
Defines functions aicc.weights

Documented in aicc.weights

#' Plot evidence ratios
#' Calculates the evidence ratios for each parameter based on Akaike weights and plots them.
#' @param input Either a string containing the directory which holds the "FAMoS-Results" folder or a matrix containing the tested models along with the respective information criteria. Default to \code{getwd()}.
#' @param mrun A string giving the number of the corresponding FAMoS run, e.g "004". If NULL (default), all FAMoS runs in the "FAMoS-Results/TestedModels/" folder will be used for evaluation.
#' @param reorder If TRUE, results will be ordered by evidence ratios (descending). If FALSE, the order of parameters will be the same as the order specified in \code{init.par} in \code{\link{famos}}. Default to TRUE.
#' @param save.output A string containing the location and name under which the figure should be saved (format is pdf). Default to NULL.
#' @details The plot shows the relative support or evidence ratio for each parameter. Parameters included in the best model are printed bold and the corresponding lines are coloured in red.
#' @return A plot showing the evidence ratios for all model parameters. Additionally, the evidence ratios are returned.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' #plot evidence ratios
#' aicc.weights(input = famos.run)
#' aicc.weights(input = famos.run, reorder = FALSE)
aicc.weights <- function(input = getwd(), mrun = NULL, reorder = TRUE, save.output = NULL){
  old.par <- graphics::par("mai")
  on.exit(graphics::par(mai = old.par))
    #read in files (either a specific one or all)
      filenames <- list.files(paste0(input,"/FAMoS-Results/TestedModels/"), pattern="*.rds", full.names=TRUE)
      if(length(filenames) == 0){
        stop("No files in the given folder!")
      store.res <-  readRDS(filenames[1])
      for(i in 2:length(filenames)){
        store.res <- cbind(store.res, readRDS(filenames[i]))
      mt <- store.res
      if(file.exists(paste0(input,"/FAMoS-Results/TestedModels/TestedModels",mrun,".rds")) == FALSE){
        stop("The specified file does not exist!")
      mt <- readRDS(paste0(input,"/FAMoS-Results/TestedModels/TestedModels",mrun,".rds"))
        stop("File is empty!")
  }else if(is.matrix(input)){
    mt <- input
    stop("Input needs to be either a directory path or a matrix.")
  if(length(which(is.finite(mt[1,]) == FALSE)) > 0){
    mt <- mt[,-which(is.finite(mt[1,]) == FALSE)]
  #calculate akaike weights
  akaike.weights <- as.numeric(exp(-0.5 * (mt[1,] - min(mt[1,])))/sum(exp(-0.5 * (mt[1,] - min(mt[1,])))))
  #calculate normalised probability
  parms.support <- as.vector(as.matrix(mt[3:nrow(mt),]) %*% akaike.weights)
  names(parms.support) <- row.names(mt[3:nrow(mt),])
  if(reorder == TRUE){
    parms.order <- order(parms.support, decreasing = FALSE)
    parms.order <- length(parms.support):1
  #adjust color scheme
  best.model <- mt[-c(1:2),which.min(mt[1,])]
  aicc.col <- rep("blue", length(best.model))
  aicc.col[which(best.model == 1)] <- "red"
  #adjust boldness of parameters
  aicc.bold <- rep(1, length(best.model))
  aicc.bold[which(best.model == 1)] <- 2
  #get parameter names
  all.names <- rownames(mt)[3:nrow(mt)]
  #save file if wanted
  if(is.null(save.output) == FALSE){
    grDevices::pdf(file = save.output,
                   width  = 5,
                   height = 1.5 + 0.2*length(parms.support),
                   useDingbats = F)
  graphics::par(mai = c(1,0.3 + 0.08*max(nchar(all.names)),0.4,0.2))
                    horiz = T,
                    names.arg = all.names[parms.order],
                    las = 1,
                    xlab = "relative support",
                    col = aicc.col[parms.order],
                    xlim = c(-0.02,1.02),
                    main = "Evidence ratio (only valid for AICc)")
  if(is.null(save.output) == FALSE){

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FAMoS documentation built on April 14, 2020, 5:43 p.m.