
Defines functions check_args

check_args <-
  function(data, holdout, C, weights,
           PE_method, user_PE_fit, user_PE_fit_params,
           user_PE_predict, user_PE_predict_params,
           verbose, want_pe, want_bf,
           impute_with_outcome, impute_with_treatment, info) {

  treated_column_name <- info$treatment
  outcome_column_name <- info$outcome
  replace <- info$replacement

  if (!is.data.frame(data)) {
    stop('`data` must be a data frame or a character denoting a .csv file ',
         'in the working directory.')
  if (!is.data.frame(holdout)) {
    stop('`holdout` must be a data frame, a character denoting a .csv ' ,
         'file in the working directory, or a numeric proportion of ',
         '`data` to use as a holdout set.')

  if (info$estimate_CATEs && info$outcome_type != 'continuous') {
    warning('CATEs are not computed if the outcome is not continuous. ',
            'Set `estimate_CATEs` equal to FALSE to suppress this warning.')

  if (info$outcome_type != 'none') {
    outcome <- data[[outcome_column_name]]
    if (is.numeric(outcome) && length(unique(outcome)) == 2) {
      if (!all(sort(unique(outcome)) == c(0, 1))) {
        stop('If the outcome column is binary and numeric, it must be coded ',
             'with values 0 and 1.', call. = FALSE)

  if (length(unique(data[[treated_column_name]])) == 1) {
    stop('`data` must contain both treated and control units.')

  if (length(unique(holdout[[treated_column_name]])) == 1) {
    stop('`holdout` must contain both treated and control units.')

  data_cols <- colnames(data)
  holdout_cols <- colnames(holdout)

  # Seems like I can remove but maybe there's a reason I put it up here...?
  if (!(outcome_column_name %in% holdout_cols)) {
    stop('`holdout` must contain outcome column with name ',

  cov_inds_data <- which(!(colnames(data) %in%
                             c(treated_column_name, outcome_column_name)))
  cov_inds_holdout <- which(!(colnames(holdout) %in%
                                c(treated_column_name, outcome_column_name)))

  for (i in cov_inds_holdout) {
    if (length(unique(holdout[, i])) == 1) {
      stop(paste0('All units in `holdout` have the same value of ',
                  'covariate ', holdout_cols[i],
                  '. Please eliminate this covariate from the data, as it will',
                  ' be useless for computing predictive error.\n'))
    if (length(unique(holdout[, i][holdout[[treated_column_name]] == 1])) ==1) {
      stop(paste0('All treated units in `holdout` have the same value of ',
                  'covariate ', holdout_cols[i],
                  '. Please eliminate this covariate from the data, as it will',
                  ' be useless for computing predictive error.\n'))
    if (length(unique(holdout[, i][holdout[[treated_column_name]] == 0])) ==1) {
      stop(paste0('All control units in `holdout` have the same value of ',
                  'covariate ', holdout_cols[i],
                  '. Please eliminate this covariate from the data, as it will',
                  ' be useless for computing predictive error.\n'))

  if (!is.null(weights)) {
    if (length(weights) != length(cov_inds_data)) {
      stop('You must supply as many weights as there are covariates')
    if (!is.null(user_PE_fit) || !is.null(user_PE_fit_params) ||
        !is.null(user_PE_predict) || !is.null(user_PE_predict_params)) {
      warning('`weights` supplied: `user_PE_*` arguments will be ignored.')
    if (is.function(PE_method)) { # user supplied
      warning('`weights` supplied: `PE_method` will be ignored.')
    else if (PE_method != 'ridge')  { # the default
      warning('`weights` supplied: `PE_method` will be ignored.')

  if (!identical(colnames(data)[cov_inds_data],
                 colnames(holdout[cov_inds_holdout]))) {
    stop('Covariate columns of `data` and `holdout` ',
         'must have have the same names and be in the same order.')

  # if (!outcome_in_data) {
  #   if (!identical(data_cols,
  #                  holdout_cols[-match(outcome_column_name, holdout_cols)])) {
  #     stop(paste('Non-outcome columns of data and holdout',
  #                'must have identical names.'))
  #   }
  #   data_cov_inds <-
  #     which(!(colnames(data) %in% c(treated_column_name)))
  #   holdout_cov_inds <-
  #     which(!(colnames(data) %in%
  #           c(treated_column_name, outcome_column_name)))
  #   sapply(seq_along(data_cov_inds), function(x) {
  #     if (!identical(sort(levels(data[[data_cov_inds[x]]])),
  #                    sort(levels(holdout[[holdout_cov_inds[x]]])))) {
  #       stop('Levels of `data` and `holdout` must be identical')
  #     }
  #   })
  # }
  # else {
  #   if (!identical(data_cols, holdout_cols)) {
  #     stop(paste('If data outcome supplied, data and holdout must contain',
  #                'identical column names.'))
  #   }
  #   cov_inds <-
  #     which(!(colnames(data) %in%
  #           c(treated_column_name, outcome_column_name)))
  #   sapply(cov_inds, function(x) {
  #     if (!identical(sort(levels(data[[x]])), sort(levels(holdout[[x]])))) {
  #       stop('Levels of `data` and `holdout` must be identical')
  #     }
  #     })
  # }

  if (!is.numeric(n_flame_iters) | n_flame_iters < 0) {
    stop('`n_flame_iters` must be a nonnegative scalar')

  if (!is.numeric(C) | C < 0 | is.infinite(C)) {
    stop('C must be a finite, nonnegative scalar.')

  if (!is.character(treated_column_name)) {
    stop('`treated_column_name` must be a character.')

  if (!(treated_column_name %in% data_cols)) {
    stop('`treated_column_name` must be the name of a column in `data.`')

  if (!(treated_column_name %in% holdout_cols)) {
    stop('`treated_column_name` must be the name of a column in `holdout.`')

  if (is.factor(data[[treated_column_name]])) {
    stop('Treated variable in `data` must be numeric binary or logical.')

  if (is.factor(holdout[[treated_column_name]])) {
    stop('Treated variable in `holdout` must be numeric binary or logical.')

  if (!is.character(outcome_column_name)) {
    stop('`outcome_column_name` must be a character.')

  if (info$outcome_type != 'none' & !(outcome_column_name %in% data_cols)) {
    stop('`outcome_column_name` must be the name of a column in `data.` ',
         'if outcome is supplied.')

  if (!(outcome_column_name %in% holdout_cols)) {
    stop('`outcome_column_name` must be the name of a column in `holdout.`')

  if (is.function(PE_method) & !is.null(user_PE_fit)) {
    stop('`PE_method` and `user_PE_fit` should not both be supplied. ',
         'We recommend the former as the latter will soon be deprecated.',
         call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.function(PE_method)) {
    if (!(PE_method %in% c('ridge', 'xgb'))) {
      stop("`PE_method` must be one of 'ridge' or 'xgb', or a user-supplied ',
    if (PE_method == 'xgb') {
      if (!requireNamespace("xgboost", quietly = TRUE)) {
        stop("Package `xgboost` needed to compute PE if `PE_method = 'xgb'`. ",
             "Please install the package or supply a different option for ",
             call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.null(user_PE_fit_params) & is.null(user_PE_fit)) {
    stop("May not have `user_PE_fit` be NULL if ",
         "`user_PE_fit_params` is not NULL.")

  if (!is.null(user_PE_predict_params) & is.null(user_PE_predict)) {
    stop("May not have `user_PE_predict` be NULL if ",
         "`user_PE_predict_params` is not NULL.")

  if (!is.null(user_PE_fit_params)) {
    if (!is.list(user_PE_fit_params)) {
      stop("`user_PE_fit_params` must be a list")

  if (!is.null(user_PE_predict_params)) {
    if (!is.list(user_PE_predict_params)) {
      stop("`user_PE_predict_params` must be a list")

  if (!is.logical(replace)) {
    stop('`replace` must be a logical scalar')

  if (!(verbose %in% c(0, 1, 2, 3))) {
    stop('`verbose` must be one of: 0, 1, 2, 3')

  if (!is.logical(want_pe)) {
    stop('`want_pe` must be a logical scalar')

  if (!is.logical(want_bf)) {
    stop('`want_bf` must be a logical scalar')

  ## Early stop parameters
  if (!is.numeric(early_stop_params$iterations) |
      early_stop_params$iterations < 1) {
    stop('`early_stop_iterations` must be a positive scalar')

  if (!is.numeric(early_stop_params$epsilon) | early_stop_params$epsilon <= 0) {
    stop('`early_stop_epsilon` must be a positive scalar')

  if (!is.numeric(early_stop_params$control) |
      early_stop_params$control < 0 |
      early_stop_params$control > 1) {
    stop('`early_stop_control` must be a fraction between 0 and 1 (inclusive)')

  if (!is.numeric(early_stop_params$treated) |
      early_stop_params$treated < 0 |
      early_stop_params$treated > 1) {
    stop('`early_stop_treated` must be a fraction between 0 and 1 (inclusive).')

  if (!is.numeric(early_stop_params$PE) | early_stop_params$PE < 0) {
    stop('`early_stop_pe` must be a nonnegative scalar')

  if (!is.numeric(early_stop_params$BF) |
      early_stop_params$BF < 0 |
      early_stop_params$BF > 2) {
    stop('`early_stop_bf` must be a scalar between 0 and 2 (inclusive)')

  ## Missing data parameters

  if (info$missing_data == 'impute') {
    if (!requireNamespace("mice", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package `mice` needed to impute missing values. Please install it or",
           " select different options for `missing_data`.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!requireNamespace("nnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package `nnet` needed to impute categorical data via `mice`.",
           " Please install it or select different options for `missing_data`.",
           call. = FALSE)

  if (info$missing_holdout == 'impute') {
    if (!requireNamespace("mice", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package `mice` needed to impute missing values. Please install it or",
           " select different options for `missing_holdout`.", call. = FALSE)
    if (!requireNamespace("nnet", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package `nnet` needed to impute categorical data via `mice`.",
           " Please install it or select different options for `missing_holdout`.",
           call. = FALSE)

  if (!is.numeric(missing_holdout_imputations) |
      missing_holdout_imputations < 1) {
    stop('`missing_holdout_imputations` must be an integer greater than 1')

  if (impute_with_outcome & info$outcome_type == 'none') {
    stop('Outcome not present in `data`; ',
         'cannot request to use it to impute missingness.')

  if (!is.logical(impute_with_outcome)) {
    stop('`impute_with_outcome` must be a logical scalar')

  if (!is.logical(impute_with_treatment)) {
    stop('`impute_with_outcome` must be a logical scalar')

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FLAME documentation built on Dec. 11, 2021, 9:26 a.m.