plot.CaGalt<-function(x, axes = c(1, 2), choix = c("ind", "freq", "quali.var", "quanti.var"), conf.ellip = FALSE, contr.ellipse = 3, xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, col.ind = "black", col.freq = "darkred", col.quali = "blue", col.quanti = "blue", label = TRUE, lim.cos2.var = 0, title = NULL, palette = NULL, autoLab = c("auto", "yes", "no"), new.plot = FALSE, select = NULL, unselect = 0.7, shadowtext = FALSE, ...){
res.cagalt <- x
if (!inherits(res.cagalt, "CaGalt")) stop("non convenient data")
if (is.numeric(unselect)) if ((unselect > 1) | (unselect < 0)) stop("unselect should be between 0 and 1")
autoLab <- match.arg(autoLab, c("auto", "yes", "no"))
if (autoLab == "yes") autoLab <- TRUE
if (autoLab == "no") autoLab <- FALSE
choix <- match.arg(choix, c("ind", "freq", "quali.var", "quanti.var"))
lab.x <- paste("Dim ", axes[1], " (", format(res.cagalt$eig[axes[1], 2], nsmall = 2, digits = 2), "%)", sep = "")
lab.y <- paste("Dim ", axes[2], " (", format(res.cagalt$eig[axes[2], 2], nsmall = 2, digits = 2), "%)", sep = "")
if (choix == "ind") {
if (is.null(title)) titre <- "Individuals factor map (CaGalt)"
else titre <- title
coord.ind <- res.cagalt$ind$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE]
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(coord.ind[,1]),max(coord.ind[,1])) * 1.2
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(coord.ind[,2]),max(coord.ind[,2])) * 1.2
selection <- NULL
if (!is.null(select)) {
if (mode(select) == "numeric") selection <- select
else {
if (sum(rownames(res.cagalt$ind$coord) %in% select) != 0) selection <- which(rownames(res.cagalt$ind$coord) %in% select)
else {
if (grepl("coord", select)) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$ind$coord[, axes]^2, 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$ind$coord), sum(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(select, "coord"))), na.rm = T))]
if (grepl("cos2", select)) {
if (sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T) >= 1) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$ind$cos2[, axes], 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$ind$cos2), sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))]
else selection <- which(apply(res.cagalt$ind$cos2[, axes], 1, sum) > sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))
if (is.integer(select)) selection <- select
if ((new.plot) & !nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY"))) = min(14, 8 * (xlim[2] - xlim[1])/(ylim[2] - ylim[1])), height = 8)
if (is.null(palette)) palette(c("black", "red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "darkgray", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgreen", "violet", "turquoise", "orange", "lightpink", "lavender", "yellow", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightblue", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "lightcyan", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "lightgray", "lightsalmon", "lightyellow", "maroon"))
plot(0, 0, main = titre, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white", asp = 1, ...)
abline(v = 0, lty = 2, ...)
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, ...)
coo <- labe <- coll <- ipch <- fonte <- NULL
coo <- coord.ind
if (label) labe <- rownames(coord.ind)
else labe <- rep("", nrow(coord.ind))
coll <- rep(col.ind, nrow(coord.ind))
ipch <- rep(20, nrow(coord.ind))
fonte <- rep(1, nrow(coord.ind))
if (!is.null(selection)) {
if (is.numeric(unselect)) coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- rgb(t(col2rgb(coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)])), alpha = 255 * (1 - unselect), maxColorValue = 255)
else coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- unselect
labe[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- ""
if (shadowtext) points(coo[, 1], y = coo[, 2], pch = ipch, col = coll, ...)
if (any(labe != "")) {
if (autoLab == "auto") autoLab <- (length(which(labe != "")) < 50)
if (autoLab == TRUE) autoLab(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], font = fonte[labe != ""], shadotext = shadowtext, ...)
if (autoLab == FALSE) text(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], font = fonte[labe != ""], pos = 3, ...)
if (!shadowtext) points(coo[, 1], y = coo[, 2], pch = ipch, col = coll, ...)
if (choix == "freq") {
if (is.null(title)) titre <- "Frequencies factor map (CaGalt)"
else titre <- title
coord.freq <- res.cagalt$freq$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE]
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(coord.freq[,1]),max(coord.freq[,1])) * 1.2
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(coord.freq[,2]),max(coord.freq[,2])) * 1.2
selection <- NULL
if (!is.null(select)) {
if (mode(select) == "numeric") selection <- select
else {
if (sum(rownames(res.cagalt$freq$coord) %in% select) != 0) selection <- which(rownames(res.cagalt$freq$coord) %in% select)
else {
if (grepl("contrib", select)) selection <- (rev(order(res.cagalt$freq$contrib[, axes[1], drop = FALSE] * res.cagalt$eig[axes[1], 1] + res.cagalt$freq$contrib[, axes[2], drop = FALSE] * res.cagalt$eig[axes[2], 1])))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$freq$contrib), sum(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(select, "contrib"))), na.rm = T))]
if (grepl("coord", select)) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$freq$coord[, axes]^2, 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$freq$coord), sum(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(select, "coord"))), na.rm = T))]
if (grepl("cos2", select)) {
if (sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T) >= 1) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$freq$cos2[, axes], 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$freq$cos2), sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))]
else selection <- which(apply(res.cagalt$freq$cos2[, axes], 1, sum) > sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))
if (is.integer(select)) selection <- select
if ((new.plot) & !nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY"))) = min(14, 8 * (xlim[2] - xlim[1])/(ylim[2] - ylim[1])), height = 8)
if (is.null(palette)) palette(c("black", "red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "darkgray", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgreen", "violet", "turquoise", "orange", "lightpink", "lavender", "yellow", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightblue", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "lightcyan", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "lightgray", "lightsalmon", "lightyellow", "maroon"))
plot(0, 0, main = titre, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white", asp = 1, ...)
abline(v = 0, lty = 2, ...)
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, ...)
coo <- labe <- coll <- ipch <- fonte <- NULL
coo <- coord.freq
if (label) labe <- rownames(coord.freq)
else labe <- rep("", nrow(coord.freq))
coll <- rep(col.freq, nrow(coord.freq))
ipch <- rep(15, nrow(coord.freq))
fonte <- rep(1, nrow(coord.freq))
if (!is.null(selection)) {
if (is.numeric(unselect)) coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- rgb(t(col2rgb(coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)])), alpha = 255 * (1 - unselect), maxColorValue = 255)
else coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- unselect
labe[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- ""
if (shadowtext) points(coo[, 1], y = coo[, 2], pch = ipch, col = coll, ...)
if (any(labe != "")) {
if (autoLab == "auto") autoLab <- (length(which(labe != "")) < 50)
if (autoLab == TRUE) autoLab(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], font = fonte[labe != ""], shadotext = shadowtext, ...)
if (autoLab == FALSE) text(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], font = fonte[labe != ""], pos = 3, ...)
if (!shadowtext) points(coo[, 1], y = coo[, 2], pch = ipch, col = coll, ...)
if (conf.ellip) {
for(i in 1:length(sel.freq)){
coord.ellip <- coord.ellipse($ellip$freq[which(res.cagalt$ellip$freq$FREQ%in%names(sel.freq))[i],ncol(res.cagalt$freq$contr)+1],res.cagalt$ellip$freq[which(res.cagalt$ellip$freq$FREQ%in%names(sel.freq)[i]),1:ncol(res.cagalt$freq$contr)]),bary=FALSE,axes=axes)
if (choix == "quanti.var") {
if (is.null(res.cagalt$quanti.var)) stop("Variables are not quantitative")
if (is.null(title)) titre <- "Variables factor map (CaGalt)"
else titre <- title
selection <- NULL
if (!is.null(select)) {
if (mode(select) == "numeric") selection <- select
else {
if (sum(rownames(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord) %in% select) != 0) selection <- which(rownames(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord) %in% select)
else {
if (grepl("coord", select)) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord[, axes]^2, 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$var$coord), sum(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(select, "coord"))), na.rm = T))]
if (grepl("cos2", select)) {
if (sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T) >= 1) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$quanti.var$cos2[, axes], 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$quanti.var$cos2), sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))]
else selection <- which(apply(res.cagalt$quanti.var$cos2[, axes], 1, sum) > sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))
if (is.integer(select)) selection <- select
coord.var <- res.cagalt$quanti.var$cor[, axes, drop = FALSE]
xlim <- ylim <- c(-1, 1)
if ((new.plot) & !nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY")))
if (is.null(palette)) palette(c("black", "red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "darkgray", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgreen", "violet", "turquoise", "orange", "lightpink", "lavender", "yellow", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightblue", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "lightcyan", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "lightgray", "lightsalmon", "lightyellow", "maroon"))
plot(0, 0, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white", asp = 1, main = titre, ...)
x.cercle <- seq(-1, 1, by = 0.01)
y.cercle <- sqrt(1 - x.cercle^2)
lines(x.cercle, y = y.cercle, ...)
lines(x.cercle, y = -y.cercle, ...)
abline(v = 0, lty = 2, ...)
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, ...)
coll <- coo <- labe <- posi <- NULL
if (!is.null(coord.var[which(apply(res.cagalt$quanti.var$cos2[, axes, drop = FALSE], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) >= lim.cos2.var), ]) & (nrow(coord.var) > 0)) {
coord.var <- coord.var[which(apply(res.cagalt$quanti.var$cos2[, axes, drop = FALSE], 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) >= lim.cos2.var), , drop = FALSE]
coo <- coord.var
coll <- rep(col.quanti, nrow(coord.var))
if (label) labe <- rownames(coord.var)
else labe <- rep("", nrow(coord.var))
if (!is.null(selection)) {
if (is.numeric(unselect)) coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- rgb(t(col2rgb(coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)])), alpha = 255 * (1 - unselect), maxColorValue = 255)
else coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- unselect
labe[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- ""
for (v in 1:nrow(coord.var)) {
arrows(0, 0, coord.var[v, 1], coord.var[v, 2], length = 0.1, angle = 15, code = 2, col = coll[v])
if (label) {
if (abs(coord.var[v, 1]) > abs(coord.var[v, 2])) {
if (coord.var[v, 1] >= 0) posi <- c(posi, 4)
else posi <- c(posi, 2)
if (coord.var[v, 2] >= 0) posi <- c(posi, 3)
else posi <- c(posi, 1)
if (any(labe != "")) {
if (autoLab == "auto") autoLab <- (length(which(labe != "")) < 50)
if (autoLab == FALSE) text(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], pos = posi[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], ...)
if (autoLab == TRUE) autoLab(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], shadotext = shadowtext, ...)
if (conf.ellip) {
for(i in 1:nrow(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord)){
coord.ellip <- coord.ellipse($ellip$var[which(res.cagalt$ellip$var$VAR%in%rownames(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord)[i]),ncol(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord)+1],res.cagalt$ellip$var[which(res.cagalt$ellip$var$VAR%in%rownames(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord)[i]),1:ncol(res.cagalt$quanti.var$coord)]),bary=FALSE,axes=axes)
if (choix == "quali.var") {
if (is.null(res.cagalt$quali.var)) stop("Variables are not categorical")
coord.var <- res.cagalt$quali.var$coord[, axes]
if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(coord.var[,1]),max(coord.var[,1])) * 1.2
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(coord.var[,2]),max(coord.var[,2])) * 1.2
selection <- NULL
if (!is.null(select)) {
if (mode(select) == "numeric") selection <- select
else {
if (sum(rownames(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord) %in% select)!= 0) selection <- which(rownames(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord) %in% select)
else {
if (grepl("coord", select)) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord[, axes, drop = FALSE]^2, 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord), sum(as.integer(unlist(strsplit(select, "coord"))), na.rm = T))]
if (grepl("cos2", select)) {
if (sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T) >= 1) selection <- (rev(order(apply(res.cagalt$quali.var$cos2[, axes], 1, sum))))[1:min(nrow(res.cagalt$quali.var$cos2), sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))]
else selection <- which(apply(res.cagalt$quali.var$cos2[, axes], 1, sum) > sum(as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(select, "cos2"))), na.rm = T))
if (is.integer(select)) selection <- select
titre <- title
if (is.null(title)) titre <- "Categories factor map (CaGalt)"
if ((new.plot) & !nzchar(Sys.getenv("RSTUDIO_USER_IDENTITY"))) = min(14, max(8, 8 * (xlim[2] - xlim[1])/(ylim[2] - ylim[1]))), height = 8)
if (is.null(palette)) palette(c("black", "red", "green3", "blue", "cyan", "magenta", "darkgray", "darkgoldenrod", "darkgreen", "violet", "turquoise", "orange", "lightpink", "lavender", "yellow", "lightgreen", "lightgrey", "lightblue", "darkkhaki", "darkmagenta", "darkolivegreen", "lightcyan", "darkorange", "darkorchid", "darkred", "darksalmon", "darkseagreen", "darkslateblue", "darkslategray", "darkslategrey", "darkturquoise", "darkviolet", "lightgray", "lightsalmon", "lightyellow", "maroon"))
plot(0, 0, main = titre, xlab = lab.x, ylab = lab.y, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, col = "white", asp = 1, ...)
abline(v = 0, lty = 2, ...)
abline(h = 0, lty = 2, ...)
coo <- labe <- coll <- ipch <- fonte <- NULL
coo <- coord.var
if (label) labe <- rownames(coord.var)
else labe <- rep("", nrow(coord.var))
coll <- rep(col.quali, nrow(coord.var))
if (!is.null(select)) {
if (is.numeric(unselect)) coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- rgb(t(col2rgb(coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)])), alpha = 255 * (1 - unselect), maxColorValue = 255)
else coll[!((1:length(coll)) %in% selection)] <- unselect
labe[!((1:length(labe)) %in% selection)] <- ""
ipch <- rep(17, nrow(coord.var))
fonte <- rep(1, nrow(coord.var))
if (shadowtext) points(coo[, 1], y = coo[, 2], pch = ipch, col = coll, ...)
if (any(labe != "")) {
if (autoLab == "auto") autoLab <- (length(which(labe != "")) < 50)
if (autoLab == TRUE) autoLab(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], font = fonte[labe != ""], shadotext = shadowtext, ...)
if (autoLab == FALSE) text(coo[labe != "", 1], y = coo[labe != "", 2], labels = labe[labe != ""], col = coll[labe != ""], font = fonte[labe != ""], pos = 3, ...)
if (!shadowtext) points(coo[, 1], y = coo[, 2], pch = ipch, col = coll, ...)
if (conf.ellip) {
for(i in 1:nrow(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord)){
coord.ellip <- coord.ellipse($ellip$var[which(res.cagalt$ellip$var$VAR%in%rownames(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord)[i]),ncol(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord)+1],res.cagalt$ellip$var[which(res.cagalt$ellip$var$VAR%in%rownames(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord)[i]),1:ncol(res.cagalt$quali.var$coord)]),bary=FALSE,axes=axes)
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