
#' @method predict fitFRESA
predict.fitFRESA <-
function (object,...) 

	testData <- NULL
	parameters <- list(...);
	if (length(parameters)==3)
		if (!is.null(parameters$impute))
	if (length(parameters)==2)
		testData <- parameters[[1]];
		predictType <- parameters[[2]];
		if (length(parameters)==1)
			testData <- parameters[[1]];
			predictType <- "linear";
			if (!is.null(object$type))
				if (object$type== "LOGIT")
					predictType <- "prob";
#			if (!is.null(object$coefficients.List))
#			{
#				predictType <- "bagg";
#			}
			if (is.null(parameters$testData))
				testData <- object$model;
				testData <- parameters$testData
			if (is.null(parameters$predictType))
				predictType <- "linear";
				if (!is.null(object$type))
					if (object$type== "LOGIT")
						predictType <- "prob";
				if (!is.null(object$coefficients.List))
					predictType <- "bagg";
				predictType <- parameters$predictType
#	print(as.character(frm))
#	cat(as.character(frm),":",nrow(testData),":",predictType,":",class(object),"\n");
	if (is.null(testData))
		stop("No test data");

	cobj <- substr(class(object)[classlen], 1, 2);
		co =
			pobj <- object;
				linear = 
						out <- predict(pobj,testData,type = 'lp');
				prob = 
						out <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-predict(pobj,testData,type = 'lp')));
						out <- predict(pobj,testData,type = 'lp');
		fi =
			frm <- formula(terms(object));
			cf <- object$estimations;
			if (object$type=="COX")
				mm <- model.matrix(frm, testData)
				mm <- as.matrix(model.frame(frm, testData,na.action=na.pass))
				mm[,1] <- rep(1,nrow(mm));
			if ((any(is.na(mm))) && impute)
				mm[,-1]=nearestNeighborImpute(tobeimputed=mm[,-1],referenceSet = object$model[,-1]);
			if ((predictType[1] == "bagg") && (!is.null(object$coefficients.List)))
				pred <- NULL;
				if (object$type == "LOGIT") 
					pred <- .Call("predictForFresa",cf,mm,"prob",object$type);
				if (length(object$coefficients.List) > 0)
#					cat("Bagging");
					premin <- 2.0*object$fraction;
					premax <- 1.0 - premin;
					mm <- model.matrix(formula(object$formula.List[[1]]), testData);
					maout <- as.vector(mm  %*% object$coefficients.List[[1]]);
					npout <- maout;
					avgout <- maout;
#					print(object$coefficients.List);
					totwts <- sum(object$wts.List);
					wts <- object$wts.List[1]/totwts;
					fraction <- numeric(nrow(testData));
					if (object$type == "LOGIT") 
						fraction <- fraction + wts*(maout > 0.0);
						tgext <- (maout > 36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							maout[tgext] <- 36.0;
						tgext <- (maout < -36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							maout[tgext] <- -36.0;
						maout <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-maout));
						tgext <- (maout > premax);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							maout[tgext] <- premax;
						tgext <- (maout < premin);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							maout[tgext] <- premin;
						avgout <- maout*wts;
						npout <- log(1.0-maout)*wts;
						maout <- log(maout)*wts; 
						maout <- maout*wts;
					if (length(object$coefficients.List) > 1)
						for (nm in 2:length(object$coefficients.List))
							mm <- model.matrix(formula(object$formula.List[[nm]]), testData)
							nout <- as.vector(mm  %*% object$coefficients.List[[nm]]);
							wts <- object$wts.List[nm]/totwts;
							fraction <- fraction + wts*(nout > 0.0);
							if (object$type == "LOGIT") 
								tgext <- (nout > 36.0);
								if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
									nout[tgext] <- 36.0;
								tgext <- (nout < -36.0);
								if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
									nout[tgext] <- -36.0;
								nout <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-nout));
								tgext <- (nout > premax);
								if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
									nout[tgext] <- premax;
								tgext <- (nout < premin);
								if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
									nout[tgext] <- premin;
								avgout <- avgout+nout*wts;
								maout <- maout+log(nout)*wts;
								npout <- npout+log(1.0-nout)*wts;
								maout <- maout + wts*nout;
#					out <- maout;
					if (object$type == "LOGIT") 
						tgext <- (maout > 36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							maout[tgext] <- 36.0;
						tgext <- (maout < -36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							maout[tgext] <- -36.0;
						tgext <- (npout > 36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							npout[tgext] <- 36.0;
						tgext <- (npout < -36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							npout[tgext] <- -36.0;
						nout <- exp(maout)/(exp(maout)+exp(npout));
						out <- avgout;
						if (length(object$coefficients.List) >= 10)
#							selcheck <- ((avgout > 0.5) & (fraction < 0.5) ) | ((avgout < 0.5) & (fraction > 0.5)); 
#							out[selcheck] <- 0.5*(avgout[selcheck]+fraction[selcheck]);
							out <- 0.5*(avgout+fraction);
						attr(out,"WeightedAverage") <- avgout;
						attr(out,"wLOP") <- nout;
						attr(out,"LOGIT") <- as.vector(pred$prediction);
						attr(out,"Fraction") <- fraction;
#						print(out);
						out <- maout;
					mm <- model.matrix(frm, testData)
					out <- as.vector(mm  %*% cf);
					if (object$type=="LOGIT") 
						tgext <- (out > 36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							out[tgext] <- 36.0;
						tgext <- (out < -36.0);
						if (sum(tgext) > 0 ) 
							out[tgext] <- -36.0;
						out <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-out));
				pred <-.Call("predictForFresa",cf,mm,predictType[1],object$type);
				out <- as.vector(pred$prediction);
			names(out) <- rownames(testData);
		tr =
			frm <- formula(terms(object));
			if (!is.null(frm))
				cf <- object$estimations;
				if (object$type=="COX")
					mm <- model.matrix(frm, testData)
					mm <- as.matrix(model.frame(frm, testData,na.action=na.pass))
					mm[,1] <- rep(1,nrow(mm));
				if (!is.null(cf))
					if (length(cf)>0)
						warning("Warning: Fitting error. Object: ",class(object),"NA coff set to zero\n");
		#				print(cf);
						pred <-.Call("predictForFresa",cf,mm,predictType[1],object$type);
						out <- as.vector(pred$prediction);
						out <- rep(NA,nrow(testData));
					warning("Warning: Fitting error. Object: ",class(object),"All predictions set to NA \n");
					out <- rep(NA,nrow(testData));
				out <- rep(NA,nrow(testData));
			names(out) <- rownames(testData);
		sv =
			out <- predict(object,testData);
		or =
			totClases <- length(object$theScores);
			totModels <- totClases-1;
			theScores <- as.numeric(object$theScores);

			outOrder <- matrix(nrow=nrow(testData),ncol=totModels);
			stepOrder <- matrix(nrow=nrow(testData),ncol=totModels);
			outClass <- matrix(nrow=nrow(testData),ncol=totClases);
			out <- matrix(nrow=nrow(testData),ncol=7+totClases);

			colc <- 1;
			for (s in theScores)
				outClass[,colc] <- predict(object$theClassBaggs[[colc]]$bagged.model,testData,"prob");
				if (colc <= totModels)
					outOrder[,colc] <- predict(object$theBaggedModels[[colc]]$bagged.model,testData,"prob");
					stepOrder[,colc] <- predict(object$redBaggedModels[[colc]]$bagged.model,testData,"prob");
				colc <- colc + 1;
#			print(outClass[1,])
#			print(outOrder[1,])
#			print(stepOrder[1,])
			uscores <- 1:totClases;
			for (n in 1:nrow(testData))
				pClass <- outClass[n,];

				pOrder <- rep(1.0,totClases);
				for (pc in 1:totClases)
					 for (p in 1:totModels)
						 if (p >= pc)
							 pOrder[pc] <- pOrder[pc]*(1.0-outOrder[n,p]);
							 pOrder[pc] <- pOrder[pc]*(outOrder[n,p]);
				pOrder <- pOrder/sum(pOrder);

				pCond <- rep(1.0,totClases);
				pCond[1] <- (1.0-stepOrder[n,1]) > 0.5;
				pCond[totClases] <- stepOrder[n,totModels] > 0.5;
				for (p in 2:totModels)
					pCond[p] <- 0.5*(((1.0-stepOrder[n,p]) > 0.5) + (stepOrder[n,p-1] > 0.5));

				maxOrder <- max(pOrder);
				whoOrder <- pOrder > 0.999*maxOrder;
				wts <- pOrder[whoOrder] - 0.999*maxOrder;
				wts <- wts*wts;
				scoreOrder <- sum(uscores[whoOrder]*wts)/sum(wts);

				maxClass <- max(pClass)
				whoClass <- pClass > 0.999*maxClass;
				wts <- pClass[whoClass] - 0.999*maxClass;
				wts <- wts*wts;
				scoreClass <- sum(uscores[whoClass]*wts)/sum(wts);

				pComb <- (pOrder+1.0e-5)*(pCond+1.0e-5)*(pClass+1.0e-5);
				pComb <- pComb/sum(pComb);
				maxComb <- max(pComb);
				whoComb <- pComb > 0.999*maxComb;
				wts <- pComb[whoComb] - 0.999*maxComb;
				wts <- wts*wts;
				scoreComb <- sum(uscores[whoComb]*wts)/sum(wts);
				iscoreTotal <- as.integer(scoreComb + 0.5);
				if (iscoreTotal == 1)
					sadj <- stepOrder[n,1];
					if (iscoreTotal == totClases)
						sadj <- stepOrder[n,totModels] - 1.0;
						sadj <- stepOrder[n,iscoreTotal-1] - 1.0 + stepOrder[n,iscoreTotal];
				iscoreTotal <- as.integer(iscoreTotal + sadj + 0.5);

				out[n,1] <- theScores[iscoreTotal];
				out[n,2] <- sadj;
				out[n,3] <- scoreOrder;
				out[n,4] <- maxOrder;
				out[n,5] <- scoreClass;
				out[n,6] <- maxClass;
				out[n,7] <- scoreComb;
				out[n,8:(7+totClases)] <- pOrder;
			rownames(out) <- rownames(testData);
			colnames(out) <- c("Class","Adjs","O.Class","p.Ord","C.Class","p.Class","T.Class",theScores);
		BS =
			if (is.null(object$oridinalModels))
				if (is.null(object$bagging) || is.null(object$bagging$bagged.model))
					out <- predict(object$forward.model$final.model,...);
					attr(out,"model") <- "forward.update";
					if (object$equivalent)
						if (object$bagging$bagged.model$type == "LOGIT")
							pred <- ensemblePredict(object$formula.list,object$BSWiMS.model$bootCV$data,testData,"prob",object$bagging$bagged.model$type)
							pred <- ensemblePredict(object$formula.list,object$BSWiMS.model$bootCV$data,testData,predictType,object$bagging$bagged.model$type)
						out <- as.numeric(pred$ensemblePredict)
						names(out) <- rownames(testData);
						attr(out,"MeanEnsemblePredict") <- pred$wPredict;
						attr(out,"model") <- "Ensemble";
						out <- predict(object$bagging$bagged.model,...);
						attr(out,"model") <- "bagged";
						if (object$bagPredictType[1]=="wNN")
							if (!is.null(object$bagging$nnmodel))
								out <- predict(object$bagging$nnmodel,...);
								attr(out,"model") <- "wNN";
						if (object$bagPredictType[1]=="Ens")
							if (!is.null(object$bagging$nnmodel))
								out <- (predict(object$bagging$bagged.model,...) + predict(object$bagging$nnmodel,...))/2.0;
								attr(out,"model") <- "Ens";
				out <- predict(object$oridinalModels,...)[,1];
				attr(out,"model") <- "ordinal";
			cf <- coef(object)
			if (is.null(cf))
				warning("Warning: Null object in predict. Object: ",cobj,"\n");
				out <- rep(NA,nrow(testData));
				frm <- formula(terms(object));
				out <- rep(NA,nrow(testData));
				if (!is.null(frm))
					cf <- object$coefficients;
					if (length(cf)>0)
						s <- is.na(cf);
						if (any(s)) 
							cf[s] <- 0;
						if (object$type=="COX")
							mm <- model.matrix(frm, testData)
							mm <- as.matrix(model.frame(frm, testData,na.action=na.pass))
							mm[,1] <- rep(1,nrow(mm));
						if (!is.null(mm))
#							if ((class(mm) == "matrix") && (ncol(mm)>0) &&  (class(cf) == "vector"))
									linear = 
										   out <- as.vector(mm  %*% cf);
									prob = 
										  out <- as.vector(mm  %*% cf);
										  out <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-out));
									pbagg =
											if (!is.null(object$coefficients.List))
												if (length(object$coefficients.List)>0)
													mm <- model.matrix(formula(object$formula.List[[1]]), testData)
													maout <- as.vector(mm  %*% object$coefficients.List[[1]]);
													maout <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-maout));
#													miout <- maout;
													if (length(object$coefficients.List)>1)
														for (nm in 2:length(object$coefficients.List))
															mm <- model.matrix(formula(object$formula.List[[nm]]), testData)
															nout <- as.vector(mm  %*% object$coefficients.List[[nm]]);
															nout <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-nout));
															maout <- maout + nout;
#															maout <- pmax(maout,nout);
#															miout <- pmin(miout,nout);
#															print(c(maout[1],miout[1],nout[1]));
													out <- maout/length(object$coefficients.List);
#													whodif <- ((1.0-miout) > out);
#													out[whodif] <- miout[whodif];
#													print(c(maout[1],miout[1],out[1]));
													  out <- as.vector(mm  %*% cf);
													  out <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-out));
												  out <- as.vector(mm  %*% cf);
												  out <- 1.0/(1.0+exp(-out));
										  out <- as.vector(mm  %*% cf);
					warning(paste(as.character(match.call()),"No formula \n"));
			names(out) <- rownames(testData);
	s <- is.na(out);
	if (any(s)) 
		warning(paste(as.character(match.call()),"Warning NA predict.fitFRESA \n"));
			linear = 
				   out[s] <- 0;
			prob = 
				  out[s] <- 0.5;
#	if (length(out)!=nrow(testData))
#	{
#		warning("Different number of rows:",length(out),"(",nrow(testData),"). Setting to NA missing values\n");
#		tout <- out;
#		out=rep(NA,nrow(testData));
#		names(out) <- rownames(testData);
#		out[names(tout)] <- tout;
#	}
    return (out)

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