
Defines functions featureAdjustment

Documented in featureAdjustment

featureAdjustment <-
function(variableList,baseFormula,strata=NA,data,referenceframe,type=c("LM","GLS","RLM","NZLM","SPLINE","MARS","LOESS"),pvalue=0.05,correlationGroup = "ID",...) 

if (!requireNamespace("nlme", quietly = TRUE)) {
   install.packages("nlme", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!requireNamespace("MASS", quietly = TRUE)) {
	install.packages("MASS", dependencies = TRUE)
if (!requireNamespace("mda", quietly = TRUE)) {
	install.packages("mda", dependencies = TRUE)
	type <- match.arg(type);
	## the reference frame will be used to predict a variable from the baseFormula. At output the residuals are returned.
	## strata is a numeric column varname in the data frame from 0 to S, where S is the maximum number of strata
	if (inherits(variableList,"character"))
		colnamesList <- variableList;
		colnamesList <- as.vector(variableList[,1]);
	size = length(colnamesList);
	if (!is.na(strata)) 
		maxStrata = max(referenceframe[,strata],na.rm = TRUE);
		minStrata = min(referenceframe[,strata],na.rm = TRUE);
#	cat ("Min Strata:",minStrata,"Max Strata:",maxStrata,"\n");

#	SortedCtr = referenceframe;
#	nrowsCtr =  nrow(referenceframe);
	created = 0;
	models <- list();
	idx <- 1; 
	tbbaseFormula <- NULL;
	AdjustedFrame <- NULL;
	isContinous <- FALSE;
	datamodel <- NULL;
	for (sta in minStrata:maxStrata)
		if (!is.na(strata))
			stracondition = paste (strata,paste('==',sta));
			strastatement = paste ("subset(referenceframe,",paste(stracondition,")"));
#			cat ("Strata:",stracondition,"\n");
			cstrataref <- eval(parse(text=strastatement));
			strastatement = paste ("subset(data,",paste(stracondition,")"));
			cstrata <- eval(parse(text=strastatement));
#			cat ("Rows:",nrow(cstrataref),"Rows 2",nrow(cstrata)," \n");
			cstrataref = referenceframe;
			cstrata = data;
		if ((nrow(cstrata)>1) && ( nrow(cstrataref)>1))
			if (sum(str_count(baseFormula,"\\+")) == 0)
				datamodel <- cstrataref[,baseFormula]
				isContinous <- length(table(datamodel)) > 5;
			for (i in 1:size)
				dtacolumn <- cstrataref[,colnamesList[i]]
				tb <- table(dtacolumn)
				if (length(tb) > 4)
					avgref <- mean(dtacolumn,na.rm = TRUE);
					ress1 <- dtacolumn - avgref;
					ftm1 <- paste(colnamesList[i],paste(" ~ ",baseFormula));
					ftmp <- formula(ftm1);
					mfref <- model.frame(ftmp,cstrataref);
					mfstrata <- model.frame(ftmp,cstrata);
					modellm <- try(lm(ftmp,data=mfref, model = FALSE,na.action=na.exclude))
					model <- modellm;
					plm <- 1.0;
					p <- 1.0;
					if (!inherits(modellm, "try-error"))
						ress2 <- modellm$residuals
						p <- .Call("improvedResidualsCpp",ress1,ress2,"Wilcox",0)$p.value
						plm <- p;
						if (isContinous)
							plm <- cor.test(datamodel,dtacolumn,method="spearman")$p.value
						f <- summary(modellm)$fstatistic
						pft <- pf(f[1],f[2],f[3],lower.tail=FALSE);
						if (is.na(pft)) pft <- 1.0;
						plm <- min(plm,pft)
						p <- min(p,plm)
						plm <- p
					modelRLM <- modellm;
    					LOESS =
							if ((plm < pvalue) && isContinous )
								modelRLM <- try(MASS::rlm(ftmp,data=mfref,na.action=na.exclude, model = FALSE,method = "MM"), silent=TRUE)
								if (inherits(modelRLM, "try-error"))
									modelRLM <- modellm
									if (any(is.na(model$residuals)))
										modelRLM <- modellm;
								model <- try(loess(ftmp,data=mfref,model=FALSE,...), silent=TRUE)
								if (!inherits(model, "try-error"))
									pred <- predict(model,mfref);
									predlm <- predict(modelRLM,mfref);
									pred[is.na(pred)] <- predlm[is.na(pred)];
									ress <- dtacolumn - pred;
									p <- .Call("improvedResidualsCpp",ress1,ress,"Wilcox",0)$p.value
									model <- modelRLM;
    					MARS =
							if ((plm < pvalue) && isContinous )
								model <- try(mda::mars(datamodel, 
												  y = dtacolumn,
												  ), silent=TRUE
								if (!inherits(model, "try-error"))
									pred <- as.numeric(predict(model,datamodel));
									ress <- dtacolumn - pred;
									p <- .Call("improvedResidualsCpp",ress1,ress,"Wilcox",0)$p.value

									model <- modellm;
    					SPLINE =
							if ((plm < pvalue) && isContinous )
								model <- try(smooth.spline(datamodel, 
												  y = dtacolumn,
												  keep.data = FALSE,
												  ), silent=TRUE
								if (!inherits(model, "try-error"))
									pred <- predict(model,datamodel);
									ress <- dtacolumn - pred$y;
									p <- .Call("improvedResidualsCpp",ress1,ress,"Wilcox",0)$p.value

									model <- modellm;
						RLM = 
							if ((plm < pvalue) && isContinous)
								model <- try(MASS::rlm(ftmp,data=mfref,na.action=na.exclude, model = FALSE,method = "MM"), silent=TRUE)
								if (!inherits(model, "try-error"))
									ress <- predict(model,mfref)-dtacolumn;
									if ( any(is.na(model$w)) | any(is.na(ress)) )
										model <- modellm;
										p <- .Call("improvedResidualsCpp",ress1,ress,"Wilcox",0)$p.value

									model <- modellm;
						GLS =
							model <- eval(parse(text=paste("try(nlme::gls(formula(",ftm1,"),cstrataref,na.action=na.exclude,correlation = nlme::corAR1(0.9,form = ~ 1 | ",correlationGroup,")))")))
							ress <- model$residuals
							p <- .Call("improvedResidualsCpp",ress1,ress,"Wilcox",0)$p.value

							dgf = length(ress)-length(model$coef)+1;
							rss1 <- sum(ress1^2)
							rss2 <- sum(ress^2,na.rm = TRUE);
							p1 <- 1.0-pf(dgf*rss1/rss2-dgf,1,dgf);
							reg <- summary(model);						
							p <- min(c(p,p1,reg$tTable[-1,4]))
					if (is.na(p)) p <- 1.0;
					if (is.nan(p)) p <- 1.0;
					environment(model$formula) <- NULL;
					environment(model$terms) <- NULL;
					models[[idx]] <- list(strata=sta,feature=colnamesList[i],model=model,avgref=avgref,pval=p);
					idx= idx+1;
					if (!is.na(p))
						orgdata <- cstrata[,colnamesList[i]];
							LOESS = 
								if (p < pvalue)
									pred <- predict(model,mfstrata);
									predlm <- predict(modelRLM,mfstrata);
									pred[is.na(pred)] <- predlm[is.na(pred)];
									cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <-  avgref + cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - pred;
							MARS = 
								if (p < pvalue)
									if (inherits(model,"mars"))
										cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- avgref + cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - as.numeric(predict(model,cstrata[,baseFormula]));
										cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- avgref + cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - predict(model,mfstrata);
							SPLINE = 
								if (p < pvalue)
									if (inherits(model,"smooth.spline"))
										cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <-  avgref + cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - predict(model,cstrata[,baseFormula])$y;
										cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- avgref + cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - predict(model,mfstrata);
							NZLM = 
								if (p < pvalue)
									cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- model$coef[1] + cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - predict(model,mfstrata);
							LM = 
								if (p < pvalue)
									cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - predict(model,mfstrata);
									cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - model$coef[1];
							RLM = 
								if (p < pvalue)
									pred <- predict(model,mfstrata) - model$coef[1];
									if (any(is.na(pred)))
										pred <- predict(modellm,mfstrata) - modellm$coef[1];;
									cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - pred;
							GLS =
								if (p < pvalue)
									avg <- model$coef[1];
									cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] <- cstrata[,colnamesList[i]] - predict(model,mfstrata) + avg;
			AdjustedFrame <- rbind(AdjustedFrame,cstrata);
			created = 1;
	# for (i in 1:size)		
	# { 
		# var1 <- var(data[,colnamesList[i]],na.rm = TRUE);
		# var2 <- var(AdjustedFrame[,colnamesList[i]],na.rm = TRUE);
 		# cat(" Variable: \t",colnamesList[i],"\t Var Ini: \t",var1,"\t Var End:\t",var2,"\t F:\t",var1/var2,"\n");
	# }
	if (created > 0) 
		attr(AdjustedFrame,"models") <- models;

	return (AdjustedFrame);

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