## Trace of a matrix
matrix.trace = function(A){
r = dim(A)[1]
trace = 0
for(i in 1:r)
trace <- trace + A[i,i]
#' Batched FSM for sequential experiments
#' @description
#' Extension of the FSM to cases where units arrive sequentially in batches.
#' @param data_frame Data frame containing a column of unit indices (optional) and covariates (or transformations thereof).
#' @param data_frame_past A data frame of units already allocated to treatment groups.
#' Data frame contains a column of unit indices (optional), columns of covariates (or transformations thereof),
#' and a column for treatment indicator.
#' @param t_ind column name containing the treatment indicator in \code{data_frame_past}.
#' @param SOM Selection Order Matrix.
#' @param s_function Specifies a selection function, a string among \code{'constant'}, \code{'Dopt'},
#' \code{'Aopt'}, \code{'max pc'}, \code{'min pc'}, \code{'Dopt pc'}, \code{'max average'}, \code{'min average'},
#' \code{'Dopt average'}. \code{'constant'} selection function puts a constant value on every unselected unit.
#' \code{'Dopt'} use the D-optimality criteria based on the full set of covariates to select units.
#' \code{'Aopt'} uses the A-optimality criteria. \code{'max pc'} (respectively, \code{'min pc'}) selects that
#' unit that has the maximum (respectively, minimum) value of the first principal component.
#' \code{'Dopt pc'} uses the D-optimality criteria on the first principal component, \code{'max average'}
#' (respectively, \code{'min average'}) selects that unit that has the maximum (respectively, minimum)
#' value of the simple average of the covariates. \code{'Dopt average'} uses the D-optimality criteria on the
#' simple average of the covariates.
#' @param Q_initial A (optional) non-singular matrix (called 'initial matrix') that is added the \eqn{(X^T X)}
#' matrix of the choosing treatment group at any stage, when the \eqn{(X^T X)} matrix of that treatment group
#' at that stage is non-invertible. If \code{FALSE}, the \eqn{(X^T X)} matrix for the full set of observations is used
#' as the non-singular matrix. Applicable if \code{s_function = 'Dopt'} or \code{'Aopt'}.
#' @param eps Proportionality constant for \code{Q_initial}, the default value is 0.001.
#' @param ties Specifies how to deal with ties in the values of the selection function. If \code{ties = 'random'},
#' a unit is selected randomly from the set of candidate units. If \code{ties = 'smallest'}, the unit
#' that appears earlier in the data frame, i.e. the unit with the smallest index gets selected.
#' @param intercept if \code{TRUE}, the design matrix of each treatment group includes a column of intercepts.
#' @param index_col_past \code{TRUE} if column of unit indices is present in \code{data_frame_past}.
#' @param standardize if \code{TRUE}, the columns of the \eqn{X} matrix other than the column for the intercept (if any),
#' are standardized.
#' @param units_print if \code{TRUE}, the function automatically prints the candidate units at each step of selection.
#' @param index_col if \code{TRUE}, data_frame contains a column of unit indices.
#' @param Pol_mat Policy matrix. Applicable only when \code{s_function = 'Aopt'}.
#' @param w_pol A vector of policy weights. Applicable only when \code{s_function = 'Aopt'}.
#' @export
#' @return A list containing the following items.
#' \code{data_frame_allocated}: The original data frame augmented with the column of the treatment indicator.
#' \code{som_appended}: The SOM with augmented columns for the indices and covariate values for units selected.
#' \code{som_split}: som_appended, split by the levels of the treatment.
#' \code{data_frame_allocated_augmented}: data frame combining \code{data_frame_allocated} and \code{data_frame_past}.
#' @author Ambarish Chattopadhyay, Carl N. Morris and Jose R. Zubizarreta
#' @references
#' Chattopadhyay, A., Morris, C. N., and Zubizarreta, J. R. (2020), ``Randomized and Balanced Allocation of Units into Treatment Groups Using the Finite Selection Model for \code{R}'.
#' @examples
#' # Consider N=18, number of treatments = 2, n1 = n2 = 9, batch sizes = 6,6,6.
#' # Get data frame for the first batch.
#' df_sample_1 = data.frame(index = 1:6, age = c(20,30,40,40,50,60))
#' # Obtain SOM for all the 12 units.
#' som_gen = som(data_frame = NULL, n_treat = 2, treat_sizes = c(9,9),
#' include_discard = FALSE, method = 'SCOMARS', marginal_treat = rep((9/18),18), control = FALSE)
#' # Assign the first batch.
#' f1 = fsm(data_frame = df_sample_1, SOM = som_gen[1:6,], s_function = 'Dopt',
#' eps = 0.0001, ties = 'random', intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, units_print = TRUE)
#' f1_app = f1$data_frame_allocated
#' # Get data frame for the second batch.
#' df_sample_2 = data.frame(index = 7:12, age = c(20,30,40,40,50,60))
#' # Assign the second batch.
#' f2 = fsm_batch(data_frame = df_sample_2, SOM = som_gen[7:12,], s_function = 'Dopt',
#' eps = 0.0001, ties = 'random', intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, units_print = TRUE,
#' data_frame_past = f1_app, t_ind = 'Treat', index_col_past = TRUE)
#' f2_app = f2$data_frame_allocated_augmented
#' # Get data frame for the third batch.
#' df_sample_3 = data.frame(index = 13:18, age = c(20,30,40,40,50,60))
#' # Assign the third batch.
#' f3 = fsm_batch(data_frame = df_sample_3, SOM = som_gen[13:18,], s_function = 'Dopt',
#' eps = 0.0001, ties = 'random', intercept = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, units_print = TRUE,
#' data_frame_past = f2_app, t_ind = 'Treat', index_col_past = TRUE)
#' f3_app = f3$data_frame_allocated_augmented
fsm_batch = function(data_frame, data_frame_past, t_ind, SOM, s_function = 'Dopt',
Q_initial = NULL, eps = 0.001, ties = 'random', intercept = TRUE,
index_col_past = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, units_print = TRUE,
index_col = TRUE, Pol_mat = NULL, w_pol = NULL)
# names of all possible selection functions
sf.names = c('constant', 'Dopt', 'Aopt', 'negative Dopt',
'max pc', 'min pc', 'Dopt pc', 'max average', 'min average', 'Dopt average',
'marginal var sum')
som_order = SOM[['Treat']] # treatments should be labelled 1,2,...,g or 0,1,...,g-1
som_order = SOM[,1] # treatments should be labelled 1,2,...,g or 0,1,...,g-1
if(index_col == TRUE)
unit.identity = data_frame[['Index']]
unit.index = 1:nrow(data_frame)
g = length(table(som_order)) # no. of treatments
n = as.vector(table(som_order)) # vector of treatment group sizes
N = sum(n) # total no. of units in the sample
## build-up phase
units.selected = rep(0,N)
if(index_col == TRUE)
X_cov = as.matrix(data_frame[,-1]) # matrix of all covariates
if(index_col == FALSE)
X_cov = as.matrix(data_frame) # matrix of all covariates
# if a column contains the same values, remove it to avoid singularity
k = ncol(X_cov) # no. of covariates'
# total size of past units
N_past = nrow(data_frame_past)
# treatment indicator for past units
Z_past = data_frame_past[,t_ind]
if(index_col_past == TRUE)
X_cov_past = as.matrix(data_frame_past[,-c(1, which(colnames(data_frame_past) == t_ind))]) # matrix of all covariates
if(index_col == FALSE)
X_cov_past = as.matrix(data_frame_past[,-which(colnames(data_frame_past) == t_ind)]) # matrix of all covariates
if(standardize == TRUE)
# standardize the columns of X_cov
for(j in 1:ncol(X_cov))
#X_cov[,j] = (X_cov[,j] - mean(X_cov[,j]))/sd(X_cov[,j])
#X_cov_past[,j] = (X_cov_past[,j] - mean(X_cov_past[,j]))/sd(X_cov_past[,j])
# can also standardize based on the augmented matrix
loc = mean(c(X_cov_past[,j], X_cov[,j]))
scale = sd(c(X_cov_past[,j], X_cov[,j]))
X_cov[,j] = (X_cov[,j] - loc)/scale
X_cov_past[,j] = (X_cov_past[,j] - loc)/scale
if(intercept == TRUE)
X_N = as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,N), X_cov)) # n x (k+1) design matrix for the new units
colnames(X_N) = c('intercept', sprintf('x%d', 1:k))
X_N_past = as.matrix(cbind(rep(1,N_past), X_cov_past)) # n x (k+1) design matrix for the past units
colnames(X_N_past) = c('intercept', sprintf('x%d', 1:k))
if(intercept == FALSE)
X_N = as.matrix(X_cov) # n x k design matrix for the new units
colnames(X_N) = sprintf('x%d', 1:k)
X_N_past = as.matrix(X_cov_past) # n x k design matrix for the past units
colnames(X_N) = sprintf('x%d', 1:k)
## set initital nonsingular matrix
if(is.null(Q_initial) == TRUE)
X_N_combined = rbind(X_N_past, X_N)
Q0 = t(X_N_combined)%*%X_N_combined #invertible(?) matrix
} else{
Q0 = Q_initial
# Treatments take turn in selecting the units
Z = rep(-1,N) # treatment indicator initialized at all -1
crit_print = matrix(rep(-1,N*N),nrow = N)
for(i in 1:N)
t.index = som_order[i] # treatment group that will pick a unit at this stage
units.current = unit.index[Z == t.index] # new units already in that treatment group
X_N_group_past = X_N_past[Z_past == t.index, ] # design matrix for the past units in the choosing treatment group
# augment the past design matrix with the new design matrix
if(length(units.current) == 0)
X_n = X_N_group_past
X_n = rbind(X_N_group_past, X_N[units.current,])
# reciprocal 'Condition number'
if((kappa((t(X_n)%*% X_n)/i))^{-1} < 1e-6)
#print(t(X_n)%*% X_n + eps * Q0)
Sn = solve((t(X_n)%*% X_n)/nrow(X_n) + eps * (Q0/(N_past + N)))
} else{
#print(t(X_n)%*% X_n)
#Sn = solve((t(X_n)%*% X_n)/i)
Sn = solve((t(X_n)%*% X_n))
} = unit.index[Z == -1] # units yet to be allocated
if(units_print == TRUE)
# evaluate the criterion function on each of these units
crit.func = rep(0, length(
for(u in 1:length(
if(s_function == 'constant')
crit.func[u] = 10 #a constant
if(s_function == 'Dopt')
crit.func[u] = as.vector(t(X_N[[u],]) %*% Sn %*% X_N[[u],] )
if(s_function == 'negative Dopt')
crit.func[u] = (-1) * as.vector(t(X_N[[u],]) %*% Sn %*% X_N[[u],] )
if(s_function == 'Aopt')
# Policy matrix - Pol_mat, Matrix of weights = w_pol
# I am assuming cost to be constant
Pol_mat = as.matrix(Pol_mat)
W = diag(w_pol)
T.mat = t(Pol_mat) %*% W %*% Pol_mat
crit.func[u] = as.vector(t(X_N[[u],]) %*% (Sn %*% T.mat %*% Sn) %*%
X_N[[u],])/(1 + as.vector(t(X_N[[u],]) %*%
Sn %*% X_N[[u],]) )
if(s_function %in% c('max pc', 'min pc', 'Dopt pc'))
# Extract the 1st principal component from the full set of covariates
pca = prcomp(X_cov)
x.pc = pca$x[,1] #1st principal component
if(s_function == 'max pc')
# include the unit which maximizes the 1st principal component
crit.func[u] = x.pc[[u]]
if(s_function == 'min pc')
# include the unit which minimizes the 1st principal component
crit.func[u] = -x.pc[[u]]
if(s_function == 'Dopt pc')
# include the unit which maximizes the dispersion of the 1st principal component
# within the chooser group
x.pc.append = x.pc[c(units.current,[u])]
crit.func[u] = sum((x.pc.append - mean(x.pc.append))^2)
if(s_function == 'max average') # takes simple average of all covariates
# first check if there are more than one covariates
crit.func[u] = as.vector(X_cov)[[u]]
crit.func[u] = rowMeans(X_cov)[[u]]
if(s_function == 'min average')
# first check if there are more than one covariates
crit.func[u] = -as.vector(X_cov)[[u]]
crit.func[u] = -rowMeans(X_cov)[[u]]
if(s_function == 'Dopt average')
# first check if there are more than one covariate
x.avg.append = as.vector(X_cov)[c(units.current,[u])]
crit.func[u] = sum((x.avg.append - mean(x.avg.append))^2)
x.avg = rowMeans(X_cov)
x.avg.append = x.avg[c(units.current,[u])]
crit.func[u] = sum((x.avg.append - mean(x.avg.append))^2)
if(s_function == 'marginal var sum')
# first check if there are more than one covariate
x.append = as.vector(X_cov)[c(units.current,[u])]
crit.func[u] = sum((x.append - mean(x.append))^2)
X_treat = X_cov[c(units.current,[u]),]
if(is.null(nrow(X_treat)) == TRUE)
crit.func[u] = 0
if(is.null(nrow(X_treat)) == FALSE)
crit.func[u] = matrix.trace(cov(X_treat))
if((s_function %in% sf.names) == FALSE)
stop('Invalid selection function')
crit.func = round(crit.func,7) # rounding off the values (?)
crit_print[i,] = crit.func
# all candidate units
units.opt =[which(crit.func == max(crit.func))]
# resolve ties
if(ties == 'random')
unit.opt = units.opt[sample(x = 1:length(units.opt),size = 1)]
Z[unit.opt] = t.index
if(ties == 'smallest')
unit.opt = units.opt[1]
Z[unit.opt] = t.index
# unit number that is selected at this stage
units.selected[i] = unit.opt
crit_print[crit_print == -1] = NA
data_frame_allocated = cbind(data_frame,Z)
colnames(data_frame_allocated)[ncol(data_frame_allocated)] = 'Treat'
#stage = 1:N
som_appended = cbind(as.vector(som_order), data_frame[units.selected,])
#colnames(som_appended)[1] = 'Sel order'
colnames(som_appended)[1] = 'Treat'
rownames(som_appended) = 1:N
som_appended =
som_split = split(som_appended,som_appended$Treat)
# augmented data frame after allocation
if(index_col_past == TRUE && index_col == TRUE)
data_frame_allocated_augmented =, data_frame_allocated))
if(index_col_past == TRUE && index_col == FALSE)
temp1 =[,-1], data_frame_allocated))
data_frame_allocated_augmented = data.frame(Index = 1:(N_past + N), temp1)
if(index_col_past == FALSE && index_col == TRUE)
temp1 =, data_frame_allocated[,-1]))
data_frame_allocated_augmented = data.frame(Index = 1:(N_past + N), temp1)
if(index_col_past == FALSE && index_col == FALSE)
temp1 =, data_frame_allocated))
data_frame_allocated_augmented = data.frame(Index = 1:(N_past + N), temp1)
return(list(data_frame_allocated = data_frame_allocated, som_appended = som_appended,
som_split = som_split,
data_frame_allocated_augmented = data_frame_allocated_augmented,
criteria = crit_print))
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