
## ----setup, include = F-------------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = F, warning = F)

## ----include=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# Sets up output folding
hooks = knitr::knit_hooks$get()
hook_foldable = function(type) {
  function(x, options) {
    res = hooks[[type]](x, options)
    if (isFALSE(options[[paste0("fold.", type)]])) return(res)
      "<details><summary>", type, "</summary>\n\n",
  output = hook_foldable("output"),
  plot = hook_foldable("plot")

## ----echo=-1------------------------------------------------------------------

## ----warning = F, message = F-------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
outfolder <- tempdir()

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# File names for spatial layers, stored as external data objects in FIESTA. 
WYbhfn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_adminbnd.shp", package="FIESTA")
fornffn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_forest_nonforest_250m.tif", package="FIESTA")

# Get estimation unit and strata information for Bighorn National Forest. <- spGetStrata(
      xyplt = WYplt,
      uniqueid = "CN", 
      unit_layer = WYbhfn, 
      strat_layer = fornffn,
      spMakeSpatial_opts = list(xvar = "LON_PUBLIC", 
                                yvar = "LAT_PUBLIC", 
                       = 4269)

## Get names of output list components

## Plot assignment of strata and estimation unit (ONEUNIT, STRATUMCD)

## Area by estimation unit$unitarea

## Pixel counts and strata weights (strwt) by strata and estimation unit$stratalut

## Variable names$unitvar        # Estimation unit variable$strvar         # Strata variable$areavar        # Area variable

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# File names for external spatial data 
WYbhdistfn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_districtbnd.shp", package="FIESTA")
WYbhdist.att <- "DISTRICTNA"
fornffn <- system.file("extdata", "sp_data/WYbighorn_forest_nonforest_250m.tif", package="FIESTA")

# Get estimation unit and strata information for Bighorn National Forest Districts
stratdat.bhdist <- spGetStrata(
      xyplt = WYplt,
      uniqueid = "CN", 
      spMakeSpatial_opts = list(xvar = "LON_PUBLIC", 
                                yvar = "LAT_PUBLIC", 
                       = 4269)

## Get names of output list components

## Plot assignment of strata and estimation unit (DISTRICTNA, STRATUMCD)

## Area by estimation units (Districts)

## Pixel counts and strata weights (strwt) by strata and estimation unit

## Variable names
stratdat.bhdist$unitvar        # Estimation unit variable
stratdat.bhdist$strvar         # Strata variable
stratdat.bhdist$areavar        # Area variable

## ----results = FALSE, message = F---------------------------------------------

GBpopdat <- modGBpop(
  popTabs = list(cond = FIESTA::WYcond,          # FIA plot/condition data
                 tree = FIESTA::WYtree,          # FIA tree data
                 seed = FIESTA::WYseed),         # FIA seedling data
  popTabIDs = list(cond = "PLT_CN"),             # unique ID of plot in cond
  pltassgn = FIESTA::WYpltassgn,  # plot assignments
  pltassgnid = "CN",              # unique ID of plot in pltassgn
  pjoinid = "PLT_CN",             # plot id to join to pltassgn
  unitarea = WYunitarea,          # area by estimation units
  unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",          # name of estimation unit
  strata = TRUE,                  # if using post-stratification
  stratalut = WYstratalut,        # strata classes and pixels counts
  strata_opts = strata_options(getwt = TRUE)              # strata options

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output from GBpopdat
GBpopdat$plotsampcnt	# Number of plots by plot status
GBpopdat$condsampcnt	# Number of conditions by condition status
# Strata-level population data, including number of plots and adjustment factors
## Adjustment factors added to condition-level data
## Adjustment factors added to tree data
## Adjustment factors added to seedling data

## ----results = TRUE, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------
#  qry <- "select estn_unit, stratumcd, p1pointcnt, p2pointcnt, expns,
#            adj_factor_macr, adj_factor_subp, adj_factor_micr from pop_stratum
#          where evalid = 561301 order by estn_unit, stratumcd"
#  pop_stratum <- tryCatch(
#          DBqryCSV(
#                    qry,
#                    states="Wyoming",
#                    sqltables="pop_stratum"
#                    ),
#       	 	error=function(e) {
#  			return(NULL) })
#  if (!is.null(pop_stratum)) {
#    head(pop_stratum)
#  }
#  head(GBpopdat$stratalut)

## ----results = FALSE, message = F---------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Bighorn National Forest

## Using output list from spGetStrata() <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed),

## Get names of output list components

## Using output as individual parameter inputs <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed),

## Get names of output list components

## Condition information with adjusted condition proportions for area

## Tree information with tree-level adjustment factors

## Seedling information with adjustment factors

## Strata-level information, including number of plots by strata and strata-level adjustment factors$stratalut

## ----results = FALSE, message = F---------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Bighorn National Forest District

## Using output list from spGetStrata()
GBpopdat.bhdist <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed), 

## Get names of output list components

GBpopdat.bhdist <- modGBpop(
      popTabs=list(plt=WYplt, cond=WYcond, tree=WYtree, seed=WYseed), 

## Get names of output list components
## Condition information with adjusted condition proportions for area

## Tree information with tree-level adjustment factors

## Seedling information with adjustment factors

## Strata-level information, including number of plots by strata and strata-level adjustment factors

## ----results = FALSE, message = F---------------------------------------------

SQLitefn <- system.file("extdata", "FIA_data/RIdat_eval2019.db", package="FIESTA")

conn <- DBI::dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), SQLitefn)

## ----results = FALSE, message = F---------------------------------------------
GBpopdat.RI <- modGBpop(popTabs = list(plt="plot", cond="cond", tree="tree", seed="seed"),
                  dsn = SQLitefn,
                  pltassgn = "pop_plot_stratum_assgn",
                  stratalut = "pop_stratum",
                  unitarea = "pop_estn_unit",
                  unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",
                  areavar = "AREA_USED",
                  strata_opts = list(getwt=TRUE, getwtvar="P1POINTCNT")

# Strata-level population data, including number of plots and adjustment factors

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
area1.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,      # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",      # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,          # est - sum estimation units to population

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = TRUE-----------------------------------------------------------
## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.1 <- area1.1$raw        # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.1$unit_totest)    # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
raw1.1$totest               # estimates for population (i.e., WY)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Area of forest land by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013
area1.2 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.2 <- area1.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.2$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
raw1.2$totest            # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.2$unit_rowest) # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$rowest)      # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.2 <- area1.2$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013

area1.3 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    savedata = TRUE,             # out - save data to outfolder
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # table - return output with est(pse)
    savedata_opts = list(
      outfolder = outfolder,       # save - outfolder for saving data
      outfn.pre = "WY"             # save - prefix for output files

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.3 <- area1.3$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.3$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$totest)      # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_rowest) # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$rowest)      # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_colest) # estimates by column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$colest)      # estimates by column for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_grpest) # estimates by row and column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$grpest)      # estimates by row and column for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.3 <- area1.3$titlelst

## List output files in outfolder
list.files(outfolder, pattern = "WY_area")
list.files(paste0(outfolder, "/rawdata"), pattern = "WY_area")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
area2.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat =,       # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",          # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = FALSE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",           # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,           # out - return title information
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest, 2011-2013"  # title - customize title reference
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,         # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE          # table - return FIA column names

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = TRUE-----------------------------------------------------------
## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw2.1 <- area2.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw2.1$unit_grpest)  # estimates by row and group domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst2.1 <- area2.1$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

area2.2 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat =,        # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPGRPCD",        # est - row domain
    colvar = "DSTRBCD1",           # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest, 2011-2013"  # title - customize title reference
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA column names
      estnull = 0,
      rowlut = c(180, 200, 220, 260, 280, 900, 999),
      raw.keep0 = TRUE

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = TRUE-----------------------------------------------------------
## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw2.2 <- area2.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw2.2$unit_grpest)  # estimates by row and group domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst2.2 <- area2.2$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
area3.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.bhdist,    # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    pcfilter = "DSTRBCD1 > 0",     # est - condition filter for table output
    rowvar = "FORTYPGRPCD",        # est - row domain
    colvar = "DSTRBCD1",           # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest, 2011-2013"  # title - customize title reference
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE           # table - return FIA column names

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = TRUE-----------------------------------------------------------
## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw3.1 <- area3.1$raw       # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw3.1$unit_rowest)   # estimates by estimation unit for row domains
raw3.1$rowest              # estimates for population for row domains

head(raw3.1$unit_colest)   # estimates by estimation unit for column domains
raw3.1$colest              # estimates for population for column domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst3.1 <- area3.1$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

area4.1 <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.RI,        # pop - population calculations for Bighorn NF, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",        # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(   
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # table - return FIA row names
      col.FIAname = TRUE           # table - return FIA column names

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = T--------------------------------------------------------------

## ----results = TRUE-----------------------------------------------------------
## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw4.1 <- area4.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw4.1$unit_grpest)  # estimates by row and group domains

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst4.1 <- area4.1$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
FIESTAutils::ref_estvar[, c("ESTTITLE", "ESTVAR", "ESTFILTER", "ESTUNITS")]

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Return raw data and titles
## Total net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter), Wyoming, 2011-2013 
tree1.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.1 <- tree1.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.1$unit_totest)   # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.1$totest)        # estimates for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.1 <- tree1.1$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tree1.2 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain 
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.2 <- tree1.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.2$unit_totest)   # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$totest)        # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.2$unit_rowest)   # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$rowest)        # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.2 <- tree1.2$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Create barplot
      xvar = titlelst1.2$title.rowvar, 
      yvar = "est"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Create fancier barplot
      xvar = titlelst1.2$title.rowvar, 
      yvar = "est",
      errbars = TRUE, 
      sevar = "", 
      main = FIESTAutils::wraptitle(titlelst1.2$title.row, 75),
      ylabel = titlelst1.2$title.yvar, 
      divideby = "million"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
tree1.3 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD  == 1",   # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    savedata = TRUE,             # out - save data to outfolder
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)
    savedata_opts = savedata_options(
      outfolder = outfolder,       # out - outfolder for saving data
      outfn.pre = "WY"             # out - prefix for output files

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list from modGBarea()

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.3 <- tree1.3$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.3$unit_totest)   # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$totest)        # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_rowest)   # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$rowest)        # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_colest)   # estimates by column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$colest)        # estimates by column for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_grpest)   # estimates by row and column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$grpest)        # estimates by row and column for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst1.3 <- tree1.3$titlelst

## List output files in outfolder
list.files(outfolder, pattern = "WY_tree")
list.files(paste0(outfolder, "/rawdata"), pattern = "WY_tree")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by species
tree1.4 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(    
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE               # out - return output with est and pse

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees by species, including seedlings
tree1.5 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "add",             # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE,              # out - return output with est and pse

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with and without seedlings

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees seedlings by species
tree1.6 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "only",            # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",        # est - number of trees per acre 
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE               # out - return output with est and pse

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with, without, and only seedlings

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## First, we can save our table options for the next few examples
tab_opts <- table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by forest type and species
tree2.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "SPCD",             # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = tab_opts

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Net cubic-foot volume of dead trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by species and cause of death, 
##    Wyoming, 2011-2013
tree2.2 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",         # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1",    # est - standing dead trees only
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    colvar = "AGENTCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = tab_opts

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at tree data in

## Use reference data frame stored as an R object in FIESTA

## Appends a new column to GBpopdat$treex classifying the DIA variable based on MIN and MAX columns in ref_diacl2in
dat <- datLUTclass(x =$treex, 
                   xvar = "DIA", 
                   LUT = FIESTAutils::ref_diacl2in, 
                   LUTclassnm = "DIACL2IN")$treex <- dat$xLUT

## Look at tree data, with new column (DIACL2IN)  

## Look at table of new diameter classes (DIACL2IN)

## Another way to append diameter classes
## First, create a new variable using cut function to define 4 diameter classes
dat <- datLUTclass(x =$treex, 
                   xvar = "DIA", 
                   cutbreaks = c(0, 5, 10, 20, 100))$treex <- dat$xLUT

## Look at tree data, with new column (DIACL2IN)  

## Look at table of new diameter classes (DIACL)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL2IN)
tree2.3 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL2IN",         # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL)
tree2.4 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL), add seedlings
tree2.5 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "add",             # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Number of dead trees by forest type group and primary disturbance
tree3.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.bhdist,  # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = FALSE,            # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",         # est - number of trees per acre 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPGRPCD",      # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Estimate and percent sampling error by district

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees by forest type and stand-size class
tree4.1 <- modGBtree(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.RI,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "VOLCFNET",         # est - net cubic-foot volume estimate
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Return raw data and titles
## Total net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter), Wyoming, 2011-2013 
ratio1.1 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "TIMBERLAND",     # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only, numerator
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.1 <- ratio1.1$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.1$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.1$totest)      # estimates for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst <- ratio1.1$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013
## Return raw data and titles
ratio1.2 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "TIMBERLAND",     # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain 
    returntitle = TRUE           # out - return title information

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.2 <- ratio1.2$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.2$unit_totest)    # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$totest)         # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.2$unit_rowest)    # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.2$rowest)         # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst <- ratio1.2$titlelst

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Return output with estimates (est) and percent standard error (pse) in same cell - est(pse)
## Save data to outfolder:
## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by forest type and stand-size class, 
##    Wyoming, 2011-2013
ratio1.3 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "TIMBERLAND",     # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",               # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",   # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    savedata = TRUE,             # out - save data to outfolder
    table_opts = list(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)
    savedata_opts = list(
      outfolder = outfolder,       # out - outfolder for saving data
      outfn.pre = "WY"             # out - prefix for output files

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list from modGBarea()

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Raw data (list object) for estimate
raw1.3 <- ratio1.3$raw      # extract raw data list object from output
head(raw1.3$unit_totest) # estimates by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$totest)      # estimates for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_rowest) # estimates by row, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$rowest)      # estimates by row for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_colest) # estimates by column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$colest)      # estimates by column for population (i.e., WY)
head(raw1.3$unit_grpest) # estimates by row and column, by estimation unit (i.e., ESTN_UNIT)
head(raw1.3$grpest)      # estimates by row and column for population (i.e., WY)

## Titles (list object) for estimate
titlelst <- ratio1.3$titlelst

## List output files in outfolder
list.files(outfolder, pattern = "WY_ratio")
list.files(paste0(outfolder, "/rawdata"), pattern = "WY_ratio")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by species
ratio2.1 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,      # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPCD",             # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE,              # out - return output with est and pse
    title_opts = title_options(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## Number of live trees by species, including seedlings
ratio2.2 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,        # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "add",               # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPCD",               # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE               # out - return output with est and pse
    title_opts = title_options(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest")

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with and without seedlings

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live seedlings by species
ratio2.3 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,         # pop - population calculations
    estseed = "only",               # est - add seedling data
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",          # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    rowvar = "SPCD",                # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,             # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est and pse

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## Compare estimates with, without, and only seedlings

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees (at least 1 inch diameter) by forest type and species
ratio2.4 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,         # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",            # est - row domain
    colvar = "SPCD",                # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,             # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                 # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Net cubic-foot volume of dead trees (at least 5 inches diameter) by species and cause of death
ratio2.5 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,        # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",           # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,               # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",          # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 2 & STANDING_DEAD_CD == 1",    # est - standing dead trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPCD",               # est - row domain
    colvar = "AGENTCD",            # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,            # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      col.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - column domain names
      allin1 = TRUE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees by species group and diameter class (DIACL2IN)
ratio2.6 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat =,          # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",          # est - row domain
    colvar = "DIACL2IN",         # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE               # out - return output with est(pse)
    title_opts = list(
      title.ref = "Bighorn National Forest"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ratio3.2 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.bhdist,          # pop - population calculations
    landarea = "FOREST",                 # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                     # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "SPGRPCD",                  # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,                  # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,                # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE,                     # out - return output with est(pse)
    title_opts = title_options(
      title.ref="Bighorn National Forest Districts"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Net cubic-foot volume of live trees (at least 5 inches diameter) divided by net cubic-foot volume of all trees 
##    by forest type, Wyoming, 2011-2013
ratio1.4 <- modGBratio(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "VOLCFNET",                # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only
    estvard = "VOLCFNET",                # est - net cubic-foot volume, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = TRUE,               # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Look at output list

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Get population data for Wyoming estimates, with no post-stratification
GBpopdat.strat <- modGBpop(
  popTabs = popTables(
    cond = WYcond,               # FIA plot/condition data
    tree = WYtree,               # FIA tree data
    seed = WYseed),              # FIA seedling data
    pltassgn = WYpltassgn,       # plot assignments
    pltassgnid = "CN",           # uniqueid of plots
    unitarea = WYunitarea,       # area by estimation units
    unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",       # name of estimation unit
    strata = TRUE,               # if using post-stratification
    stratalut = WYstratalut,     # strata classes and pixels counts
    strata_opts = list(
      getwt=TRUE,                # calculate strata weights
      getwtvar="P1POINTCNT")     # use P1POINTCNT in stratalut to calculate weights

## Get population data for Wyoming estimates, with no post-stratification
GBpopdat.nostrat <- modGBpop(
    popTabs = popTables(
    cond = WYcond,               # FIA plot/condition data
    tree = WYtree,               # FIA tree data
    seed = WYseed),              # FIA seedling data
    pltassgn = WYpltassgn,       # plot assignments
    pltassgnid = "CN",           # uniqueid of plots
    unitarea = WYunitarea,       # area by estimation units
    unitvar = "ESTN_UNIT",       # name of estimation unit
    strata = FALSE               # if using post-stratification

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013, with post-stratification
area.strat <- modGBarea( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.strat,      # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",            # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class, Wyoming, 2011-2013, no post-stratification
area.nostrat <- modGBarea( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.nostrat,    # pop - population calculations for WY, no post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",            # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,                # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",            # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,           # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Compare estimates and percent standard errors with and without post-stratification

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, with post-stratification
tree.strat <- modGBtree( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.strat,      # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Number of live trees by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, no post-stratification
tree.nostrat <- modGBtree( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.nostrat, # pop - population calculations for WY, no post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvar = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvar.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Compare estimates and percent standard errors with and without post-stratification

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Number of live trees per acre by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, with post-stratification
ratio.strat <- modGBratio( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.strat,   # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## Number of live trees per acre by species, Wyoming, 2011-2013, no post-stratification
ratio.nostrat <- modGBratio( 
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat.nostrat, # pop - population calculations for WY, no post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = TRUE,             # est - sum estimation units to population
    estvarn = "TPA_UNADJ",               # est - number of trees per acre, numerator 
    estvarn.filter = "STATUSCD == 1",    # est - live trees only, numerator
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    table_opts = table_options(
      row.FIAname = TRUE,          # est - row domain names
      allin1 = FALSE                # out - return output with est(pse)

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Compare estimates and percent standard errors with and without post-stratification

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## By estimation unit
## Area of forest land by forest type and stand-size class and Estimation Unit,
##    Wyoming, 2011-2013
area.unit <- modGBarea(
    GBpopdat = GBpopdat,         # pop - population calculations for WY, post-stratification
    landarea = "FOREST",         # est - forest land filter
    sumunits = FALSE,            # est - sum estimation units to population
    rowvar = "FORTYPCD",         # est - row domain
    colvar = "STDSZCD",          # est - column domain
    returntitle = TRUE,          # out - return title information
    table_opts = list(
      allin1 = TRUE)             # out - return output with est(pse)

## Estimate and percent sampling error of estimate (first 6 rows)

## Unique estimation units

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FIESTA documentation built on Nov. 22, 2023, 1:07 a.m.