Man pages for EmpiricalCalibration
Routines for Performing Empirical Calibration of Observational Study Estimates

calibrateConfidenceIntervalCalibrate confidence intervals
calibrateLlrCalibrate the log likelihood ratio
calibratePCalibrate the p-value
caseControlOdds ratios from a case-control design
cohortMethodRelative risks from a new-user cohort design
compareEaseCompare EASE of correlated sets of estimates
computeCvBinomialCompute critical values for Binomial data
computeCvPoissonCompute critical values for Poisson data
computeCvPoissonRegressionCompute critical values for Poisson regression data
computeExpectedAbsoluteSystematicErrorCompute the expected absolute systematic error
computeTraditionalCiCompute the (traditional) confidence interval
computeTraditionalPCompute the (traditional) p-value
convertNullToErrorModelConvert empirical null distribution to systematic error model
EmpiricalCalibration-packageEmpiricalCalibration: Routines for Performing Empirical...
evaluateCiCalibrationEvaluate confidence interval calibration
fitMcmcNullFit the null distribution using MCMC
fitNullFit the null distribution
fitNullNonNormalLlFit the null distribution using non-normal log-likelihood...
fitSystematicErrorModelFit a systematic error model
grahamReplicationRelative risks from an adjusted new-user cohort design
plotCalibrationCreate a calibration plot
plotCalibrationEffectPlot the effect of the calibration
plotCiCalibrationCreate a confidence interval calibration plot
plotCiCalibrationEffectPlot the effect of the CI calibration
plotCiCoverageCreate a confidence interval coverage plot
plotErrorModelPlot the systematic error model
plotExpectedType1ErrorPlot the expected type 1 error as a function of standard...
plotForestCreate a forest plot
plotMcmcTracePlot the MCMC trace
plotTrueAndObservedPlot true and observed values
sccsIncidence rate ratios from Self-Controlled Case Series
simulateControlsSimulate (negative) controls
simulateMaxSprtDataSimulate survival data for MaxSPRT computation
southworthReplicationRelative risks from an unadjusted new-user cohort design
EmpiricalCalibration documentation built on Sept. 30, 2024, 9:12 a.m.