Description Usage Arguments Details Value References See Also Examples
This function runs the main algorithm presented in Haris, Witten and Simon (2014) for fitting an interaction model with strong heredity.
1 2 3 4 |
X |
n x p_1-matrix of covariates |
Z |
n x p_2-matrix of covariates |
Y |
The response vector of length n. This has to be a numeric vector. For the case of logistic regression the response variable must be a binary vector. |
lambdas |
The vector of different penalty parameters λ for which we wish to evaluate the function. For details see Haris, Witten and Simon (2014). |
alphas |
The second tuning parameter to control the magnitude of penalties on groups Of variables versus individual interaction terms. The values of this vector must be in the interval [0,1]. The output will fit the model for a grid of α and λ values. |
family |
A character string specifying the type of model to fit. "gaussian" for modeling continuous variables via linear regression (default), "binomial" for logistic regression. |
rho |
The starting value of ρ>0, the augmented Lagrangian parameter. |
B |
Initial (p_1+1) x (p_2+1) matrix of coefficients, |
norm |
The penalty to use for the rows and columns of matrix |
quad |
A logical variable indicating if we wish to include quadratic terms when |
iter |
The maximum number of iterations for the ADMM algorithm. |
e.abs |
An absolute tolerance for convergence. |
e.rel |
A relative tolerance for convergence. These are used to find a stopping criterion for the ADMM as done in Section 3.3.1 of Boyd, Stephen, et al. 2011 |
maxiter.B |
The maximum number of iterations for updating |
tol.B |
The absolute tolerance for the convergence of |
verbose |
Logical variable which indicates if extra statements should be printed showing progress of the algorithm. |
This function fits a regression model based with pair-wise interaction terms by solving the optimization problem (33)(linear regression) or (35)(logistic regression) in Haris, Witten and Simon (2014). The optimization problem is solved via an ADMM algorithm.
The function returns a list where the first component, Estimate
, is a list of dimensions
length(alphas)*length(lambdas) where $Estimate[[$alpha[a]]][[$lambda[l]]] is an object with components
finB |
The estimated coefficient matrix B_est obtained by the ADMM algorithm for minimizing the above objective function. |
B, D, E, F |
The matrices used in intermediate steps of the ADMM algorithm. We note that numerically all these matrices converge to |
glist |
A list of final estimates for the dual variable of the ADMM algorithm |
rho |
The last value of the augmented Lagrangian parameter ρ used for the ADMM. |
conv |
A logical variable stating if the algorithm converged within the maximum number of iterations |
iter |
The number of iterations for which our algorithm ran. If the algorithm did not converge this will just be equal to the input parameter |
The function also returns the training data used to fit the model and the path of penalty parameters for which we estimated the model.
Haris, Witten and Simon (2014). Convex Modeling of Interactions with Strong Heredity. Available on ArXiv at
Boyd, Stephen, et al. "Distributed optimization and statistical learning via the alternating direction method of multipliers." Foundations and Trends? in Machine Learning 3.1 (2011): 1-122.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 | library(FAMILY)
############################# EXAMPLE - CONTINUOUS RESPONSE #########################
############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################
#Generate training set of covariates X and Z
set.seed(1)<- matrix(rnorm(10*100),ncol = 10, nrow = 100)<- matrix(rnorm(15*100),ncol = 15, nrow = 100)
#Generate test set of covariates X and Z
X.te<- matrix(rnorm(10*100),ncol = 10, nrow = 100)
Z.te<- matrix(rnorm(15*100),ncol = 15, nrow = 100)
#Scale appropiately
meanX<- apply(,2,mean)
meanY<- apply(,2,mean)<- scale(, scale = FALSE)<- scale(, scale = FALSE)
X.te<- scale(X.te,center = meanX,scale = FALSE)
Z.te<- scale(Z.te,center = meanY,scale = FALSE)
#Generate full matrix of Covariates<- c()
w.te<- c()
X1<- cbind(1,
Z1<- cbind(1,
X2<- cbind(1,X.te)
Z2<- cbind(1,Z.te)
for(i in 1:16){
for(j in 1:11){<- cbind(,X1[,j]*Z1[,i])
w.te<- cbind(w.te, X2[,j]*Z2[,i])
#Generate response variables with signal from
#First 5 X features and 5 Z features.
#We construct the coefficient matrix B.
#B[1,1] contains the intercept
#B[-1,1] contains the main effects for X.
# For instance, B[2,1] is the main effect for the first feature in X.
#B[1,-1] contains the main effects for Z.
# For instance, B[1,10] is the coefficient for the 10th feature in Z.
#B[i+1,j+1] is the coefficient of X_i Z_j
B<- matrix(0,ncol = 16,nrow = 11)
rownames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("X",1:(nrow(B)-1),sep = ""))
colnames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("Z",1:(ncol(B)-1),sep = ""))
# First, we simulate data as follows:
# The first five features in X, and the first five features in Z, are non-zero.
# And given the non-zero main effects, all possible interactions are involved.
# We call this "high strong heredity"
B_high_SH<- B
B_high_SH[1:6,1:6]<- 1
#View true coefficient matrix
pheatmap(as.matrix(B_high_SH), scale="none",
cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
Y_high_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 2)
Y_high_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 2)
# Now a new setting:
# Again, the first five features in X, and the first five features in Z, are involved.
# But this time, only a subset of the possible interactions are involved.
# Strong heredity is still maintained.
# We call this "low strong heredity"
B_low_SH<- B_high_SH
B_low_SH[3:4,3:5]<- 1
#View true coefficient matrix
pheatmap(as.matrix(B_low_SH), scale="none",
cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
Y_low_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_low_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 1.5)
Y_low_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_low_SH))+rnorm(100,sd = 1.5)
############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################
#Define alphas and lambdas
#Define 3 different alpha values
#Low alpha values penalize groups more
#High alpha values penalize individual Interactions more
alphas<- c(0.01,0.5,0.99)
lambdas<- seq(0.1,1,length = 50)
#high Strong heredity with l2 norm
fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas ,
alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
#Find optimal model and plot matrix
im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
#Plot some matrices for different alpha values
#Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 25 ]])
#Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 25 ]])
#High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 40 ]])
#View Coefficients
############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
# #high Strong heredity with l_infinity norm norm
# fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas ,
# alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
# norm = "l_inf")
# yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
# mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
# mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# #Find optimal model and plot matrix
# im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
# #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 30 ]])
# #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 10 ]])
# #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 20 ]])
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_high_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
# #Redefine lambdas
# lambdas<- seq(0.1,0.5,length = 50)
# #low Strong heredity with l_2 norm
# fit_low_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_low_SH, lambdas ,
# alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
# yhat_lSH<- predict(fit_low_SH, X.te, Z.te)
# mse_lSH <-apply(yhat_lSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_low_SH.te)
# mse_lSH<- apply(mse_lSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# #Find optimal model and plot matrix
# im<- which(mse_lSH==min(mse_lSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
# #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 25 ]])
# #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 10 ]])
# #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
# plot(fit_low_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 10 ]])
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_low_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
############################### EXAMPLE - BINARY RESPONSE ###########################
############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################
#Generate data for logistic regression
Yp_high_SH<- as.vector((*%as.vector(B_high_SH))
Yp_high_SH.te<- as.vector((w.te)%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))
Yprobs_high_SH<- 1/(1+exp(-Yp_high_SH))
Yprobs_high_SH.te<- 1/(1+exp(-Yp_high_SH.te))
Yp_high_SH<- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = Yprobs_high_SH)
Yp_high_SH.te<- rbinom(100, size = 1, prob = Yprobs_high_SH.te)
lambdas<- seq(0.01,0.15,length = 50)
############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################
#Fit glm via l_2 norm
fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Yp_high_SH, lambdas ,
alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
family = "binomial")
yhp_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
mse_high_SH <-apply(yhp_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Yp_high_SH.te)
mse_hSH<- apply(mse_high_SH^2,c(2,3),sum)
im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
roc( Yp_high_SH.te,yhp_hSH[,im[1],im[2]],plot = TRUE)
#View Coefficients
############################## Uncomment code for EXAMPLE ###########################
# #Fit glm via l_infinity norm
# fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Yp_high_SH, lambdas , norm = "l_inf",
# alphas, quad = TRUE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE,
# family = "binomial")
# yhp_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, Z.te)
# mse_high_SH <-apply(yhp_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Yp_high_SH.te)
# mse_hSH<- apply(mse_high_SH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# roc( Yp_high_SH.te,yhp_hSH[,im[1],im[2]],plot = TRUE)
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_high_SH)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
############################## EXAMPLE WHERE X=Z ####################################
######################## Uncomment Code for EXAMPLE #################################
############################## GENERATE DATA ########################################
# #Redefine Lambdas
# lambdas<- seq(0.01,0.3,length = 50)
# #We consider the case X=Z now
#<- c()
# w.te<- c()
# X1<- cbind(1,
# X2<- cbind(1,X.te)
# for(i in 1:11){
# for(j in 1:11){
#<- cbind(,X1[,j]*X1[,i])
# w.te<- cbind(w.te, X2[,j]*X2[,i])
# }
# }
# B<- matrix(0,ncol = 11,nrow = 11)
# rownames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("X",1:(nrow(B)-1),sep = ""))
# colnames(B)<- c("inter" , paste("X",1:(ncol(B)-1),sep = ""))
# B_high_SH<- B
# B_high_SH[1:6,1:6]<- 1
# #We exclude quadratic terms in this example
# diag(B_high_SH)[-1]<-0
# #View true coefficient matrix
# pheatmap(as.matrix(B_high_SH), scale="none",
# cluster_rows=FALSE, cluster_cols=FALSE)
# #With high Strong heredity: all possible interactions
# Y_high_SH <- as.vector(*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100)
# Y_high_SH.te <- as.vector(w.te%*%as.vector(B_high_SH))+rnorm(100)
# ############################## FIT SOME MODELS ########################################
# #high Strong heredity with l_2 norm
# fit_high_SH<- FAMILY(,, Y_high_SH, lambdas ,
# alphas, quad = FALSE,iter=500, verbose = TRUE )
# yhat_hSH<- predict(fit_high_SH, X.te, X.te)
# mse_hSH <-apply(yhat_hSH,c(2,3), "-" ,Y_high_SH.te)
# mse_hSH<- apply(mse_hSH^2,c(2,3),sum)
# #Find optimal model and plot matrix
# im<- which(mse_hSH==min(mse_hSH),TRUE)
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[im[2] ]][[im[1]]])
# #Plot some matrices for different alpha values
# #Low alpha, higher penalty on groups
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 1 ]][[ 50 ]])
# #Medium alpha, equal penalty on groups and individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 2 ]][[ 50 ]])
# #High alpha, more penalty on individual interactions
# plot(fit_high_SH$Estimate[[ 3 ]][[ 50 ]])
# #View Coefficients
# coef(fit_high_SH,XequalZ = TRUE)[[im[2]]][[im[1]]]
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