bartlett: Test for Homogeneity of Variances: Bartlett

Description Usage Arguments Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/bartlett.R


bartlett Performs the test for homogeneity of variances of Bartlett (1937).


bartlett(trat, resp, t, r)



Numeric or complex vector containing the treatments.


Numeric or complex vector containing the response variable.


Number of treatments.


Numeric or complex vector containing the number of replications of each treatment.


Returns the p-value of Bartlett's test of homogeneity of variances and its practical interpretation for 5% of significance.


Eric B Ferreira,

Denismar Alves Nogueira

Marcos Costa de Paula

Mateus Pimenta Siqueira Lima


BARTLETT, M. S. Properties of sufficiency and statistical tests. Proceedings of the Royal Statistical Society - Serie A, 60:268-282, 1937.

NOGUEIRA, D, P.; PEREIRA, G, M. Desempenho de testes para homogeneidade de vari?ncias em delineamentos inteiramente casualizados. Sigmae, Alfenas, v.2, n.1, p. 7-22. 2013.

See Also

levene, oneillmathews, samiuddin


crd(trat, ig, quali = FALSE, hvar='bartlett', sigF = 0.05)

Example output

Attaching package:ExpDesThe following object is masked frompackage:stats:


Analysis of Variance Table
           DF     SS MS     Fc     Pr>Fc
Treatament  3 214.88  3 6.5212 0.0029622
Residuals  20 219.67  2                 
Total      23 434.55  1                 
CV = 3.41 %

Shapiro-Wilk normality test
p-value:  0.91697 
According to Shapiro-Wilk normality test at 5% of significance, residuals can be considered normal.

Homogeneity of variances test
p-value:  0.1863216 
According to the test of bartlett at 5% of significance, residuals can be considered homocedastic.

Adjustment of polynomial models of regression

Linear Model
   Estimate Standard.Error   tc    p.value
b0 100.2878     1.1320     88.5938    0   
b1 -0.4136      0.1210     -3.4177 0.0027 

R2 of linear model

Analysis of Variance of linear model
              DF    SS       MS     Fc   p.value
Linear Effect 1  128.2987 128.2987 11.68 0.00273
Lack of fit   2  86.5794  43.2897  3.94  0.03605
Residuals     20 219.6710 10.9836               

Quadratic Model
   Estimate Standard.Error   tc    p.value
b0 101.5728     1.3187     77.0229    0   
b1 -1.1846      0.4236     -2.7968 0.0111 
b2  0.0514      0.0271     1.8995  0.0720 

R2 of quadratic model

Analysis of Variance of quadratic model
                 DF    SS       MS     Fc   p.value
Linear Effect    1  128.2987 128.2987 11.68 0.00273
Quadratic Effect 1  39.6294  39.6294  3.61  0.07202
Lack of fit      1  46.9500  46.9500  4.27  0.05187
Residuals        20 219.6710 10.9836               

Cubic Model
   Estimate Standard.Error   tc    p.value
b0 102.1983     1.3530     75.5350    0   
b1 -3.1445      1.0383     -3.0286 0.0066 
b2  0.4267      0.1835     2.3250  0.0307 
b3 -0.0167      0.0081     -2.0675 0.0519 

R2 of cubic model

Analysis of Variance of cubic model
                 DF    SS       MS     Fc   p.value
Linear Effect    1  128.2987 128.2987 11.68 0.00273
Quadratic Effect 1  39.6294  39.6294  3.61  0.07202
Cubic Effect     1  46.9500  46.9500  4.27  0.05187
Lack of fit      0     0        0       0      1   
Residuals        20 219.6710 10.9836               

ExpDes documentation built on Oct. 5, 2021, 9:09 a.m.

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