
Defines functions N2Y

Documented in N2Y

N2Y <-
function( A, P, N,
          return.dfr=TRUE )
# Make local versions of variables if a dataframe is supplied
if( !is.null(data) )
  A <- if( !missing(A) ) eval( substitute(A), data, parent.frame() )
       else data$A
  P <- if( !missing(P) ) eval( substitute(P), data, parent.frame() )
       else data$P
  N <- if( !missing(N) ) eval( substitute(N), data, parent.frame() )
       else data$N
# Derive the interval lengths from supplied data
A.int <- unique( diff(sort(unique(A))) )
P.int <- unique( diff(sort(unique(P))) )
# Check if something is fishy
if( length(A.int)!=1 ) stop( "Non-uniform age interval lengths:\n", A.int )
if( length(P.int)!=1 ) stop( "Non-uniform period interval lengths:\n", P.int )
if( A.int!=P.int ) stop( "Unequal age and period interval lengths:\n",
                         "age: ", A.int, ", period: ", P.int )
# Put population prevalence data in a table
Ntab <- xtabs( N ~ A + P )
# Devise a table for the risk times
Ydim <- c(dimnames(Ntab),list(wh=c("lo","up")))
# Note: one less period category
Ytab <- NArray( Ydim )[,-dim(Ntab)[2],]    
# How many age and period classes
na <- nrow(Ytab)
np <- ncol(Ytab)
for(a in 1:na) for(p in 1:np)
if( a < na ) Ytab[a,p,"up"] <- Ntab[a  ,p]/3 + Ntab[a+1,p+1]/6
if( a >  1 ) Ytab[a,p,"lo"] <- Ntab[a-1,p]/6 + Ntab[a  ,p+1]/3
if( a == 1 ) Ytab[a,p,"lo"] <- Ntab[a  ,p]/2 + Ntab[a  ,p+1]/2 - Ytab[a,p,"up"]
if( a ==na ) Ytab[a,p,"up"] <- Ntab[a  ,p]/2 + Ntab[a  ,p+1]/2 - Ytab[a,p,"lo"]
# Remember to multiply to get the follow-up time
Ytab <- Ytab * A.int
# Convert to a data frame if required (the default)
if( return.dfr )
      ## If a dataframe is required as return value
      Ytab <- data.frame(expand.grid(dimnames(Ytab)), Y=c(Ytab))
      ## Retrieve the numerical values of left endpoints of intervals
      Ytab$A <- as.numeric(as.character(Ytab$A))
      Ytab$P <- as.numeric(as.character(Ytab$P))
      ## Compute the correct midpoints from the supplied data
      Ytab$A <- Ytab$A + A.int * (1 + (Ytab$wh == "up"))/3
      Ytab$P <- Ytab$P + P.int * (1 + (Ytab$wh == "lo"))/3
      Ytab <- Ytab[, c("A","P","Y")]

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Epi documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:50 p.m.