Man pages for ExpDes
Experimental Designs Package

anscombetukeyTest for homogeneity of variances of Anscombe and Tukey
bartlettTest for Homogeneity of Variances: Bartlett
ccbootMultiple comparison: Bootstrap
ccFMultiple comparison: Calinski and Corsten
crdOne factor Completely Randomized Design
duncanMultiple comparison: Duncan test
est21AdStink bugs in corn: additional treatment.
exVines: Split-Plot in Randomized Blocks Design
ex1Yacon: CRD
ex2Food bars: RBD
ex3Forage: LSD
ex4Composting: Doble Factorial scheme in CRD
ex5Food bars: Double Factorial scheme in RBD
ex6Fictional data 1
ex7Height of corn plants 21 days after emergence.
ex8Composting: double factorial scheme plus one additional...
ex9Vegetated: Split-plot in CRD
exnlExample of fictitious data set
fat2.ad2.crdDouble factorial scheme plus two additional treatments in CRD
fat2.ad2.rbdDouble factorial scheme plus two additional treatments in RBD factorial scheme plus one additional treatment in CRD factorial scheme plus one additional treatment in RBD
fat2.crdDouble factorial scheme in CRD
fat2.rbdDouble factorial scheme in RBD factorial scheme plus an additional treatment in CRD factorial scheme plus an additional treatment in RBD
fat3.crdTriple factorial scheme in CRD
fat3.rbdTriple factorial scheme in RBD
ginvGeneralized inverse
graphicsRegression model plots
hanTest for homogeneity of variances of Han
lastCSetting the last character of a chain
latsdLatin Square Design
layardTest for homogeneity of variances of Layard
leveneTest for homogeneity of variances of Levene
lsdMultiple comparison: Least Significant Difference test
lsdbMultiple comparison: Bonferroni's Least Significant...
oneilldbcTest for homogeneity of variances of ONeill and Mathews (RBD)
oneillmathewsTest for homogeneity of variances of ONeill and Mathews (CRD)
order.groupOrdering the treatments according to the multiple comparison
order.stat.SNKGrouping the treatments averages in a comparison with a...
plotresResidual plots
rbdRandomized Blocks Design
reg.nlNon-linear Regression
reg.polyPolinomial Regression
respAdFictional data: additional treatment
samiuddinTest for homogeneity of variances of Samiuddin
scottknottMultiple comparison: Scott-Knott test
secaAdComposting: additional treatment
snkMultiple comparison: Student-Newman-Keuls test
split2.crdSplit-plots in CRD
split2.rbdSplit-plots in RBD
stripStrip-plot experiments
tapply.statStatistics of data grouped by factors
tukeyMultiple comparison: Tukey's test
ExpDes documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 9:09 a.m.