
Defines functions cacheMetaReqUpdate

# function to determine if/when a cacheMetaFile requires it to reprocessed due to code changes or other modifications
# cacheFileMetaVer is a single value to indicate the .meta file version of the .meta file you wish to test
# returns a logical value.
# TRUE == The cache .meta file requires to be updated and requires reprocessing
# FALSE == The cache .meta file does not require updating and reprocessing
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion
cacheMetaReqUpdate <- function(cacheFileMetaVer, surveyName = NULL) {
  # if the cacheFileMetaVer is null it means the .meta file was build before we implemented this version
  if (is.null(cacheFileMetaVer)) {

  # unlist the value of 'packageVersion'as it returns a list of integers
  cacheFileMetaVer <- as.numeric(unlist(cacheFileMetaVer)) # the version number of the .meta file stored for the survey when the .meta file was created
  currentPkgVer <- unlist(packageVersion("EdSurvey")) # the current version of the installed EdSurvey package

  if (length(cacheFileMetaVer) == 0) { # no cacheFileMetaVer specified

  surveyDef <- c(
    "NAEP", # NAEP Dataset
    "TIMSS", "TIMSS Advanced", "PIRLS", "ePIRLS", "ICILS", "ICCS", "CivED", # IEA Datasets
    "PIAAC", "PISA", "TALIS", # OECD Datasets
    "ECLS_K", "ECLS_K2011", "ELS", "HSLS", "B&B2001", "B&B2003", "HS&B", "BPS1994", # NCES longitudinal Dataset
    "SSOCS", "NHES"

  # build our lookup table
  surveyLookup <- data.frame(survey = surveyDef, cacheVer = vector("integer", length(surveyDef)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # specify the cacheFileVersion here that is the most up to date version for that specific survey type
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "NAEP", "cacheVer"] <- 2
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "TIMSS", "cacheVer"] <- 5
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "TIMSS Advanced", "cacheVer"] <- 3
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "PIRLS", "cacheVer"] <- 4
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "ePIRLS", "cacheVer"] <- 4
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "ICILS", "cacheVer"] <- 3
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "ICCS", "cacheVer"] <- 6
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "CivED", "cacheVer"] <- 6
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "PIAAC", "cacheVer"] <- 3
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "PISA", "cacheVer"] <- 6
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "TALIS", "cacheVer"] <- 4
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "ECLS_K", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "ECLS_K2011", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "ELS", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "HSLS", "cacheVer"] <- 2
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "ECLS_B", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "B&B2001", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "B&B2003", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "HS&B", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "BPS1994", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "SSOCS", "cacheVer"] <- 1
  surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == "NHES", "cacheVer"] <- 1

  if (!any(surveyLookup$survey %in% surveyName)) {
    warning("Survey name not recognized while checking cache (.meta) version. Forcing cache (.meta) file to be updated.")

  testVal <- surveyLookup[surveyLookup$survey == surveyName, "cacheVer"]

  # test the .meta cache version vs the version specified
  return(cacheFileMetaVer < testVal)

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EdSurvey documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.