
gauss.hermite <- function (points, iterlim = 50) {
  x <- w <- rep(0, points)
  m <- (points + 1)/2
  for (i in 1:m) {
    z <- if (i == 1) 
      sqrt(2 * points + 1) - 2 * (2 * points + 1)^(-1/6)
    else if (i == 2) 
      z - sqrt(points)/z
    else if (i == 3 || i == 4) 
      1.9 * z - 0.9 * x[i - 2]
    else 2 * z - x[i - 2]
    for (j in 1:iterlim) {
      z1 <- z
      p <- hermite(points, z)
      z <- z1 - p[1]/p[2]
      if (abs(z - z1) <= 1e-15) 
    if (j == iterlim) 
      warning("iteration limit exceeded")
    x[points + 1 - i] <- -(x[i] <- z)
    w[i] <- w[points + 1 - i] <- 2/p[2]^2
  r <- cbind(x * sqrt(2), w/sum(w))
  colnames(r) <- c("Points", "Weights")

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