plot_matrix(mean_prior, title, save, save_path)

    } else {
      title <- switch(var,
                      PI = "Marginal and Conditional prior distribution of the diet proportions",
                      eta = "Marginal prior distribution of the trophic link probabilities")

      plot_prior_distribution(data, literature_configuration, pred, prey, 
                              variable = var, title, save, save_path)



#' Extract the means of the posterior distribution for a specific variable (PI or eta)
#' in a matrix format (with the predators in the columns, and the preys in the rows)
#' @inheritParams plot_results
#' @param mcmc_output A matrix generated in plot_results containing the MCMC samples
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

extract_mean <- function(mcmc_output, data, variable = "PI"){

  # keep only the means for the relevant variable
  raw_means <- colMeans(mcmc_output)
  raw_means <- raw_means[startsWith(names(raw_means), variable)]

  # prepare an empty matrix with the correct format
  matrix_mean <- matrix(NA, data$nb_group, data$nb_group)
  colnames(matrix_mean) <- rownames(matrix_mean) <- colnames(data$o)

  for (i in seq_along(raw_means)){
    # extract the indices that are between the brackets: "PI[2, 4]" -> "2,4"
    correct_indices <- regmatches(names(raw_means)[i], regexec("\\[(.*?)\\]", names(raw_means)[i]))[[1]][2]
    # re-format the indices: "2,4" -> c(2L, 4L)
    correct_indices <- as.integer(strsplit(correct_indices, ",")[[1]])
    # use the indices to fill the matrix with the correct format
    matrix_mean[correct_indices[1], correct_indices[2]] <- raw_means[i]



#' Plot the posterior probability density(ies) for a given variable and predator
#' @inheritParams plot_results
#' @param mcmc_output A matrix generated in plot_results containing the MCMC samples
#' @param title the title to put (depends on the variable and the predator to plot)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd

plot_posterior_distribution <- function(mcmc_output, data, pred, prey,
                                        variable, title, save = FALSE, save_path){

  # Check that the entered predator is correct
  pred_index <- which(colnames(data$o) == pred)
  if (length(pred_index) == 0){
    stop("You did not put a correct predator name in the `pred` argument.\n",
         "  You entered the name \"", pred,"\", while the predator names are actually: \"",
         paste(colnames(data$o), collapse = "\", \""), "\".\n",
         "  Please use one of the above names in the `pred` argument.")
  if (data$nb_prey[pred_index] == 0){
    stop("The predator you have chosen (\"", pred, "\") has no prey and thus cannot be plotted.")

  # Check that the entered prey(s) is/are correct
  if (!is.null(prey)){
    prey_index <- which(colnames(data$o) %in% prey)
    if (length(prey) != length(prey_index)){
      stop("You used an incorrect prey name in the `prey` argument.\n",
           "  You have entered the names: \"", paste(prey, collapse = "\", \""),
           "\".\n  But the prey names are actually: \"",
           paste(colnames(data$o), collapse = "\", \""), "\".\n",
           "  Please put correct names in the `prey` argument.")
    if (!all(prey_index %in% data$list_prey[pred_index, ])){
      stop("You have entered at least one prey that is not eaten by the predator \"", 
           pred ,"\".\n", "    Here are the preys you have entered: \"", 
           paste(prey, collapse = "\", \""),
           "\".\n    And here are the predator's preys: \"", 
           paste(colnames(data$o)[data$list_prey[pred_index, 1:data$nb_prey[pred_index]]], 
                 collapse = "\", \""), 
           "\".\n    Please rename your prey input to be consistent.")

  # Keep only the variable of interest (all the "PI" or all the "eta")
  mcmc_output <- mcmc_output[, startsWith(colnames(mcmc_output), variable)]

  # Create a lookup table between the model output's names and the prey's and predator's indices:
  #         names prey pred
  #     1 PI[2,1]    2    1
  #     2 PI[3,1]    3    1
  #     3 PI[3,2]    3    2
  lookup <- sapply(colnames(mcmc_output), function(X) regmatches(X, regexec("\\[(.*?)\\]", X))[[1]][2])
  prey_idx <- sapply(lookup, function(X) strsplit(X, split=',')[[1]][[1]])
  pred_idx <- sapply(lookup, function(X) strsplit(X, split=',')[[1]][[2]])

  lookup_table <- data.frame(names = colnames(mcmc_output),
                             prey = as.integer(prey_idx),
                             pred = as.integer(pred_idx),
                             stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # Prepare a data frame with the values for one predator's preys
  if (is.null(prey)){
    variables_to_extract <- lookup_table[lookup_table$pred == pred_index, ]$names
    prey <- colnames(data$o)[lookup_table[lookup_table$pred == pred_index, ]$prey]
  } else {
    variables_to_extract <- lookup_table[(lookup_table$pred == pred_index &
                                            lookup_table$prey %in% prey_index &
                                            lookup_table$prey %in% data$list_prey[pred_index, ]), ]$names
  values_to_extract <- mcmc_output[, variables_to_extract]

  df_to_plot <- data.frame(Prey = rep(prey, each = dim(mcmc_output)[1]),
                           variable_to_plot = c(values_to_extract))
  # Trick to scale the plot and not have a warning from the CRAN check:
  variable_to_plot <- NULL
  ..scaled.. <- NULL
  Prey <- NULL

  # Plot these values to represent the approximated probability densities
  figure <- ggplot(df_to_plot) +
    geom_density(aes(x = variable_to_plot, y = ..scaled.., fill = Prey),
                 alpha = .3, adjust = 1/2, na.rm = TRUE) +
    geom_density(aes(x = variable_to_plot, y = ..scaled.., color = Prey),
                 size = 1.25, adjust = 1/2, na.rm = TRUE) +
    ggtitle(paste(title, "\nfor the", colnames(data$o)[pred_index], "predator")) +
    ylab("Density") +
    scale_shape_manual(values = c(seq(1:10))) +
    guides(colour = guide_legend(byrow = 1, ncol = 1), shape = guide_legend(byrow = 1, ncol = 1)) +
    xlim(0, 1) +
    theme_bw() +
    theme(axis.title.x = element_blank(),
          plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  if (save == TRUE){
    ggsave(paste0("figure_", gsub(" ", "_", title), "_for_the_", colnames(data$o)[pred_index], "_predator",
                  format(Sys.time(),'_%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S'), ".png"), 
           height = 4.4, width = 6.2, path = save_path)

#' Plot the posterior means or probability distribution(s)
#' @description This function plots the posterior means or probability distribution(s) for one 
#' or the two variable(s) of interest : the trophic link probabilities ("eta") and/or 
#' the diet proportions ("PI").
#' The figure(s) can be saved as PNG using: \code{save = TRUE}, and the directory path to which
#' the figures are saved can be precised with: \code{save_path = "."}.
#' If no "pred" nor "prey" parameter is entered, the plot will be a raster plot with the mean priors for 
#' all the trophic groups.
#' If one predator name is entered as "pred", the probability distribution(s) will be plotted for all its 
#' prey(s) by default. Some specific prey(s) name(s) can also be entered because if a predator has 
#' 22 preys, plotting them all will make the plot hard to read. So you can specify the one or many prey(s) 
#' of interest and only display their corresponding probability distribution(s).
#' The "variable" parameter can be specified if one wants to plot the priors for only one variable 
#' ("PI" or "eta").
#' @param jags_output the mcmc.list object output by the run_model() function
#' @inheritParams plot_prior
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' realistic_biotracer_data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "realistic_biotracer_data.csv",
#'                                                package = "EcoDiet"))
#' realistic_stomach_data <- read.csv(system.file("extdata", "realistic_stomach_data.csv",
#'                                              package = "EcoDiet"))
#' data <- preprocess_data(biotracer_data = realistic_biotracer_data,
#'                         trophic_discrimination_factor = c(0.8, 3.4),
#'                         literature_configuration = FALSE,
#'                         stomach_data = realistic_stomach_data)
#' write_model(literature_configuration = FALSE)
#' mcmc_output <- run_model("EcoDiet_model.txt", data, run_param="test")
#' plot_results(mcmc_output, data)
#' plot_results(mcmc_output, data, pred = "Crabs")
#' plot_results(mcmc_output, data, pred = "Crabs",
#'              variable = "PI", prey = c("Bivalves", "Shrimps"))
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_prior}} to plot the prior means or probability distribution(s),
#'   \code{\link{plot_data}} to plot the input data
#' @export

plot_results <- function(jags_output, data, 
                         pred = NULL, prey = NULL, 
                         variable = c("eta", "PI"),
                         save = FALSE,
                         save_path = "."){

  if (!all(variable %in% c("eta", "PI"))){
    stop("This function can only print a figure for the PI or eta variable.\n",
         "  But you have entered this variable name: \"", variable, "\".\n",
         "  Please use rather `variable = \"PI\"` or `variable = \"eta\"` for this function.")

  mcmc_output <- as.matrix(jags_output$samples)
  for (var in variable){

    if (is.null(pred) & is.null(prey)){
      title <- switch(var,
                      PI = "Mean of the posterior diet proportions",
                      eta = "Mean of the posterior trophic link probabilities")

      mean <- extract_mean(mcmc_output, data, variable = var)
      plot_matrix(mean, title, save, save_path)

    } else {
      title <- switch(var,
                      PI = "Marginal posterior distribution of the diet proportions",
                      eta = "Marginal posterior distribution of the trophic link probabilities")
      plot_posterior_distribution(mcmc_output, data, pred, prey,
                                  variable = var, title, save, save_path)


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EcoDiet documentation built on Jan. 7, 2023, 1:18 a.m.