
Defines functions regkienerLX

Documented in regkienerLX

#' @include o_estimation2.R

#' @title Regression Function for Kiener Distributions
#' @description
#' One function to estimate the parameters of Kiener distributions K1, K2,  
#' K3 and K4 and display the results in a list with many data.frame 
#' ready to use for plotting. This function performs an unweighted nonlinear
#' regression of the logit of the empirical probabilities logit(p) on 
#' the quantiles X.
#' @param    X       vector of quantiles. 
#' @param    model   the model used for the regression: "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4". 
#' @param    pdgts   vector of length 11. Control the rounding of output parameters.
#' @param    maxk    numeric. The maximum value of tail parameter \code{k}. 
#' @param    mink    numeric. The minimum value of tail parameter \code{k}. 
#' @param    app     numeric. The parameter "\code{a}" in the function \code{ppoints}.
#' @param    probak  vector of probabilities used in output regk$fitk.  
#'                   For instance \code{\link{pprobs0}}.
#' @param    dgts    rounding parameter applied globally to output regk$fitk.
#' @param    exfitk  character. A vector of parameter names to subset regk$fitk. 
#'                   For instance \code{\link{exfit0}}.
#' @details      
#' This function is designed to estimate the parameters of Kiener distributions
#' for a given dataset. It encapsulates the four distributions described in
#' this package. 
#' "K1" uses model \code{lqkiener1}, "K2" uses model \code{lqkiener2}, 
#' "K3" uses model \code{lqkiener3} and "K4" uses model \code{lqkiener4}. 
#' A typical input is a numeric vector that describes the returns of a stock. 
#' Conversion from a (possible) time series format to a sorted numeric vector 
#' is done automatically and without any check of the initial format. 
#' There is also no check of missing values, \code{Na}, \code{NaN}, 
#' \code{-Inf}, \code{+Inf}. 
#' Empirical probabilities of each point in the sorted dataset is calculated 
#' with the function \code{\link[stats]{ppoints}}. The parameter \code{app} 
#' corresponds to the parameter \code{a} in \code{ppoints} but has been  
#' limited to the range (0, 0.5). Default value is 0 as large datasets are 
#' very common in finance. 
#' A nonlinear regression is performed with \code{\link[minpack.lm]{nlsLM}} 
#' from the logit of the probabilities \code{logit(p)} over the quantiles X 
#' with one of the functions \code{lqkiener1234}. 
#' These functions have been selected as they
#' have an explicit form in the four types (this is unfortunately not the case 
#' for \code{dkiener234}) and return satisfactory results with ordinary least 
#' squares. The median is calculated before the regression and is injected 
#' as a mandatory value in the regression function. 
#' Kiener distributions use the following parameters, some of them being redundant. 
#' See \code{\link{aw2k}} and \code{\link{pk2pk}} for the formulas and 
#' the conversion between parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ \code{m} (mu) is the median of the distribution. }
#'   \item{ \code{g} (gamma) is the scale parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{a} (alpha) is the left tail parameter. } 
#'   \item{ \code{k} (kappa) is the harmonic mean of \code{a} and \code{w} 
#'          and describes a global tail parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{w} (omega) is the right tail parameter. } 
#'   \item{ \code{d} (delta) is the distortion parameter. }
#'   \item{ \code{e} (epsilon) is the eccentricity parameter. }
#' }
#' Where:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{c(m, g, k) of length 3 for distribution "K1".}
#'   \item{c(m, g, a, w) of length 4 for distribution "K2".}
#'   \item{c(m, g, k, d) of length 4 for distribution "K3".}
#'   \item{c(m, g, k, e) of length 4 for distribution "K4".}
#'   \item{c(m, g, a, k, w, d, e) of length 7 extracted from object of class 
#'         \code{clregk} like \code{regkienerLX} (typically \code{"reg$coefk"}).}
#' }
#' Model \code{"K1"} return results with 1+2=3 parameters and describes a 
#' (assumed) symmetric distribution. Parameters \code{d} and \code{e} are set 
#' to 0. Models \code{"K2"}, \code{"K3"} and \code{"K4"} describe asymmetric 
#' distributions. They return results with 1+3=4 parameters.
#' Model "K2" has a very clear parameter definition but unfortunately 
#' parameters \code{a} and \code{w} are highly correlated. 
#' Model \code{"K3"} has the least correlated parameters but the meaning of 
#' the distortion parameter \code{d}, usually of order 1e-3, is not simple. 
#' Model \code{"K4"} exhibits a reasonable correlation between each parameter
#' and should be the preferred intermediate model between "K1" and "K2" models.
#' The eccentricity parameter \code{e} is well defined and easy to understand:
#' \eqn{e=(a-w)/(a+w)}, \eqn{a=k/(1-e)} and \eqn{w=k/(1+e)}. It varies between
#' \code{-1} and \code{+1} and can be understood as a percentage (if times 100)
#' of eccentricty. \code{e = -1} corresponds to \code{w = infinity},  
#' \code{e = +1} corresponds to \code{a = infinity} and the model becomes a single
#' log-logistic funtion with a right / left stopping point and a left / right tail.
#' Tail parameter lower and upper values are controlled by \code{maxk} and 
#' \code{mink}. An upper value \eqn{maxk = 10} is appropriate for datasets
#' of low and medium size, less than 50.000 points. For larger datasets, the
#' upper limit can be extended up to \eqn{maxk = 20}. Such a limit returns 
#' results which are very closed to the logistic distribution, an alternate 
#' distribution which could be more appropriate. The lower limit \code{mink} 
#' is intended to avoid the value \eqn{k=0}. Remind 
#' that value \eqn{k < 2} describes distribution with no stable variance and 
#' \eqn{k < 1} describes distribution with no stable mean.
#' The output is an object in a flat format of class \code{clregk}. It can be 
#' listed with the function \code{\link{attributes}}. 
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{ First are the data.frames with the initial data and the estimated results. }
#'   \item{ Second is the result of the regression \code{regk0} given by 
#' \code{\link[minpack.lm]{nlsLM}} from which a few information 
#' have been extracted and listed here. }
#'   \item{ Third are the regression parameters (without the median) in plain format  
#' (no rounding), the variance-covariance matrix, the variance-covariance 
#' matrix times 1e+6 and the correlation matrix in a rounded format.
#' Note that \code{regk0}, \code{coefk0}, \code{coefk0tt}, \code{vcovk0}, 
#' \code{mcork0} have a polymorphic format and changing parameters that 
#' depend from the selected model: "K1", "K2", "K3", "K4". They should be  
#' used with care in subsequent calculations. } 
#'   \item{ Fourth are the distribution parameters tailored to every model "K1", "K2", 
#' "K3", "K4" plus estimated quantiles at levels: 
#' c(0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.5, 0.95, 0.99, 0.995, 0.999). 
#' They are intended to subsequent calculations. }
#'   \item{ 
#' Fifth are the same parameters presented in a more readable format thanks 
#' to the vector \code{pdgts} which controls the rounding of the parameters in
#' the following order: }
#'   \item{ \code{pdgts = c("m","g","a","k","w","d","e","vcovk0","vcovk0m","mcork0","quantr")}. }
#'   \item{ Sixth are some probabilities and the corresponding estimated quantiles 
#' and estimated Expected Shortfall stored in a data.frame format. }
#'   \item{ Last is \code{fitk} which returns all parameters in the same format 
#' than \code{\link{fitkienerX}}, eventually subsetted by \code{exfitk}. 
#' IMPORTANT : if you need to subset \code{fitk}, always subset it by parameter names 
#' and never subset it by rank number as new items may be added in the future. 
#' Use for instance \code{exfitk =} \code{\link{exfit0}}, ..., \code{\link{exfit7}}.}
#' }
#' @return  
#' \item{dfrXP}{data.frame. X = initial quantiles. P = empirical probabilities.}
#' \item{dfrXL}{data.frame. X = initial quantiles. L = logit of probabilities.}
#' \item{dfrXR}{data.frame. X = initial quantiles. R = residuals after regression.}
#' \item{dfrEP}{data.frame. E = estimated quantiles. P = probabilities.}
#' \item{dfrEL}{data.frame. E = estimated quantiles. L = logit of probabilities.}
#' \item{dfrED}{data.frame. E = estimated quantiles. 
#'                               D = estimated density (from probabilities).}
#' \item{regk0 }{object of class \code{nls} extracted from 
#'               the regression function \code{\link[minpack.lm]{nlsLM}}.}
#' \item{coefk0}{the regression parameters in plain format. 
#'               The median is out of the regression.} 
#' \item{vcovk0}{rounded variance-covariance matrix.} 
#' \item{vcovk0m}{rounded 1e+6 times variance-covariance matrix.} 
#' \item{mcork0}{rounded correlation matrix.} 
#' \item{coefk }{all parameters in plain format.} 
#' \item{coefk1}{parameters for model "K1".} 
#' \item{coefk2}{parameters for model "K2".} 
#' \item{coefk3}{parameters for model "K3".} 
#' \item{coefk4}{parameters for model "K4".} 
#' \item{quantk}{quantiles of interest.} 
#' \item{coefr }{all parameters in a rounded format.} 
#' \item{coefr1}{rounded parameters for model "K1".} 
#' \item{coefr2}{rounded parameters for model "K2".} 
#' \item{coefr3}{rounded parameters for model "K3".} 
#' \item{coefr4}{rounded parameters for model "K4".} 
#' \item{quantr}{quantiles of interest in a rounded format.} 
#' \item{dfrQkPk}{data.frame. Qk = Estimated quantiles of interest. 
#'                Pk = probabilities.} 
#' \item{dfrQkLk}{data.frame. Qk = Estimated quantiles of interest. 
#'                Lk = Logit of probabilities.} 
#' \item{dfrESkPk}{data.frame. ESk = Estimated Expected Shortfall. 
#'                Pk = probabilities.} 
#' \item{dfrESkLk}{data.frame. ESk = Estimated Expected Shortfall. 
#'                Lk = Logit of probabilities.} 
#' \item{fitk }{Parameters, quantiles, moments, VaR, ES and other parameters (not rounded). 
#' Length of \code{fitk} depends on the choice applied to probak. 
#' IMPORTANT : if you need to subset \code{fitk}, always subset it by parameter names 
#' and never subset it by rank number as new items may be added in the future. 
#' Use for instance \code{\link{exfit0}}, ..., \code{\link{exfit7}}. } 
#' @seealso    \code{\link[minpack.lm]{nlsLM}}, \code{\link{laplacegaussnorm}}, 
#'     Kiener distributions K1, K2, K3 and K4: \code{\link{kiener1}}
#'     \code{\link{kiener2}}, \code{\link{kiener3}}, \code{\link{kiener4}}.
#'     Other estimation function: \code{\link{fitkienerX}} and its derivatives.
#'     \code{fitk} subsetting: \code{\link{exfit0}}.
#' @examples     
#' require(graphics)
#' require(minpack.lm)
#' require(timeSeries)
#' ### Load the datasets and select one number (1-16)
#' DS     <- getDSdata()
#' j      <- 5
#' ### and run this block
#' X      <- DS[[j]]
#' nameX  <- names(DS)[j]
#' reg    <- regkienerLX(X)
#' ## Plotting
#' lleg   <- c("logit(0.999) = 6.9", "logit(0.99)   = 4.6", 
#'            "logit(0.95)   = 2.9", "logit(0.50)   = 0", 
#'            "logit(0.05)   = -2.9", "logit(0.01)   = -4.6", 
#'            "logit(0.001) = -6.9  ")
#' pleg   <- c( paste("m =",  reg$coefr4[1]), paste("g  =", reg$coefr4[2]), 
#'              paste("k  =", reg$coefr4[3]), paste("e  =", reg$coefr4[4]) )
#' op     <- par(mfrow=c(2,2), mgp=c(1.5,0.8,0), mar=c(3,3,2,1))
#' plot(X, type="l", main = nameX)
#' plot(reg$dfrXL, main = nameX, yaxt = "n")
#' axis(2, las=1, at=c(-9.2, -6.9, -4.6, -2.9, 0, 2.9, 4.6, 6.9, 9.2))
#' abline(h = c(-4.6, 4.6), lty = 4)
#' abline(v = c(reg$quantk[5], reg$quantk[9]), lty = 4)
#' legend("topleft", legend = lleg, cex = 0.7, inset = 0.02, bg = "#FFFFFF")
#' lines(reg$dfrEL, col = 2, lwd = 2)
#' points(reg$dfrQkLk, pch = 3, col = 2, lwd = 2, cex = 1.5)
#' plot(reg$dfrXP, main = nameX)
#' legend("topleft", legend = pleg, cex = 0.9, inset = 0.02 )
#' lines(reg$dfrEP, col = 2, lwd = 2)
#' plot(density(X), main = nameX)
#' lines(reg$dfrED, col = 2, lwd = 2)
#' round(cbind("k" = kmoments(reg$coefk, lengthx = nrow(reg$dfrXL)), "X" = xmoments(X)), 2)
#' ## Attributes
#' attributes(reg)
#' head(reg$dfrXP)
#' head(reg$dfrXL)
#' head(reg$dfrXR)
#' head(reg$dfrEP)
#' head(reg$dfrEL)
#' head(reg$dfrED)
#' reg$regk0
#' reg$coefk0
#' reg$vcovk0
#' reg$vcovk0m
#' reg$mcork0
#' reg$coefk
#' reg$coefk1
#' reg$coefk2
#' reg$coefk3
#' reg$coefk4
#' reg$quantk
#' reg$coefr
#' reg$coefr1
#' reg$coefr2
#' reg$coefr3
#' reg$coefr4
#' reg$quantr
#' reg$dfrQkPk
#' reg$dfrQkLk
#' reg$dfrESkPk
#' reg$dfrESkLk
#' reg$fitk
#' ## subset fitk
#' names(reg$fitk)
#' reg$fitk[exfit6]
#' reg$fitk[c(exfit1, exfit4)]
#' ### End block
#' @export
#' @name regkienerLX
regkienerLX <- function(X, model = "K4", 
                        pdgts = c(3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 2, 4, 4, 2, 2),
                        maxk = 10, mink = 0.2, app = 0,
						probak = pprobs2, dgts = NULL, exfitk = NULL) {

if (app < 0 || app > 0.5) { 
	stop("app (the a of ppoints) must be between 0 and 0.5. 
          Recommended values: 0, 0.375, 0.5.")
if (mink < 0.2 || mink > 2) { 
	stop("mink must be between 0.2 and 2. Value lesser than 1 is for strange 
if (maxk < 5 || maxk > 20) { 
	stop("maxk must be between 5 and 20. Can be increased with the sample size.")
if (FALSE %in% (pdgts %in% 0:6)) { 
	stop("each item of pdgts must be in c(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)")
if (length(pdgts) != 11) { 
	stop("pdgts must be of length 11")
model <- toupper(model)
if ( !is.element(model, c("K1", "K2", "K3", "K4")) ) {
	stop("model must be either K1, K2, K3, K4. Default is K4 (m, g, k, e).")

X        <- sort(as.numeric(X[!is.na(X)])) 
P        <- ppoints(length(X), a = app) 
L        <- logit(P) 
names(X) <- "X"
names(P) <- "P"
names(L) <- "L"
dfrXP    <- data.frame(X, P)
dfrXL    <- data.frame(X, L)
Xmed     <- median(X)
Xmean    <- mean(X)
Xs       <- sd(X)
parini   <- .hparamkienerX5(X, parnames = FALSE)
if (anyNA(parini)) { 
	gini   <- 0.25*Xs
	qqq    <- quantile(X, c(0.10, 0.50, 0.90), type = 6)
	dini   <- if (anyNA(qqq)) {0} else {log(abs(qqq[3]-qqq[2])/abs(qqq[2]-qqq[1]))/4.394}
	kini   <- 4
	eini   <- min(max(-0.95, dini*kini), 1)
	aini   <- kini/(1-eini)
	wini   <- kini/(1+eini)
	} else {
	gini   <- parini[2]
	aini   <- parini[3]
	kini   <- parini[4]
	wini   <- parini[5]
	dini   <- parini[6]
	eini   <- parini[7]

gmin   <- 0
amin   <- mink
kmin   <- mink
wmin   <- mink
dmin   <- - 1 / mink
emin   <- - (maxk - mink) / (maxk + mink)

gmax   <- Inf
amax   <- maxk
kmax   <- maxk
wmax   <- maxk
dmax   <- 1 / mink
emax   <- (maxk - mink) / (maxk + mink)

if (model == "K1") {
regk0  <- nlsLM( X ~ qlkiener1(L, Xmed, g, k), 
                 data = dfrXL, 
                 start = list(g = gini, k = kini), 
                 lower = c(gmin, kmin), 
                 upper = c(gmax, kmax) 
coefk     <- c(m = Xmed,
               g = coef(regk0)[1],
               a = coef(regk0)[2],
               k = coef(regk0)[2],
               w = coef(regk0)[2],
               d = 0,
               e = 0
names(coefk)   <- c("m", "g", "a", "k", "w", "d", "e")

if (model == "K2") {
regk0  <- nlsLM( X ~ qlkiener2(L, Xmed, g, a, w), 
                 data = dfrXL, 
                 start = list(g = gini, a = aini, w = wini), 
                 lower = c(gmin, amin, wmin), 
                 upper = c(gmax, amax, wmax) 
coefk     <- c(m = Xmed, 
               g = coef(regk0)[1], 
               a = coef(regk0)[2], 
               k = aw2k(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3]), 
               w = coef(regk0)[3],
               d = aw2d(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3]), 
               e = aw2e(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3])
names(coefk) <- c("m", "g", "a", "k", "w", "d", "e")

if (model == "K3") {
regk0  <- nlsLM( X ~ qlkiener3(L, Xmed, g, k, d), 
                 data = dfrXL, 
                 start = list(g = gini, k = kini, d = dini), 
                 lower = c(gmin, kmin, dmin), 
                 upper = c(gmax, kmax, dmax) 
coefk     <- c(m = Xmed,
               g = coef(regk0)[1],
               a = kd2a(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3]),
               k = coef(regk0)[2],
               w = kd2w(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3]),
               d = coef(regk0)[3],
               e = kd2e(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3])
names(coefk) <- c("m", "g", "a", "k", "w", "d", "e") 

if (model == "K4") {
regk0  <- nlsLM( X ~ qlkiener4(L, Xmed, g, k, e), 
                 data = dfrXL, 
                 start = list(g = gini, k = kini, e = eini), 
                 lower = c(gmin, kmin, emin), 
                 upper = c(gmax, kmax, emax) 
coefk     <- c(m = Xmed,
               g = coef(regk0)[1],
               a = ke2a(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3]),
               k = coef(regk0)[2],
               w = ke2w(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3]),
               d = ke2d(coef(regk0)[2], coef(regk0)[3]),
               e = coef(regk0)[3]
names(coefk) <- c("m", "g", "a", "k", "w", "d", "e") 

# Coefficients in plain format
coefk1    <- c(coefk[1], coefk[2], coefk[4]) 
coefk2    <- c(coefk[1], coefk[2], coefk[3], coefk[5])
coefk3    <- c(coefk[1], coefk[2], coefk[4], coefk[6])
coefk4    <- c(coefk[1], coefk[2], coefk[4], coefk[7])
coefk0    <- coef(regk0)

# Coefficients in rounded format
coefr     <- round(coefk, pdgts[1:7])
coefr1    <- c(coefr[1], coefr[2], coefr[4]) 
coefr2    <- c(coefr[1], coefr[2], coefr[3], coefr[5])
coefr3    <- c(coefr[1], coefr[2], coefr[4], coefr[6])
coefr4    <- c(coefr[1], coefr[2], coefr[4], coefr[7])

# Covariance, correlation, Density
vcovk0    <- round(vcov(regk0),          pdgts[8])
vcovk0m   <- round(vcov(regk0)*1e+6,     pdgts[9])
mcork0    <- round(cov2cor(vcov(regk0)), pdgts[10])
resik0    <- resid(regk0)
D         <- dlkiener2(lp = L, m = coefk2[1], g = coefk2[2], 
                       a = coefk2[3], w = coefk2[4], log = FALSE )

# This part of the code uses probak1 (= pprobs6) because plots XP, XL 
# use absolute reference and have not been yet updated with pprobs2
# probak1   <- pprobs6 car probak utilise plus bas
probak1   <- c(0.0001, 0.0005, 0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.50, 
               0.95, 0.99, 0.995, 0.999, 0.9995, 0.9999) 
quantk1   <- qkiener2(p = probak1, m = coefk2[1], g = coefk2[2], 
                                   a = coefk2[3], w = coefk2[4] )
names(quantk1)  <- getnamesk(probak1)$nquantk
# c("q.0001", "q.0005", "q.001", "q.005", "q.01", "q.05", "q.50", 
#   "q.95", "q.99", "q.995", "q.999", "q.9995", "q.9999")
# Quantiles in rounded format
quantr    <- round(quantk1, pdgts[11])

# probaes
probaes   <- c(0.00025, 0.0025, 0.025, 0.975, 0.9975, 0.99975) 
quantes   <- c(ltmkiener2(p = probaes[1:3], m = coefk2[1], g = coefk2[2], 
                                            a = coefk2[3], w = coefk2[4]),
               rtmkiener2(p = probaes[4:6], m = coefk2[1], g = coefk2[2], 
                                            a = coefk2[3], w = coefk2[4]))
names(quantes)  <- tolower(getnamesk(probaes)$nesk)
quantesr  <- round(quantes, pdgts[11])

# data.frame
dfrXR     <- data.frame(X, R = resik0)
dfrEP     <- data.frame(E = fitted(regk0), P)
dfrEL     <- data.frame(E = fitted(regk0), L)
dfrED     <- data.frame(E = fitted(regk0), D = D)
dfrQkPk   <- data.frame(Qk = quantk1, Pk = probak1)
dfrQkLk   <- data.frame(Qk = quantk1, Lk = logit(probak1))
dfrESkPk  <- data.frame(ESk = quantes, Pk = probaes)
dfrESkLk  <- data.frame(ESk = quantes, Lk = logit(probaes))

## fitk
## This part of the code uses probak defined in the header (usually pprobs2)
fitk      <- if (is.null(exfitk)) {
                   .hfitkX(X, coefk=coefk, probak=probak, dgts=dgts)} 
             else {.hfitkX(X, coefk=coefk, probak=probak, dgts=dgts)[exfitk]}

# Final objet regk
regk      <- list()
regk$dfrXP     <- dfrXP
regk$dfrXL     <- dfrXL
regk$dfrXR     <- dfrXR
regk$dfrEP     <- dfrEP
regk$dfrEL     <- dfrEL
regk$dfrED     <- dfrED
regk$regk0     <- regk0
regk$coefk0    <- coefk0
regk$vcovk0    <- vcovk0
regk$vcovk0m   <- vcovk0m
regk$mcork0    <- mcork0
regk$coefk     <- coefk
regk$coefk1    <- coefk1
regk$coefk2    <- coefk2
regk$coefk3    <- coefk3
regk$coefk4    <- coefk4
regk$quantk    <- quantk1
regk$quantes   <- quantes
regk$coefr     <- coefr
regk$coefr1    <- coefr1
regk$coefr2    <- coefr2
regk$coefr3    <- coefr3
regk$coefr4    <- coefr4
regk$quantr    <- quantr
regk$quantesr  <- quantesr
regk$dfrQkPk   <- dfrQkPk
regk$dfrQkLk   <- dfrQkLk
regk$dfrESkPk  <- dfrESkPk
regk$dfrESkLk  <- dfrESkLk
regk$fitk      <- fitk
class(regk)    <- "clregk"


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FatTailsR documentation built on March 12, 2021, 9:06 a.m.