
Defines functions simfam2

Documented in simfam2

simfam2 <- function(inputdata = NULL, IBD = NULL, design="pop", variation="none", 
           depend=NULL, base.dist="Weibull", base.parms=c(0.016,3), 
           var_names = c("gender", "mgene"), vbeta=c(1,1), 
           agemin=20, hr=NULL)
 # kinship and IBD only    
  if(!any(is.element(variation, c("kinship", "IBD")))) stop("Unrecognized variation; variation should be either kinship or IBD")
  if(length(variation)==2 & length(depend)!=2) stop("depend should be a vector of two elements.")
  if(length(variation)==1 & length(depend)!=1) stop("depend should be a single value.")

  if(agemin > 70) warning("agemin might be too high.")
  if(!is.element(base.dist, c("Weibull", "loglogistic", "Gompertz", "lognormal", "logBurr"))) 
      stop("Unrecognized base.dist; base.dist should be one of \"Weibull\", \"loglogistic\", \"Gompertz\", \"lognormal\", or \"logBurr\". ")
    if(is.null(depend)) stop("depend should be specified.")
    else if(any(depend<0)) stop("depend should be > 0")
    if(!is.element(design, c("pop","pop+","cli","cli+","noasc"))) stop("Unrecognized design; should be one of pop, pop+, cli, cli+, twostage, or noasc")  
    if(length(vbeta) != length(var_names)) stop(paste("vbeta should be a vector of length", length(var_names)))
    if(base.dist=="logBurr" & length(base.parms)!=3) stop("base.parms should be a vector of length 3")
    else if(base.dist!="logBurr" & length(base.parms)!=2) stop("base.parms should be a vector of length 2")
      if(!is.element(variation, c("kinship", "IBD"))) stop("variation should be one of none, frailty, secondgene, kinship, IBD, or both kinship and IBD")
      if(!all(is.element(variation, c("kinship", "IBD")))) stop("variation should be either kinship or IBD, or both kinship and IBD")

    if(design=="pop") {affectnum=1; m.carrier=0}
    if(design=="pop+"){affectnum=1; m.carrier=1}
    if(design=="cli") {affectnum=3; m.carrier=0}
    if(design=="cli+"){affectnum=3; m.carrier=1}
      affectnum = 2
      m.carrier = 0 #proband is not necessary to be a carrier.
      if(hr==0) stop("Please specify the sampling rate of high risk families (0<hr<1)")
    else if(design == "noasc"){affectnum=0; m.carrier=0}

    dat <- data.frame(familyDesign2(depend=depend, affectnum=affectnum, 
                            base.dist=base.dist, base.parms=base.parms,
                            var_names=var_names, vbeta=vbeta, agemin=agemin, 
                            data = inputdata, corr_type = variation, IBD = IBD))
    class(dat) <- c("simfam","data.frame")
    attr(dat, "design") <- design
    attr(dat, "variation") <- variation
    attr(dat, "frailty.dist") <- "lognormal"
    attr(dat, "base.dist") <- base.dist
    attr(dat, "base.parms") <- base.parms
    attr(dat, "vbeta") <- vbeta
    attr(dat, "agemin") <- agemin

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FamEvent documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:07 p.m.