
Defines functions summary.FCVAR_model FCVARestn

Documented in FCVARestn summary.FCVAR_model

#' Estimate FCVAR model
#' \code{FCVARestn} estimates the Fractionally Cointegrated VAR model.
#'  It is the central function in the \code{FCVAR} package with several nested functions, each
#' 	described below. It estimates the model parameters, calculates the
#' 	standard errors and the number of free parameters, obtains the residuals
#' 	and the roots of the characteristic polynomial.
#' \code{print.FCVARestn} prints the estimation results from
#' the output of \code{FCVARestn}.
#' @param x A matrix of variables to be included in the system.
#' @param k The number of lags in the system.
#' @param r The cointegrating rank.
#' @param opt An S3 object of class \code{FCVAR_opt} that stores the chosen estimation options,
#' generated from \code{FCVARoptions()}.
#' @return An S3 object of class \code{FCVAR_model} containing the estimation results,
#' including the following parameters:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{\code{startVals}}{Starting values used for optimization.}
#'   \item{\code{options}}{Estimation options.}
#'   \item{\code{like}}{Model log-likelihood.}
#'   \item{\code{coeffs}}{Parameter estimates.}
#'   \item{\code{rankJ}}{Rank of Jacobian for the identification condition.}
#'   \item{\code{fp}}{Number of free parameters.}
#'   \item{\code{SE}}{Standard errors.}
#'   \item{\code{NegInvHessian}}{Negative of inverse Hessian matrix.}
#'   \item{\code{Residuals}}{Model residuals.}
#'   \item{\code{cPolyRoots}}{Roots of characteristic polynomial.}
#'   \item{\code{printVars}}{Additional variables required only for printing
#'   the output of \code{FCVARestn} to screen.}
#'   \item{\code{k}}{The number of lags in the system.}
#'   \item{\code{r}}{The cointegrating rank.}
#'   \item{\code{p}}{The number of variables in the system.}
#'   \item{\code{cap_T}}{The sample size.}
#'   \item{\code{opt}}{An S3 object of class \code{FCVAR_opt} that stores the chosen estimation options,
#'     generated from \code{FCVARoptions()}.}
#' }
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' opt <- FCVARoptions()
#' opt$gridSearch   <- 0 # Disable grid search in optimization.
#' opt$dbMin        <- c(0.01, 0.01) # Set lower bound for d,b.
#' opt$dbMax        <- c(2.00, 2.00) # Set upper bound for d,b.
#' opt$constrained  <- 0 # Impose restriction dbMax >= d >= b >= dbMin ? 1 <- yes, 0 <- no.
#' x <- votingJNP2014[, c("lib", "ir_can", "un_can")]
#' m1 <- FCVARestn(x, k = 2, r = 1, opt)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' opt1 <- opt
#' opt1$R_psi <- matrix(c(1, 0), nrow = 1, ncol = 2)
#' opt1$r_psi <- 1
#' m1r1 <- FCVARestn(x, k = 2, r = 1, opt1)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' opt1 <- opt
#' opt1$R_Beta <- matrix(c(1, 0, 0), nrow = 1, ncol = 3)
#' m1r2 <- FCVARestn(x, k = 2, r = 1, opt1)
#' }
#' \donttest{
#' opt1 <- opt
#' opt1$R_Alpha <- matrix(c(0, 1, 0), nrow = 1, ncol = 3)
#' m1r4 <- FCVARestn(x, k = 2, r = 1, opt1)
#' }
#' @family FCVAR estimation functions
#' @seealso \code{FCVARoptions} to set default estimation options.
#' \code{FCVARestn} calls this function at the start of each estimation to verify
#' validity of options.
#' \code{summary.FCVAR_model} prints the output of \code{FCVARestn} to screen.
#' @export
FCVARestn <- function(x, k, r, opt) {

  # --- Preliminary steps --- %
  cap_T <- nrow(x) - opt$N # number of observations
  p <- ncol(x)         # number of variables

  # # Update options based on initial user input.
  # opt <- FCVARoptionUpdates(opt, p, r)


  # Perform grid search and store results as starting values for
  #   numerical optimization below.
  if(opt$gridSearch) {
    message(sprintf('\nRunning grid search over likelihood for k=%g, r=%g.\n', k,r),
            "This computation can be slow.\n",
            "Set opt$gridSearch <- 0 to skip it.")
    likeGrid_params <- FCVARlikeGrid(x, k, r, opt)
    opt$db0 <- likeGrid_params$params

    # Change upper and lower bounds to limit the search to some small
    #   interval around the starting values.
    opt$UB_db[1:2] <- pmin(opt$db0[1:2] + c(0.1, 0.1), opt$dbMax)
    opt$LB_db[1:2] <- pmax(opt$db0[1:2] - c(0.1, 0.1), opt$dbMin)

    # Update options based on initial user input and grid search.
    opt <- FCVARoptionUpdates(opt, p, r)

  } else {

    # Update options based on initial user input.
    opt <- FCVARoptionUpdates(opt, p, r)

    # Call to GetBounds returns upper/lower bounds for (d,b) or
    #  depending on whether or not restrictions have been imposed.
    UB_LB_bounds <- GetBounds(opt)
    opt$UB_db <- UB_LB_bounds$UB
    opt$LB_db <- UB_LB_bounds$LB



  # Store equality restrictions, inequality restrictions, upper and lower
  #   bounds, and starting values for estimation because they need to be
  #   adjusted based on the presence of level parameter or d=b restriction.
  Rpsi <- opt$R_psi
  rpsi <- opt$r_psi
  startVals <- matrix(opt$db0[1:2], nrow = 1, ncol = 2) # starting values for mu get added later.
  Cdb <- opt$C_db
  cdb <- opt$c_db

  # If Rpsi is empty, then optimization is over (d,b), otherwise it is
  #  over phi. If it is over phi, need to make adjustments to startVals
  #  and make Cdb and cdb empty.
  if (is.null(opt$R_psi)) {
    num_R_psi_rows <- 0
  } else {
    num_R_psi_rows <- nrow(opt$R_psi)

  # if(nrow(Rpsi) == 1)
  if (num_R_psi_rows == 1) {

    H_psi <- pracma::null(Rpsi)

    # Need to back out phi from given db0
    startVals <- solve(t(H_psi) %*% H_psi) %*% t(H_psi) %*% t(startVals)

    if(opt$gridSearch) {
      # Translate from d,b to phi.

      UB <- solve(t(H_psi) %*% H_psi) %*% t(H_psi) %*% opt$UB_db
      LB <- solve(t(H_psi) %*% H_psi) %*% t(H_psi) %*% opt$LB_db
    } else {
      # Otherwise GetBounds returns the values in terms of phi.
      UB <- opt$UB_db
      LB <- opt$LB_db

    # Add warning about turning these off if non-empty?
    Cdb <- NULL
    cdb <- NULL

    # Turn off equality restrictions if only one restriction is imposed
    #  because they will be imposed inside the profile likelihood
    #  function that is being maximized.

    Rpsi <- NULL
    rpsi <- NULL

  } else {

    UB <- opt$UB_db
    LB <- opt$LB_db

    H_psi <- NULL


  # If estimation involves level parameter, make appropriate
  #   adjustments so that the dimensions of the restrictions correspond to
  #   the number of parameters being estimated, i.e. fill with zeros.
  if(opt$levelParam) {

    # If there are equality restrictions add coefficients of 0 to the
    #  level parameter.
    if(!is.null(Rpsi)) {
      Rpsi <- cbind(Rpsi, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Rpsi), ncol = p))

    # If there are inequality restrictions add coefficients of 0 to the
    #  level parameter.
    if(!is.null(Cdb)) {
      Cdb <- cbind(Cdb, matrix(0, nrow = nrow(Cdb), ncol = p))

    # If grid search has not been used to set all initial values, add p
    #   starting values, set as the first observations on each variable,
    #   to the startVals variable to account for the level parameter.
    if(opt$gridSearch == 0) {
      startVals <- unlist(c(startVals, x[1, ]))
    } else {
      startVals <- c(startVals, opt$db0[3:length(opt$db0)])

    # Level parameter is unrestricted, but the length of UB and LB
    #   needs to match the number of parameters in optimization.
    UB <- c(UB, matrix(1,nrow = 1, ncol = p)*Inf)
    LB <- c(LB, -matrix(1,nrow = 1, ncol = p)*Inf)


  # if(nrow(opt$R_psi) == 2) {
  if (num_R_psi_rows == 2) { # i.e. 2 restrictions?

    # d,b are exactly identified by the linear restrictions and Rpsi is
    #  invertible. We use opt$R_psi here because Rpsi is adjusted
    #  depending on the presence of level parameters. Transpose is
    #  necessary to match input/output of other cases.
    dbTemp <- t(t(opt$R_psi) %*% solve(opt$R_psi %*% t(opt$R_psi)) %*% opt$r_psi)
    y <- x

    if(opt$levelParam) {
      # Optimize over level parameter for given (d,b).
      StartVal <- y[1, ]

      # [ muHat, maxLike, ! ]
      # <- fminunc(@( params ) -FCVARlikeMu(x, dbTemp, params, k, r, opt),
      #            StartVal, opt$UncFminOptions )

      # Need to implement optimization correctly.
      # min_out <- optim_unc(-FCVARlikeMu(params, x, dbTemp, k, r, opt),
      #                      startVal, opt$UncFminOptions)

      # min_out <- stats::optim(StartVal,
      #                  function(params) {-FCVARlikeMu(params, x, dbTemp, k, r, opt)})

      # Add the options for optimization. Check.
      min_out <- stats::optim(StartVal,
                       function(params) {-FCVARlikeMu(params, x, dbTemp, k, r, opt)},
                       # control = list(maxit = opt$UncFminOptions$MaxFunEvals,
                       #                reltol = opt$UncFminOptions$TolFun),
                       # control = list(maxit = opt$unc_optim_control$maxit,
                       #                reltol = opt$unc_optim_control$reltol),
                       control = opt$unc_optim_control)

      muHat <- min_out$par
      maxLike <- min_out$value

      y <- x - matrix(1, nrow = cap_T+opt$N, ncol = p) %*% diag(muHat)
    } else {
      maxLike <- -FCVARlike(dbTemp, y, k, r, opt)

    # Obtain concentrated parameter estimates.
    estimates <- GetParams(y, k, r, dbTemp, opt)

    # Storing the estimates in a global structure here allows us to skip a
    #   call to GetParams after optimization to recover the coefficient
    #   estimates
    estimatesTEMP <- estimates
    # If level parameter is present, they are the last p parameters in the
    #   params vector
    if (opt$levelParam) {
      estimatesTEMP$muHat <- muHat
    } else {
      estimatesTEMP$muHat <- NULL

  } else {
    # [ !, maxLike, ! ]
    # <- fmincon(@( params ) -FCVARlike(x, params, k, r, opt),
    #            startVals, Cdb, cdb, Rpsi, rpsi, LB, UB, [], opt$ConFminOptions )

    # Need to implement optimization correctly.
    # min_out <- stats::optim(startVals,
    #                  function(params) {-FCVARlike(params, x, k, r, opt)})
    # Cdb, cdb, Rpsi, rpsi, LB, UB, opt$ConFminOptions)

    # Algorithm depends on whether there are inequality restrictions.
    if(!is.null(Cdb)) {

      # print('Imposing inequality restrictions on d and b. ')
      # print('Cdb = ')
      # print(Cdb)
      # print('cdb = ')
      # print(cdb)

      # This version uses inequality bounds:
      min_out <- stats::constrOptim(startVals,
                             function(params) {-FCVARlike(params, x, k, r, opt)},
                             ui = Cdb,
                             ci = - cdb,
                             method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = LB, upper = UB,
                             # control = list(maxit = opt$ConFminOptions$MaxFunEvals,
                             #                pgtol = opt$ConFminOptions$TolFun),
                             # control = list(maxit = opt$con_optim_control$maxit,
                             #                pgtol = opt$con_optim_control$pgtol),
                             control = opt$con_optim_control)
    } else {
      # Constrained version with L-BFGS-B:
      # This uses only the box constraints LB and UB:
      min_out <- stats::optim(startVals,
                       function(params) {-FCVARlike(params, x, k, r, opt)},
                       method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = LB, upper = UB,
                       # control = list(maxit = opt$ConFminOptions$MaxFunEvals,
                       #                pgtol = opt$ConFminOptions$TolFun),
                       # control = list(maxit = opt$con_optim_control$maxit,
                       #                pgtol = opt$con_optim_control$pgtol),
                       control = opt$con_optim_control)

    # Might not be necessary?
    # It seems as though it is imposing constraints just fine.
    # Finally, all constraints imposed:
    # Equality constraints with Rpsi and rpsi can be satisfied
    # by concentrating out one parameter and optimizing over the other.
    # Need an equation for b as a function of d, Rpsi and rpsi.
    # startValsSub <- startVals[-2]
    # min_out <- stats::constrOptim(startValsSub,
    #                        function(params) {-FCVARlike(c(params[1],
    #                                                       b_rest(d, Rpsi, rpsi),
    #                                                       params[3:length(params)]),
    #                                                     x, k, r, opt)},
    #                        ui = Cdb,
    #                        ci = - cdb,
    #                        method = 'L-BFGS-B', lower = LB, upper = UB,
    #                        control = list(maxit = opt$ConFminOptions$MaxFunEvals,
    #                                       reltol = opt$ConFminOptions$TolFun))

    # print('min_out = ')
    # print(min_out)

    # The MATLAB version uses a global variable estimatesTEMP.
    # Instead, obtain estimatesTEMP from a function:
    estimatesTEMP <- GetEstimates(min_out$par, x, k, r, opt)

    maxLike <- min_out$value

  # Store outputs

  # Store the updated estimation options.
  results <- list(
    startVals = startVals,
    options = opt,
    like = NA,
    coeffs = NA,
    rankJ = NA,
    fp = NA,
    SE = NA,
    NegInvHessian = NA,
    Residuals = NA,
    cPolyRoots = NA,
    printVars = NA

  # Store the bounds on d and b.
  results$options$UB_db <- UB
  results$options$LB_db <- LB

  # Adjust the sign of the likelihood and store the results
  maxLike <- -maxLike
  results$like <- maxLike

  # Coefficients are taken from a global defined in the likelihood
  #   function
  results$coeffs <- estimatesTEMP


  # print('Warning: Check rank conditions cancelled out!')

  p1 <- p + opt$rConstant
  rankJ <- NULL # initialize the rank

  if (r > 0) {
    # If rank is zero then Alpha and Beta are empty

    if(is.null(opt$R_Beta)) {
      H_beta <- diag(p1*r)
    } else {
      H_beta <- pracma::null(opt$R_Beta)

    # We use the commutation matrix K_pr to transform vec(A) into vec(A'), # '
    #   see Magnus & Neudecker (1988, p. 47, eqn (1)).
    Ip <- diag(p)

    # Need to make sure this builds in the proper order:
    Kpr <- matrix(kronecker(Ip, diag(r)), nrow = p*r, ncol = p*r)
    if(is.null(opt$R_Alpha)) {
      A <- Kpr %*% diag(p*r)
    } else {
      A <- pracma::null(opt$R_Alpha %*% solve(Kpr))

    rA <- ncol(A) # number of free parameters in alpha
    rH <- ncol(H_beta) # number of free parameters in beta (including constant)

    # Following Boswijk & Doornik (2004, p.447) identification condition

    kronA <- kronecker(diag(p),
                             results$coeffs$rhoHat)) %*%
      cbind(A, matrix(0, nrow = p*r, ncol = rH))

    kronH <- kronecker(results$coeffs$alphaHat, diag(p1)) %*%
      cbind(matrix(0, nrow = p1*r, ncol = rA),  H_beta)
    rankJ <- qr(kronA + kronH)$rank

    results$rankJ <- rankJ


  # Check that alpha and beta have full rank to ensure that restrictions
  #   do not reduce their rank.
  if (r > 0) {

    if(qr(results$coeffs$alphaHat)$rank < r) {
      warning("Estimated matrix alphaHat has rank less than r!",
              "Consider modifying restrictions or estimating with reduced rank.")

    if( qr(results$coeffs$betaHat)$rank < r) {
      warning("Estimated matrix betaHat has rank less than r!",
              "Consider modifying restrictions or estimating with reduced rank.")



  # Compute the number of free parameters in addition to those in alpha
  #   and beta.
  fp <- GetFreeParams(k, r, p, opt, rankJ)
  # Store the result.
  results$fp <- fp


  # Calculate the Hessian, if necessary.
  if(opt$CalcSE) {

    H <- FCVARhess(x, k, r, results$coeffs, opt)

    # Test invertibility of Hessian matrix,
    # and if so, calculate the inverse.
    Hinv <- try(solve(H))
    if (class(Hinv)[1] == "try-error") {
      warning("Hessian matrix is singular or ill-conditioned.\n",
              "  Consider changing your model specification,",
              "as it may be underidentified or severely misspecified.")
      H_invertible <- FALSE
    } else {
      H_invertible <- TRUE

  } else {
    # Hessian not calculated if standard errors not calculated.
    H_invertible <- FALSE

  if(opt$CalcSE & H_invertible) {

    # If any restrictions have been imposed, the Hessian matrix must be
    #   adjusted to account for them.

    if ( !is.null(opt$R_Alpha) | !is.null(opt$R_psi) ) {

      # Create R matrix with all restrictions.

      # Count the number of restrictions on d,b. Note: opt$R_psi already
      #  contains restrict DB, so the size() is only reliable if
      #  it's turned off.
      if(!is.null(opt$R_psi)) {
        if(opt$restrictDB) {
          rowDB <- nrow(opt$R_psi) - 1
        } else {
          rowDB <- nrow(opt$R_psi)

      } else {
        # Otherwise d,b are unrestricted.
        rowDB <- 0

      # Number of restrictions on alpha.
      rowA  <- sum(nrow(opt$R_Alpha))

      # Count the variables.
      colDB <- 1 + !opt$restrictDB
      colA <- p*r
      colG <- p*p*k
      colMu <- opt$levelParam*p
      colRh <- opt$unrConstant*p
      # Length of vec(estimated coefficients in Hessian).
      R_cols  <- colDB + colMu + colRh + colA + colG

      # The restriction matrix will have rows equal to the number of
      #   restrictions.
      R_rows <- rowDB + rowA

      R <- matrix(0, nrow = R_rows, ncol = R_cols)

      # Fill in the matrix R.

      # Start with restrictions on (d,b) and note that if the model
      #   with d=b is being estimated, only the first column of R_psi is
      #   considered. In that case, if there are zeros found in the first
      #   column, the user is asked to rewrite the restriction.
      if(rowDB > 0) {
        if(opt$restrictDB) {
          # If the model d=b is being estimated, only one
          #  restriction can be imposed and that is on d.
          R[1:rowDB,1:colDB] <- opt$R_psi[1,1]
        } else {
          R[1:rowDB,1:colDB] <- opt$R_psi


      # Put the R_Alpha matrix into the appropriate place in R.
      if(!is.null(opt$R_Alpha)) {
        R[(1+rowDB):(rowDB + rowA),
          (1 + colDB + colMu + colRh):
            (colDB + colMu + colRh + colA)] <- opt$R_Alpha

      # Calculate unrestricted Hessian.
      # H <- FCVARhess(x, k, r, results$coeffs, opt)
      # Done once, outside if statement.

      # Harry would go crazy if he saw how many times we
      # would be inverting this matrix!
      # (But it's small, so it's okay.)
      # Hinv <- solve(H)
      # Done once, outside if statement.

      # R doesn't like to invert empty matrices:
      # print(R %*% solve(H) %*% t(R))
      # But matlab is happy to make it a matrix of zeros
      # when multiplied by the empty bread in R.
      if (R_rows > 0) {
        # Q_meat <- t(R) %*% solve(R %*% solve(H) %*% t(R)) %*% R
        Q_meat <- t(R) %*% solve(R %*% Hinv %*% t(R)) %*% R
      } else {
        Q_meat <- matrix(0, nrow = R_cols, ncol = R_cols)

      # Calculate the restricted Hessian.
      Q <- -Hinv + Hinv %*% Q_meat %*% Hinv

    } else {
      # Model is unrestricted.
      # H <- FCVARhess(x, k, r, results$coeffs, opt)
      # Q <- -solve(H)
      # Done once, outside if statement.
      Q <- -Hinv

  } else {
    NumCoeffs <- length(SEmat2vecU(results$coeffs, k, r, p, opt))
    Q <- matrix(0, nrow = NumCoeffs, ncol = NumCoeffs)

  # Calculate the standard errors and store them.
  SE <- sqrt(diag(Q))
  results$SE <- SEvec2matU(SE,k,r,p, opt)
  results$NegInvHessian <- Q


  epsilon <- GetResiduals(x, k, r, results$coeffs, opt)
  results$Residuals <- epsilon


  FCVAR_CharPoly <- GetCharPolyRoots(results$coeffs, opt, k, r, p)
  cPolyRoots <- FCVAR_CharPoly$cPolyRoots
  results$cPolyRoots <- cPolyRoots


  printVars <- list(
    H_psi = H_psi,
    LB = LB,
    UB = UB
  results$printVars <- printVars

  # Append remaining parameters and set class of S3 object.
  results$k <- k
  results$r <- r
  results$p <- p
  results$cap_T <- cap_T
  results$opt <- opt
  class(results) <- 'FCVAR_model'

  if (opt$print2screen) {

    summary(object = results)



#' Summarize Estimation Results from the FCVAR model
#' \code{summary.FCVAR_model} prints a summary of the estimation results from
#' the output of \code{FCVARestn}.
#' \code{FCVARestn} estimates the Fractionally Cointegrated VAR model.
#'  It is the central function in the \code{FCVAR} package with several nested functions.
#' 	It estimates the model parameters, calculates the
#' 	standard errors and the number of free parameters, obtains the residuals
#' 	and the roots of the characteristic polynomial.
#' @param object An S3 object containing the estimation results of \code{FCVARestn}.
#' @param ... additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
#' @return NULL
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' opt <- FCVARoptions()
#' opt$gridSearch   <- 0 # Disable grid search in optimization.
#' opt$dbMin        <- c(0.01, 0.01) # Set lower bound for d,b.
#' opt$dbMax        <- c(2.00, 2.00) # Set upper bound for d,b.
#' opt$constrained  <- 0 # Impose restriction dbMax >= d >= b >= dbMin ? 1 <- yes, 0 <- no.
#' x <- votingJNP2014[, c("lib", "ir_can", "un_can")]
#' FCVARresults <- FCVARestn(x, k = 2, r = 1, opt)
#' summary(object = FCVARresults)
#' }
#' @family FCVAR estimation functions
#' @seealso \code{FCVARoptions} to set default estimation options.
#' \code{FCVARestn} calls this function at the start of each estimation to verify
#' validity of options.
#' \code{summary.FCVAR_model} prints a summary of the output of \code{FCVARestn} to screen.
#' @export
summary.FCVAR_model <- function(object, ...) {

  # Extract variables for printing.
  H_psi <- object$printVars$H_psi
  LB <- object$printVars$LB
  UB <- object$printVars$UB
  startVals <- object$startVals
  maxLike <- object$like
  fp <- object$fp
  cPolyRoots <- object$cPolyRoots
  k <- object$k
  r <- object$r
  p <- object$p
  cap_T <- object$cap_T
  opt <- object$opt

  # Option of adding a warning if SEs were not calculated
  # (and are identically zero, as a result).
  # SE_missing <- sum(abs(SEmat2vecU(coeffs = object$SE,
  #                                  k, r, p, opt)), na.rm = TRUE) == 0

  if (!opt$CalcSE) {
    cat(sprintf('Warning: standard errors have not been calculated!\n'))

  # create a variable for output strings
  yesNo <- c('No','Yes') # Ironic ordering, No?
  cat(sprintf('                      Fractionally Cointegrated VAR: Estimation Results                              '))
  cat(sprintf('Dimension of system:  %6.0f      Number of observations in sample:       %6.0f \n', p, cap_T+opt$N))
  cat(sprintf('Number of lags:       %6.0f      Number of observations for estimation:  %6.0f \n', k, cap_T))
  cat(sprintf('Restricted constant:  %6s      Initial values:                         %6.0f\n', yesNo[opt$rConstant+1], opt$N ))
  cat(sprintf('Unrestricted constant:%6s      Level parameter:                        %6s\n', yesNo[opt$unrConstant+1], yesNo[opt$levelParam+1] ))

  # if (nrow(opt$R_psi) == 1) {
  if (is.null(opt$R_psi)) {
    num_R_psi_rows <- 0
  } else {
    num_R_psi_rows <- nrow(opt$R_psi)

  if (num_R_psi_rows == 1) {

    # 1 restriction.
    dbUB <- H_psi*UB[1]
    dbLB <- H_psi*LB[1]
    dbStart <- H_psi*startVals[1]
    cat(sprintf('Starting value for d:    %1.3f    Parameter space for d: (%1.3f , %1.3f) \n', dbStart[1], dbLB[1], dbUB[1]))
    cat(sprintf('Starting value for b:    %1.3f    Parameter space for b: (%1.3f , %1.3f) \n', dbStart[2], dbLB[2], dbUB[2]))
  } else {
    # Unrestricted or 2 restrictions.
    cat(sprintf('Starting value for d:    %1.3f    Parameter space for d: (%1.3f , %1.3f) \n', startVals[1], LB[1], UB[1]))
    cat(sprintf('Starting value for b:    %1.3f    Parameter space for b: (%1.3f , %1.3f) \n', startVals[2], LB[2], UB[2]))
    cat(sprintf('Imposing d >= b:      %6s\n', yesNo[opt$constrained+1] ))


  cat(sprintf('Cointegrating rank:   %10.0f  AIC:            %10.3f \n', r, -2*maxLike + 2*fp))
  cat(sprintf('Log-likelihood:       %10.3f  BIC:            %10.3f \n', maxLike, -2*maxLike + fp*log(cap_T)))
  cat(sprintf('log(det(Omega_hat)):  %10.3f  Free parameters:%10.0f \n', log(det(object$coeffs$OmegaHat)), fp))
  cat(sprintf(    '    Fractional parameters:                                                                             \n'))
  cat(sprintf(    '    Coefficient               Estimate                Standard error \n'))
  cat(sprintf(    '         d                    %8.3f                   %8.3f                \n', object$coeffs$db[1], object$SE$db[1]))

  if (!opt$restrictDB) {
    cat(sprintf('         b                    %8.3f                   %8.3f                \n', object$coeffs$db[2], object$SE$db[2]))


  if (r > 0) {

    if (opt$rConstant) {
      varList <- '(beta and rho):'
    else {
      varList <- '(beta):        '

    cat(sprintf('    Cointegrating equations %s                                                          \n', varList))
    cat(sprintf(    '      Variable      ' ))

    for (j in 1:r) {
      cat(sprintf(    '  CI equation %d  ', j))


    for (i in 1:p) {
      cat(sprintf(    '        Var%d       ',i ))
      for (j in 1:r) {
        cat(sprintf('    %8.3f     ', object$coeffs$betaHat[i,j] ))

    if (opt$rConstant) {
      cat(sprintf(    '      Constant     ' ))
      for (j in 1:r) {
        cat(sprintf('    %8.3f     ', object$coeffs$rhoHat[j] ))


    if (is.null(opt$R_Alpha) & is.null(opt$R_Beta) ) {
      cat(sprintf(  'Note: Identifying restriction imposed.                                                               \n'))

    cat(sprintf('    Adjustment matrix (alpha):                                                                         \n' ))
    cat(sprintf(    '      Variable      ' ))

    for (j in 1:r) {
      cat(sprintf(    '  CI equation %d  ', j))


    for (i in 1:p) {
      cat(sprintf(    '        Var %d      ',i ))
      for (j in 1:r) {
        cat(sprintf('    %8.3f     ', object$coeffs$alphaHat[i,j] ))

      cat(sprintf(    '         SE %d      ',i ))

      for (j in 1:r) {
        cat(sprintf('   (%8.3f  )  ', object$SE$alphaHat[i,j] ))


    cat(sprintf(  'Note: Standard errors in parenthesis.                                                                \n'))
    cat(sprintf('    Long-run matrix (Pi):                                                                       \n' ))
    cat(sprintf(    '      Variable  ' ))

    for (j in 1:p) {
      cat(sprintf(    '       Var %d   ', j))


    for (i in 1:p) {
      cat(sprintf(    '      Var %d      ',i ))
      for (j in 1:p) {
        cat(sprintf('   %8.3f    ', object$coeffs$PiHat[i,j] ))




  # Print level parameter if present.
  if (opt$print2screen & opt$levelParam) {
    cat(sprintf('    Level parameter (mu):                                                                         \n' ))
    for (i in 1:p) {
      cat(sprintf(    '        Var %d      ',i ))
      cat(sprintf('    %8.3f     ', object$coeffs$muHat[i] ))
      cat(sprintf(    '         SE %d      ',i ))
      cat(sprintf('   (%8.3f  )  ', object$SE$muHat[i] ))

    cat(sprintf(  'Note: Standard errors in parenthesis (from numerical Hessian) \n'))
    cat(sprintf(  '      but asymptotic distribution is unknown. \n'))

  # Print unrestricted constant if present.
  if (opt$print2screen & opt$unrConstant) {
    cat(sprintf('    Unrestricted constant term:                                                                     \n' ))
    for (i in 1:p) {
      cat(sprintf(    '        Var %d      ',i ))
      cat(sprintf('    %8.3f     ', object$coeffs$xiHat[i] ))
      cat(sprintf(    '         SE %d      ',i ))
      cat(sprintf('   (%8.3f  )  ', object$SE$xiHat[i] ))

    cat(sprintf(  'Note: Standard errors in parenthesis (from numerical Hessian) \n'))
    cat(sprintf(  '      but asymptotic distribution is unknown. \n'))

  # Print Gamma coefficients if required.
  if (opt$print2screen && opt$printGammas & (k > 0)) {

    for (l in 1:k) {

      GammaHatk <- object$coeffs$GammaHat[, seq(p*(l-1)+1, p*l)]
      GammaSEk <- object$SE$GammaHat[, seq(p*(l-1)+1, p*l)]

      cat(sprintf('    Lag matrix %d (Gamma_%d):                                                                            \n', l, l ))
      cat(sprintf(    '      Variable  ' ))

      for (j in 1:p) {
        cat(sprintf(    '       Var %d   ', j))


      for (i in 1:p) {

        cat(sprintf(    '      Var %d      ',i ))

        for (j in 1:p) {
          cat(sprintf('   %8.3f    ', GammaHatk[i,j] ))

        cat(sprintf(    '       SE %d       ',i ))

        for (j in 1:p) {
          cat(sprintf(' (%8.3f  )  ', GammaSEk[i,j] ))



      cat(sprintf(  'Note: Standard errors in parentheses.                                                                \n'))



  # Print roots of characteristic polynomial if required.
  if (opt$print2screen & opt$printRoots) {

    # Append the fractional integration order and set the class of output.
    FCVAR_CharPoly <- list(cPolyRoots = cPolyRoots,
                           b = object$coeffs$db[2])
    class(FCVAR_CharPoly) <- 'FCVAR_roots'


    graphics::plot(x = FCVAR_CharPoly)


  # Print notifications regarding restrictions.
  if (opt$print2screen &  (!is.null(opt$R_Alpha) | !is.null(opt$R_psi)
                           | !is.null(opt$R_Beta) )) {
    cat(sprintf(  'Restrictions imposed on the following parameters:\n'))
    if(!is.null(opt$R_psi)) {
      cat(sprintf('- Psi. For details see "options$R_psi"\n'))

    if(!is.null(opt$R_Alpha)) {
      cat(sprintf('- Alpha. For details see "options$R_Alpha"\n'))

    if(!is.null(opt$R_Beta)) {
      cat(sprintf('- Beta. For details see "options$R_Beta"\n'))



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FCVAR documentation built on May 5, 2022, 9:06 a.m.